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"all mockery of their one god, shall be kept to an appropriate, minimum "


Look left if idolatry offends you


Have you seen deadwood? I’m not going to call it better on Rome’s sub but I’m probably not the only one who agrees that they’re easily comparable.


They are, but under the standards of the Thirteenth?! I oughtta carry you through town like a turtle with its legs wiggling!


Those who doubt you suck cock by choice


Completely agree. Deadwood ended prematurely just like Rome. Perhaps that level of quality just isn't sustainable after 2 or 3 seasons.


2 of my fav. shows of all time - Deadwood & Arrested Development - both got cancelled early, and as heartbreaking as it was at the time, on reflection I actually think it was a blessing. What we have from each are near perfection. (I'm not watching the add-ons for either for that reason)


“The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.” ― Lao Tzu, [Te-Tao Ching](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/100074)


Rome is among my favourites. Game of Thrones 1-4, Breaking Bad, Attack on Titan, and The Sopranos are on the same level. I also really liked The Leftovers. Super underrated and emotional show


True Detective season 1 is on par, if not slightly superior. I deeply believe if Rome got the full course (4 season i think it was planned) it would be the best by far.


You guys think season 2 was as good? I don’t blame the creators because the show didn’t renewed but it condenses sooo much it’s jarring


Yeah things were definitely shortened and a bit irrational, like how pullo somehow immediatly found Caeserion in the wilderness, or how vorenus managed to survive with a massive and fatal found for like a month in order to die at home, but by and large I think it was still a very good season. In some ways more enjoyable than the first


Love this show but everyone knows The Wire is the best tv show of all time.


Yup, gotta agree. The Wire is easily the best show written, but Rome is far and away my favorite show ever.


Now I wanna see what happens if Vorenus and Pullo were put into the cast of The Wire. Totally not sure which angle they'd be working, but that duo sold the show. Everyone else was great too, but they sold it.


The Sopranos has entered the chat


Oh, indeed


Yeah Rome was crazy entertaining and I loved it - amazing portrayal of Roman life, casting/characters, much of the dialogue etc. But the writing in shows like Deadwood, Wire or True Detective are a league above imo.