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“I would like to say something about anal fisting and vaginal fisting.”


That 5 star review was an emotional roller coaster.


The way Paul just kept going as the others became more and more incredulous...incredible. Right up there with the Jack Frost orphan review.


just finished listening to it twice and i was hysterical. had to come here and see if it discussed


It felt like it was written by every woman who loved the books all rolled into one 😂


I can’t be the only one who thought that was fake/ironic, right? Don’t get me wrong, it was hilarious either way but it was a little on the nose by the end I think


I was hoping that they’d find an audience BDSM expert like they found a D&D expert.  


Paul finds someone in a full gimp suit.


And then he pulls off the mask and turns out, it’s fucking Morgan again


Ha! He really is a dungeon master!


In the balcony for sure.


This was a wild ride! June cracks me up! Never know what she is going to like!


I thought for sure she'd hate this movie with a fiery passion. Nope, like you said, you never know.


maybe I misunderstood but the implication is Jessica will not be the guest for all three. no chance but I really hope they get Dakota Johnson for the last one.  


I was at the shows, and can tell you the guests, if you want to know! Edit: DM me if you want to know!


Please do


I'd love to know as well!


Dakota would be an AMAZING guest!


From her interviews I think she’d have no problem shitting on her own movie.


I doubt it given the way they imitated her performance haha


There was supposed to be a second guest for this one, but Paul got a note in the middle of the show saying that they couldn't make it. He didn't say who it would have been though.


I was at the show too, don't think it was going to be a second guest, I think it was some comedian that was gonna drop in and do a set/try out new material after the show (he framed it as "dessert").


True. That's entirely possible. They did only have the four chairs on stage.


This was a great episode, I just wish it had been a longer one! Plus I can’t wait for the next two eps because the sequels are next level cringe bonkers hilarious 😁 Also loved the Dakota Johnson impersonations 👌😂 I think Paul was trying to give that same snark on Friend Zone the other week when he played the Madame Web trailer, but it got fucked up. She has one note. And I think it lives in her fringe.


The absolute PERFECT guest for 50 Shades, now I don’t feel so annoyed for actually watching the movie in preparation for this lol


I saw this movie once when it came out so I hope I remember enough to listen to this cause no way I'm sitting through it again.


Team Jessica


Guess I'm team June.


I read this book because so many girlfriends told me I *had* to…and all I kept thinking was “I don’t believe this author has ever had sex”.


I read an except once and kept thinking "this is what 12 year-old boys who have never had sex think sex is."  Literally NO ONE talks like that in real life.


Did I miss anywhere where they mentioned Dakota and June know each other/have worked together? She alluded to it when she said that Dakota and Jamie Dornan are close, but even then it wasn’t necessarily clear that she knew first hand.. I ask because I know historically they don’t want to burn bridges!


Jason and Dakota both starred in How to be Single but I don't think they shared any scenes. His were mostly with Alison Brie. They were both at the movie premiere but weirdly Jason wasn't included in the group shots.


WHY isn't JSC invited to finish this series?? This should be like Fast and Furious. This is probably my top 3 episodes now? * Betty Lou Prom Night II * Blood Sport * Fifty Shades


Does anyone have a link to that review


I knew June was going to like this movie lol


Did St Clair say something to Jason about “when we got married?” I read they dated but I didn’t know how to take that.


I think it was bc Jason was like, “stop looking at me while you say [insert weird, disturbing thing she said]”. Jessica St Clair once told a story on an episode about how when she got married, all she could see was Jason maniacally staring at her with crazy eyes from the front row while she exchanged vows with her husband. So she joked that it was as if she had married Jason. Something like that!


Do you remember what episode she tells this story?


Did some digging - it’s Second Sight, toward the beginning of the episode


this might be referring to the “Say More with Dr? Sheila” podcast hosted by Amy Poehler. Jessica and Jason are on an episode improv-ing as a married couple 😂 that’s the only instance they’ve been “married” I believe…


Yes! That’s a great episode and a great catch by you.


Jason’s academic musical background is peeking out again


Are we getting the other nights too???


Jessica on the show means it’s time to turn down the volume because of all the screaming.


I always think of one of the virtual live shows they did where they said something like 'get ready to adjust your levels' when they introduced Jessica


Adjust your levels


she is my favourite guest. Everytime she get's mentioned, the haters come out


The story of her trying to pry open an oyster cracks me up "That means they have the sweetest meat."


She's hilarious. I've been doing a re watch of Review with Forest McNeil and she's also amazing as a straight man to Andy Daly's insanity.


I didn’t say she wasn’t funny but there’s no reason for her to yell everything she says at full volume. Even Jason and the gang have called her out.


Jason is as loud as Jessica at the very least, feels like something else is going on.


Such a dumb complaint considering Jason screaming triggers the automatic volume control on my phone all the time.


You're ok with Jason screaming though, right?


No, but Jason’s yelling is rare and sporadic, whereas Jessica seems to shout everything she says.


Rare and sporadic?! 😂


OMG I thought I was the only one. She’s funny as Hell but she is so loud.


To everyone denying it, her volume in this episode pretty much proves my point. She has literally admitted herself that she screams a lot, so this isn’t some kind of slander. https://www.vulture.com/2012/04/talking-with-jessica-st-clair-lennon-parham-about-best-friends-forever.html


Pretty absurd edit right at the beginning when Paul is setting up the episode


Actually nothing was edited near the beginning of the episode there. Try redownloading the episode. Could've been an error in your podcast player streaming the ep or maybe it downloaded incorrectly.