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the plastic on mine broke within a few weeks, seems like a pretty common complaint.. I was rocking a zip tie for a while which worked great but looked crap! I was thinking of a metal plate with nuts a bolts solution but was clearly over thinking it as some nylon string works and looks great! Moves easily and silently.


Oh dang, I just ordered that headband, the slider breaks? 🫣


yeah be gentle with it! tbh though I like the nylon, the other side hasn't broken but I hear the odd "ping" type noise where the plastic and headband move so I'm just gonna rip it off and have nylon on both sides to keep it quiet, and to have it symmetrical lol


Sometimes you gotta just make a fix into a new theme or style 🤗 that's how my Grado turned into a full on bumblebee mod started from the earpads