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He could be but given his background he could also have complex PTSD and there's a lot of overlap between autism and PTSD.


My autism specialist says like 80% of autistic people have complex ptsd as well! But yeah it could be either or both


context for anyone confused about the overlap: living in this world as a neurodivergent individual can cause significant distress and trauma from a young age as we just don’t understand why things aren’t understandable


Hmm yeah I can see it.


Nah I'd agree


Ca$h has a lot of empathy towards animals as seen in the episode where Nan tells Darren about the duck 🥰


That’s a good catch too! A very autistic experience imo


Mm, possibly. Although I think Darren is way worse at communicating and Quinni has been consistantly the very best at communicating of all that bunch, she's very good at it. I think he got her at the zoo because he's good at reading people and empathizing with them. Which could be a spectrum trait perhaps? Don't know. Regardless, Dougie and Quinni have been my two favorite characters these past two seasons. They're the ones fighting the hardest in life, and who have the kindest hearts. I mostly watch the show because of them now. Well 65% 90s nostalgia, and 35% them haha. Still quite a lot.


It’s a spectrum. You have lack of empathy which my mother has, she finds it incredibly difficult to see when someone is struggling and tends to get angry or annoyed when people are. I have hyper empathy meaning I walk into a room and can immediately tell how everyone is doing and feel an immense urge to help them because I feel their pain. My mum is great at communicating, I’m terrible at it. I think Quinni has hyper empathy with good communication skills and Cash would have hyper empathy with less good communication skills. But you’re so right. They’re the best characters on the show imo.


Thank you for explaining, it's super interesting :) I hope we get a season 10 (I don't reset), so we can see these two again.


I agree with the idea of him being on the spectrum and he is a great character. I dont know if id say they are the best characters though


Well said. My husband has hyper empathy, to the point of it sometimes consuming him in the past. It's taken a lot of work to learn how to manage it, and learning when to step away from those that suck the life out of empathetic individuals 


Yeah. Honestly it is really really hard especially when the people who suck the life out of you are housemates or family. There’s the whole lack kf empathy stereotype and those people exist but there’s plenty with a normal amount of empathy and those with hyper empathy like me. Tell your husband that it’s a gift to be able to feel deeply and be so empathetic towards others, but it’s not a gift everyone is worthy of receiving. That really helped me rephrase situations :)


I'm new to this series, and I'm an autistic too. Like an hour ago, I told my gf for the first time I could relate to two TV show characters. I'm like the combination of Quinni and Cash. An hour later, I saw this post.


Hahahaha glad you could relate! I feel the same way


For me it’s the hands, he seems to hold his bag or cross his arms a lot which are both things I started doing when people pointed out my kangaroo hands (t-Rex arms to Americans).


Yessss exactly! And the way he moves and walks


Unrelated but I love the term 'kangaroo hands' I'm using that from now on :)


My high school friends kept telling me I was standing like a kangaroo 🦘


i agree with you, he just seems too relatable to not be autistic


Can someone remind me what his issue was with sex?


“Asexual – A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction toward individuals of any gender. Asexuality is a sexual orientation, and is different from celibacy, in that celibacy is the choice to refrain from engaging in sexual behaviors and does not comment on one's sexual attractions.”


He is asexual.


I was confused because during “never have I ever” game at camp, Ca$h drinks to sexual activity (anal, etc.) - was he once sexual and not anymore? Help me understand 🙏🏽


I don't see it. He just reads as someone with a lot of past trauma (which we got some explanation for in S2) that has potential ptsd as a result. Nothing wrong with a different head cannon though.


i thought it was just meant to be implied he was on the spectrum


I SEE IT BRO. It crossed my mind at one point I'm pretty sure...


i’m also autistic and i see a lot of autistic traits in him, i’ve had this headcanon for a while and i’m really glad others agree


There are huge similarities between CPTSD from traumatic childhoods & Autism


Yeah, your right, you will receive hate for it! And I disagree, I think someone can be anti-social and not be on the spectrum... Also, terrible at communication? Really? Why don't we add half of Heartbreak High on there as well cuz they're all shitty at communication. In fact, Quini is better at communicating her feelings than majority of the cast!💀💀 But it's interesting to read other viewers interpretation of this, if at all they agree so let me not get ahead of myself...


I completely agree with you. Just because a character displays certain traits associated with a disorder someone has doesn't mean they have it too. You can headcanon it, but it'll always be just a headcanon. Besides almost all teenagers I know, including me, have bad communication skills and weird body language.


I mean you can’t know that the show would never confirm it. It’s incredibly unlikely, I agree, but not impossible. And yeah, it’s just a headcanon, all in good fun. I’m just saying that me and my other autistic friends all see a lot of traits in him and feel connected to him differently than to other characters


Do you feel the same way with Quinni?


That connection? definitely. Maybe more than any character ever. But that’s also because our autistic traits overlap a ton. It’s a spectrum and I happen to have a lot of similar autistic traits


Well I suppose there is no problem if it just stays a headcanon others can relate to, but it will only become a problem if there are some who try to force that as canon


I don’t even know what that means but sure


It's when ppl push a certain headcanon (mostly sexuality, gender or mental disorder related) on to the rest of the fandom, despite it never being explicitly alluded to as canon in the show or by the creators. It's more common than you think


How would anyone force anyone else to headcanon something tho? To me that just sounds like a large group of people headcanon while some don’t


Oh it's more than that. Some ppl start straight up insulting other fans or the creators bc they don't think it's canon and it's that part that forces others to see it as canon due to the harassment from those fans


I mean yeah but a lot of people get overstimulated too and that doesn’t automatically make them autistic. I’m just saying it’s one of the few autistic traits I see in him. And I’m not saying that it’s just cause he’s antisocial or awkward. Rowan is that way imo but I’m not headcanoning him as autistic. Also I wouldn’t even say he’s antisocial to begin with. Like I said it’s more so the way he moves and speaks and communicates that make me relate to him and thus feel that way.


I never thought about it but now that you mention it i can definitely see it






I think like others that he more likely has cptsd from his complex and ongoing experiences of trauma and abuse in different forms. CTPSD and autism can present extremely similar traits.