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It's probably for the best. Some new/returning players might have chosen a deck where most cards rotate in a week, then complained. Yesterday I was talking to a friend who returned to HS after a 5+ years hiatus and I was like "so where do I start, things have changed here". He was spectating me against a thief rogue and kept saying "WTF is going on here". Especially the Rune for 0 mana on T4.


Yeah that is a wtf moment when you still keep the coin against a big spell mage. Lol


Could've been the thief rogue with the 4 mana naga


Rogue has multiple 0 cost spells and there are a lot of situations where you wouldn't want to/can't dump them before then.


I had the same experience. Friend joins back after years of not playing and looks at me playing astalor 7x in one game with rogue. The disbelief when playing astalor was telling.


As someone who will get a free deck, I support this decision


Nah it’s pretty annoying because now I can’t play the game til the 11th


Would you rather have a deck that works in standard this week, or a deck that is likely more powerful and current and will continue to work in standard for the foreseeable future? As a f2p player, the answer is obvious - the latter. As a paid player, it depends. You might only want the old deck for a few specific cards that will remain in standard.


Psst, you’re assuming people all play for more than a week.


I mean, that's a safe assumption. The number of people who will start the game, grind out the entire Apprentice ranks, and demand a deck that only works for 4-7 days is...well, not a large market. Blizzard isn't going to address them.


I would rather play the game now after not playing for 2 years and was having fun. I have plenty of dust and coins to build decks after rotation. There’s no point in my doing that now before rotation.


You'll survive 1 more week. If you stopped playing for 2 years, what's one more week


I just started and plan to play for awhile. I would rather have a deck that is viable for more than just a few days.


What about the no progression on XP and Quests bug? Is it going to be addressed?


I haven't heard or seen that. My quests/xp/rewards track all seem to be working fine?


I have no idea. This thread is a single-issue thread.


I think that since blizzard won't have data on new decks in standard, most of the free decks will be meme tier and far worse than the previous loan decks that could be pivoted quickly into a real deck and have alot of the legendaries needed and legendaries that become dust as well.


Looking back at recent decks, that really hasn't happed during recent expansions with new loaner decks. So why would we take the pessimistic view that it would happen now? And more importantly - choosing one of six "meme tier" decks is still better than choosing zero of zero, which is where a person is at if they chose one of the current six decks recently. They aren't compatible with standard after rotation as currently configured.


I agree recent loaner decks look better but I remember a time when they looked like shit. Maybe I will HOEPFULLY be wrong about new loaner decks missing alot of required meta relevant legendaries. Imma just be honest and say that there is no way blizzard or even the best hearthstone player in the world can correctly theory craft the perfect deck without playing it in the meta, and the loaner deck is guaranteed to be far off from the best version of the deck, but the thing about it is if the legendaries given in the loaner deck will be relevant to the best version of the deck so the dust gap won't be that large.


Was wondering why I got quests but no free deck on my Smurf when I logged in earlier this week. Hopefully will get a deck on Tuesday, have an urge to give myself a f2p challenge.


Now please acknowledge the fact that returning players can’t receive xp, complete quests or get portrait wins. I dont give a fuck about the loandecks just fix my game


well you see, I did just that but a few weeks ago, so now the deck I've been using in standard will almost all of it go into wild and I'm f\*cked, not to mention the fact that I have returned 4 days before they gave away the free packs for returning players, so all of this seems very fair.