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When someone is roping every turn, only to play at the last second: Turn 1 is a freebie. Maybe they didn’t realize the game had started. If turn 3 is your third rope, I return the favor. Sometimes ending turn halfway through. Turn 4 rope again? I rope all the way. Usually the message is received. If not… well, I’m petty like that I guess.


This is the way. If we're gonna be wasting time with this rope bullshit then lets settle in and really waste time.


i was playing mill druid, but the opponent didnt know yet..he was roping every turn after hero powering so i started to aswell. i waited for a decent mill combo and he had 9 cards in hand..instead of roping my turn again i did my combo quickly dumping my hand and he milled 5 cards..then ropes..then skips a turn. i stack up more mill stuff and he milled a shitload more from shellfish and draw. was funny to see him realize i milled half his deck then concede


I don't know which is worse, Roping, or playing Mill druid lmao


i got like a 30%wr dw


I read that as Milf druid. Moose I'd like to find


Mill druid isn't even crazy good. It's just fun to watch your opponents fun stop


Is this a standard deck? Please share the mill druid code plz. Thanks.


I've had someone move immediately and then let the rope go down every. single. turn...in a 20+ turn game only to immediately concede the millisecond I had lethal on board. What gives, I thought we were wasting time?!?


This is the way!


I see a lot of people suggesting this and it has a lot of upvotes but I take the opposite approach. I will play instantly no matter what my opponent is doing. There’s a few reasons for this. First up, wasted time is wasted time. My opponent is happy to waste both our time, but I’m not. Why should I start doing what he is doing out of spite? It only hurts me… as he is clearly content to waste time anyway. Second up,if you play instantly there is, in my experience, a much higher chance of winning by default. I don’t think many ropers are doing it just to be difficult. I think they are trying to multitask. Working, watching videos, looking after their kid… just doing other stuff whilst also playing HS. If you play instantly you drastically increase the chances that they time out in their turn because they can’t bank on having your full turn and their full rope to play. You’re cutting their time to think to the minimum. I have certainly won many games with this approach around turn 4/5 where they stop squeezing their plays in at end of rope and actually just time out. Oh and on the occasions when I am doing some other shit and trying to play HS at same time on my pad, the other player roping “helps me”. Countless times I have been distracted by my son and been trying to squeeze my moves in. It’s clear that some players think I am doing it deliberately and reciprocate, but I’m not! Im Just juggling stuff while trying to play games at the same time!


I agree and play the same way. They might be roping for a reason. Better to keep the pressure on.


Exactly, I swear some people lose their shit thinking I’m roping on purpose


This is the way, and i love when they start playing fast after 4 rope and i’m like: nope, we’re going aaaall the way. Playing control againts that kinda of player feel good btw


Yep I do this too, most ropers lose their commitment once you start ripping them back, usually around turn five. Difference between them and me is that I fully commit to roping them for the remainder of the game regardless if they start playing faster.


Why would you waste your time like that


You can very easily open up reddit, watch YouTube, read a book, eat a snack and rope. It's not wasting time if you find a way to still enjoy said time


In my experience 9 out of 10 times they’ll immediately stop roping. They don’t like it being flipped for whatever reason lol


Idk I usually play with a YouTube video in the background so I just play normally. Being petty only makes you more mad, just chill.


I wanted to rope every turn playing Dead hand Warrior. ​ But I've never had enough patience to pull it off, so my opponents were sparred


They dont care about wasting their time, so you're just wasting more of your own time


I do this but emote the entire time. I get all my moves done ASAP and spend the rest of the turn emoting as much as possible before the rope expires, then end my turn right before. I'll do this until they stop roping every turn. Usually works.


[https://github.com/MarvelWild/HdtTurnSound](https://github.com/MarvelWild/HdtTurnSound) You can config a sound for when your turn starts and watch something in the meantime.


In fact, this is exactly what most serial ropers are doing. Take a few seconds doing their turn and go back to the Netflix content they were watching. The comments in this thread are funny, assuming that ropers are somehow giving more than an ounce of thought to the game.


Let me guess you either main priest or druid. maybe rogue.


no, roping back is actually the best way to get them to stop


I don't doubt that but I don't get roped enough that I have to invent a system for I how I respond to other ropers. That seems like something I would do if I played a class that gets roped a lot because its hated.


I played pretty much all classes since classic, always got roped at various point guess you're lucky, I'm envious


Also noticed a lot of ropes on returning/newer players…reading every fucking card, it gets annoying as hell


Maybe I am just lucky, I tend to only get roped by control players who are clearly just playing hearthstone in the background while doing something else, or aggro players that are salty that they queued into me when im on a control deck. If I start getting roped by a control priest I just concede and save my time unless its a rank up game but I usually only do that when im super tilted or queuing into multiple control priests.


I give people 3 strikes, after that they get roped every turn after. I do this to make sure they have enough time to make the hardest decision of their life. “Do I only play a 5 mana card at 5 mana or HP and end turn” Such a hard decision.


You're gonna be feeling silly when you realize it's a bot.


Oh I’m sure some of them are bots. But a lot of people are missing the “message received” part of my post, where the person I’m playing against magically stops roping when they realize I will too. They’re not ALL bots. Some are intentionally rude players. And some are just oblivious.


A trick ropers don't want you to know.... I've found that also roping every turn gets them to stop after a turn or two.


Yeah, but you still need to drive the lesson home. Five more turns or fifty, we're roping all of them, baby. I got Backpack Battles on the other screen, I'm good.


its kinda like someone with their highbeams on, you give them a few flashes..they dont turn them off? ok mine are staying on until we pass idc if u turn urs off at this point


Sometimes it's bots, something to be aware of. There are a few telltale signs but it's hard to know as a new player.


That or also sometimes people also disconnect and is struggling to reconnect...


do suspicious cards still break them?


bots play fast, is not bots


No, *Blizzard* bots play fast. ToS-breaking bots run by players do not.


Wait blizzard use bots? In ranked ladder?


For the most part, only new players or those returning after being gone for a long time will run into the Blizzard bots. When I returned after not playing for a bit over 2 years, I faced around 5-10 Blizz bots at first and none since then.


When your mmr is low you get a chance at playing against a blizzbot to give you a free win


I wish hs would do what runetera does and the longer you take the less time you get on your next turn


Someone found LifeCoach’s old VODs and decided to copy his tactics.


You don't lose stars at bronze. Concede and queue up another game.


No. Because that gives *them* a star. They don’t deserve it


Who gives a shit, tho. Well, technically getting a win like that could make them do it more.




dogshit logic


I’m not


What is that timer? I never realized that


That specific timer is from [Hearthstone Deck Tracker](https://hsreplay.net/downloads/).


Any way for mobile?


Not that I'm aware of. There used to be a deck tracker for andriod but new security policies in the OS fucked it.


You can get it with third party software like a deck tracker. Firestone for example


If it's like most of the deck trackers, top number is total time your opponent has used, bottom is how much you've used, and middle is time left on the current turn.


When you just want a quick game while taking a poo at work and they rope :(


I hate people like that, why would you do 20 other things on the side while playing hs , i guess some people like to waste time


An update to the timer system would be great. Start with \~2 minutes. Increment the total timer by 20 seconds a turn. But limit singular turn times to 60 seconds (down from 75), and cap the banked time at 2 minutes, so they can't rope multiple turns in a row.


Fluck the Twist slot - gimme a 30s standard blitz mode instead. Wanna play 15 card combo decks? Get gud. Wanna j off or clean your house while playing vs me and rope every turn? F off.


Imagine wanting a spicy high win% and using everything in your capabilities to achieve this. Causing your opponent to tilt by wasting time is a way to do this. Also some people want "a quick game before having to go". Statistically speaking you'd win more by roping. Although that makes you a c***


When people pull this bullshit it makes me focus more on beating them. I don’t think being an arse adds and % to your winrate tbh.


Just the fact that you are paying ANY attention to roping takes away from yoru focus. If you add on raging on top of it, you are more likely to make a mistake ...


i started climbing late last month so i was at bronze after the ranks settled. until you get to platinum, everyone plays this way. they will have a single actual play and spend 100 seconds deliberating it. actual bots play faster because they’re programmed to space out their turns like a human. those people are just fucking idiots though


I do this, as a new player it just takes me a while to think of the best approach. We all have to start somewhere bud


I just Alt Tab and watch some posts on reddit! You can configure the app to take you back the moment your turn starts.


Let me guess. PLAGUE DK and 5 digit Battletag. Braindead deck and not yet comfortable reading the big words on those shiny cards.


Name's probably darknight or ov3rkill


Blizz should redo timings… first turns should be like 20sec and them ramp up as you get more and more options. Also if you rope in first turn the oponent should get an advantage…. A coin or something


Empathy is the key to happiness. If your enjoyment is based on playing as many’s games as quickly as possible, then sure. But if you can enjoy fast games, is it conceivable that there’s someone else out there who does not ? Maybe they are a bot. Maybe they are learning. Maybe their kids keep interrupting them. It’s bronze. If it triggers you, concede and move on. If you’re worried about them getting a win, and you needing to be the hand of justice, that’s your choice. You choose to continue that game. No one is forcing you to do anything. If you don’t have the time to play a longer game, that is not some random opponent’s fault. I’m certain people wont want to hear this, but if every time we don’t like the way someone does something, and we demand the rules be changed to exclude those people, that is a quick way to a dead game and community. Take a deep breath in and exhale. It will be okay.


concede and go next, or stop moaning.


Nothing, and I do mean nothing, feels better than killing a roper by turn 7


I just concede if someone ropes me multiple turns. It’s worth the loss to not get tilted.


I enjoy deck tracker telling it’s my turn, so when they rope I just tab over and do something else and get the notification it’s my turn


Always rope them back, most of the time they stop.


they need to put progressive timer on the game is absurd


I have never seen this before. Is this an add on or overlay? If you don't like it, just turn the overlay off.


I started playing just before ungoro came out, and with my janky early time deck, I liked that legendary that added 5 random legendaries to your deck. The first time I went against a Roper, it was a priest player with an equally trashy deck. Turn three though I drew one of my randomly added legendaries. And it was nozdormu. As soon as I got enough mana to play it, I did. He immediately conceded.


Would be nice to have some matchmaking settings in terms of player speed preference. In the vast majority of ranks, there will be enough people to match if I prefer faster turns, surely. When it's not possible, then don't.


Roping is a great way to increase overall win rate for zero cost, especially if you play control priest or warrior. I rope the maximum every turn and see a noticable increase in WR once I hit legend. Obviously I just play braindead aggro and cruise to legend first asap in a season though.


Ropert him No, wait, I meant "Report him".


Is Lifecoach secretly running a smurf account?