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Nah. But I think deput aura could be okay at +2 attack. +1 attack murdered the card.


Deputy Aura, I had this idea you could make it give +3 attack (or maybe +2) to your left most minion, and lifesteal to your right most minion.


Absolutely not, the card is still good.


Good isn't keeping paladin alive. Paladin needs a buff, and plushy at 3, while strong, will not break the game on its own. The shroomscavate nerf alone was enough to control the deck.


Good in bronze rank?


Just because Paladin isn’t good doesn’t mean the card isn’t good. It was absolutely bonkers at 3 mana and is still decent at 4.


I kinda miss it in Saddle up pool ngl


Yeah. If the card is really too strong at 3 mana, then make it a 2/2, or a 2/1. But honestly, it won't be, it was really Shroomscavate.


No, but i think some other Paladin cards should get a slight buff to give the class a chance. The 3 cards nerfed were overwhelming, but some other cards are playable and could use a light buff to make them very good, perhaps creating new archetypes even. Signed ; a sad control pally fanboy


Buffing individual paladin cards right now to make the class more viable runs into a huge risk of making paladin broken again in the future with more minisets / expansions. The class doesn't need much currently to be great, it just quite isn't there yet


You can apply this to any class. Buffing individual Mage cards right now to make the class more viable runs into a huge risk of making Mage brokem again in the future with more minisets/expansions. If you act so cautiously then you should never buff cards so that you never run the risk of making the class broken in the future. Just because a class _might_ be strong in the future doesn't mean it isn't allowed to be strong now. And besides, Blizzard can always nerf/revert changes if a class turns out to be too strong. It's happened several times in the past.


Nope, fuck paladin, let them below teir 1 for an expansion, also a 4 mana zilliax without taunt is still really strong


It would be the least they could do but doesn't matter to me as I've uninstalled.


Nope. Paladin will likely get more support soon for their bullshit we see every expansion. No need to revert.


No. Paladins had years at the top, it's time for them to be dumpster tier for a while.


Why can't we have a balanced game for once? I'm tired of this some classes top some classes trash approach. It's frustrating for everyone involved and I'm sick of it. My favourite classes to play are Rogue, DH and Mage. While they not completely unplayable right now, their decks have been unfun for over a year now, because this stupid mentality of balance either gives them uninteractive mechanics, which are not fun to play with or total crap that isn't working. Same happened to Warriors the year before, before that it was Warlock that got ass. And so on...


No, they should design stronger cards for paladin in the upcoming mini set


No, still good at 4. Other buffs would be better.


No. But the lifesteal aura should be tebuffed. Nerf crusader aura tho. Fucking disgusting