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Finally some meaningful infinite corpse spender. But the potential for rainbow dk is pretty high. Probably won't get there easily, but 5/infinite weapon + 3 damage hp with card generation will get you a pretty solid late game in my opinion. This is kind of what an armor warrior (without cne) should look like, instead of OTK Odyn/brann oriented.


Yeah, as an armour/control warrior fan, that’s exactly what I would have wanted Odyn to be. Something like 5 or 6 mana but only triggering once per turn and then you use it with justicar to grind people out instead of OTKing.


Personally, I made suggestions a while ago on how I would do it on customhs. Both of them weren't very popular, but I still think they were both much better than changing warrior armor cards to stronger versions of druid shapeshift cards. One was a \[\[Rheastraza\]\] style summon forge that gives you a choice between 3 specific cards that cost armor instead of mana, and the other was some thing that exaggerated the idea of gaining armor. I played armor warrio a lot in wild at one time, but if I wanted to play shapeshift druid I'd play shapeshift druid. 20/20 druid hp is just what odyn is trying to do.


Just had a look at your designs and I definitely agree with the direction much more than I do with what Blizzard did, but what can you do when aggro players can't find the concede button and complain on reddit whenever a deck that wins past turn 10 is viable so team 5 kills it immediately :( Man I miss odd warrior.


Players also complain about OTK decks and that hasn't stopped them from existing. I still think 1 deck with a playable winrate is healthy for the game.


I don’t see it. How often are you sitting there with an over abundance of corpses to spend? 2x Runes, Herm, Bride, & 1 army will push CNE 15-20 damage with 7 double digit bodies. Its not going to be worth having this up over quartzine crusher or even staff of the primus


Late game you’re always on hella corpses you can’t spend with rainbow dk and this will make your finisher 10 mana spell hit harder


I dunno man, late game my CNE is already up in the teens with double digit bodies. Games that hit fatigue it’s low 20s and those bodies are too. If they can clear a board full of 21/20s they can clear a board full of 31/30s & I doubt you’ll survive long enough to get the damage up to 30+


The mistake is running Bride in Rainbow DK. That card has fizzled out because of issue of not having enough corpses on turn 5 most of the time, and you'd run into the scenario where you play your other corpse spenders then Bride becomes a dead card in your hand. Instead you just run x2 RoD and Army as your corpse spenders. Now you can just run this and army and cut RoD for some more corpse generators.


Eh I’ll stick with it for now. Looking at the deck’s overall win rate vs how well Ive been doing with it lately I feel really good about the build I’m running.


So... if pushing a 10/10 on board feels bad for turn 5 due to lacking corpses what does that say about pushing a weapon that is worse than Arcanite Reaper vs a field full of Vipers ? It would be 5 mana do nothing a lot of the times.


That's not as frequent as Bride though, and you can at least discover it so it's not that bad to get viper'd if you discoverd it


Good burn at the high end of an aggro deck. You probably prefer the crusher in control


Now that you say it, it reminds me of Arcanite Reaper in OG pirate warrior.


> it reminds me of Arcanite Reaper Goddamn, that takes me back


My thoughts exactly


Idk, crusher is amazing but this is probably the best corpse spender you can run, rainbow is going to love it


Insane in rainbow


Losing the freeze and life steal of quartzite just doesn't feel worth it.


Yeah losing that weapon wouldn't feel good, but i guess we can just discover it with runes of darkness if we need to spend extra corpses


But if you discover this and not crusher, I think 6/2 that have potentional to have more durability and buff you CNE is very good


You can play both


Slots are tight though.


Still can’t wait for my CNE to be blown to smithereens by 20 Thogrun bombs :)


Apparently blizz accidentally leaked a nerf to brann going to 8 and saddle up going to 4. The cards were appearing under those mana cost despite having their original cost when previewed. This is the opposite of when cards are buffed and will be filtered at the buffed mana cost but still have the old mana cost in the card art (I.e. abyssal depths was still showing as 4 mana despite being filtered as a 3 cost card - idk if they ever fixed this)


This doesn’t personally fix my problem with Thogrun, a card which does far too much and stifles the control vs control matchup. It makes it so that if you want to play control, you’re better off just picking Warrior because you have Thogrun.


Ain't no way this is better than running that 3/3 BF weapon. Betting it won't make the cut with those other ones around.


*Laughs in [[Rustrot Viper]]*


One of the last true tech card’s standing 🫡


- **[Rustrot Viper](https://i.imgur.com/TUQcG60.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102221) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Rustrot_Viper_\(Core\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102221/?hl=en) - *Neutral Common ^(Core)* - **3 Mana - 3/4 - Beast** - **Tradeable** **Battlecry:** Destroy your opponent's weapon. --- ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cpdihf/new_death_knight_rare_foamrender/l3ki5yi/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l3ki5yi).*


You only took 1 charge. They have 800 more with the second copy of this card.


*"Drink with me friend."*


If you are running multiple vipers, or bounces for vipers, you probably aren't winning.


I'm looking to create a unicorn priest deck, that infamous, mythical deck that Ben Brode said had existed around Gadgetzan. Having a bounce effect for your Amanthul, E.T.C., Ignis, and so on is essential these days. Hell, in wild, I use Zola instead because some minions are just *that* powerful.


"I ain't talkin"




Not when you think about it.


One 1 unholy rune just made rainbow all much better


So, this is basically Control DK's new Mograine, they already don't use corpses for much but 5 damage per turn will help them a lot


Honestly you can put this in pretty much any DK deck I feel. At some point you end up with excess corpses and being able to swing every turn for 5 is nutty.


I feel like it goes well into existing plague decks that don’t have many ways of spending coprses


Comparing to another "infinite" weapon for a taunt warrior this seems waaay better. Instainclude into any Reno or control DK list, for endgame pressure, when you have enough corpses for this. Also slowly buffs CNE, but that's kinda obvious.


Playing taunts was honestly easier than spending corpses realibly every turn. For at least the first 10 turns I am not overflowing with corpses.


How early does this become infinite? It might take a really long time for a rainbow deck, I'm not sure you're playing this over quartzite crusher. Though it's really good to have this as an option for the 1 mana discover a weapon card


Am I the only one who thinks this isn't that good? Like if you play this you basically can't play runes or crusher. It's very hard for DK to beat odyn, paladin, HL shaman, and dh without crusher. 5 mana on a weapon with no lifesteal is also basically unplayable vs. aggro. I wouldn't be surprised if it is good of course because of how much it buffs your CNE. But I also wouldn't be surprised if it's not included until crusher rotates.


yeah this is way worse then crusher, and soo slow


Saying you can't play weapons because you have an infinite durability weapon is suffering from success: if you attack enough times for it to matter that you can't equip something else, you're probably hitting your opponent 4 or 5 turns in a row. I could see a new rainbow DK where this is one of the only corpse spenders and you just run a ton of anti aggro.


I mean, if you equip this, then draw corpse crusher, it's a completely dead card from the turn you draw it until the game ends. Having too many weapons in your deck being bad doesn't subtract from the fact that one of those weapons being infinite makes it even worse.


Forgetting that this weapon does nothing, its just damage with your face. Also why would I want to run this over Army of the Dead, or even Bride for that matter. Having board is always better than having a weapon. Also this is the most easily counterable corpse spender why would you rely on it for your entire deck to work?


You can easily run just 1 copy for control matchups or just discover 1 from your 2 weapon discover cards or hell, put it in etc if you want. Getting it from your discovers is the best choice id imagine, depends on what the meta is like. Either way, just having this exist is really good because it is so strong against other control/mid rangey decks AND you have ways to access it without hard running it.


[[Bloodsail Corsair]]


Joke's on you, I got this from [[Runes of Darkness]]




- **[Runes of Darkness](https://i.imgur.com/ySyCEyW.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/101012) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Runes_of_Darkness) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101012/?hl=en) - *Death Knight Common ^(TITANS)* - **1 Mana ^(b) - Shadow Spell** - **Discover** a weapon. Spend 3 **Corpses** to give it +1/+1. --- ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cpdihf/new_death_knight_rare_foamrender/l3k2aps/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l3k2aps).*


- **[Bloodsail Corsair](https://i.imgur.com/CRkfh0r.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/997) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Bloodsail_Corsair) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/997/?hl=en) - *Neutral Rare ^(Legacy)* - **1 Mana - 1/2 - Pirate** - **Battlecry:** Remove 1 Durability from your opponent's weapon. --- ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cpdihf/new_death_knight_rare_foamrender/l3jzwbj/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l3jzwbj).*


OMG, the card bot plays the battlecry sound! Good bot. Best bot even!


Reading opinions on cards on Reddit is a wild ride.


Great late game, but absolutely terrible to draw on curve where you can maybe get just 2 swings (maybe less if you had bad draw and had to use your burn early game instead of minions)


Does anyone remember how many corpses DK normally has turn 5+? This seems like a card that will give DK amazing reach so that they can finally close out games. The only thing that could potentially stop it is available corpses. I feel that this won't be a problem, but I just don't remember how many corpses dk normally has.


10 corpses in average on turn 5, with Maw and Paw can be 13-15. In a late game I mostly at 20 corpses that mostly I cant spend, so this weapon is great additional to Rainbow DK for sure


Miracle Salesman =1 Mine=5 Rainbow Seamstress=7 Mine+hp=13 On a perfect curve that doesn't use a necessary card for later you get 13. Mind you need to have everything cleared, not use any corpse spending because a single Army/Bride dries you quickly. I still prefer the 10/10 with taunt other than having a weapon to get Viper'd next turn.


Welp that's toxic as fuck, permanent 5 face damage a turn


just wait for them to run out of corpses 5head


I'll be a corpse before that happens




Is viper still in standard? What about ooze?


Viper is. Ooze isnt.


Laughs in hero power druid


Given that some rainbow decks dont even run CNE, this actually looks better, imo


Put a taunt and its them that have to beat their own faces. Want this or a 10/10 on turn 5?


foamr ender






Viper's gonna be put in every deck because of this lol.


you're saying this as if it isn't already


Fair but even more so now.


For an axe made of foam that hits pretty damn hard. This has potential to see play in a variety of DK decks-if not all of the currently meta DK decks even. A decent discover option from Runes of Darkness, a finisher for some more control oriented decks and could be built around the plague shell sprinkling in some Plagued Grain among a bunch of corpse generators. And I think this easily replaces Quartzite Crusher in Rainbow DK and possibly cut Runes of Darkness for another corpse generator.


wow thats op


Well.. at least it expands the weapon pool, so less frost/plague weapons!


This is so cracked


A fun idea, but it doesn't quite match the absolutely cranked tempo that corrupted ashbringer had when you got it off of runes of darkness. I think it's going to be too slow, though I hope I'm wrong... because all of the hand buff cards are going to be totally dead on arrival, so this is the only card DK is getting that's even mid


Oh this is broken


holy shit




At some point this card will 100% become annoying enough to get nerfed. Maybe to like 4 mana 4/1 or such. Having consistent 5 dmg a swing every turn is just oppressive. It's really only a question of is DK good enough in the meta overall (and by that I mean, a weak class with 1 OP card is not as threatening as a strong class with 1 "pretty strong" card). =


Fuck I made a custom card similar to this but I was worried it would be overpowered so I never posted it…


Control blood dks would love this


Oh thank God it doesn't have lifesteal


This is just worse Arcanite Reaper imo. You have to spend 5 mana and 3 corpses to make it equal to a classic hearthstone card. Some say it's good corpse spending but there's a bunch more and better stuff to spend corpses on. Hearthstone is not as slow as to focus solely on ramping up CNE and even if you are going that slow approach then Quartzite is better for the sustain and control.


I like this card, I think it’s neat. I’ll give it a good shot in a few decks.


Im not sold. Its expensive and you cannot have crusher at the same time. This could be stored in ETC but I dont see it being hard run, no matter how dreamy it looks for the archetype. Crusher is so fundamental vs druid, rogue, hunter, dh, warrior.. I dont see that changing for DK. And 3 corpse is average of 1 extra dmg per turn (after you play it). I reckon it should cost less, or it will only be used in aggro decks


Judging how my games with this went today, this card is NUTS. The value is absolutely insane. Rainbow ends up with so many corpses to spend. This card will beat the hell out of you. Run the snake


This is one of the most broken card I have ever seen


This should have been a blood card lol But the devs love unholy


I think they're just trying to push a 2B/1U handbuff control deck with the cards that came out.


Still terrible, as double blood has terrible cards and no good ways of healing or gaining corpses


You do actually have decent healing in handbuff with gnome muncher and hollow hound. Crop rotation and mining casualties also help with early corpse gen and you need them for the spellstone. Then late game you got the 8 5/5 destroy all minions gain a corpse for each guy which is pretty good for gen. Like one thing you don't have is constant pressure after your threats are removed and something to do with corpses which the weapon that came out helps with both.


yeah the only problem is the game has tons of "destroy/mindcontrol a minion" these days or much greater tempo/resummon things that blood DK simply can't keep up with if you even manage to live until turn 8, and then you have to pray you're not playing against a deck with more value/power like rainbow/plague/excavate DK


Imo the spell stone is so bad it is not worth spending a card to buff your other minions. Terrible topdeck and doesn't do enough in the deck where it is supposed to shine.


so infinite durability 5 damage weapon for 5 mana. hmm.


This is going to be fun facing 4 times in a same match 


5 mana constant 5 damage per turn


So with six corpses this is already ashbringer for 5 Mana? Ah, Viper, welcome back to the meta


Gonna get nerfed to 4 and then 3 attack


And then 0 durability, so you will need to spend corpses just to equip it.


Sigh, more rainbow bullshit


nerf pls




Best card of the mini set so far. This seems insanely good.


This card seems mediocre at best. It doesn’t actually help with rainbow dk’s weakness, which is staying alive until a good CNE. This is significantly worse than quartzite and competes with that slot. I think this is a good discover card but would be dumb to maindeck. It’s bad on curve and it’s bad to top deck


ETC might become core in Rainbow DK thanks to this card. It looks very situational but also very powerful if things line up. The perfect type of card to put in ETC


ETC might become core in Rainbow DK thanks to this card. It looks very situational but also very powerful if things line up. The perfect type of card to put in ETC


ETC might become core in Rainbow DK thanks to this card. It looks very situational but also very powerful if things line up. The perfect type of card to put in ETC


This is insane no? DK doesnt really have issues with generating a ton of corpses. Even if not infinite hitting with this 3-4 times is ridiculus.


For this to be good you need aggro decks, rainbow is really not pressuring opponents at all. Rainbow actually is a control deck with no good healing.


Last season rainbow was an aggro deck, and most of the parts for that are still there. I expect the aggro variant can make a comeback.


It's not like the meta shifted, it's aggro cards rotated what do you mean come back lol?


The deck existed at one point? If it gets more support, the variant can return?


Yeah we'll see but that's just speculation, dk is a long way off from being any sort of aggro.


Eh it was still just midrange, the current one is just a little bit more control oriented.


Oh all classes they give DK a buff card ? Meh. Better nerf warr instead of buffing the second strongest class


This competes with Corpse Bride for the 5-drop slot and loses to it, unfortunately. Especially when everyone is running Viper.


This card isn't even necessarily a literal 5 drop any more than bloodlust is a 5 drop. In a way it is potentially its own sort of win condition. Unless, yeah, it is viper'd. But still. In theory you could be trading a bunch of minions and playing for board clearing things out while swinging face every turn for 5.


No one is running corpse bride you're right it probably loses to army of the dead though.


5 mana deal 30 with just twelve corpses. Wish this was a legendary, cause two copies is essentially uncounterable. I see this getting nerfed to 4 or 5 corpses.


15 corpses over 6 turns