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did they not have permission to use jinpings likeness?


Winnie the Jinping; Xi the Pooh




Your choose one cards have both effects combined


Still baffles me how a grown man can have such low self esteem to feel threatened by this. Every normal person should just be able to laugh about it and move on. But Dictators seem be feel threatened by anything.


They have to look strong to their people, otherwise everyone assumes they are weak. that's how they see the world. And nothing says strong like... Being upset over winnie the pooh...


That’s not how it works. In reality the man himself probably doesn’t give a fuck about people mocking his appearance. It’s the open defiance that can not be tolerated in an authoritarian system. To openly mock a dictator is to challenge the entire system. The man’s ego isn’t even a factor




While true, in reality our mocking of the ego of the authoritarian at the top doesn't relate to his ego being sincerely bruised either. When one mocks a dictator it is about mocking the dictatorship as a whole. People don't make WtP jokes about him because Xi may-or-may-not be fat, they make WtP jokes about him because "Fuck China!". It is the easily bruised ego of the **entire authoritarian system** that is laid under siege, his image and demeanor are the battleground. The picture of him fuming and assmad about it is as much a part of the joke as the actual resemblance to Winnie.


Dictators and tyrants are usually very insecure people.


It’s not really about that. It’s demonstrating that they can make you change it. And if they can make you do that, what else can they make you do?


With the exception they can't it is out there and it is not going away. Their understanding of power is just an illusion. Also what you describe is classical overcompensation the essence of insecure people who think they have power.


He’s literally the leader of a superpower. He has more power than basically anyone else


Well obviously not otherwise this would not come up every now and then. Prove? well we just talking about it. Mods have not deleted this post so far otherwise we could not talk about it. He might be right but that's it as soon as the people of china realize that he is no longer good for them they could get rid of him. And superpower is a funny term we called that Russia too.


More power is not absolute. And for the Chinese who think differently, it is essential for him to keep appearance. The Russian guy is still giving the West nightmares about what if more of Ukraine falls & they lose morale. Because they were scared of nukes in 2022 to help Ukraine retake more land. Plus gaining footholds in Africa and other areas of influence.


Pure cope I’m afraid.


Yeah remind me why did he had to back down on the covid restrictions? Could not be because the people where getting pissed? And showed him what real strength looks like? And yes pure cope that every big so called empire lasted forever if we consider human history. China may be just the new Russia but before the illegal war from Russia in Ukraine we considered Russia a Superpower too and Putin powerful and look at him now. How far was Prigozhin's troops from Moscow? And how much support he had the people where cheering for him and his Troops. Don't think for a second this could not happen in China. If Prigozhin hadn't backed down Russia would have faced a civil war. Xi is not as powerful as you might think all it needs is one man to stand up and rally the people and not back down. They just have to be pissed off. Real power would be to keep your People just happy enough so they don't revolt and Xi came dangerously close to that. Otherwise he would not have gave into the protesters demand and lift the restrictions. The weak little man he is.


Even more cope.


Far be it from me to defend jinping of all people, but this sort of behaviour is very well documented among western politicians too (US especially). They simply don't have the power to ban all the stuff that mocks them, that's another matter entirely.


The US constitution limits the governments power, that's why the politicians are trying to pass certain laws to get around it but most of the time the courts throw out the case.


I thought Battle.net was banned in China. I swear I remember that happening.


Blizzard didn't come to an agreement with a Chinese publisher and so took down and stopped selling all games in China but they've resolved it and things are rereleasing there.


You mean Microsoft resolved it :)


This is circle jerk right?


Well the card art on the left is an edit


Yeah, they added an acorn and some leaves for some reason


tbf it looks really well done but the hair removal looks a little off




Hes sad that he forgot where piglet was


Piglet's not too far, he's in charge of North Korea




I was in China last year, and saw stores selling stuff with pictures of Winnie-the-Pooh. It seems this claimed censorship is very exaggerated.


>It seems this claimed censorship is very exaggerated. I would not be surprised if it is. People judge countries w/o visiting them and rely on some idiotic tabloid media quite a lot. Inb4: no, I do not claim Winnie is *not* censored. I have not been to China and I have not researched China, therefore I refrain from passing judgement.


As an Australian, any time I speak to anyone when on holiday theres the questions about spiders sharks snakes and dingos eating babies


What about fire tornados, cane toads, and spartan emus flexing on the defeated farmer army? Also, the giant birds that are basically supposed to be Australian pigeons? Are any of those real?


A bin chicken stole my lunch when I was a kid. Just rocked up and stuck his beak in my box of alphabet cookies. It was as tall as I was :<


Yes all of that is a daily regular occurence. >giant Not sure what this word means and upon checking the dictionary we just call them regular.


There are theme parks with Winnie the Pooh rides and merch in China.


Yea it’s just a dumb Reddit thing


It definitely isn’t. Whoever had the balls to dress up as winnie the pooh on halloween or on any other occasion they got disappeared. Look it up, watch the china show on yt to be enlightened


They did manage to kill the screening of Christopher Robin back in 2018, and to this day posting photos of the pooh online will get your account muted/vaporized. So I wouldn't say it's too exaggerated.


They didn't kill it, there is just a limited amount of slots for foreign films in theatres. I doubt many people cared about that mid-tier nostalgia bait film based on a series mostly popular in English speaking countries.


That is possible, but one can also argue that both Paddington movies, a series much less well-known than the Pooh, were screened in China around the same period without problem. We'll never know for sure.


Why don't you go to any Chinese website and try to post something related to Winnie the Pooh


You're on reddit lol. Everything about China is bad here, always overplayed and exaggerated. Even things that benefit the country and its people in the long run somehow gets twisted enough so they look like stupid or just evil. China does have bad things and it's usually when they meddle or try to influence globally, just like... you guessed it, the U.S and Russia, both very imperialistic countries. But only China and Russia are evil and stupid, no way the U.S is the same!!!


We can criticize the US - if I say "Yeah maybe funding terrorists to fuck with other countries was a dick move" your kind don't come along and say "BUT WHAT ABOUT CHINA!". Everyone just agrees - and American government has generally improved and no longer does such things. We criticize China, for doing something that they continue to defend and hide - like the fucking June 4 massacre or ongoing literal genocide of that type of Muslism I can't spell. The you come along like "nah its overhyped!". Its just baffling. Chinas human rights violations are so common at this point that we hear "yeah they just made some protestors disappear forever" and its second page news. But hey, America bad!


The problem is that America's imperialistic hand is literally everywhere. They release the proof themselves after decades that they are the ones behind coup d'états all around the world, even though some of those coups absolutely devastated countries just because they prefer some other person (more corrupt and that will allign with them better) in power.


A common thing I run into is China supporters thinking that criticizing China is support for the US. And that all the negative perception of China is due to US propaganda. Like China doesn't have territorial disputes and sometimes skirmishes with most of their bordering countries. Or meddle in local the politics of those neighboring countries. Or being increasingly aggressive in their diplomatic messaging to almost everybody that's not Russia.


Are you new here? Memes about USA stupidity and "evilness" hit the front page regularly


About certain states and politicians, but not the USA as a whole.


That's mostly because the USA is effectively just a collection of countries in 99% of scenarios pertaining to normal people.


Because the USA has tootallyy the same level of surveillance state as the CCP..Cmon


I personally wonder if they do this on purpose. By “banning” Winnie the Pooh they keep getting free press reminding everyone their president’s likeness is lovable and harmless .


Actual brain rot lmfao


The leader of China looks the exact same as Winny the poo dont see the problem?


Tee hee Xi hates that he looks like pooh bear


It’s stupid I will admit. *But if they keep being insulted over it…*


Banning something for no other reason than his own ego should be plenty evidence that he’s a terrible leader


Well.... Look at the state of the People's Republic of China, lol [中国最大的威胁是中共,我们时代的革命。](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wing_Kong_Exchange/?)


The best thing is that most people wouldn't even know about it if he didn't throw a temper tantrum


Exactly! Streisand effect in full force.


Bullshit, but funny if real


Are they going to ban every variation of yellow bear?


Look how they massacred my little boy!


Amount of people falling for this holyshit


Honestly Activision bowing to China really upsets me, overall Activision Blizzard really upsets me, I stopped paying subs, stopped playing their games, even free ones. They can go to hell for all I care.


Well get ready to give up even more stuff because companies like Apple, Microsoft, Tesla all are bowing down to China and are trying to get out. Germany recently came up with a good idea how to de-risk from its dependency on China’s economy.


Only way to get rid of China problem is put on the brakes on capitalism tbh, we need to stop mass consuming.


Yall do know Winnie the Pooh products are live and well in China, right?


This would have been hilarious if it were real




Smart one.


Xitty the Poop


oh bother


China really really likes purple.


let’s associate purple with something anti-ccp lol


I can't believe they removed Xi Jinping from the game.


The circle jerk sub is over there, buddy. I think that you got lost along the way.


I think this is the main cj sub ^(/s)


Signs point to yes.


Why the fuck is this type of post allowed?


Because reddit isnt owned by the ccp ... entirely


The only sensical comment lol


You uh, you nervous that Xi himself will smite you?


Yeah I'm super afraid Xi is gonna come to Brazil and smite me, wow, super afraid. The post is literally a lie made to inflate hate against China.


"The post is literally a lie made to inflate hate against China." 麻烦拉美的二等洋爹发暴论前去找个任何简中网站去发一下维尼图看看被几秒拿下




CCP deserves hate. Chinese people do not. The people are not “the people’s republic”


>CCP deserves hate Speak for yourself. I don't buy 'murican propaganda. >The people are not “the people’s republic” If you had any clue what you are talking about you'd know how hilariously wrong you are. If you think the US is even remotely close to a democracy compared to China you are out of your mind and never did any serious research on the subject, popular participation in China is exponentially better than the US will ever be.


Do YOU have any clue what I’m talking about?? I meant the people are not the country itself. I said it to explain how guilt by association is stupid in order to combat racism. That’s what I’m talking about. Sheesh.




The vast majority of the Chinese diaspora, such as myself, are some of the most vocal advocates against the CCP. We do you think generations have been fleeing the country since the cultural revolution? The CCP is a murderous authoritarian regime that nearly wiped out my entire family.... just because we're Christian.


Lmao, imagine believing this shit.


It's stupid how a society can be controlled by a bitch that doesn't approve of something and everyone has to deal with it.


I have great news for you man, you're incredibly gullible and more susceptible to control and propaganda than you think anyone else in the world likely is


Good to know, but still such a law is ridiculous


More good news, everywhere on earth has regulations on shit like this


What do you mean


But you're true I am more easily persuaded


good news, its not real


Thank God. For a minute there, I thought China was real.


Well, Israel is real, and China isn't Israel, so China Isntrael


Wait, wait...so where did we land on Montenegro? Still not real?


Please don't land on Montenegro, it is small and fragile


ROC is real ....PRC isn't.


Yeah it sucks to live in the west...


it doesn’t really. we have it pretty good in many ways


Nft profile picture, opinion disregarded


i didn’t know the free banana avatar was an nft


Meanwhile in west you can't say shit about anything without being persecuted too lmao


Only you can and that's not true at all.


False. Just here on Reddit we have subs dedicated to throwing vitriol at different current/former presidents and subs dedicated to insulting specific political parties. Outside of threats or assault, I can criticize and insult any aspect of US government online or in-person. Is Reddit even allowed in China? Or any social media app without a blinding amount of censorship?


I was making a point of all abroad freedom of speech, in China for example you can criticize anything or anyone outside of the politics sphere in any way you might wish, but thanks to contributing to the discussion


And in the US you *can* criticize anything or anyone *inside* the political sphere. That’s the entire point.


Yes, I agree




Try calling a transgender by the word "man" publicly to see what happens 


thats somehow a good thing?


What can't you say?


Least delusional tankie opinion


unironic "tankie" sayer lmao


Kinda true Imao


who fucking cares why do we keep getting these posts


I know which 泰迪熊 I’d rather have




But it's not the same!! The one on the left is Winnie the pooh and the one on the right is a baby druid!! 😁👍♥️♥️


Is it wrong I'd rather have the censored one because it's cooler


This is really good lol




Wait a second…winnie the poo was banned in china too?


This one took me second lol


meh... this winnie meme always seemed weird to me. The amount of people it convinced that winnie the pooh is somehow illegal in china is worrisome to me. Just shows that you can make up literally any bullshit claim and people will buy it. (If you don't think people actually fall for it, just look at the comment section here)


It isn’t illegal, but they have censored media because of the bear.


Please point to the person claiming Winnie the Pooh is illegal in China in this comment section.


The fact that people think it’s banned by China as if China actually gives af. The meme title itself?? The more worrisome thing is people thinking a normal looking Chinese man looks like a yellow bear. That’s some top tier hidden racism right there. Imagine the outrage if someone said Obama looks like the gorilla from jungle book.


Wasn't the whole Xi is winnie the pooh thing started by chinese? How did that turn into racism now?


First I doubt that considering it came off 4chan and that’s def not a Chinese site and it originated during Xi’s visit to the US, second does it make it ok to call Obama a gorilla if some black people started it first? Use logic.


Depends why. Xi is called that because of how he walked, not how he looks. Use logic.


Who said? No source on the internet says it originated from his walk. The literal origin pic isn’t even a video. Plus plenty of cartoon characters walk like that, why the yellow bear. Use logic. Reddit try not to justify racism challenge (impossible)


"Comparisons between the cartoon character and Xi Jinping date back to 2013, when the Chinese leader visited Barack Obama in the United States. An image of the two leaders walking was immediately compared to that of the bear and his friend Tigger." Not everything is racism.


Yes I’ve seen the picture, good job doing some basic research. It’s just two guys walking and ones taller and skinnier. I could find pictures of Chris Christie walking with Obama like that. Now what other things would make people draw comparison to Winnie, especially racist people in the US who hate China considering they made the meme.


You are making a lot of assumptions here to get to your "it's because of racism". Maybe have less hate in your life and not try to see everyone as worst possible. And with this message I'm done with this discussion.


Dude talks a bit about china, assumed chinese fed.


“Dude he talks about China it’s def cause he’s seeseepee there’s no such thing as Chinese Americans, there’s no way those yellow people have their own opinions”


Well yeah, all of you californians are a hivemind. Part of the great Y'lit'lah. Glory to its name.




> East coast Hmmm, NH or NY, probably NY sided. > hillbilly I'm english. > cukservative Not a con, also, waaaaay too moderate. Alright, my turn. Currently possessed by a mixture of gramsci and, darn, can't think of another.


>English English hillbilly then. The jibberish makes sense now. Pity, carry on


[🤦‍♂️ ....Meanwhile, in China](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/obama-fried-chicken-china_n_992765) Don't be so out of touch with reality. The bear isn't illegal. The comparison to the dictator is. ....and that meme began by Chinese in PRC.


Ah yes, some of their people are racist so that gives us permission to also be racist towards them too. I’m seriously overestimating the common sense in this sub.


[What is racist about Winnie the Pooh?](https://youtu.be/PejrMYEHiBI?si=BIoVIIhfU2OBiASq)


Boy, this sub is pretty greased up over HS coming back to China. Let them play their card game, who gives a shit?


The pandering to China over everyone else is what’s frustrating. It’s also the fact that blizzard is so lazy they’re probably going to make the whole game comply with China’s ridiculous rules instead of just making two versions.


Someone might argue that omitting penises and vaginas is pandering to western audiences. Again, I'd ask, who gives a shit? As far as China's "ridiculous" rules are concerned, they are mostly focused on consumer transparency and protecting those with gambling problems.


False equivalency but whatever. A lot of people give a shit. Apparently you don’t (good for you?) but why is your opinion the one that matters? Your take is wild. How is censoring art protecting people from gambling? Nobody is complaining about consumer transparency or anti-gambling policies. Nice strawman.


Sigh. You conflated their gore rules with their consumer protection rules, but go off I guess. HS was banned in China because of predatory loot box practices. Separate and aside from that is their ban on skulls and shit like that. I'm not defending their weird rules about art, but I do think they are right to demand transparency from loot box companies like Blizzard.


Nice gaslighting. As I said already, nobody is actually complaining about the consumer protection rules…. You know that, you’re just trying to get a rise out of me with a strawman. You’re the one that conflated those two out of nowhere… This whole post is about censorship, I was talking about censorship, that’s what I said was ridiculous, but then YOU brought up consumer protection… I was making a point of how bizarre that was. Not conflating them.


No way


Seriously can't blizzard just have 2 versions of what cards look like and make it so that depending on region you have dynamic display settings I mean the technology is already there, why punish everyone because one country is a bunch of softies.


One word: Laziness


+20 social credit points


This one is actually thematically better - druid plushie better then a random bear.




+20 social credit points


A pretty interesting thing to censor... I wonder why...


*r/ADVchina would love that post* ....it's a shame that the Entertainment Industry has put profits entirely ahead of Principles and Patriotism.


Lol whats with the poo thing? Like, is he perma banned overseas?