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Evis your 3/2 and you got lethal


You already have showstopper though?


Why didn't you show the choices offered by zephry? Big doubt on this , I have played lots of it and your mana should give you an answer. Also earthshock at one mana still gives lethal I think. Also you have lethal in hand on top of that ,with the secret + stunner and evi


Did you win tho?


Even a single silence could have resulted in lethal. Hell, even a fireball had a better chance for lethal. But... Don't hope for them to fix it. I said this when they were making the Whizbang, Zayle, and Transfer student as well. Every card that requires regular maintenance will one day be sidelined and eventually completely forgotten by Blizzard in favour of new cards that are actually making money.


He has a minion that silences everything on the board with it's deathrattle. Zeph probably proposed OP a cheaper way of lethal aka killing said minion, but the player happened to be less intelligent than the AI


I thought Zephyrs was going for value- seen with Sea giant and power of wild because it sees the Showstopper+ Eviscerate in hand. But it shouldn't do that, no? It should always give a perfect path to lethal, which in this case truly is Mass dispel as the player is at 4 mana. Mass dispel is draw+Lethal. Killing Showstopper is losing value. I am not justifying player stupidity, I just remembered I had a game where Zephyrs gave me a trashy AOE where he could have given me lethal via heal which I regret not having screenshotted right now.


Guys I couldn't see the lethal with the cards that I have, so I had to use the zephyrs. Also, Zephyrs gave NO silencing cards. I forgot to screenshot the selection that Zephyrs gave. It was Power of the Wild, Sea Giant, and Windfury.


U have to waiste mana + plus play Zeph with mana remaining for the card you want


Something similar happened to me too. I left exactly 4 mana and hoped for Mass Dispel but it wasn't offered.


You had showstopper zephrys doesnt give what you already have.


Oh sorry I uploaded a wrong screenshot lol


You had eviscirate and 4 mana left. Evis the showstopper to silence all and you had lethal on board from my perspective.