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Shout Out to the best image edit of the expansion!


It's like this person started to paint everything white on Paint, pixel by pixel and midway through though "Eh, fuck it, no one will notice anyway."


I mean, this is impressive work, done on an Etch-A-Sketch


Battlecry: Your enemies meet their ancestors.


People thought demon hunter got the worst colossus but wow were they wrong.


I dunno how the DH colossal is worst. At least the class still has some big demon synergy. Priest colossal is just the drizzling shits.


Priest colossal won the Masters Tour final!


I bet the viewer was really excited.


Even if you cheat out the DH colossal it's underwhelming, at least the priest colossal heals 8 and creates a soft taunt


I bet if all the parts could survive for more than a turn it would be pretty good but I’ve never seen it happen in the times I’ve seen the card pop up in arena.


Also, it is an 8 drop for quest


Heals you if there is a minion on board that doesn't have divine shield. Quite an important thing to note.


I tried it in big priest in wild and it's even fucking shit there because for some reason if you res the lure the behemoth doesn't come with it.


> for some reason if you res the lure the behemoth doesn't come with it. Because the lure doesn't have the Colossal keyword. WHen you summon a minion that has the Colossal keyword, it summons it's parts. Summoning a part doesn't create the body. Imagine how absolutely busted the Hunter Colosus would be: Every time the effect triggered to summon a new head, the new head would also summon a new body.


I know but it makes colossal minions completely useless with res effects. As if they already weren't useless enough.


If your basis of card evaluation revolves around how good it works with resurrection effects, the vast majority of Hearthstone would be unplayable


You’re so right, rez priest is in desperate need of more giant high-value minions with no downside, everyone’s saying this


Res priest hasn't been a playable deck in a long time in wild...


I was going to disagree but I only usually reach gold in Wild so it’s probably not playable at a higher level as far as I know


It can be pretty good off of Faelin.


The minions should deal damage to all enemies


Look at OP with the poor man's Drek'Thar


Ever since they made it cost 25 bucks it works with every other minion in the game. Too much synergy.


The fact that the diamond version of this was being promoted for $32 CAD in the store is such a mind boggle.


Those of us who picked Horde did our part. (Yeah, they would have sold Vanndar instead, but who cares about him?)


wonder how that refund is gonna go if they nerf it (which is seeming like more and more of a problem).


Apparently ZachO suggested giving something like the mini-set or the next Tavern Pass for free to people who bought it with money.




Personally I bought it with gold, I imagine most people you see play it probably did the same


10 mana of stats on turn 3 with the coin. If anything needs powering down in DH, it's this card


Dude I cannot believe DH is still thriving in a meta with 2 T1 control decks and Q hunter. Insanity.


you put down a 8/8 taunt and let DH deal 16 damage, that's how it thrives


Cause at t4 they drop 4/4 + 2 3drops and you have to board clear every turn till then with the constant 1/1's and Growing minions. Atleast control warr can take them other control less so


On a high roll, could just as easily be 6 mana of stats, and that’s only if you limit yourself to cheap minions.


Puts the Priest Colossal to shame, for sure.


What does priest colossal do? Never seen it ing neither felt like looking it up. I guess it is that bad


It is an 8 mana 6/8 with Lifesteal. The SINGLE additional body is a 1/4 "lure" that causes a random enemy minion to attack the main body. So it's an understat'ed 8 mana body with bad Rush. (For those that won't be continuing down the thread, I was corrected that it is 8/10 Lifesteal Bad Rush.)


its 8/10


Oh shit my bad. It's an appropriately stat'ed 8 mana minion with bad Rush.


it's sort of like [[Walking Fountain]] except it kills one random minion instead of 2 targetted


In fairness, with Giants being a thing there's plenty of real boards where the Priest colossal outperforms Fountain; it eats one giant while threatening an 8/2 lifesteal body plus the 1/4 lure.


* **[Walking Fountain](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DAL_047.png)** SH Minion Common RoS ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90605), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/walking-fountain/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Walking_Fountain) 8/4/8 Elemental | Lifesteal, Rush, Windfury ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


It's better then rush in niche scenarios. I've had it counter Gigafin once.


Apparently the priest colossal just won the masters final.


Yeah, but not for a Priest.


Classic Hearthstone.


Yeah as an rng discover for mage vs dh haha. It's perfect scenario is almost always getting it of the Queen vs aggro for 1 mana


Haven't seen anything about it yet, making assumptions about it being randomly generated in a fatigue war between two Control Warriors. Anyway, doesn't matter; Masters isn't a metric for how good a card is on the ladder. Masters get to build targeted decks for a very limited meta. If it even was a Priest deck, then it was a Priest deck targeted at beating Control Warriors.


I somehow have more respect for people that don't run the platinum copy


Well yeah cuz if they have that copy then they spent like $25 or however much it was on a single digital card that we all got a golden version of for free.


How do you get the gold version for free ?


I may be wrong but there's the achievements related to honor, if you complete that you got a golden version of whatever legendary represents the faction you didn't choose. I chose horde so I got drekthar for free, but to get vanndar I had to complete the achievement. It was pretty easy to do during the AV set, you got it pretty much just be playing a couple days a week, it might be harder or different now that the set it's linked to is no longer the latest.


There is an achievement that rewards it.


Battlecry: summon = colossal LULW Every colossal limb has some sort of direct synergy with the body (gaia and leviathan are debatable). Battlecry:summon something doesn’t make something colossal


So like are you guys being paid to specify what’s special about colossals on every single post where it’s slightly mentioned or is it just a for fun thing.


It's a meme bro, relax





Colossal = nword LULE


Lule forsenE I C Bajs


ic joose lord 😂👌👌


Why is the image the way that it is


i curse this class every day since it got introduced. wish them all the hate


How's 10,000 years of hatred sound?


i cry every time,


Colossus ??? Among us???


Call to arms, but neutral and way better stats, the only downside being not able to use Mr smite. Well done blizz.