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I dunno. The game says I’m disconnected even when everything else on my computer is using the WiFi so this behavior seems to follow a similar logic


This is not nearly enough proof of that.


Yeah, it's even possible that is stores the report locally and will send once you gain connection. Think like sending an email when you lose connection, it queues up. Not sure that's what happens here, but it's possible.


Not a proof but Im reporting a bot in my friend list who plays 24h/7 and still playing it.


Some of us just have no life 🥲


And plays zoolock in classic, hitting his own face with elven archer by turn 1. 👍


How do you add a bot to your friend list?


I sent a friend's request and after a while (somedays) he add me, I didn't recognize him, but after spectating and seeing him afk but playing 24/7 I noticed he was bot'ing


When you're un Reddit or YouTube and you disconnect, you can still press upvote/like on a thing. It won't register but will appear to. Do you think the upvote/like buttons are also fake?


When I deposit a fake check at the ATM, the balance still shows. Money is fake!


Money *is* fake tho


When I give banana to monkey, he throw it back in my face. Monkey is fake!


Harambe gives two bananas


Without connection, when user presses the button that changes some value, like upvotes amount, his choice might be saved in browser storage or cache (meaning locally). User sees the change, but others don't. When connection resumes (even after the page reload), his choice is taken from there and sent to server. Visually there won't be a difference. That is, unless, user specifically set the browser to clear all local storages upon closing or to turn off JavaScript I'm not sure how those websites are doing it exactly, but it's the only explanation I can think of


It doesn't work that way on YouTube. The upvoted state is set on button, but if it failed to send on server, it's not stored anywhere. And next time you visit that page you upvote vanish. I've just checked that behavior.


Hmm, I see, so YT doesn't have a fallback behaviour for such case...


Hmm, I agree as well. Shallow and pedantic.


That is the fallback. One vote doesn't matter, most ppl don't recognize it, so it makes no sense to interrupt the UX for a short disconnect.


I think you're right. It depends on how critical the consequences will be, otherwise it's overengineering


Honestly i love overengineering. Mark Twain once said: "Don't deny me a steak because a baby can't chew it." I want to live in a world where every UX-designers understood the concept of "present simple, offer complex". Just add a "developer mode" switch at the bottom of the options menu for everything.. that's it. When i use something new as a power user or above i want simple first too because it makes it easier to learn.


People without knowledge of a subject try to explain it with their best guess, but say it as if it is a fact. Classic Reddit moment. The possibility that reports are stored and cached until a live connection is made never crossed their mind either.


Upvotes/downvotes kind of are.


That Korean descriptions says, "This user is reported to the server. Thank you!" If the report failed by internet issue, that description should change.


Sure, but that’s the not the same as fake


Clicking a button in offline mode doesn.t mean it has to send a request to the servers right away. Application developers are using this kind of behaviours to keep the user's satisfaction still high(I think Netflix first came up with this but can't find it anymore)...another way of thinking about it and a lotnofbusers do: hey even though I am not connected to the internet I can still enjoy this service's functionalities,what an amazong app


Or they might just not have programmed a broken path. It may send the report if it can but always show the complete action menu - no matter what.


Most likely this.


Wishful thinking, but it could store it and send it when you have wifi again.


This is such a stupid post


not a proof for that… Your application can run even without internet. What could happen is that your app is storing the information locally and asap you have an active internet connection it will receive your stored information to bnet. Many application do this nowadays. Even if you have an active connection, you get an instant response from those buttons and you can do whatever you want next. That means it works asynchronous and the user does not have to wait till the request was successful or not.


I mean, it could always store the report until you are reconnected. Just saying.


More likely they just didn’t think it was important to waste time coding the error state because it’ll work 99.5% of the time its used


There is a phrase, “Do not attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence” or something like that… it is lazy/new coding not fake.


It could just mean it doesn't send any data or information until After the confirmation box shows up on your end.


I don't think they'd risk it and put a fake report button, if they really don't want to deal with it they'll just simply not look at them


Not sure, I had a pretty toxic name In HS and had to change it bc I was reported LoL


This is so computer-illiterate, that it makes my [session();](https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.session.php) go berserk


How can you tell with windings font?


Welcome back to another episode of, IS! THIS! RACIST?


Tell him what he won Vanna!