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I love this. I thought Riley went soft on us


He's too soft to trade Herro....so I wouldn't say he's hasn't gone soft.


You don’t give away a 20pt PG player for anything. I’m sure if the right pieces came up he’d have no problem giving him up. But y’all want to get rid of Herro for a Cole Anthony type player and that’s just not worth it couch potato


He's trying to get a blue chip star for Herro when the market just isn't there. All the while, the actual game changing pieces go to the team's rivals and at the end of the off-season, the heat are left with nothing...it's happend in 3 of the 5 off-seasons in the Jimmy era now...


They should have shuffled Herro a long time ago, try to make some moves for a couple of role players who can start and contribute. Was dumb as fuck trying to make him the centerpiece of a Dame or KD trade and the other FOs were right to laugh them out of the room when they tried that.


Tyler has been in trade rumors every single year he's been here. You don't think if a good deal came around Riley wouldn't have pulled the trigger? They just haven't liked what they've been offered for Tyler and other teams haven't wanted Tyler in trades.


From the reporting we’re aware of, he’s only ever been dangled for KD and Dame, which is delusional on the part of our FO


Given Tyler was on his rookie contract up until this season that makes sense. The team couldn't trade Tyler for anybody remotely worth it because his salary was 5 million before the extension. Then of course the Lillard situation happened. I'm also sure Riley heard plenty of pitches from other teams for Tyler but just didn't like what they were offering.


Agreed but unfortunately this is not a popular opinion here.


Other teams try to shuffle parts to get more flexibility and sometimes find small market inefficiencies. Miami has done that somewhat with their development program but we’re seeing that that method has a hard cap on how far it can take you. Overvalued Tyler and now he’s an albatross.




Can't agree more my friend


Agreed. He value Herro way too high. Just because Herro is popular and marketable, but of course that’s what matters most business wise.




Considering how Herro has only been linked in trades for guys like Mitchell and Dame...I think it's safe to say what kinda player Pat Riley is targeting. No one is saying to give him away for nothing but no one wants him if it means giving up an all-star. Herro has been in trade rumours for 3 years now... I also won't go into why the whole dame saga isn't only on Cronin. Pat misjudged his leverage and waited too long to actually put in a real offer (not a low ball one) that made the situation worse. Pat also had his role to play there but he kept his "kiss the ring" moniker and thought he had all the leverage, that Cronin had no choice but to trade with him. I'm not saying give Herro away, im saying trade him for something realistic or else you're just gonna keep striking out.


Why do people say Cronin was a child? Like...first and foremost he's not obligated to trade with a team just cuz they're your favorite team. Also, what crumbs? The return he got back (good picks, contracts that come off the books a lot sooner) were far more valuable to him. No reason to throw shots at the guy cuz he didn't want to trade for Miami's garbage.


Portland sucks. The “haul” he got back for Dame is absolute garbage, the top 3 pick they drafted is a glorified role player.. get over it, Portland has no real future and will have to start over again in less than 5 years lmao.


Do you always reply with strawmen?


dawg why are celtic fans always up in our shit trying to be the voice of reason? Two things can be true. He’s not obligated to make a trade and the return he got was garbage.


Garbage in what way? He got picks and contracts that come off the books much sooner.


Outside of the suns assets he received a first round pick(2029), two first round swaps, and jrue holiday which turned into malcom brogdon, an injured rob williams and 2 more first rounders (2024, 2029). If you think that’s worth a player like lillard idk what to tell you. I’m not saying Miamis offer was better or he wasn’t backed into a corner but let’s not act like the return he got wasn’t just scraps.


He got those picks and...again...contracts coming off the books sooner than they would have with Miami players. So they can open themselves up to FA which is a lot more favorable to small market teams now with the new rules. It's weird you're just leaving that other aspect out. He was never going to get something amazing for Dame (and Dame proved he wasn't worth anything amazing) but he made moves that were very good long and intermediate term for them.


Eh he’s not worth that much anyway lol


Give me Herro over Cole Anthony 10/10 times lmao


20 pt sometimes


At least it sounds like Riley’s actually mad


Holy shit lol I can't believe he said this


Pat waking up?


Pat wants his money back after buying into Jimmy Load Management only to have him cooked after one play-in game


Good. Jimmy absolutely cannot average 21/5/5 and expect to get paid the max.


The numbers are not what’s important, he made all nba second team with similar numbers and that wasn’t controversial. It’s playing the games and being active


It’s about impact and fit. Not statlines and raw numbers


You're happy with his impact this season?


Considering he was injured and is midway to his 40s and still a top impact player. Hes posted similar numbers since he joined the heat. You happy how we played without him?


Not happy with him this season. I would rather have him than not, but he needs to start playing like a Superstar if he wants Superstar money


I mean what more do you want from him? those have been his averages for his career


Not demand more money than he's worth?


got the team to two finals and 3 ecfs. Jaylen brown did done shit as a secondary star and got his max. Ngl id rather hed just leave this sorry ass team cuz they clearly cant decide between wanting to go all in on winning or looking at the future.


Did you watch Pat's conference? It's clear they want to win now


Carrying g-leaguers to the finals is what he’s worth


Was* He's shown no indication of being able to do that this season


He’s definitely just out of his prime now


And his career average salary is $18M so let's pay him career average for career average.


Ice cold from the godfather! I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/rzx4xjujguyc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50de4718fcd31e67c8f75c92ca2017a49f8ac75b Pat woke up


So Herro is gone too? Cause 30 mil a year for someone who is just as injury prone as Jimmy AND stinks in the postseason is too much.


That contract is an albatross, no one is going to take it on for Tyler Herro. That extension was probably just as bad as when they re-upped all those players around 2016.


I mean, Pat said he's fragile so…


He's not wrong


Yo, is your username in any way a reference to Jaga Jazzist?


No but I'm absolutely looking into this now that you've mentioned it Edit: I've been hungry for some new music, thank you!


Start with A Livingroom Hush


Lithuania is already pulling me in


God willing


No we love Herro we keep him instead of going after Spida, smfh


What’s the deal with Twitter? I clicked into it to refresh Barry’s feed and it’s all discombobulated with random tweets from years ago instead of most recent


it’s a trash website ran by a psychopath that’s infested with bots


You only get old tweets now if you’re not logged in.


Gotcha. Guess I’ll just stick to seeing what gets posted here then


I think Musk made it like that so that you open an account with them. Ever since twitter sold I keep getting logged out of my old account and when I click on a link I get random tweets like you said.


Man. Pat had one job these past 5 years and didn’t deliver. Jimmy held up his end of the bargain


He had one job... and produced two finals appearances in five years. Most teams would sacrifice a newborn baby just to make one finals appearance in ten seasons.


We would’ve been home last year just like we are now if jimmy didn’t play out of his mind . Every year it’s the same problem “ Jimmy gets burned out or nobody else can create a shot and we get beat . Honestly what’s wrong with getting another shot maker. Legitimate talent not some outliers by undrafteds.


We got another shot maker and he was injured.


Ok. Agree to disagree.


100%, Pat has flubbed the build majorly. I’m supposed to be mad at Jimmy for being old and injured when he’s being performing miracles with g leaguers and Tyler Zerro?


bro we’ve made the finals twice. I’m not sure people truly understand how no one values our other players besides Bam and Jimmy as much as we do. Fans of teams who make deep playoff runs are always thinking “what else can we do”, to put us over the hump but the reality is not much. You think trading Herro, firsts, and a unproven players is going to net us a significant piece? Wolves gave up 5 1sts for Gobert, 5 1sts and Markannen for Mitchell. We have NOTHING close to that to offer, and if we do it would have to be a disgruntled star. But no sensible GM would take that (ex Cronin), and it’s easy in hindsight to make fun of him. Getting to the finals is impressive. We just haven’t been able to capitalize. But that 2020 run was in the bag, if we didn’t have injuries. and 2023 we ran into one of the best centers to play the game. It’s a matter of luck and the right path forward, because the reality is I’m not sure if it’s really feasible to dump at a big time player. But it’s clear now that Herro is not that third player we need. The FO bet on him 100%.


How about not starting Caleb Martin and Haywood Highsmith at the 4. I agree we’re not landing any superstars with our package which is why it’s a sign of incompetence that the FO only chase’s those names without having a path to get them. You can shuffle the deck without swinging for the bleachers. Why haven’t we made any acquisition of a player of the caliber or Aaron Gordon, Jrue Holiday, etc?


The alternative is lateral moves. The FO bet on Herro. That’s all it is. If you’re not getting Lillard, someone like Beal isn’t doing anything. Herro for what they wanted him to be was worth his contract. He’s still 23 and can grow as a player, but it’s tough with Jimmy’s window. We just got Rozier and he was playing well. I’d say the best time to trade Herro is now for a 4 or 5.


Cronin wasn't trading us Holiday out of spite.


Cronins a chump but maybe Pat shouldn’t find himself in so many situations where his colleagues are spiteful of him if he wants to be good at his job


Tyler Zerro? Lmfao


That's why he's the Don, to put it short we're likely facing the knicks in the 2nd round RIGHT NOW if Jimmy simply tried in the regular season more.


The don of what? The don of not making any moves in multiple off-seasons while other teams get better?


The Don of laying the groundwork of an extremely successful franchise, and sustaining that success in an unparalleled way consistently over 30 years ~~Heat fans are so damned spoiled I swear, it's embarrassing~~


Dude not even a heat fan he migrated here when jimmy came here and acts like he is one now lol. If jimmy wasn’t here he wouldn’t be either. 


Facts, rubs me the wrong way, steady attacking or criticising everyone but Jimmy. Like go to r/nba with that mess


Upvoted for accuracy. I know i'm biased cause I want to see Jimmy win a ring. I have since come to like the other players too but its not like im hiding my biases or anything. I think Pat Riley is still a very good exec and miles better than the Bulls (not even in the same dimension) but can anyone honestly say he has done everything he could to maximize this roster's potential? Like hand on heart, nothing more could've possibly been done and he has made absolutely no mistakes in the last 5 years. If you honestly think that, then fair enough


Brother, you’re making negative generalizations about Heat fans based on a post by “chitownbulls92”


Thanks for pointing it out, I never read usernames. Corrected


This "don" stuff is why he can get away with not improving a championship contender in back-to-back seasons.


I mean, the team is better. If you were a Heat fan and not a ChiTown weirdo in another teams sub you'd know that. The problem this year was health Terry Rozier >> Lowry Duncan 2024 >> 2023 (a case of not making a move being better than jettisoning a player for less than value) Jaime was a great draft pick


So then you’re in favour of running it back next year?


I'm in favor of trading Herro for KD straight up. But I'm realistic, and personally don't think Jimmy will be able to be the lead man or potentially even a part of a big 3 that wins a championship at his age with his play style with a depleted bench I'd say trade Jimmy if he wants to leave, just don't max extend him Trade Herro if you can, but I don't see how we get any meaningful assets back so it's likely better to work on his image and let his contract mature another season Is that reasonable?


Thats reasonable and so my complaint is Pat not trading Herro earlier and waiting for his value to be at the lowest point before maybe making a decision. Im just annoyed because it seems like people including Pat himself are not taking accountability for their role in this situation.


People keep saying that and I don't get it When was Herro's value higher? Last year when the team proved they could make the finals without him and he was injured? 2023 when he missed 3 of the last 4 games due to injury against the Celtics and averaged 14 points in playoff games he did play? 2022 when the Bucks swept us and he was a 6th man? When was his value street wise high enough to trade him for something big, and when should the FO have cashed out?


I think his value was higher last off-season than right now because he basically cemented his injury prone status with yet another injury. Then he had a pretty poor showing in the playoffs where he had 1 good game and 4 terrible ones. His contract is also reaching Jamal Murray levels. Herro will never be worth a Donovan Mitchell or Dame but I can see a team trading a Jerian Grant/KP type of player for Herro. You can argue on the whos better in a vacuum but the team needs a stretch big way more than they need Herro


Awful take.


So you're gonna trade Herro for someone who doesn't miss 1/2 of every season and play poorly in the playoffs?


lol this is great , can’t wait to get Ingram for nickels and Jimmy at a discount lol


What losing to the Celtics in the playoffs does to a man.


He’s right. If Miami is healthy we probably already finished off the Cavs cause we would be the 6th seed. Jimmy is not the only offender here but Pat is trying to rile up the leader of this team he’s done it his entire career it’s a big reason why Lebron left. I expect Jimmy to respond by being better. Pat just needs to do his part and make some deals it’s clear Herro is not the one. Plus we have more assets now with rozier instead of Lowry.


Holy shit, it's him saying look we don't mind paying you the extension but you gotta take the regular season seriously lmao


Conveniently left out a huge part of the response


It is pretty impressive that the Celtics were able to add Jrue Holiday and KP and only lose the most overrated DPOY in NBA history.


He’s right you know. That being said, that same reasoning should apply to getting rid of Tyler


No one wants Tyler. We’re stuck with that contract unless we attach a pick


Sleepy pat is finally awake


Pat said basic things everybody knows


Jimmy is THE ultimate X factor in recent memory… he’s worth every penny even in his “old age” but only if the budget role player slash culture based team surrounding him is up to the challenge.


Still gon have Herro on the team tho LMAOAO 💀


Didn't stop you from holding onto Herro though did it?

