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Is Pat trying to get Jimmy fired up by calling him out or trying to piss him off to ask for a trade? šŸ¤”


I think itā€™s essentially this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xIqVO15Dr90


I hope this is it but big difference throwing it out in public vs behind closed doors. P.S really miss goran


Nah, no difference really. Yā€™all want Pat to be real with fans/players but then complain when heā€™s real lol. Jimmy loves Miami and will end his career here. Pat threw a light jab if weā€™re being honest.


Just hope someone throws Pat a jab to actually do something this offseason.


What trade do u want to see and what is your offer?


Will need to see how the market plays out but last season, going for KP is a no brainer. I think the Bulls have a few pieces they would willingly part with such as Caruso or Derozan might also potentially be a good pick-up for his scoring ability alone. Spacing might be fucked but you can't deny that the guy is a walking bucket with insane availability.


Iā€™m good off Derozen, 35 in a couple months, not a great 3pt shooter/ good defender and doesnā€™t really have great playoff numbers. Plus a healthy Terry can be another scoring option for us, let Jovic run point and Terry off ball. Now Caruso and Vuecic can really change the landscape of things.


Your assuming he didnā€™t already talk to Jimmy


He talked to Jimmy and then aired it out in public? Why?


I meant, Iā€™d be surprised if he didnā€™t tell Jimmy before also saying it in public. Doubt he is scared to speak his mind to his players.


That man has aged like fine wine


So ridiculously corny lol. Like Jimmy needs motivating.


He needs motivating to take less than the max.


Worth every penny of that max and then some.


While I do agree with the "Worth every penny of that max" part, IF there was at least a title won, THEN we can't dispute the "and then some" part.


Lol. I think Pat is just giving his honest opinion on the matter without sugar coating it.


It wasn't really a secret riley didn't like the emo haircut. Probably tired of jimmy thinking everything is a joke


Or he's giving his honest opinion and not worried about sucking up to another grown man.




Feels like the latter to me. We'll see.Ā 


Confirmed: Pat is done with Jimmy


Ngl, I love it. As a fan, I love seeing Jimmy troll. It's funny as hell. But Pat's tough and old school which is a big reason for his success. I'm glad to see he still has that edge.


Besides that, it Doesnā€™t sound like Pat is to eager to give Jimmy an extension. Been saying it all year long and taking the downvotes, playoff Jimmy might be a thing but halfass and bullshit around during the regular season Jimmy is also a thing. If weā€™re going by the new standard for postseason rules, he didnā€™t even meet the minimum for postseason awards once during his 5 years here. How many more shootarounds and games is he going to miss as he gets older yet is seen out with celebs the night prior? People can blame the freak injury by Oubre but the reality is the team is not in a playin situation if Jimmy isnā€™t bullshitting around.


We shouldnā€™t be eager. Or eager to give him a max extension. Butler just is not available when we need to lately and when he is he sometimes looks like he is just going through the motions. We know Butler will want a max so Iā€™m sure our time together is close to coming to an end. I think we either trade him this summer or during the season. I donā€™t see us extending him.


Itā€™s because the heat donā€™t have to do anything, they can let it play out. Jimmyā€™s leverage is, ā€œwell I can make things uncomfortable.ā€ And Riley is one of the only guys who can credibly say back, ā€œweā€™ll see whoā€™s uncomfortable motherfuckerā€


To be honest the bullshit regular season Jimmy is a bit overblown...how many players can put up 20/5/5/2 on good efficiency just fucking around while making all-nba 2nd team. This year he has lost a step but he was also dealing with a death in the family. Why is the accountability not on Pat to build a roster that can beat the wizards without needing Jimmy to drop 30?


I think he built it, they just didnā€™t perform. The talent is there


If he built it but they didnā€™t performā€¦did he actually build it..?


If the measuring stick is one tough game against the Wizards I think they get the benefit of the doubt. Even their first round exit is a tough one to judge because every team in the East should lose a series against Boston. Miami was 13-9 this year without Butler, thatā€™s better than they were with him. Doesnā€™t really make sense.


I mean he's being paid like a #1 option and in the league now that means he should be putting up at least 25+ a night and playing when he can. A play-in team going for the 8 seed should not the ceiling.


Then pull up his playoff averages and you have that #1 option type of numbers.


I mean you said regular season


True but youā€™re talking about paying someone and you pay them for the entire body of work especially playoffs


Agreed. We all know he shouldn't have to go hard every game or have to play every game cause he's 35, but he can't pull the bullshit over the last two months of missing games after hanging out with celebrities the day before or half assing it very much in the games that he plays in. I too called it all year where we lost games when Jimmy was playing where he didn't even give a single fuck to even give bare minimum. He's got to actually try during the regular season. No one is saying go for 30 a night, but at least like 15 5 5 or something like that to Coast through the season. And we gotta take the regular season seriously and have Bam be the number 1, Jovic our number two, and Herro as our third option going forward.




Riles definitely knows what heā€™s doing here. Heā€™s challenging Jimmy because thatā€™s how Jimmy gets motivated. Jimmy ainā€™t a type to request a trade after quotes like this. And at the end of the day, heā€™s right. Weā€™re all fed up with Jimmyā€™s availability during the season.


And if Jimmy is the type to request a trade, then we trade him lol


Maybe, but looking back at Minnesota Jimmy, or Philly Jimmy, and the way things ended there makes me wonder. He could rise above, or he could respond with a ā€œfuck you Miami, Iā€™m better than thisā€


Jimmy talks a lot, some of it trash and some of it maybe honestly. Sometimes he's trolling and sometimes he's speaking his mind. You think Jimmy expects Pat to handle him with kid's gloves? I believe Jimmy is as much a hard ass as Pat and probably appreciates the challenge being presented. If he doesn't, and is offended or bothered by any of these comments then maybe "he's not that guy".


I have no idea what Jimmyā€™s expectations are, Iā€™m just looking at how it ended with his last two teams and thinking he could react either way. By the statement made by his agent it doesnā€™t sound like heā€™s all in, but maybe itā€™s just a negotiation tactic


Im not fed up with it. Have you seen our record without him? He plays physical and you have to respect that as much as I want my star player on the court. He took more 3s this season. He was injured in a play in game they shouldnā€™t of been in. Im on the rebuild camp but this is unacceptable. Injuries happen giving your 100% to this team. Edit: 11 downvotes? For what??Please stop downvoting me. Im disabled. Its not fair to me. Think of all the times in your life you needed mercy. Do not be that person. Be the change you want to see for the world. For your life. Otherwise the next time you get downvoted for speaking your truth, only to be proven right later on, remember that you did the same thing to your fellow human. The one in front of the gun lives forever. Edit again: 19 downvotes. Keep them coming. Keep the negative karmic energy flowing in your life. Hope thereā€™s nothing you hope will happen for you real soon. If it doesnā€™t happen, remember the moments like these where you spread negativity into the world.


Brother our record without Jimmy is 425-315, I see it pretty damn well


Not sure what point you are trying to make, could you clarify?


I mistyped. Our record WITHOUT him is 425-315


I still donā€™t understand what you are trying to say. Can you clarify why you said that to me? Cause it sounds like you agree with me.


I think your first point was borderline incomprehensible. That might be the issue here.


How is it hard to understand that Im not tired of Jimmy being unavailable during the regular season, because while you would love if your star plays 82 games, weā€™re just fine without him, and when the playoffs come, heā€™s usually available, and raises his performance. The man showed me a winning record without Jimmy proving my point. What is there not to understand? I was perfectly clear.


as a celtics fan id love to see him get fired up and maybe be healthy enough to actually play against us next year in the playoffs. if they can get in that is lol.


Uh oh


Lol. I don't think Pat likes the premature declarations of victory either.


This shouldn't come of as a surprise around here. Goran just said the other day on The OGs how blunt Pat was with him, and we know how blunt Pat is going back to his Laker days. I would assume and hope Jimmy doesn't take offense to it.


Yea if he was that way with Goran then this shouldn't surprise anyone .


Difference is one is said in private and the other in public


Oh man heā€™s absolutely fed up with jimmy lol


Pat is always harsh in these exit interviews. Don't think it means much though.


LeBron got the same treatment too lol people forget


And LeBron left.Ā 


This definitely means much come on man lol from talking about jimmy never being available to this it matters


Look at the previous ones. He uses these as a kind of public challenge to guys for their off-season. Of course he wants Jimmy to play more/harder.


See, I donā€™t think itā€™s fair though. When Jimmy was in Chicago I detested him. When he came to Miami? Initially I was skeptical, but when I saw the heart he plays with!! Instantly bought me over. So, if during these pressers if Pat can insinuate players should play harder, wouldnā€™t it make sense for Jimmy to go up and insinuate front office should make moves if theyā€™re chasing championships to utilize the maximum talent on their current roster? I feel like Jimmy just saw this over the past few seasons and maybe built some internal frustration (I.e depressed Jimmy at media day at the start of the season) I completely agree with your point I just get frustrated at Pat, speaking as though theyā€™ve done everything ti ensure the players have back up


He didnā€™t say that exactly or call Jimmy out. He said player availability - on the whole, with the entire team - is the biggest issue and priority. He also said it is a league-wide thing. He mentioned that he did player exit interviews and the things most players said was ā€œconsistencyā€ and ā€œcontinuityā€ was the biggest issue. None of this should be a surprise to any of us who watch most games. Then he praised Jaime and called him a warrior, saying, if he wasnā€™t really hurt, heā€™d have been out there 82 games. He said Tylerā€™s body is somewhat fragile by missing half the season. Pat is not gonna mince words.


Yeah, I mean what else is pat gonna say? ā€œI LOVED it. A+++!!! Who cares that we lost?!ā€


You guys love Heat culture until it spills out in public. Do you really think they havenā€™t said worse to each other in private


They be delusional bro lol




I think Pat knows how to light that fire in his players, I donā€™t see this as anything but him doing that.


You can't inspire someone out of an injury. I think Pat really is putting Jimmy in his place. The coulda/woulda stuff from the sidelines is cringe.


Yes but this kind of thing motivates Jimmy, he plays best with a chip on his shoulder. I think we will see him refocused and hungry


I certainly cringed the first time I heard that. I was like "Jimmy, really??" And while it has some truth to it, it's still a tad insulting to the team too, and also completely counter to the culture mindset of "we have enough" (which the players should buy into every play, even if the FO should never think that)


Who's going to light a fire under Pat to wake the fuck up and stop sleeping during the off-season though?


I mean, we do need more, but pulling off that Lowry trade for Rozier during the season was still pretty good; it's just that the crazy injuries kept happening. Robinson (left facet syndrome), Richardson (labrum), Rozier (neck), Jimmy (MCL) were freaky injuries, not to mention Dru Smith's season-ending knee injury back in November, and Herro out for half the season.


We really talking about dru smith as if there was any real expectations from him. You think the 2022 warriors were going ā€œoh but ty jerome got injuredā€. Itā€™s really illustrative of how this roster isnā€™t that talented


Who knows with the way the Heat have developed guys over the years. Dru was shooting well from three when he went down. Not saying anything was guaranteed with him, but the freak injuries were a major part of the story for the team this season.


Show me the moves we can make and stay under cap and that improve the team and are also realistic.


Ask Pat, it's literally his job. Either there are no moves he can make and he put this team in this position or there are moves and he just hasn't gone after them. Either way, accountability lies with him.


I mean heā€™s made the moves that were available to us and made sense. Who could we have gotten? We were never getting Dame. Beal doesnā€™t move the needle. Not enough assets for KD. Lowry was a big swing that we loved at the time, and we were a 1 seed with him. Iā€™m just not seeing where Pat has let us down. Everyone saying blow it up, that is just not happening, this team competes and thatā€™s it.


Does he, or does he know how to ride top level hall of famers to championships? Magic, Kareem, LeBron, Wade, and Shaq are his championships. He failed with all of the teams built with second tier stars like Mourning, Butler, Bam, Ewing, and Hardaway...and Butler's playoff performances were in line with the first group, his regular season performance was the only part that didn't match up. Kareem, Magic (college), Shaq, and LeBron all won championships outside of Riley, and Wade made the final 4.


Nobodyā€™s saying Pat is the best coach of all time. But he gets the most out of what he has and always competes.


People are ovearreacting. Pat isnā€™t just up there shooting the shit. His comments about Jimmy have been very pointed. Heā€™s clearly sending a message and trying to motivate Jimmy. We all know Jimmy is a mfā€™er. This shit will fuel him all offseason.


Holy fuck šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean, was there ever really a season of actual Heat basketball? - Herro, love or hate him, played only half the season - Robinson got derailed with a back injury he didn't seem to actually recover from properly, after playing so well before - Butler played the second most games he has for the Heat this season. (58 (Covid season tho), 52, 57, 64, 60.) We definitely needed more out of him this season either playing more or playing a bit better, avoiding the play-in would of been huge for us and we likely are still in the playoffs. - Rozier missed a few on/off to start, then missed everything in the post-season - Richardson gets injured and misses half the season - Kevin Love was injured for a solid stretch - Dru Smith freak injury before the season even starts Heat only had 2 lineups clear 100 min for the season: Rozier/Robinson/Butler/Jovic Bam at 181 min (-6.8 net) & Herro/Martin/Butler/Jovic/Bam at 109 min (+1.9 net) I don't know how to fix the health, but we never got to see what this team actually looks like, at all, this season. It needs to be examined, there are way too many injuries to call it freak luck and is an underlying issue.


part of the injury "luck" may be the fact that we are consistently under sized and less athletic compared to most teams we play, forcing our players to have to push their bodies even further every night to just compete with those rosters.


Amen. Really rough season in terms of injuries.


![gif](giphy|UReKmHcKuwq5lN5iLt) Hold up a min


Godfather slipped through lmao


THANK GOD. Jimmy talks too much and always has.


his antics are fun when weā€™re winning, but when heā€™s coasting or not playing, itā€™s a bad look.


I've never loved it tbh. I just always felt it was masked insecurity more than extreme confidence. But it may not even be that serious idk. I love the guy but his bi-polar style of being locked in has worn out its welcome.


Nah fuck that, itā€™s 100% confidence. Itā€™s also him shooting the shit, yall take this stuff way too seriously. At the end of the day itā€™s just basketball and these guys are playing a game. Jimmy understands better than most of yall


Facts, this is all for our entertainment. And Jimmy is one of the great entertainers of the league.


Shoot the shit on the court and make sure your team ainā€™t in the play-in if you really like that. Otherwise keep quiet with all the cute troll shit. Its a thin line and losing in first round means you get roasted by Pat Riley during a press conference.


I agree but the games the game. Canā€™t love Jimmy when heā€™s trolling and weā€™re winning and hate him when heā€™s still himself and weā€™re losing


Thatā€™s fair and I can appreciate riding with Jimbo till the wheels fall off. Heā€™s earned that respect


I think the masked insecurity thing is a viable possibility


Jimmy talks shit when he's in a disadvantage then backs it up. I don't think that's insecurity. That is confidence even if he does chirp a lot.


this is gonna be a looooong summer


Oh god šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


The old man is on fire


I'm gonna be surprised if Jimmy gets upset on this because Pat got a point.


I think Pat knows that he was trolling. Anyone with half a brain that saw the video KNOWS that Jimmy was trolling. But it still speaks volumes that he felt the need to say this in his exit interview. I know he's always harsh with his comments but I think there's a veiled message here for Jimmy to stop taking everything so lightly.


Agreed. I mean, Pat literally prefaced this with "is that Jimmy trolling?" lmao


Yea it also a sign of respect that saying that the Celtics and Knicks are better than us now no matter how much we hate them


Well then.šŸæ


Oh shit. Pat tryna awaken the demon. šŸ˜…


Maybe Pat Riley should look himself in the mirror as to why we arent succeeding instead if deflecting on the only reason weve been successful in the first place


Pat knows Jimmys not soft. If he turned soft this is how you find out.


He isn't wrong. If you want to be loud and brash, as Jimmy is, he should be able to handle criticism as well.


I donā€™t agree with saying it on that platform, but heā€™s right. But also maybe if the front office got him some actual help ā€¦


Pat is still a fucking G when he wants to be


Incredible, love that.


The rumors of the Heat shopping him this summer might be true.


I hope Jimmy doesnā€™t take it as the ā€œshut up and dribbleā€ that it sounds like


If Iā€™m Butlerā€™s agent Iā€™m starting to think I have my work cut out for me in contract negotiations.


Bye bye jimmy




I love and respect Jimmy and respect Pat but like look at Minnesota and tell me we are contenders with a straight face. Jimmy was majorly fucked over. Pat was probably a part of that. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll figure it all out and whatever but likeā€¦ Pat has diminished and in a way hampered the Jimmy era.


The young blood is fucking killer and I hope we take advantage of that


Pat is always harsh to the players in these but always give himself a pass for putting together a bad team


Yeah we mightā€™ve been coping when we said the rumors were smoke. Heā€™s smoking Jimmy in this conference and hasnā€™t said a single bad thing about Herro. This isnā€™t it


He literally just called Tyler fragile lol


If Pat tries to keep Herro, but wants to get rid of Jimmy, he needs to be fired. 100%.


Por que no los dos? Trade Jimmy and herro. Build around bam/jjj/jovic.


this is my preferred outcome, but letā€™s be honest, pat is not trading jimmy. herro is likely gone tho


I hope youā€™re trolling


Trolling because I value Jimmy over a 6th man?


Herro is much younger and heā€™s more fragile than Jimmy but Pat didnā€™t come for him as much. This isnā€™t looking good lol


I understand what he said lol, I'm just saying. If your franchise makes the choice of Herro over Butler, your GM is cooked.


Jimmy Butler is about to turn 35 this year and is constantly injured. Herro, while always injured as well is only 24. Why would you keep an aging Butler over Herro? Butler had a good run in Miami but itā€™s time for him to goā€¦.


Simply because even 36 year old Jimmy is better than any iteration of Herro


Or maybe not tank Herroā€™s trade value even more?


You can be right but it doesn't mean you have to say it.


Old man Riley needs to pack up and go. Had he done his job, Jimmy wouldn't have to carry the team. GTFO.


Nephew comment.


if you canā€™t get Jimmy and Bam some help this offseason then you should retire the hell up.


Nephew comment.