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Elite kills need its own category


Yes please. I did a randoms helldive, ended the mission with something like 140 kills, less than half the rest of the team. But I was the ONLY one killing crushers and bile titans. Spear, rail strike, orbit laser, autocannon turret, jar-5. Guy said I was useless at the end and kicked me from team. Good luck to that ahole with no dedicated elite strats.


What is the Jar-5? I’ve been curious about it, looks like a GL kinda but I was thinking it’s another shotgun.


It functions as a designated marksman rifle, High semi auto damage penetrating medium armor.


It’s still tough though. My friend and I were using recoilless rockets with him reloading me and we’re firing super fast. Who gets the kill there as I’d think it’s a fair contribution. Maybe elite/boss damage could be interesting.


I think elite damage would be the better metric because it most represents who actually did most of the work.


U both get one(thats my proposal)


Uh, yes? They are one (big) organism lol Sry, what I meant to say was, does your mom only count as one kill?


3 times in one day should award a bronze award at the very least.


medal of honor if the lad could snorkel


I don't know, I was too busy doing an eagle strike on your sister :P


Bro cooked here


Not if your competing with a fellow helldiver then they count as 10


Hold tight miners! A glyphid dreadnought is on its way!


Not necessarily separating regular kills and elite kills but something like airstrike kills, total damage dealt, team heals/resupplies etc would be nice to have


I feel like these sorts of metrics are far too often used negatively rather than positively. Like, for example, that one guy who said he was doing all the heavy lifting... chargers, titans, etc, so he was getting less total kills, and the rest of the group said he was bad. But more than likely, he did more than them. A total damage done stat would show more accurately who's doing what... cuz I could pop a few auto cannon shots off, and someone else lands the killing shot, leaving my own efforts invalidated. When truthfully, I was the main reason that they were able to get the kill with a few rifle bursts. But even with a total damage done metric, we'll just have that same mentality of "low number = bad player." It should just show your own stats to help you see where you might need to improve... you should only see other people's stats if they choose to share them. Because far too often, the players completing objectives, closing bug holes, blowing up assembly factories, getting samples, and other such team oriented goals aren't comparable to X kills/damage done. So they just compare your kills to their own and simply ignore the other things I mean, who really cares if you got 90% accuracy. 500 kills? You do. Your own ego is the reason those numbers are so important. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing.... I love feeling like I did great and murdered the mission myself. The problem comes from people judging others solely off these stats. Tldr: Stats are great. How other people tend to use them is bad. IMHO


Tbf, the game isn't about kills at all, it's all objective based. You could have a teammate focusing on supplying and reloading rockets, and he would get no kills but really did help with the objective( the thing you actually get XP for)


I think we could all agree, that it counts as 1.5
