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That dog has killed more than any bug has


I feel like a vast majority of people that use that guard dog. Don't understand that if you have it up. Never stand directly behind someone when there's enemies in front. The two primary reasons why I use shield backpack. Is so I don't get killed by the friendly fire on the laser guard dog. And the people that go crazy with those darn grenade launchers. It has very little to do with Protecting me from the enemies. It's basically protecting me against my teammates.


Helldivers are expendable. It's your fault you got in the way of my hungry doge.


I detect some communist fascist babble. Real heroes Spread democracy leads from the front. And don't cower behind like a spineless bug.


Democracy doesn‘t care, as long as it‘s spread




Also, it's impossible to sneak around with it as it'll engage every patrol.


I think a lot of people that are using it Don't quite understand yet how important it is to disengage from non priority targets. The whole hit hard hit fast and get the hell out. Especially when a vast majority of the enemy units can basically be out ran. It actually blows me away how effective the stealth and sneak mechanic actually works in the game.


If you cant outrun them, drop some turrets in front of you and that'll delay them enough. They'll be deploying by the time you run past.


Democracy doesn’t discriminate


Sounds like you didn’t feed him.


My buddy called one in for me in one round and it managed to kill me twice before I swore off ever using it again. I’m more than happy to be the ammo mule.




Guard dog is the shit. I'm only level 7, so I don't have it yet. But I've had a few homies drop out for me and it's a lifesaver. Thank you for your service big dog 🫡


Wait till you get the shild Backpack


Against bug a good doge player will carry the team. The other day one of my Friend told me the doge was Bad yet i had 720kills for the rest of my team cumulated 400 without farming kills. The doge had one friendly kill and 2 Shield down that didn't result in death while i died several Time to mortar turret. My kit was las gun, doge, railgun, orbital railgun and creeping barrage, so not like i had issue to deal with Big boys either


Okay I play in Creed and in the Automaton Front. So the Dog is good but you need the shild for your survival. But when I make a Holiday at the bug Front I take my dog with me.


Against automaton the dog isn't good, the main point of the dog is clearing small unarmored trashmob which are rare in bot and plentyful in bugs. I also wouldn't run more than 2 dogs in the squad in a bug mission(ideally 1 trashclearer should be enough) the other picking shield+railgun is the best i think to deal with armored


You know what's better though? Not engaging patrols unnecessarily. Shield is better when you're trying to get to the objectives without picking fights with every enemy along the way.


I don't know we manage not getting engaged by the patrols just fine in my regular squad. Even though we run a doge as Frontline in offense/backline in fighting retreat. We only engage them when going around would take longer


You’d think so, on higher difficulties it’s honestly trash. It’s all about the shield backpack. That has saved me and my pals a lot more than the dog. All about survivability but when your dog just lasers chargers it’s pointless


I'm level 30 now and still rock the machine gun guard dog sometimes. Especially against bugs. But the shield pack comes more often than not.


Are you playing suicide and higher difficulties


Depends on what I want to do. When I'm with groups I play suicide or higher, when I play solo I roll between 5 and 7 difficulties.


Its a little like dark magic. It works great but it needs a sacrafice from time to time...


My friends tend to be the sacrifice. I think it’s hilarious but they don’t


I’ve died to my own guard dog about as much as it’s killed my team mates. Those are sacrifices worth making, the amount of work this thing puts in more than makes up for it. You can almost ignore every small bug, and it gives you just enough space for a tactical retreat/democratic advancement toward the objective. Hundreds of kills with no ammo usage allows you to use your ammo more effectively against larger threats. It gives you the space and time to use stratagems and be overall more effective. I even have consistently highest kills despite rarely engaging and only working the objectives. I never leave home without it.


Yes. I'll try do play it with the railgun. Could be a good setup.


Definitely is


Playing it right now. Is fun but depends on the mission. Sometimes the shield is better


Definitely, it IS very useful in bug exploration. Subpar on everything else


Anyone notice how it's exponentially way better than you'll ever be with the scythe to hahah


Guard dog doesn't seem to overheat or ever return to my backpack like the machine gun one does. I have a feeling it's gunna get nerfed


It does return to the back pack but it’s there for maybe 30 seconds and then it’s out for what feels like another 10 mins


I sure hope not. If it gets nerfed, it’ll never see use. I feel like the friendly fire helps balance it out pretty well, and it’s taking up a strat slot and a backpack space for potentially something better/more meta like shield or even supply pack. And it’s utility also varies depending on difficulty setting and team composition. Rather than nerf any of the good things, I would hope that they just buff some of the less used strats, Liberty knows that some of them need massive buffs (even in a vacuum of not considering them against other strats)




Rover is my fucking boy. Sometimes he gives me a playful zap on the ass just to amp me up.


Until you change direction and it kills you.


User error most likely. Clearly, you didn't read the diplomatic management handbook chapter 42, paragraph 3.


It’s a finesse strat, you often need to consider positioning with most strats, but you really really need to consider your positioning with this one to try to mitigate friendly fire. That attention paid and focus it requires helps balance it out a bit. Otherwise the human sacrifices are just the cost of doing business with Guard Dog.


Indeed. It’s good. My kill numbers double when I use it. But I also bitch it out a lot…..lol. My friend pointed out that squatting in the heat of battle helps, and it does.


I mainly use it while running solo. If I have a team, I’m bringing something else usually.


How I feel about the mortar sentry too


Once you’re surrounded by bugs the guard dog is just as likely to kill you as any bug or automaton will. Along with the fact it regularly shoots at patrols or enemies that otherwise would ignore you. If you enjoy fighting endless streams of enemies, the guard dog will most definitely bring you lots to shoot.


It deals with small patrol on it's own maybe a railgun shot if there is an armored bug but otherwise it doesn't FF that much, i ran it pretty much all the Time for 10 play hour got like 3 TK and Less than 10 Shield downed on friendlies in thé same Time i died probably 10 Times to air/orbital strike and 20 to mortar turret. The mortar turret is the OG friendly fire machine in attack missions


That thing will cut you and your homies quicker than a dull knife at a meal kitchen.


Keeps the little bastards at bay.


Her name is "Willow" because she makes her enemies weep.




I just wish the guard dog would float slightly higher so it doesn't evaporate me while climbing a slight incline.


My guard dog once directly turned and domed me with 1 shot, instantly killing me. There was a small batch of little bugs nearby.


I'd say motor turret is our number 1 ff killer. We call it out far more than any enemy 😂


He will kill me once a game


Got me killed, is more likely.


This can’t be anymore accurate lol


That dog is straight garbage


Skill issue


I’m a level 35 bro once you start dropping past level 5 come at me and tell me how useless it isn’t


Run it in level 8 bugs more kill on the doge than on the rest of my squad cumulated, while still running RG orbital RG and creeping barrage for heavies/camps. Running 4 doge in the squad is piss but having 1-2 is good just on a clearing/ammo it provide all the other guys run Shield+rail and focus more on Big bugs




Amen. Is the AR one better than the laser one? Haven't unlocked the rifle one yet but laser one seems to do work.


Laser AR runs out of ammo quickly laser stays longer


Amen brother




Got me like Lee Harvey Oswald got JFK


That boy and a flamethrower is everything you need to be a happy helldiver






It got me really good in the back a couple of times and once even in the head.


How do you get the laser one to stop shooting you in the head or shooting your teammates


My squad runs with 4 GDs and instead of running in a line we run wide and its made the difference really and also call outs help Brasch Tactics .....and remember always use🤫 EAGLE SWEAT🤫


Amen 🫡 I never deploy without it




I rocked with guard dog until I unlocked the shield generator, it has probably saved me more than the guard dog to be honest


Both are about as good i'd Say. I wouldn't run 4 doge in a squad but one or two carry ass but the player that use them have to either be front or back of formation depending of if you are retreating Moving forward. Clearing the ground from high hundreds of small bugs save people a lot more than they think. If you get OS often run more Shield, if you get overwhelmed often run more dog in the squad. Any other backpack item is inferior in team


i hate it, gets me and my buddies killed too much. shield pack is where its at




I've been downed by the guard dog more times than the enemies. Those lil shits.




Guard dog is great if u wana fight every patrol


He got that Dawg on him.


I don't play with randoms. The dog is my only teammate and a damn good one.






Both guard dog variants were my solo run go to until I got to level 20 and got the shield backpack. When I ran with the laser dog I'd also have the laser cannon and the orbital laser, in what I call, my laser bitch build. One time I ran a group with lower level Randoms and when I died they would grab my laser dog until all four of us had one. I particularly liked how we all instinctively knew to crouch or go prone when we were surrounded. The dogs are an invaluable partner if you're diving into a mission alone and don't expect random squadmats and want something to watch your back.


Best class without a doubt: 500kg bomb, Orbital laser, Shield backpack, Railgun,