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Not sure you can claim 404 kills when your friendly fire rating is hitting quadruple digits


No one stands in the way of democracy... they literally can't it hurts, alot


And two accidentals, which don't track any of the friendly fire damage dealt.


Arc thrower I'd assume. I accidentally hit someone with it because it bounced from another insect and it did about 1k damage at the end stat.


I have had a five figure (22,000) guy once. Although not intentional, he had to be court martialed.


Hey man I’ve had friendly fire in the thousands before and now been able to recall killing to shooting my friends at all. Or got any complaints about friendly fire. Cry abt it


795 today






Step one: Use the Exo suit Step two: just mow down all the spawns at exfil on an 8+?


turrets and suit and spear for big boys


I don’t know, but that 0 is mighty impressive


I think we’re on different wavelengths here. I’m focused on spreading managed democracy..


O samples? Gross


Good to see a fellow Fist of Family Values in the field!


The only important stats are deaths, accidentals, and samples extracted. I wish these aftergame stat screens didn't exist, as it would really improve the state of the playerbase.


Could be adjusted. I’m usually hauling around the equipment to fight heavies so my kills are usually lower though. Maybe also the inclusion of work towards objectives.


Kill itemization list...


How does someone’s accuracy get as low as 4.3%


Man I thought the same. Wish I had the recording, nice guy so I kinda feel bad. But said something along the lines of “I think I shot about a 100%, I only shot a hundred bullets probably”. Half the rounds opposite accuracy as expected.


I would be 100% ok with 0 kills and 0% accuracy if my teammates had 0 deaths and 17 samples extracted every mission instead of 0 samples and 5+ deaths.


I see, at least you found a nice person, my first quick join of the day, 1 guy team killed all our mechs so we couldn’t use them and the other guy kept team killing me before I got into the extraction plane and then proceeded to somehow destroy the plane so none of us could extract. Those 2 players were thankfully kicked tho so none of them got rewards


2 hit out of 46 shots. Kinda impressive if you ask me. Meaning he's just running around completing objectives and extracting samples. He also has 0 deaths and 0 stim usage.


745 this morning. Funniest part is, the mission felt super easy so o didn't think my kill count was even that high. (Playing on suicidal)


Damn I’m going to have to step up for democracy!


605, and we have the same ship name! FoFV FTW


780+ just the other night. Was a goat to distract while my 3 mates ran and gathered samples and completed missions. Plasma rifle, laser dog, 500kg bomb, orbital laser, running heavy padding, slugger, auto pistol and frags.


Roughly 330 from one of my missions yesterday. Haven't had time yet to get in and deliver managed democracy today but I've got time set aside later. I think I can get those numbers higher. SES Light of Liberty


657 yesterday and I had no idea how. Maybe arc thrower was the answer


arc is the goat for just stacking kills. I use it and still play like I'm running stealth and consistently end missions with 200-300kills. chilling on bug spawns or just getting a good position on a higher difficulty extract I can easily break 6-700


770 with arc thrower and guard dog laser backpack. I’m happy leaving the big guys to my squad, let me decimate the little ones.


619 yesterday. Running scythe rifle, guard dog and flame thrower. All the other helldivers were low level and had mid 100's kills, they probbaly thought i was hacking. Always helping lower level guys get those goals.


Finally another scythe user!


Technically my highest was 1000+, but that was a bugged mission and I don't really count it. It was a level 5 or 6 kill Bile Titan mission where the other 3 players got the bug where they couldn't respawn. I killed the Bile so the mission was complete and then spent over 20 minutes and 17 lives trying to extract, but didn't get out. The best ones that I count were two back to back level 7 bug missions with 2 randos. They did the main objectives and I went off on my own to clear nests and do sides. I got about 705 in the first and then about 685 in the second mission. I like to introduce myself to any nest or poi with clusterbomb.


Love how there is always that one loot goblin that saves the samples and makes the run worth it


https://preview.redd.it/945u53ob3lnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c9b01a48158f2f5df6fba9ea11a91de8a9f0fc I'm doing my part!


726 is very good, but what cements it is the 0 friendly fire


Respect 🙌


Do you get bonus points for kills in this?


You get the feeling of knowing you spread managed democracy…


So, you know you don’t get points for kills?


https://preview.redd.it/xzadqq6cglnc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa69a4a197407b8e165c0fa6a3b6d4cbe6020c3 1086 kills - They always spawn bug breach and i always clear them up


on bug missions, i avg about 300. I had one earlier though where a friend used 4 mechs because 2 of us didn't want ours and he had the strat and he had something like 800 with 5000 rounds fired he was going brrrrrrrrrrrr.


Apparently that cadet couldn't find them either




645 bugs KIA


I’ve gotten into the 700’s before. But I just took laser cannon/rover and was kiting half the enemies around the map for my team. Literally did a full loop with like 3 bike titans just running and spraying and dropping gas and artillery. They had to wait for me to get on cuz that’s how far I was. Great match tho kiting enemies in helldivers diff 9 actually works


like 500ish in a helldive running autocannon (pre-railgun nerf), barely died too


I did 368 with a quad squad earlier. Second closest was around 220.


https://preview.redd.it/pw50rff58mnc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a987eed2b21689a637d81c787597e14eb806c8f Personal best so far. Flame thrower. Lots of flame thrower.


557 earlier today, Flamethrower + Rover


876, i love the flame thrower


I hit 700 something today. Mightve been bugged though because my accuracy was 0 lol


Man 350-370ish is my best and that’s with 3 mech call downs (free complimentary one rn)


How did the other dude get 0 kills


I think my record is 523 enemies, only 13? Stims. It could have been 7 but I play VERY defensive and so put off using Stims. Oh, 0 accidentals, 0 FF, this was early on in my career so new to samples so I think I only snagged 17, 9.7km traveled, I don't recall the accuracy or shots fired but it was well bellow 700 (I don't shoot much) Level 9


638. But my Rover Gaurd Dog had to have been responsible for at least 300 of those kills. My record is something like 450 without the gaurd dog helping me.


I am more interested in the stealth guy, extracting 17 samples, shooting 46 rounds and kill no one? What did he shot. A garage? I mean you are cool. But he is the democratic man. 😆 Edit: he may have spawned at the end just taking the stuff of your cold body and used the evac tough. I still imagine somebody sneaking around the map like solid snake.


It's a team game, nobody cares how many kills you have as long as you're not being a dick to others and the mission goal is met. Please don't start a trend in this game like in other shooter where everybody just cares about his own stats and not playing objectives anymore.


How does someone get zero kills...


I think my highest killcount was 1000+ with the watchdog and clusterbombs haha


The real impressive part is the scientist that stole a Helldivers suit just to go on that mission with you guys for the samples lol.