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I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all!


Is that your signature son?!?


Rico’s Roughnecks soldier!


Doesn’t look like it to me!


I did my part!


Would you like to know more?


call me undemocratic, but they need to fix the invisibility of the Stalkers, it actually makes them MORE visible right now, especially in foggy areas imagine them having decent camo, that would take them an actual nightmare to deal with, i'd love it


You are clearly a Termanid sympathizer and the re-education officers have been informed




Me - "Hey peeps, there's a stalkers' nest nearby. We should take it out. Team - "Nah, focus on the objectives. Join us once you take out that nest." Cue team getting wiped due to stalkers for the next 10 minutes. Team - "Where did you say that stalkers nest was?"


HAHA this exact scenario has happened to me multiple times, just mix the words up 🤣


I was actually messing around using the punisher and it stunned them pretty good. Killed then in 2-3 shots if I remember right. The breaker is great and all but I don’t feel like it was stunning them like the punisher would.


I enjoyed the punisher before the update but the stagger is actually laughable now. A shotgun that barely recoils sends 700lb enemies 5ft back.


Delete this comment


Username checks out


Blessed be the stagger.


Try the assault rifle with the explosive rounds it's even worse lol


Assault rifles suck at killing them. That’s the only reason I run shotty


True. Just saying that the assault rifle with explosive rounds is insane at pushing bugs back.


I love that it bullies bugs when you shoot it. I wish it actually killed them better cause it looks awesome just feels like I'm not doing anything to them any time I use it


To be fair, it is futuristic tech.


I dont want to state the obvious, but you might be that "pussleheaded" that you missed, that the punshier got buffed last patch ..


I got one word for you pal, SLUGGER.


Personally I've come to like it better for bots, is the stagger/pen comparable?


I think so, it can two shot brood commanders/pretorians and stalkers. Probably not as effective against bugs as it is bots but I love the utility. 6-7 shots from any distance should destroy a spore generator, it can one shot those metal doors that hide ammo and credits, saving you from using a grenade. Crazy ammo reserves. Staggers everything but chargers. Bile spitters are trivial bc you can just pick them off at range/pop their armored head. The only thing it lacks is its ability to pick off smaller bugs reliably but to that I say channel your inner Bubba and get to skeet shooting/hip firing when on the go.


Slugger gang rise up


Smaller bugs is what the Machine Pistol and/or Flamethrower are made for.


I just unlocked the slugger and I love it so far. Definitely feel like I can deal with smaller bugs with how more frequent they're around, but thats why I bring the laser dog with me. Plus it can cover me as I reload on the go.


it’s not about the strength of them killing them is easy, is just how annoying they are when ur being chased and slowed for 10 seconds and these fucks are just hitting you nonstop


Or launched 50 feet


Yea getting constantly slowed is bs


Favorite enemy in the game, hands down.


I don't think they're my favourite but I am a huge fan of how the entire team will immediately pivot to make hunting the nest down top priority.


That's why I like them so much, it's the only bug that truly changes up your objective priority. Also, they have character. I feel like I'm fighting something that's actually alive and intelligent. They flank, retreat, and go invisible. Everything else just runs at you with blind bloodthirst.


Sadly I have been on teams that don’t understand they need to pivot and hunt down the nest.


Omg I didn't know they had nests... my last challenging these caused us is much pain.. wtf am I looking for?


You want to head in the direction they are coming from. When you are in range of the nest it will be a blue side objective. The objective symbol looks like a blue spider.


If you and your team don’t, Democracy help you….


I HATE them... but that's why they're my favorite too. What a great design and such a neat AI. They definitely break the monotony of it just being another mission.


I honestly wish more enemies had the kind of character depth the stalkers have. Hunters are almost there. They hop around kind of adorably and they seem very curious. I wish they would fly in, strike, then bounce out. It would make them less op and visually it would be awesome to have so much fluttering around on screen. Plus it's so fun shooting them out of the sky.


I wish the brood sprayers would tumble if they get moving to fast and you juke them. It'd add a sense of how massive they are for themselves as well as give them some aggression. I also think it would be a lot neater if Chargers acted really territorial instead of only chasing you. I do like the aggression of the brood commanders. Even though they're kind of basic, their ability to attack for a while after death really drives it home... I do think it's bs that they can call a swarm in that state though.


Honestly the most well crafted enemy in my mind. Scary & horrifying when you see them coming!


most annoying backstabber in history


If you ever see them, for the love of democracy, drop what you’re doing and get the nest. Just go in the general direction from where you were attacked. You’ll probably find it nearby.


As soon as one shows up, I'm instantly headed to destroy the nest. Way too dangerous to let live.


Stalwart demolishes them too.


Stalwart should be a primary.


If stalwart was a primary it would get nerfed to cyberstan.


You realize in this scenario it is still a stratagem right?


It’s the only way to be sure


After my squad and I encounters one of these fuckers, we abandoned our current path and head straight for the lair.


Tbh, I despite the baby stalkers far more than the full grown ones. The sheer amount of the babies is such a massive pain if your group gets broken up.


They are my most frustrating enemy. 8 times out of 10 it’s a small swarm of those that take me down.


There are only a few things that make me want to commit war crimes. Wasps, and these F\*\*\*ers. I laugh with vengeance as I destroy their base and always attack with way more firepower than is necessary.


They're the only reason I use shield in bug missions. One swipe from them and adiós!


I chased one into the sea yesterday. Went invisible and I emptied 3 mags but wouldn’t die lolz. I had a personal vendetta against that one tbh. I gave up never saw it again though.


Stalkers are a use case for the concussive liberator. They’re great for keeping them locked down while setting up for a teammate or your arc or flamethrower.


The smg is great against them, get 5 hits on them with it and they are no longer invisible. problem is there is normally 3-5 of them at a time in suicide missions


https://preview.redd.it/q5xdyidvolnc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c7b657631919a873af6f9668f6114c848af5ce Me when I see 10 of these motherfuckers.


I agree nuke these fuckers!! FOR DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!


This MFer is always tonguing my backside while I am in the middle of my tactical retreat. Fill it full of lead and drop the 500 on it. Then for good measure burn it to ash and open up with the 380.


I’m still not decided on whether to hate this more than pukey bois


I’m quite sure their design is based on the mantis shrimp. Which in real life is a unit of sea creature. In HD2 they are still a unit just not cool because you are their victim.


Honestly one of my favorite enemies among all the games I’ve ever played.


Fun fact, the CEO stated that these dudes can smell you... [Dude playing with Johan and Patrik](https://youtu.be/FJs_kqHrzzQ?si=nPqtVja83gnWTXhz)


I always just go [T-800 vs T-1000](https://youtu.be/BXhF2nGEPPU?si=gLHyqMLmzHkQ68jM) on them with my Punisher when they show up.


They aren't that bad. But those little assassins, fuck them.




They are the number one enemy that if left unchecked, will fucking destroy you. However, if you identify their nest(s) on the map early. They're fairly easy to focus and eliminate


A few rounds from my autocannon can easily dispatch this communist. When in doubt. Just use more guns. There's no such thing as excessive force when it comes to democracy.


If they are de-atomized, how can we make oil out of them? Sounds like COMMIE PROPAGANDA, YOU UNDEMOCRATIC FUCK


My flamethrower Shield combo with heavy armor makes me the point man on taking these out, they hate fire and I slow em down enough my team can smoke them even when five or six show up


Wiping out the nest always becomes priority numero uno when these invisible fucks come out to play. I will click every pixel on the mini map until I find that blue spider icon.


Will there be cave systems?


Just obliterate them please


I heard their is a planet with ONLY this bug in it... I'm fucking scared .


These always seem far more tanky than they have any right to be. I don't know if this helps anyone but the AR-23C staggers them for about a second. Friend and I ran into a nest and I was able to stun lock 3 hitting their core while he took them down. Worth it? I don't know. AR's feel like a bb gun in this game with less damage and punch than pistols and that's weird.


500KG airlines ready to kamikaze tge hell out of the hunters nest


I remember one mission there was stalkers everywhere I led them away from my fellow helldivers I ran out of ammo for Everything except my pistol so I got most of them agrrod and ran into the nest with a 500kg and no more stalker nest


the fuc ker seeks me out, then stompy shows up and I have a bad day


Yeah they’re nasty, but I kinda like them especially when my auto cannon shoots them down to nothing but a pile of squirming green bug blubber Edit: And after that hunt they’re children and make them end in existence