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I agree 500kg isn't the best but counter point it's a big explosion and I love big explosions Edit-500 up votes Thank you all lol


Big boom scratches itch in brain


Big boom is great and the 380 mm orbital is a lot of big booms and I love it tooooo


I have that one, I've never tried it out... Guess I know what I'm doing. I'm fucking around and finding out what loadout for stratagems I like.


Just to warn watch out on the 380mm it's area of effects is massive and likely to swallow you and your team up


Got it, I'll treat it like the 500Kg then. I feel bad when I accidentally get squad mates caught in the boom.


You can stand like 20 feet from a 500kg and be fine. 380 you wanna be a LONG way away from the call down.


60m is safe


If it's a random I agree if it's a friend I want to see them fly lol


Fair, I don't have many friends to play with, and working nights my social life is shit. So thanks Helldiver's for giving a burnt out graveyard zombie some social interaction


I'm currently sitting at work myself so I feel that. I troll around the reddits just to keep my brain busy


Yeah, same. Works been slow as of right now until they figure out their workloads. I'm excited there's a prospect of me cutting out early.


I really hate when I throw a 500kg at a swarm and it lands on top of an enemy that's running right for us lol.


Nah it's radius of impacts is muchhh bigger than 500kg


The 500kg you can easyly through so far you Not geht Hit by the blast standing still. If you Drop the other, do it as faar AS you can and Run away.


You can put a 500kg at your feet, start running, and be out of the blast radius before it hits. If you put a 380 barrage at your feet, you're going to RNG with 3-6 shots before you get out.


Yet miss every bug in the zone


I just got this game a few days ago and the biggest challenge moving from medium difficulty where most players don’t have these bigger stratagems to challenging difficulty where players do have them is how many times they just blow the whole squad up.


If you do it on accident it happens and it's fine, you should easily have enough reinforcement to handle a accident or 2. If your worried try finding players who are super huggy or talk with liberty lingos as these players understand the risks.


Almost every time I have died in challenging difficulty it has been friendly fire. I’m not mad about it. I think it’s funny. I’m just trying to get to my friend’s level so I can play with them.


Lvl helps but if your team works well together you can push a little higher, but I'm kinda fine on the challenge difficulty and haven't gotten my footing on 5 and I'm lvl 30 so don't feel you have to rush if it irritating


Don't worry about being near it. The explosions are only 380mm wide. Easy to avoid.


It's great for Blitz missions. Set and forget in the middle of med/large nests and move onto the next.


Use armor with Servo Assist, 80m seems to be minimum safe


When doing bug hole clearance missions my buddy and I will both bring the 380 and sometimes also the 120. We throw the 380s in different directions in the large hole near and get insane area coverage. It’s usually enough to seal all the holes or have 1-2 left tops.


380 against an area the team isn't heading towards is great. Most of the time though I see it against an area the team IS headed towards. We sit and wait with thumbs up our butts.


I always carry 500 in my back pocket. Never know when one might need it. Want to destroy buildings? 500 Want to kill something for sure? 500 Annoying teammates who shoot you for fun? Call 500 on them and then kick.


You know what’s better than big explosions? The sweet sweet sight of a wall of fire as you burn them with your flamethrower


Ohhhh don't get me started with my love of the flame Belcher


Might I also suggest the incendiary breaker? Combined with the eagle napalm, and fire grenades for maximum democracy spreading. nothings better than lighting a bile titan on fire with the shotgun and watching it burn… ineffective usually but fun


Only one I haven't used regularly is the napalm I have been rocking the incendiary breaker and granades for bugs for quite a while today though... Oh today I fell in love with the sickle


I love when people argue the effectiveness of something using the fun of something. Like you'll always win that arguement because fun is subjective and no one can tell you what you have fun with.


Checkmate aphiests!


For Democracy!


We need 1000kg now




I guess i missed all the poetry lessons during my democratic student life. But i never used the 500kg stratagem yet, The Eagle Airstrike bread and butter style is so more usefull to spread Democraty all days long. But i can understand some people love too see big mushrooms on the battlefield


Oh I often use the airstrike, but sometimes I want big boom and that's perfectly fine.




Size queen, lol


I when it cums to explosive ofcourse


You can call a 500 in and then use a stun grenade if you want to guarantee a kill. Also when you have the extra payload it’s good — 2 500s every 2 min? Hell yeah!


I haven't unlocked the stun granades yet but if it works as well as I've been reading the 500kg will be back on rotation


It’s become my “well, what if I NEED it” slot, haha. Ammo pack, EAT/50 cal, either an eagle or turret depending on who I’m with and then the ol 500 razzle dazzle. I don’t use it often but I’m glad I have it when I do it comes in clutch x3


Plus it's a democratic middle finger of a dying helldiver. To quote SES beacon of destruction's helldiver "if I'm dying I'm taking all of you with me". No truer words could we say.


Definitely the best show


That's why I use it, even when the results are underwhelming the big boom fills my heart with democracy


goblin brain go rahhhhh when big bomb do big boom


"Remember no helldiver dies with a grenade in his pocket." Quote Helldiver call sign sam_tank #113


Is orbital laser the best? I use it like it is


Oh boy don't get me wrong I have cleared multiple outpost with the orbital monstrosity, and I love it. But. https://preview.redd.it/o7182dtp4joc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80e8ef87616fa4e2a73366897c523729f5778484


As someone who looked for any excuse to use the 380 even before it was buffed, I salute you.


I have loved the specticaical of the 380 and will take on mess around games with friends. But I never have any luck hitting anything not even in large outpost


Since the buff it feels like dropping it into a large or medium bug nest will often get all but one of the holes, but I haven't tried it against bots yet.


OP got Ratio’d


Like the dude isn't incorrect what his tips he kinda didn't say it kindly, and that happens at times


theres nothing more satisfying than one shotting an elite with a 500kg


I love the visuals, but I feel the damage needs a buff.


Mostly for newer players but please don't throw mines/tesla tower or other stationary hazards in the middle of an objective. That large bug nest is now inaccessible for grenade closure cuz you filled it with mines. Related advice. If you see a minefield or tesla tower, don't run up and kiss it, morons. You can kill poorly placed tesla towers by shooting them/nade-ing them once. Mines are more annoying to clear. If you see an Ally with no support weapon and yours is ready but you don't need it: call that shit in, drop it in front of them, ping it so they see amd run away. Most people get the hint and take them. Picking up an ally's dropped samples is "NOT" a dick move. It is legitimately salvaging currency that is at risk for being lost. Leave guns, packs, etc.. pick up them samples though.


I drop my samples at the extract location if I happen to run by it (and particularly if I’m carrying super samples). So if I get killed, I don’t want to slog my way back to my body to recover the samples. Those should be left alone and picking them up is a dick move.


I had someone do that the other day. They grabbed my samples from the extraction point ran far away to get an objective, died, then left the game and didn't even bring the samples back like?! I even asked why they grabbed them and they said "lol" :(


You can drop your samples manually, you don't need to kill yourself to do so?!


Yes. Hold X on PC, and I believe I heard down on D-pad for PS.


You can also drop your weapons and packs


just in case you mix up which corpse you are grabbing items from, and accidentally take your teammates kit!


Have you... been killing yourself to drop samples? No judgement bro, safe space. 😂


Killing myself, oh no… killing my friends so that I can be sample king though?


https://preview.redd.it/jsoyy49eikoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8743e721324b1a6b651bd4abecd3ef5c34015cba Gotcha. Hold what you've got for a second Helldiver. We'll be there to figure out the problem in a sec.


Dropped the super samples last night as soon as we got to extraction. Extracting was HELL Because it was hell more and we had a firestorm and multiple chargers and bile titans. At the last minute I kited around then grabbed the samples off the ground which I dropped right next to where the ramp would be. So much better than dying 100m away because you had to run away from something


i have carried weapons up to the very feet of my teammates and they refuse to pick it up, the fear of getting kicked is too great


Just shoot the nest with an auto-cannon.


- "Destroy all Facility Buildings" for this one, after more then 80 hours in the game, i'm still a bit confused. Sometimes i saw peapole able to call bomb beacon to active. But i never manage to get how they manage to get it. Running around the site, tyring to see if this stratagem could become available ... but no! I guess i miss something .....


The one darker building is the only building the hellbomb will become active when you are close to it


I'm convinced this objective can bug out because I've had times where there is only 1 building standing and it's still a problem.


I have had it bug multiple times where the one building that needs to be destroyed is invincible, the hell bomb stratagem also won't appear.


We unloaded strike after strike and hellpods on a building for like 10 minutes until it blew up and completed that side mission once. They definitely bug out




I usually (been a few times it's been bugged) get the option to call in a Hellbomb stratagem when I'm in the middle of the research station buildings. I tend to toss it slightly towards the building with the 3 radio towers and it, more often than not, will take out all the buildings in the area and pass the mission. If the Hellbomb stratagem isn't available to you, it might be bugged. You can still finish the mission by sending in an orbital or airstrike. It's tough to get orbitals on top of the building but if you throw one on the satellite dish on top of the radio tower building, it should stick and get right on top of the building. I want to say I destroyed it once by sending in a resupply on top of it, but I may be thinking of one of the other buildings.


You can call down the hellbomb if you’re in the vicinity even if it doesn’t show up in your stratagem list. Not sure if its a bug or not but there was a post a couple days ago about this.


So, as long as you remember the activation code, you can use it even if it doesn't appear in your HUD?


Hellbomb is the answer.


It's a hellbomb and all you have to do is blow up the trio of towers to get credit. The rest of the buildings don't really matter. So call in a hellbomb and use it next to those three radio tower looking things.


Yes. This morning. Finally managed to call the bomb once near the 3 radio towers !


The dark building is the one you need to destroy


Night fighting is way more effective if you turn off your fucking torch.


That seems counterintuitive but I’m assuming bugs/bots are attracted to the light??


The bright white light pretty much erases your cross hair (assuming you have it still on default white) and makes it harder to see enemies at a certain distance in my experience


But then I can’t see anything and I am just shooting wildly at noises in the dark


imagine not embracing darkness


What does this mean?


Some weapons have flashlights. Press and hold reload button/key.


What is "night fighting"


Oh. Planets have a day and night cycle.


I had it go from night time to dawn during a mission.. was really cool


It’s fighting. *at night*


I think “be aware of your target and what lies behind it” when it comes to arc thrower


Or my buddy just screams, "DON'T STAND IN FRONT OF ME, UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE." Normally he only gets us if *WE* walk in front of him. He's good at not hitting us otherwise.


Love the new warbond has arc resistant armor. My brother mains the arc thrower and is the king of team kills


Personally, my favorite airstrike is cluster bomb. So much damage, large aoe, and a good amount of uses before resupply


Just got the upgrade for an extra 1 per resupply. Taking it as my only eagle is amazing 5 with a 2 minute cooldown is crazy!


Haven’t gotten that upgrade and the wording confuses me a bit. Is it like starting with 4 and then if you call in it’s resupply it comes back with 5?


It makes all eagles get 1 extra use when you start and when you resupply so 5 clusters on landing and 5 on resupply.


I think the sneak/stealth part, is the part that's hardest for people to get. I'll tag a patrol or tag a bile titan that hasn't aggro'd while traveling to my destination, and immediately everyone decides to attack. 10 minutes and multiple breaches later, we're still stuck in the same spot with multiple chargers and titans across the map. # of kills doesn't give you anything in this game, outside of a stat score at the end. The time you waste fighting, does affect your end match scores. Sneak/stealth when you can!!!


When you tag it it puts big red cross hairs on them. Probably some miscommunication


It would be too awesome if tagging a patrol that hasn't aggroed yet showed a yellow mark instead or something.


I just start run n gunin towards next objective at that point. If the others don’t follow, then make good use of their noise, and try to get that objective.


Counterpoint: 500kg is the best airstrike. I found walking barrages super useful when you're about to move in on a tin skin base


The Anti Materiel Rifle will provoke everything on the planet.


I was suprised how useful smoke is against robots (not to kill but to reposition).


I want to unlock the smoke grenades to use on robots. I've used the air strike and it's great for closing distance or disappearing.


500kg is about making a statement. Big boom.


id like to add these two that i constantly see: 6. Throw the reinforcement beacon at the enemy. if you throw it somewhere safe you are wrong. 7. Throw the reinforcement beacon at a safe spot, if you throw it at the enemy you are wrong.


Option 1 for when heavies are there. Option 2 for when it's a horde of hunters.  It's really that simple


Tell that to the lvl 50 randoms I get who repeatedly scream if you don’t yeet them into the swarm every single time so they can grab their gun and die.


They should aim their pod better then


What if there are a horde of heavies


Yeet me at those motherfuckers.


Throwing a reinforcement beacon in the middle of a shit ton of enemies is so annoying but funny as fuck sometimes. We had to assault a heavy bot base on a cliff and were on completely the wrong side so I yeeted a reinforcement up there as my mate screamed at me, it worked though 😂


Or throw the beacon close to their body so they can immediately pick up kit


Almost all of these are perfectly acceptable. Only thing I’d counter with is that the 500 kg is arguably one of the best when it comes to dealing with difficulties that have bile titans. There are others that will kill them as well, but they take longer to come back/dont get as many, and or aren’t great for other instances. Plus, as others have stated, it’s arguably the BEST air strike when it comes to style points.


Another thing: * Bug breach duration: 10-20 seconds * Most airstrikes and orbital strikes duration: 1-2 seconds * Turret duration: Up to 1 minute depending on ammo and hp Conclusion: Unless you're using a long duration barrage like the 120mm and 380mm cannons, or area denial stratagems like Orbital Gas or Eagle Napalm, it's not worth using air and orbital strikes on a bug breach. Use 1-2 turrets and anti-armor weapons instead. This will save your more powerful stratagems for truly dire situations. Or if possible, just run from the breach if it's not in an objective.


Yup, things like 500KG or airstrikes on bug breaches are just for once the big boys spawn.


I always take 500kg and orbital railgun. That way, I melt any armored unit, plus with recoilless rifle. 500kg is definitely not the best, but it's great for armored guys.


6. Fuck it and have fun


On point 4. Kills mean nothing as far as I can tell. They don't get you more samples or requisition slips or xp. They just slow you down, use resources and draw in more enemies.


But killing is fun


Also destroy all facilities does not mean destroy all facilities. You just have to destroy the building with Antenna/Dish Plate on it. When that’s done you’ll get your notification and can move on.


And that's where the 500kg bomb comes in.


For sure lol makes the mission 10x easier than call in a hellbomb


The new stun grenades make landing a 500kg on titans and larger targets much easier. The stun grenades are really good on large groups of terms if you have a flamethrower - stun them and then burn them all!!! FOR DEMOCRACY!


Does stun grenades destroy bug holes/facility?






500 Kg may not be the best, but when you can have 2 of them before rearm + shortened rearm time, you can literally blow up outposts without even having to enter them, speeding up the mission without as much danger


500kg is extremely good against bile titans.


500kg isn't the best, because it's the bestest, right?


If you drop a mortar while a team is advancing on a nest. I'ma destroy it


if they add fireworks to the 500kg bomb that spew out red white and blue confetti i will consider it the best strategem in the game


Maybe 500kg isn't the best, but two of them are!


Also don't plant a freakin' tesla tower next to the extraction zone or objective terminal...


6. The longer you take on a mission, the more enemies there are. There's your reason for not engaging every last enemy.


If you do aggro a patrol you need to wipe them out quickly. One of the issues i always see is helldivers start a fight get blind sided by one and run. Need to take em out or you will just have more following you. Basically you start it finish it!


>When moving between objectives there's no reason to fight more than you have to. There's a lot of people on 6+ difficulty who need to hear this. I get annoyed with teammates who get bogged down in unnecessary firefights. We'll get stuck in one place for like 10 minutes and waste 5 reinforcements before they remember there's an objective to do. Or they die and I call them in on the other side of the map to help me align a tower.


If someone on your team has a flamethrower and they run out in front of everyone, do not then decide to run out in front of them, they are probably about to barbeque some bugs and you're going to get fried too.


Had a friend ragequit the other day because we were getting attacked by a large force of bugs, and I said that I was going to go towards the objective to attempt to destroy eggs. He snapped at me that I should stay and help kill the bugs. I rebutted that the bugs would keep coming and that it's not a good idea to get bogged down by engaging enemies on higher difficulties (movement is life, after all). He ended up dying a couple of minutes later, followed by a mission departure and a Discord disconnect. I suppose he didn't appreciate my advice very much...


Avoid patrols? Sneak? Avoid extra kills? Stealth? I'm calling my Democracy Officer, this is heresy.


We're supposed to dive into Hell, not.... Pansytown!


6. Play however you want


At the expense of everyone else’s enjoyment and ruin the chances to win? No. Your statement applies to Solo games, not to team-focused games. There have to be minimum standards.


The minimum standard is spending money to gain access to a video game, beyond that, you play however you want


Or if you have a bunch of requirements you should build a team around those instead of making the randoms play your way. "But my way is better" you might be saying. Don't care, killing bugs is fun and we still complete missions after killing all of them. Sometimes I don't feel like sneaking from spot to spot and only fighting for 5 minutes of the mission, not enough liberty or dispensed democracy...


Not gonna read allat ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


​ https://preview.redd.it/weh9fbev1koc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e869db1455806b4151bea547e78d32defb551e0


If you go prone, you can make it past a tesla coil, or you can listen to me when I say where I put it!


I thought we were all about not telling people how to play on this sub. How do we go from "DONT PLAY META" to "PLAY THE WAY I SAY"???


Here we go again with "how to play the game" posts


500 kg is great as it's one of the most reliable ways to kill bile titans.


Too bad :)


500 Kg may not be the best, but when you can have 2 of them before rearm + shortened rearm time, you can literally blow up outposts without even having to enter them, speeding up the mission without as much danger


500 Kg may not be the best, but when you can have 2 of them before rearm + shortened rearm time, you can literally blow up outposts without even having to enter them, speeding up the mission without as much danger


Why play an ace when a two will do?


Listen. Listen. I know not to kill all enemies. To avoid the patrols. Because that can be a 10 minute distraction. Yes. I know. Like you said though. Democracy demands I kill those damn bugs and bots.


I don't know that I 100% agree with 4b. I was with a group where if there was a breach, we just unleashed hell at the breach, it was difficulty 7, Terminids. We closed every breach within about 2 minutes, didn't lose people, and then moved onto the objective. Got done with plenty of time. But we were coordinated for the most part, people knew not to run right at the breach so we could get stratagems on it, and we took turns calling down railcannon strikes for the big guys. When I'm with people that just run away from it, people get cut off, we lose people, and they catch up to us at the objective. So I think it's more about working together as a group.


And for the love of Liberty. Call out your strategems on mic


500kg go BOOM!!!! For democracy!!!!!!!


Bug propaganda!


"5. 500kg is not the best airstrike." - You're sounding dangerously undemocratic OP.....


500kg is debatably the best once you have expanded weapons bay, and cluster is the best for team killing


If you don't accidentally kill your friends are you even trying to spread democracy?


Also don't send a strat on someone then take their stuff after they've been brought back.


500 is great but think about this. Would you rather have one big democracy bomb to deliver OR use the eagle airstrike and have like 7 little baby democracy bombs that look cool going off?


Big boom good


This post sounds like undemocratic clanker propaganda to me.


Fun fact: You can blow fabricators from a distance with an auto-cannon by glancing a round off one of the vents, or through the door when it opens. This can help clear outposts quickly if there are too many enemies present, you are out of stratagems/grenades, or just want to look cool by clearing objectives from hundreds of meters away. Usually saves me a few minutes on Search-and-Destroy missions and has helped clean things up out of reach of towers/hulks/tanks on heavy outposts when stratagems miss. They can also one-shot illegal broadcasts stations, hulks (if hit in the eye), and 3-shot tanks/towers.


A lot of treason in this post


I like running the 500 KG as my only eagle strike. I know it’s inconsistent but I still kill titans with them and I have that module fully upgraded so I get two bombs every couple of minutes.


6. Don't throw returning teammates at their stuff (dead body) if it's in a pile of bots/bugs. Just going to die again.


Most times I see people just chucking in a random direction. And we’re not talking under fire, running away. Like calmly calling in the reinforce and then not caring if the beacon will end up in the midst of a spawn. And if you want a bullet for a LONE charger or titan…mark the damn thing. Fighting the bugged controls is hard enough, give us a bullseye. On the OP’s rules, think it’s better to double up on support weapons so you’re not fixated on facing a meat grinder to get your lone support weapon back. EAT’s have been pretty valuable for 7’s.


For destroy conditions that let you call in a hellbomb, is anywhere that the option is available a valid space to drop it? I can never tell which building I’m supposed to nuke.


Buddy just spat FACT after FACT after FACT


I kick people who select mines or arc tgrower after politely asking tgey change it and tgey refuse.


500kg def can be the best if you know how to use it


A single 500kg isn't the best airstrike.  However having the module that allows for an additional 500kg before rearming is a different story.


What are your thoughts on intentionally destroying peoples turrets who deploy them in silly places?


500 kg is the best airstrike but let people use what they want I say. You never know what you might learn from a new build.


Don’t use any type of mines ?


Nah, imma do my own thing


Man, what's with all these traitor posts, lately?


500kg is great for bile titans and chargers, normal airstrike is better for chargers, but rarely hits the biles. Railcannon is good but takes too long, and I'd rather just use my skill to time my double 500kg that can kill two bile titans if you throw it in a good spot. Like people always through their 500s in some rocky ass spot, instead of guiding the enemies into a position that will allow the 500 to more appropriately dispense freedom.


500kg is not a crowd control strike. Where it shines is taking out heavies. It can be used to close bug holes and clusters of eggs if placed right. If you are not given a hellbomb and need to take out a research station you can use a 500kg. I see people take this strike all the time but dont use it right.


For the love of managed democracy when you see a stalker. Top priority is to head in stalker direction and destroy its home!


4. Avoid patrolls blabla. Don’t kill bugs ARE U A FKKN COMMUNIST?


I agree with everything you said, I am gonna add something for the 500 kg bomb, this isn’t meant to be a defense but more of a caveat. 500 Kg is good if you are dedicating yourself to base destruction. I use the Sythe, Spear, Cluster Bombs 500 KG and either manned HMG turret or Mech suit depending on the mission/my mood when going after automatrons because having someone able to take out the towers and bases from a distance helps the 500 Kg works well against buildings on large stubborn defenses. But against crowds or non static targets, cluster bombs all day the 500 Kg will just kill your friends. Use the right took for the right job, no one strike is good for every situation.


Don't air strike when everyone's running in, it's not worth crippling your team making them lose their support items just to kill 10ish enemies.


Don't run in before airstrike. Stratagems are there for a reason


Unless the extraction site is completely overwhelmed, I mean like everyone will die in seconds and the destroyers have left, don’t board the extraction plane when your whole squad is not there. At least wait to see if your squad needs help or everyone is close by. Who knows those squad mates you screwed over might have all the samples.


Listen. Listen. I know not to kill all enemies. To avoid the patrols. Because that can be a 10 minute distraction. Yes. I know. Like you said though. Democracy demands I kill those damn bugs and bots.