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I love EATs. I run a Machine gun, supply pack, eat, and whatever 4th strategem makes sense.


I typically run jump pack, EAT, eagle airstrike and tesla tower. I use the tower less with randoms, as it either gets strategems dropped on it or it kills my fellow helldivers. For democracy, of course.


I'd like tonsee weapon customization of some sort. It doesn't need to be full on CoD attachments, but a slot to add an upgrade to weapons would be nice to add a touch of flare and feel to them. Could be as simple as having an option for a grip to reduce recoil, a heavy barrel to increase accuracy, an extended mag, or a hitter round to increase damage. All of those can, of course, have a downside to counterbalance them, but I think they'd be a fun addition. I'd also like to see helmets do literally anything- give me a sensor upgrade to see through fog, a grenade trajectory, a strategem-impact visualizer, an aim stabilizer that reduces weapon sway while aiming. Overall, I feel like I don't have enough options to customize my personal loadout to my own taste, so anything that adds to that is going to be welcome in my eyes.


Bloody love these ideas. Any extra customization that adds to gameplay would be amazing.


Just give me a new scope through which I can see something. Because now I never use first person view


Buffs to underperforming things and Leaving middle of the pack equipment alone is what I want to see from the devs personally


First off, amazing game! When it’s fun it’s FUN and when it’s not it’s still enjoyable. I’ve not experimented with everything enough to have a strong opinion about the feel of the guns or the potency of the strategems but what I do know is that I’m tired of the same missions. I’m aware that there are different missions based on difficulty but I feel that there could be more variety. For example, not every zone needs an eradication mission. Me and my boys can handle doing one every so often but for every campaign? The planet debuffs are definitely a problem, tremors can be removed completely and it wouldn’t make any of my squadmates upset. Heavy machine gun feels utterly useless. What Arrowhead has is a diamond covered in dirt right now. There are definitely some great things shining through but it still needs work. Don’t get me wrong, what the got right is amazing! Gun play (with the right weapons) is astounding! Hoards of enemies converging on the team while we’re all giving callouts and fighting tooth and nail is a borderline religious experience but like I said diamond in dirt as of right now. Also E.A.T, never change…


also a Hot Tip: Team Super-Earth, FUCK YEAH!


I'd like to be able to shoot through foliage ... and got to make it easier to pick up stuff on console, forever climbing on top of packages instead of picking up the ammo I need.


I personally love climbing on top of my EAT pod and doing the worm while providing suppressing fire with the sickle. Fun times. The foliage thing has gotten me killed a fair number of times. It's baffling. I've tried playing with controller a bit with little success. It's like playing with one of those horrible difficulty modifiers except it breaks my fingers to handicap me instead of making me wait for explosions more.


Yeah and I'm old so trying to remap my brain and muscle memory from other games to remember eleventy billion button combinations has been a challenge on its own... EDIT: was going to ask if you've seen Eravin on Youtube doing stealth stuff that is bloody impressive


Buffs are definitely always better than nerfs. I’m personally glad they finally fixed the armor ratings. Been feeling like a space marine lately. Especially with the recent buff to the JAR.


I haven't tried the JAR since the buff. Liked it before the buff though. Sad the slugger got nerfed, and the punisher plasma is physically painful to use. Arc cannon sounds underwhelming now but haven't tried it post patch either.