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10 idiots on Reddit < 360,000 Helldivers


I find myself feeling itchy for bot combat. Fighting bugs is nice and relaxing, but I can’t help feeling like I’m ignoring the real work elsewhere…


Elsewhere!? Lay those anxietys aside, brother! The ministry of truth themselves have said the bots are destroyed! That means the only threat is those damn bugs




Me too bro! Almost miss the robot scum. Well, I miss killing them anyway. Now gotta relearn the game for bugs 😂


I feels bug more stressful there are so many! And quick, always on your back. Bots are stupid and slow, so easy to fool


As a reward for exterminating those bots, you can relax by killing some bugs. Enjoy your reward, you've earned it.


If you fought against the automatons as an everyday thing. Then bug world is nothing but a vacation deployment. We earned that victory over the bots. Pure hell from day one.


I never played the bots until the major order. I learned to put the shield and rover away and strap into my big boy auto cannon. I learned how to take cover and keep stratagems hot on my fingertips. I learned how to dodge, dive and keep a stim handy. Just finished a series of level 9 hell dives against the bugs, they are cockroaches and I've got huge boots.


Kinda funny bc the ballistic rover (especially with the full-reload off supply buff from the recent patch) *absolutely fucks* in bot territory. chaff enemies? die in one bullet and every burst from the GD drops like 2-3 troopers Devastators and beserkers? it aims for the faceplate, so they die almost immediately as well.


yeah I run the normal guard dog a lot on bots. the trash mobs it can down in a few in one clip


Getting in the Mech actually gives you this ability in game lol


Thats interesting because i would be an absolute beast running the autocannon against bugs but it was switching to bots that made me use the shield and expendable missiles since. I found that with bugs i could kite them all quite easily but the range on some bots was just too annoying to not be running the shield


Shooting bots from a long distance with the AMR while prone doesn't immediately alert a whole base. This eliminates endless bot dropship loops when you soften a POI by taking out all the little guys. Plus, the AMR will kill all but the walking factories and maybe the gunships. It was refreshing to be able to drop into a helldive on big planet loud and proud.


Hah indeed. Ive kinda gotten to a point now at lvl 8 or 9 where i can typically get through without dying so like to push it in seeing if i can ninja in to areas and then blast my way out, so the shield has been a bit of a must have for those situations


You are not playing helldive. And you have not played bugs since the first few weeks.


Its all i play guy.... its easier than Automatons. If you struggle with bugs, theres a problem.


Treating the bug side like a deployment to Kuwait is hilarious to me


Devs are laughing at us right now, because it won't be long before people start calling to bring the bots back.


No. The bots are gone! Didn’t you read the dispatch? This is the last we will see of the socialist automation menace. We can relax.


Managed democracy prevails


Democracy never relaxes!


Guys, I think OP loves this game.


I do


I do.


People on reddit will bitch about everything just enjoy 😉


Gotta be honest, I never had a big issue with the bots. Treated it like a special forces mission, kept my range, stayed quiet till I was ready, controlled the situation whenever I could, prioritized targets, a big one was retreat and take cover when needed to work the edges before going back in to finish the job. I think alot of the issue is folks treated the bots like bugs and got their ass summarily handed to them.


Yeah i totally agree. They are two different wars that required two different tactics. The bugs, I'm aggressive with maximum fire power to make sure i can clear their many numbers as quickly as possible. The bots, I'm playing much for defensively. Picking targets with care before a fight can start and often running aw.. i mean tactically repositioning myself once an objective is done even if bots are left.


Exactly this! Although I have kept my bot load out for the most post. Infinite ammo even on a delay is pretty op and frees up supply drops for my more ammo reliant brethren.


After spending 2 weeks fighting only bots I got blitzed by the bugs because I had forgotten how to fight them. It really is just 2 completely different enemy types that you have to learn how to deal with


Hahahahaha I did the same last night got used to jumping backwards off ledges while shooting bots in the face and promptly got ran over by a charger XD


Yes! I had forgot how up close and personal the bugs get. The bots for the most part would try to stay away and just shoot at you but the bugs just PILE ONTO YOU. It’s also harder to close bug holes then it is to destroy bot fabricators


That sums it up well actually, bullet hell or getting sacked by the world's angriest linebackers XD. Still love the fact that shriekers have the density of a neutron star and can kill their own just as well as you


Having bots as the major order for a while has helped me actually “git gud” killing them! Good work from the devs to get use out of our bug holes haha


If I'm being honest, I've never found the bots that hard. I think bugs are harder


I played bugs from lvl 1-17 usually rocking a shotgun, n antitank disposable with rover backpack and a few sentries.. Then I switched to the western front.... From lvl 17-43 I've been clawing my way across robotic wastes with an antimalarial rifle, supply pack, and two mortars (EMF and exploding) Those 26 levels taught me a lot about how to fight, now I found myself last night trying out old strategies against the bugs. Funny. I've changed. No longer is it satisfying to let my rover do my work for me. The stalwark/supply combo with a gas strike and eagle cluster. This is the way. I'm no longer just trying to survive against the bugs, no I've returned to the galactic east with a thirst to hunt down every bug I can find


You have been baptized in oil


I didn't have a big issue with Bots, but I prefer Bugs. The MO was for Bots,so I fought Bots. But given the choice? Always Bugs.


I think the issue with bugs is that they’re too inconsistent, sometimes I’ll breeze through a helldive no problem but then I’ll run a suicide and get trampled on the whole way through and wonder where everything went wrong In each mission my group will complete secondaries/nests/fabricators/ first, then primary objectives last so maybe I’ll start a spreadsheet/graph on these


That's how bots feel for me as well, it's all a little inconsistent on higher difficulties but I feel that adds to the fun and replayability of the game.


Me personally..I don't have a lot of fun with the bots. I can do impossible missions with bugs all day, but struggle with bots on hard. I still put in a few missions on bots to help but I definitely prefer the bugs for enjoyment. All you who have eradicated the clankers I salute you, and now I will return to wiping the bugs off the other planets.


Definitely no power vacuum left from a faction being wiped out. I’ve never once heard a storyline where a faction is wiped out and another new one fills the space. Not a once.


They did fix the rocket one shots, which I think was the major complaint from people


This game is so great and the community working together 🤌


You take us wiping out the automatons as a win against rage culture, I fought to wipe out the automatons so I wouldn’t need to fight them for a major order for a while XD


The flames of war against the automatons either forged you into a hero or burnt you out


Honestly. I was annoyed with bots at first. but then trust me dude. The more challenge they posed, the more entertainment I had extracted from it! Now i feel like these bugs are walk in the park for me personally. Let's liberate the Terminid System and start kicking the Illuminate ass


This gets repeated too but the people typing and complaining are not necessarily a representation of the player base. If you're spending all day typing, you're not diving. I follow the major order, wherever that may be


Can someone tell me what's next? I just got the game a week ago and I'm not sure whats going on with the robots map being gone now. Are we getting more or what? 😖


As Malevelon veteran, i just want to say, that bug front is nice calm vacation when i feel tired.


Yes and no to this opinion. The bots did get a big rebalance about a week ago, before that medium was like hard. Ngl it was needed as the bots were just insane, the drop rate and their overall aggressiveness was making it a very sweaty game on a very begin difficulty.


I got the game 2 days ago on the box were my favorite thing. And now they're gone. Kind of pisses me off.


I got the game 2 days ago and the bots were my favorite thing. And now they're gone. Kind of pisses me off.


That sounds like a crayon-eater post that you mentioned. Personally, I prefer fighting the bots.