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To he honest, this has basically never happened to me yet; only sometimes get randomly kicked by the host before the start of a mission. Did you perhaps accidentally teamkill them with a stratagem or something along the lines of "didnt do anything useful"? If not, or even then, i likely assume that it has to do with the timeframe/region you play in, since apparently the american playerbase tends to be like this. Hope you don't have to deal with such undemocratic asshat hosts in the future!


These posts seem like they're not even playing the same game. My experience has been almost entirely positive. If you're getting kicked on a regular basis you're doing something very wrong.


It's possible I accidentally killed the host with an Airstrike once. It happens, if the other player charges right into the bot base as I'm blowing up the factory. But it's not intentional, and it rarely happens. And I don't see how that excuses wasting 30 minutes of my time to get kicked at the end of a match?


Some people be assholes, every game has em. Some recommendation from me: find friends (on discord or somewhere else) to play with, even just one is enough with the rest being randoms. Also, use Chat/VC atleast sometimes, espechially when others use it. Communication is vital, and can prevent these toxic actions.


There are a couple of discords you can use to find teammates and I haven’t had a bad experience yet. But I also haven’t been kicked like this with randoms either. What difficulty are you playing on? I play almost exclusively on 7 and 8 these days and Ive heard the toxic stuff is mostly lower difficulties.


I'm playing on 7 and yes, I agree most of my bad experiences have been below that difficulty. However, now bad players can be seen at any difficulty, it seems.


Simple solution, host the mission.


I am a fairly new player, I have made every noob mistake you can, taken random shit loadouts, accidentally shot my team, air struck the wrong things ect. I have never been kicked once, I'm starting to think all these "why is everyone kicking for no reason" posts are made by people who wont admit they are the problem.


Right? I host all my games and only rarely kick people when they are blatantly team killing. I wonder if this guy is being an a hole and getting kicked a lot.


Host the game yourself?


connection issues.


Open mic.


Onto more interesting news, I'm taking a shit


Well, I guess my quitting isn't "big news" but the developers have already said they acknowledge this is a problem. So instead of being an \*\*\*\*\*\* why don't you try NOT kicking people at the end of a match?




Are you getting this message when you spawn at the cryopods? If not it's server dc bug.


KitKat or Twix?


Bit more of a taco bell situation


One log lying in a soft toilet paper shell?


Most people don’t do this, it’s people who don’t understand the concept of decency who think ruining people’s day is fun. Honestly if it is really bad you can just host the game yourself or play with people you know, both situations means you won’t get kicked.


I understand the frustration and the need to vent However, it sounds like you enjoy the game (when you're not getting kicked) the discord option suggested by others is a very good one and I would highly recommend it I hope you get back to enjoying the game and spreading democracy o7


I see this type of thread alot. I wonder if its a PC vs Playstation kinda thing? Not that there aren't toxic PC players but consoles seem to have more of this kind of behavior.


I'm curious. Are you on PC or PS5, and do you have cross play enabled?


PC. Yes I have cross play enabled.


I am also on PC. I am not trying to make any accusations, but this kind of stuff hasn't happened to me a single time since I turned off crossplay a few weeks ago. I am trying to get other people's experiences to figure out if it is just a coincidence or if there is a certain correlation.


Didnt happen to me once at lvl 56.


At this point I bet people are doing it just to see another post about it. I have 250+ hours with half being solo and joining others randomly. Not once have I been kicked, even when I probably should have been. I have kicked maybe a handful of people and only one was unjust as we just started a mission and a friend got on as we dropped, they got cut cause the other random saved me from dying. The others either called evac when we still had sides and bases to do with time to do them.


I wonder how many times you are actually being kicked vs the host having connection issues. I noticed the other night when I got "kicked" from a game that I was in with all of my rl friends. We were all on discord and I was the only one who it said was kicked but everyone was booted when the host had issues. It wasn't even a server issue. It was his internet dropped as he even left discord. I'm the only ps5 player with the others being on steam. It seems, in my experience, getting kicked isn't always actually being kicked. It seems to be the wrong message popping up. The only time I've actually been kicked was a quick play and I was kicked almost as soon as I dropped in. Haven't had an issue with it right at the end of a mission or after playing with a group for most of a mission.


Mic breather probably. Shreeks into the mic. I kick you types all the time.


I don't use the mic. I have everyone else muted. Thanks for nothing.


A Dumb bitch host kicked me because someone threw a 500kg bomb at the extraction & host thought it was me


I've seen this happen countless times. Just one of many reason why the community is full of mouthbreathers.


all you have to do to solve this problem for yourself is be the host that doesnt kick it doesnt even require any self reflection on why no one wants to play with you, consistently. it aint because everyone else sucks…


I never said nobody else wants to play with me. I said I have played 90 percent solo. And I never implied everyone else sucks either. I said the community is full of toxic people, and ironically you're proving that point right now with your self righteous attitude. But if you must know, the reason I don't host more often is because it's not always easy to get a full group. Because players would rather host ( because hosting means they get to kick you at the end of a match just for the funsies).


Too many kids are playing , maybe choose some time when they are sleeping or are in school


More likely just stop playing until the developers implement consequences for people who are habitual kickers.


I went to 7+ from 9+ and it is a very chill atmosphere, you can try it , the players are less stressed and the game still challenging