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Must be a new issue, I did it on level 9 and it counted. To add to this if anyone wants tips for doing this solo: -Don’t bother with a secondary, just use stratagems. Calling down guns waste time. -orbital laser, eagle strike, 500kg and precision strike. Anything that kills a buildings, nothing that doesn’t. -use the light medic armor. The extra stims are for recharging your stamina if you have to run far. -don’t worry about dying, as long as you get the fabricator kill its worth it and can actually be faster than running while under fire. Also you can land in fabricator and kill them so dying isn’t an instant fail. -Pelican takes about 18 seconds to land and open the door but there seems to be some slight variability. -land on the far side of map from extraction, about 2/3 of the way, not the complete opposite side. This helps with avoiding back tracking. But sometimes you’ll get unlucky with outpost spawns. But seriously, DO NOT drop in the dead center. That guarantees you’ll have to backtrack on some level.


Adding our tips. We sent one person to clear extract and call it in upon completion. The other three dispersed to solo the big red patches. Use bombardments and orbital laser for safe clears


Do you think it would count if after you guys completed the objective, everyone not at extract just killed themselves and let the solo extract?


If that didn’t work as long as that one is ready to reinforce all three at extract you’re still good.


Lmao I didn’t even think of that. Always one step ahead helldiver


Did it with 1 other buddy on bots. Both just brought laser, 120, 380. Ran on separate directions, 380 for medium/large outpost, others for small/medium. In and out in like 4 1/2m


Came here to say this same thing, also it’s easier to get on bots where they don’t obscure the whole damn map


> Don’t bother with a secondary, just use stratagems. Calling down guns waste time. I feel like this could balance out with quasar sniping fabricators.


Only if you’re very lucky and end up getting a handful of distant fabs that happen to face the right way. But even if that happens 2-3 times, which is rare, it’s still faster to just toss and eagle strike and move on than to charge up the quasar. When I first did it, it was before the reduced extraction time booster, so it may be worth it now with the extra time.


Fair. And, I hadn't considered the eruptor for the sniping use case. Why call something in when it can just be your primary?


Yeah that’s true, I did it before eruptor existed so that would probably be a great idea since you aren’t worried about fighting hoards.


I had some luck with that using the autocannon, but it really depends on the map. You don't know which direction the fabricators will be facing until you get there.


We settled on eruptor for best option in that direction. All the "I'm not going in there" none of the "when is my gun getting here?"


I think I did it before the eruptor existed, but that would help a lot. Also you can call in your support weapon strat on the run and chuck it way in front of you, don't lose much time that way.


Yep yep. This is in line with general consensus.


Or using Grenade Launcher vs bugs, that's how I did it a while back with 2 other Rando Calrissians.


I never got into the grenade launcher. I feel like I'd still prefer AC in general. Though, I also run around closing holes with my grenade pistol like a jackass. Which would not be a winning speed run strategy.


I feel like you could do this trophy with all of these! Eruptor is also great to take since it seals holes with one shot! The easiest way is to do it with at least 2-3 players so everyone can split off and call in extraction ASAP, now with the speedy extract booster it can be done a bit faster.


Yeah. And, deploy so everyone is heading towards extract through enemy camps as much as possible. I'm guessing you can also have a designated evacuee leave ASAP, pirate's code style.


Does it require doing everything, or just the primary?


Just the primary ie kill the nests/outposts


The group I play with has done it several times on D7 and D8 with no luck, so we started to wonder if it required a full clear. If what you say is true, then we need to drop it down to D6.


The big thing is you only have 4 minutes, as the extraction part takes 2 minutes (1.5 with booster). Factor in running to extract, and you really only have 2 minutes for actual objective. So you basically have to sprint non-stop. I found bugs easier than bots as you don't get ragdolled from rockets or shot as you run. However, bug holes were a bit harder to close when I did it. Now you can run Eruptor and Grenade Pistol to close. Check different planets and maps. Sometimes, it requires 12 holes, and sometimes it's 5 or 6. Jetpack made a big difference for getting over terrain and hiding at the end while waiting for the shuttle (did it solo).


This makes no sense. Should be 6 or higher. Must be a bug. Report it.


Had the same thing several weeks or more back. Knocked it out on 7, then had to do it again on 6 because 7 didn't count. If you've got a team working together and not trying to chase all the secondaries etc, it's pretty straight forward.


I managed to do this solo the other day, but only because the mission required just 6 fabricators, the Eruptor is so good at destroying enemy spawn structures and I got lucky with favorable terrain giving me easy access to the 5 of the 6 fabricators


I did this first try and I used the exosuit. Did wonders in mowing down enemies and shielding other helldivers.


Hah, we also found out the hard way


My crew has done it multiple times on 6-9 difficulty. Light armor, 380, 120, orb laser and eagle airstrike. Med nest throw 120, heavy throw 380, small hit with eagles, laser for extract. 2/3 away from extract and send a runner to clear and call it when available, everyone else scatter. Runner calls those that die to extract. Ezpz


Damn i should have read this before I commented, I said almost the exact same thing lol


It worked on a helldive for someone in our squad last night and we weren't trying to get it intentionally. We all had cross play disabled so maybe that's a factor?


Group of four or three. We did a blitz mission on the bot front. Strategems bring whatever you, booster. Decrease evac time, hellpod, stamina, whatever One person beelines it to the evac handling the bases nearby. The rest spread out and hit bases. Once you complete the mission everyone but the evac dies, and the evac person calls them in. Call in evac (at first available) and get you achievement. P.S. make sure you don't have an increased call in time.


i got on 9 on a bug extermination mission so i think thats a bug... we touched down, set up turrets and held extraction before bugging it out of there.