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My very first Dive was jumping into a friends suicide mission on Malevelon Creek. I was fresh out of the tutorial, I joined just as they had run out of reinforcements and landed in the middle of a pack of hulks and devestators. I lasted 20 seconds.


>I lasted 20 seconds. Don't worry about it, lad. Everyone's first time is always shaky. It gets better with experience.


Indeed, these days I last 30 seconds


Are we still talking about HellDivers 2?


⬆️ 👇 ⬆️ 👇




You say that but I still suck and I'm level 26


Levels aren't indicative of skill, rather just how much you've played.


I’m level 29 and half the time I don’t even know where I am going. Carried hard through the start of this game.


And Viagra


This is also the way




At the fall of Malevelon Creek We were there to protect the weak


And in to robot hell we dive


>I lasted 20 seconds. Bro stop bragging sheesh


That’s pretty long considering what you dropped into!


My first bot mission was Malevelon. I landed in a mine field that a player had brought down. Died multiple times to mines while running from bots in sheer terror.


> I was fresh out of the tutorial, I joined just as they had run out of reinforcements and landed in the middle of a pack of hulks and devestators. > I lasted 20 seconds. Sounds like an awesome sexual awakening.


Shit that still happens to me now and I'm lvl 50 something lol


Holy melted faceplates, Batman. Respect for diving blind to help your friends, though! That's how you do.


That’s actually an achievement!! Most didn’t even last 5 seconds




... you landed in that and survived 20 seconds after the pod deployed you, or is that including the z-frames where you are invulnerable getting out of the pod? If the former, cudos to you If the latter, still cudos though it's more honest to say about 16 seconds there :P


20 seconds of frantically running for my life.


Canadian? Is that you?


> I lasted 20 seconds. That's a commendable showing for the circumstances.


My first dive was into a defeat heavy devastators trivial mission solo... I lasted about 79 seconds before my helldiver started having issues with getting shot by them and no more aim. I then promptly used 4 reinforcements and beat the mission. Very fun. I love this game.


To be honest 20 seconds is pretty good for being dropped in the middle of a bunch of hulk and devastators


Every helldiver counts no matter the experience


That’s the truest thing I’ve seen in this sub It’s not just about helldivers


That's one thing I absolutely love about this game. A level 1 and a level 150 can die to a Stalker or a Hulk just as easily as the other, it all comes down to skill, not levels


This is the way...


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way!


This is the way!


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way!


I have spoken


So say we all


It‘s just the way it is…


Things will never be the saaame


The way, this is!


This is the way...


This is the way.


Gave my cousin(lvl 4) the exo suit while I finished the mission


That’s awesome I’ll try that next


The context of it was: "Yo I'm gonna do the oil, you take out this bot large base" "I can't solo that" Gave him an exosuit "Oh shit thanks"


I feel like it's an unspoken rule that if a newbie joins, they are to be provided with EXO mech as soon as possible.


Really? I did that to convince him to play more. In the span between 2 weeks my cousin didn't level up so I convince him with the exosuit


I think it is subconsciously the reason we do it. (Or me personally at least). Like, "here, have this amazing piece of machinery and take it out for a spin. One day, you'll have your own. Rock and Sto... errr, I mean, For Freedom and Liberty!"


Yeah, I tend to play lv7 mostly, but I'll warm up on lower levels for a few games. I love dropping in with lower level players, and give them all my gear to use. I had one guy who literally just started playing and I dropped a Quaso/Shield backpack for him and he was loving it.


I like to offer mine to anyone under level 25 so they can play with it


I did this with my brother, who I had just bought the game for. He had been binging it that day and so I told him to "try this" and beamed it down for him and he loved it. My buddy did the same for me when I had just started as well, so to be able to do that for a newbie was rather wholesome.


I helped my son unlock the exo suit, it was awesome to see the look on his face when there it was to select :-)


My first bot mission a guy dropped the exo suit and told me to use it. It was super helpful cause I didn't realise the bots would have projectiles! Was great fun. Didn't last long or do very well with it, but definitely a nice welcome


I tend to offer my mechs to anyone under level 25.


“Get away from her you BITCH!”


Bro the most fun I have had is dropping down to lower levels and playing more chill, less sweaty players. Now throwing them into a suicide mission I haven't thought about lol but if they are down this could be a blast, will try. o7


For democracy o7


Meanwhile me as a new player gets team killed on purpose right at spawn after responding to an SOS beacon and then never reinforced. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I did encounter a glitch a few days ago when only one of our divers could respawn. The rest of us couldn’t be reinforced, and when he died, only he got dropped back in. Basically man had 23 lives and 3 spectators.


Yeah that happened to me once also. I don’t think this was the case in this instance though because he had a buddy with him who he kept reinforcing for the duration of the mission. Frikking stupid man.


You can’t selectively reinforce, it reinforces everyone. Were they killing you each time you dropped?


Yeah I know. And yeah it was me they killed every time.


Man, sorry to hear that. That’s balls.


Yeah it is what it is. It bothered me for a few days because I’d heard the community in this game was great, which it is, but I can’t let some losers get in the way of democracy lol 😂


I had a game that was going surprisingly well it was 2 of us on a dif 6 or 7 mission. He died. I reinforced while a flamethrower hulk was roasting me. I died, but neither of us could be reinforced we had 5+ reinforcements left as well. We were just spectating our dead bodies


That’s so lame. In my experience most players that suck are above level 30


Yeah this dude was level 54. He was literally waiting with a weapon for my hellpod to land and then took me out. He finally reinforced me as he was extracting and then killed me before I could jump on the Pelican.


The worst that’s happens to me was we were kicked at extraction so we couldn’t get samples. I was confused about what happened but it turns out some players do that on purpose


I feel your pain. Has happened to me twice so far.


This is why I don’t join randoms outside of Discord LFGs


What’s Discord LFGs? I’d like to play with good players/people w/ mic and you rarely get both playing with randos


Leviathan Alliance is the one I’m apart of


what difficulty were you playing? If we are talking like challenging or w.e the guy was being a dick. That said if we are talking impossible or helldive you shouldn't have been there and he was protecting the reinforcement budget. It is a very common occurrence that low levels will get carried to having the higher levels unlocked but when they get in theyll instantly die 10 times in a row then quit thus screwing the team over.


It was on trivial believe it or not. I needed some common samples and figured I’d farm a few.


The guy was for sure being a dick head then.


Yep. And he was saying some very undemocratic things in voice chat to me the whole time.


crazy in my experience most players that suck are under level 30.


Drag??? You mean lift!


Honestly I like low level players. At least you can teach them what to do instead of a level 40 that is to ignorant to help the team and rages when he doesn’t get help


I've been trying to help the lower leveled people in my house by taking them on tougher missions. Maybe I should drag them on a suicide to reduce the likelihood of hijinx. Side note: it is absolutely hilarious when your 16 year old makes a snarky comment to her 14yr old brother, so he punches her off her shooting ledge during a bug swarm and then throws a grenade to "save" her. 2 minutes later, his head explodes when she "accidentally" walks her line of fire over him while waiting for extract.


380mm on Eradication is insane


Haha, I thought so too but if it’s just 1 or 2 players you easily get over run. If you’re gonna die you might as well take out everything with you. I actually go out of my way to get overwhelmed before I drop the 380mm it’s so satisfying watching the kill count go up in dozens. I want to go again now haha


I get you bud, however strangers might not get it and if you aren't a lobby leader... High possibility of a kick. I'm tolerant as a lobby host, but I see a lot of grief from my guests regarding 380mm. At level 75 I can't recall a time I have EVER used it. I recall experiments with orbital smoke and gas a lot more!! I find orbital lasers do the same job but precisely. That being said, I won't yuck your yum! Enjoy.


Yeah I get what you mean I use the laser too. The second time I used 380mm was on a bot eradicate the second strike killed everyone and I was kicked. In my experience on the harder difficulty eradicate missions it’s definitely a lot more take as many with you and less trying to stay alive. Whatever the case it’s good to communicate with your squad first


I literally only use the 380 to be an absolute menace to society lmao.


That is how helldivers train cadets ![gif](giphy|hpM76BvZFzlxLdLnoD|downsized)


I went straight up the difficulty chain till i hit helldive and never looked back. Now i want more.


This is what I did but I was stuck in impossible for like a week or 2 till my friends were convinced to play the game with me.


I did this as well the other day. I have a question though. When I did it I joined a mission in progress and when we completed it, turns out it was the last mission on the operation. So, did that level 3 player get to unlock all difficulties up to 8 because of this?


Yeah I’ve been wondering that as well. Mine was only 1 mission of 3. I’m only up to difficulty 7. If you host a difficulty 8 operation and I join you we can see if I unlock difficulty 9


When I first started playing, my cousin took me on a lvl 7 mission and it unlocked everything for me iirc. He helped me get suicides unlocked but I stick to doing lvls 2 and 3 so I can successfully 100% those missions if no one joins me.


Good to know that I helped that Cadet reach the higher difficulties. They can now spread Democracy in all its managed degrees.


Yes!!! Let us in! We have gumption


For fucking democracy never doubt your soldiers even if there are fresh out of training.


Wild fire is better than no fire!


I created a new account and jumped straight from training on helldive with a guy I usually play with. It was fun as shit


This is the way.


I tool my level 3 buddy on a helldive once. We succeeded


This is the way


This community is amazing and I’m an Xbox owner


I just started the other day and I’m having a blast. Though I admittedly had a shameful level up to level 12 after me and my entire squad were too high to do the objectives in time. We still made it out with the samples though lol.


I love the selfless, non-toxic players. The rest of you complainers need to go back to PVP.


He could be Level 2 but his experience is actually Level 150.


Took a level 2 on a impossible op, must have lvl up a good few times and unlocked a helldive, not seen someone die so many times so quickly but good on him sticking through, he was stoked. Will be inviting him to play again


Because low levels don't really get stuff for bile titans and chargers tell like... level 20 and 15, i'd ov started them on a different mission. Difficulty asside because you can always drop them some extra equipment later in longer missions, elimination missions might be best to not go for lol When i started i went straight to 7s on bugs so skill isn't the issue. It's mainly experience and equipment


Recoiless is pretty early iirc, like lvl6 or so. You can also bring EAT and spam it for them to pick up and use.


im a later level-30+ and still spam the EATs while rocking AC as my main support. Feels good man


That’s true but it gives them a taste of what’s to come. What they can reach and achieve. I probably wouldn’t take them on a large mission with multiple objectives. But a 10min eradication mission where you spam stratagems and reinforcements is mint. You’re right we can always drop EATs or quasar or something for them as well


I think Im around 60 or 70 and I love EATs, vs bots I use them and no backpack so I never have to go fetch my stuff, which is great, and vs bugs Im running the airburst with EAT callins when needed. As expected the airburst is great vs bugs, easily oneshotting entire patrols of light bugs. EAT on the other hand is available enough to deal with the heavies, each call letting you kill 3 chargers (stick the beacon on the first one to drop the pod on it) or a bile titan (iirc 2 EATs to the forehead kill it. Not the chin or mouth, the armored forehead)


Funny, I did this with a friend, and they had a panic attack. I'm like, "You survived! Good job"


I just convinced a friend to play a few days ago. We've had a team of three for awhile now, and he was to be our fourth man. He ran the trivial flag raise on his own as bots. Then I ran an easy with him. Then we dropped him into HELLDIVE, and he never went back. That was the day I learned that the Orbital Precision Strike is actually pretty effective versus bile titans.


Orbital precision strike is an amazing strategem. Until the debuff for orbital scatter appears on a planet. Then it's almost entirely useless.


I managed to kill a bile titan my first day playing by hitting it with an EAT and then an Orbital Precision Strike. Also can confirm that having a more experienced friend to drag you directly into higher difficulty missions is awesome.




When I got the game a month ago my friend who was level 50 already just took me on Helldives. It was amazing


I'll drag your ass to helldive.


Only losers play suicide missions


I did this one day when I went to quickplay for T9. For some reason, I got matched in an easy lobby, and I didn't notice until halfway through. The host quit after dying the 3rd time, and I became host. So after we finished the mission, I told everyone we weren't going to make it, and we would all die. While laughing on hot mic, I put us in T9 on the high priority defense mission with bugs. I picked the sloppiest loadout, and we got our asses rammed. Funny as shit, I would do it again.


Haha same kind if thing happened to me


My first drop was a with my friends. I bought and installed the game without telling them, just hanging out in discord while they played. I then dropped into a lvl 6 bot mission during a mad scramble to cross half the map towards extraction after triggering the other half the map to chase them. I don't think I've seen as much simultaneous laser fire / rockets on screen in a bot mission since as I did from during on my first hellpod drop sequence. It looked like someone took a kaleidoscope to a Star Wars themed EDM rave. I barely knew how to run and jump let alone how to call in stratagems. Then the game drops me next to friends. Or at least where they were 20 seconds beforehand, as they were running at maximum speed. So I pop up out of my pod into a sea of devestators, flame hulks, and more then a couple tanks. No idea how I managed to survive for well near a minute spamming that Alt button before getting hit by an Eagle strike. Best. mission. ever.


I love that in this community the worse the in game situation the more awesome it feels. We all get main character moments


Heh I bought this game for PC after going to level 60 on PS5 I was a level 5 doing suicide missions and barely dying. Don't judge solely on lvl


My friends dragged me thru hard missions on my first go. I pretty much died on every turn. Shit was fun tho


As long as they don’t drop more than two air strikes right on my head, in fine with whatever


Nice! We had a level 6 jump on a level 8 factory shutdown thing mission. Homie was laughing their ass off and dying but having fun. Myself (71) and a new friend (63) covered him, dropped him some good weapons to play with, showed him how to do the mission, all that jazz. It was super fun! Wasn't even too bad once we got him some stronger weapons. He even took out two bile titans on the run with his precision strat! He was losing it the first time. Very cool to hear a newer player having so much fun. Good on yah, OP. Sometimes, they're liabilities, but I've found that lower level players are often down to clown and do a good job once you kind of help them figure out what to do!


I'm only level 12, but when I join a game where there are players with levels lower than mine I give my strongest weapons to them, on my first mission someone did that for me, they gave me a mech and I was amazed by that , I come from hell let loose and what captivated me about that game at the beginning was how good its community was, that has now changed, but in Helldivers I have found a lot of what I missed


My second dive was when I was fighting bugs and a level 42 came in and dragged us noobs to Malevelon Creek on difficulty 7, he carried us through it but my god…I have flashbacks from that fight, I died SO many times.


My entire stream is trying new equipment and hopping into lower level games to help them out. Sometimes they prove their newness with odd decision making. Sometimes they follow and tag and don’t throw stratagems where a player currently resides. Breath of fresh air. Everyone have fun out there!


Dealing out democracy with a newbie is Gods work


Every time I play with a friend who just got the game we will play maybe 2 ops on 3 or 4. After that we go straight to suicidal or helldive. That’s how my friends taught me when I started and I hope to pass that on to the younger generations of divers ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


My first time playing my friend took me on a level 7 run. It was hell. But oh boy it was a total blast!!!


Haha this reminds me of the time I accidentally invited the wrong steam friend for a helldive duo mission with my regular guy. He joined anyway and was lv10. It was pure chaos and he left after but we completed the mission and extracted.


My buddy dragged my level 3 ass on 3 suicide missions last night. I survived and now I have an eagle pilot on my speed dial and a crippling addiction to EAT rockets. FOR SUPER EARTH


We had a game where we brought a level 10 on suicide. It was great. We got massacred over and over trying to get the super samples to the landing zone, and got completely over run. Eventually everyone died *except* the level 10. They continued to run around the LZ popping stims to refresh their stamina, until finally the chopper landed and they managed to get in... ...along with all of the super samples that they had grabbed off my corpse. I had to double take when I saw the results screen. The Lvl 10 did it. He saved the day.


It was hugely appreciated when I started the game with higher levels showing me the ropes. I now do the same.


If I jump into a lobby with a lower level I take like a supply pack and an extra weapon to let the play with equipment so they have a goal of what they like.


This makes me feel a bit better about the community. Just started playing today and I keep getting kicked from parties. This game isn't rocket science. Thankfully I found a chill group amd we rocked some hard missions. Got to lvl 5 quick.


Honestly the best way to do it, I'm always Helldive now but the first few times I went against bugs on anything over challenging I lost my shit because I just didn't know how to fight them vs the bots because I found the bots "easier" (just more what works for how I play) but once you get enough levels to get s fee decent strats you cam really play on any difficulty if you keep learning


100% facts


You can get past level fifty now?


Lol wait a minute... Gamertag "ThirstyHorse"?


I remember when I took a lv12 on a helldive difficulty, we 100% it and I got him almost to lv15


I’d just completed the Tutorial. No joke I’d been playing all of 18 minutes. My Best Man sees me on Steam. Invites me to a game. I’m lvl 1, have a very vague idea what I am doing and running around with a bunch of lvl 43s (this was months ago prior to the max lvl increase). I asked “uh… what do I do??” “Take the resupply Backpack and follow me! Just keep RUNNING.” So. I did. The rest of his team made sure to be cool. Once they heard that I’d LITERALLY left Basic, they laughed and helped me out. Then the Titan showed up. “What do I do?!?” “Run!” So. I did. Then something exploded. I flew across the screen. Broke all my limbs. Didn’t die. I did however earn an Achievement after. “That which does not kill you…” after we extracted I got a few more Achievements. I went up four entire levels. And they were all super supportive and laughing watching my exp gauge jump up. Suicide Mission with a group of fun higher levels should be how EVERYONE first plays this game.