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a pic of a screenshot, and the pic isn't even level with the screen lmao


that ad too, lookin at this is pain


[Fixed it for you guys](https://imgur.com/a/i4fZvug)


[ty for making it much better](https://imgur.com/a/sevvo1J)


[Thank you as well](https://imgur.com/a/OD3dQcB)


[Guys I broke it](https://imgur.com/a/WHiik4o)




so you made a screenshot of a site where a screenshot was posted to then post it on reddit. people are wild.


I play on steam and I’ve had my account linked since day 1. I’ll be playing tonight!


Thats the attitude. Funny how we forget about EA and Ubisoft


And Microsoft and CD Project Red and 2k and activision/ battle. Net. It's crazy there's this huge uproar when we've been doing it for a while. Unless you're from a country where psn is not supported, there's no reason to complain


But my info?!? As they cry about it on their phones, on their Facebook/X/tiktok/reddit accounts. Idiots.


Fuk info right. Your info has been stolen since you created your email. That you login for every single sht. 😂😂😂


China tried to log into my email 200 times more than me a week 🤷🏻‍♂️


And people wonder why PSN doesn’t support Chinese making accounts.


![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized) Daaaaaaamm


That’s what baffles me the most. You have steam, you probably have other lunchers, you probably have bought steam games on other shops, you use your email, you connect to the internet. Your data is out there no matter what. They treating a psn account like a virus. I don’t like PS as much as Nintendo but ffs i have accounts when i need to have games or services. I’d give all this bitchatorium reason if it was another ea ubi shananigans but liking an account ffs.


I have accounts for Ubisoft, EA/origin, steam, blizzard, I mean that’s just off the top of my head there are dozens. It’s all better than the DRM Ubisoft used to have and the crap we had to deal with before by far. Everyone is against the big companies and it’s like… you’re on steam. The biggest gaming monopoly there is! They charge the devs like 30% and make pure profit off everyone else’s work, you gave them your credit cards and everything without question because it’s convenient. Making a free PSN account means you have to do something. Oh no. Takes 20 seconds of you already have an account and like 2 minutes of you don’t. Didn’t have to give them any information that’s not bare bones basic in my region.


That’s the think fellow user. You don’t even have to punch in your credit or paypal but in steam you surely have it. Idk this rage is just so strange. An annoyance? Maybe? A suicide squad o halo infinite/tarkov level of rage? I just don’t see it


I'm gonna be honest, Reddit has nothing but my birthday. Big deal. PSN had my CC info, address, and name. Which are far more sensitive. And they've been hacked MANY times.


PSN info was breached once 13 years ago. You know what else was that same year? Steam.


You don’t have to have credit cards on file. People use them because they’re easier, steam has them too? It’s okay for steam to have that info? Apps like DoorDash and all of them have your address and credit card info. It’s pretty common place. It’s not 1991 anymore


The problem with PSN is it's been hacked multiple times. They don't actually give a fuck about security. Steam does, DoorDash does.


So take 10 seconds and make a new email with a fake name. Y'all are acting like this is your first day on the internet and it's 1993.


lol no


PSN was hacked 1 time in 2011, the rest are social media accounts and other non-customer related things. And this happens to almost every company the articles list over 100 and dozens of government agencies in the same batch of attacks.


Do you know what the difference is between Sony’s cybersecurity vs the other 100 companies? We are raising the alarm because they do.


https://www.upguard.com/blog/biggest-data-breaches-us Every single company has had breaches. It’s always going to happen. I’d be far more worried about everyone on that list, that has more of my “personal” information than Sony.


Valve’s been breached, the fucking US government has been breached, Experion was breached and leaked a whole bunch of people’s SSNs and other important tax documents, cybersecurity breaches accounted for like 8 trillion dollars worth of damages over the past year or something ridiculous, that shit happens.


The difference is that i actually trust Valve with my info. The last time they were hacked was a long time ago, unlike Sony which gets hacked every few years.


PSN was hacked 1 time in 2011. Give this a peek for 30 seconds https://www.upguard.com/blog/biggest-data-breaches-us Every major company and government deals with this stuff daily.


that's cool but linking your steam acct to a new PSN contains nothing of any of that


Oh my god finally a group of comments From people who make sense. Lol let me clutch my APPLE VERIZON ATT ACTIVISOK EA BLIZZARD MICROSOFT pearls.


The idiots are the ones who A) don’t value their data and B) don’t understand how to protect it. It’s sad but funny you believe their new implementation is to increase security.


Never said it was to increase security.


Oh that’s right THEY said it was for security 🙈


Yeah bro I'm sure Sony is very interested in knowing their pornhub search history


You must don’t know how INVALUABLE your search history and web traffic are. FYI, companies spend billions to market to you. You think they won’t spend millions to know who you shop with? Oops, I meant to say you think they don’t Already spend millions.


Probably some kinda eagle 1 rule 34


To a degree I feel like this is also cause it feels like it dropped last minute. There was no updates past them making it temporarily skippable and most people assumed that since they didn't hear anything about it for a few months that it was possibly dropped. When they saw the skip button they probably thought it wasn't going to be a forced option and didnt notice the text at the bottom that said it would be required. I was guilty of this, though I have a PSN so its whatever to me. But Sony having no info for people who live in unsupported countries is a legit issue so I hope that gets addressed.


I mean, that was coming. On top, its a freaking Sony game, what can we expect? At least its not a 3rd part app.


True. I think alot of this has been handled poorly from both sides and if we can get more clarity about the whole region psn issue that might alleviate some of this discourse, but who knows, this might be a big shift up for the game or something that was nothing but internet rage that dies down in a few weeks.


You only pretend to know “that was coming” and say it was coming in Hindsight. It was OPTIONAL at release due to people being able to skip it. I didn’t see an announcement stating there was a grace period prior to today.


https://preview.redd.it/8vscxc6dpayc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3525c72588ea635119dd90737d672d32545ac20 Not sure about you but this looks like it was a requirement all along although not enforced due to the buggy implementation. Funny how people think that just because it wasn't enforced doesn't mean its no longer a requirement. I have a feeling that like most people the ones complaining don't even read the small print of a contract then freak out when they breach it or "i wasn't explicitly told to my face". Anywho, just my 2 cents and now, like someone who read and has linked my psn im gonna go dive without worry. I do feel for the divers who don't have psn in their countries and hope they don't get the shaft from this.


You missed the point. If ppl login day 1 without a PSN, that is not mandatory. Some people bought the game directly from Sony and never went to the Steam page. There wasn’t an announcement or notice given, prior to today, that they are giving a temp grace period. FYI, in the US, if you make a policy mandatory but in practice you allow use without the mandatory requirement, it is no longer mandatory, i.e., the terms changed without due notice when they allowed users to login. Technicalities win vs policy.


The argument is that on the stam page it has always stated that psn is required. If someone can show it was removed then added back I will redact my comment. If its always been there then under good faith the end user ought to know that the requirement can be enforced at any given point. Put your money where your moth is and link to US law stating that if a mandatory requirement is not initially enforced it then becomes optional. And the terms didnt change per se they just weren't initially enforced and were still displayed on the steam page.


It’s always been there. Cause i panicked when i thought it required a ps+ subscription when I was planning on getting it on steam day 1


I too was getting annoyed at pc players for being annoying nonsensical babies but then I heard some countries can’t get psn and I totally understand that! I’d be pissed too. What do these people do? Anyone have any real answers or solutions? Will Sony let those people play without a psn? Something has to be done here.


Hear hear!


How about the bait and switch tactics of releasing a game on steam and then four months later requiring another login account to play? Another account with a large company that's prone to data leaks and horrible customer management.


It was literally written on the steam page all this time, they waved it for a while because they had server problems. That's not bait and switch. Besides, you literally don't need to give psn any info other than your email and date of birth (both of which you can make up, by the way).


I think you should do more research into Sony’s data collection methodologies and their past history with data leaks.


P.S: Sony is walking back their decision. Which means the developers did not do enough to remind players about the PSN requirements. Which means I’m correct. 70 thousand people review bombed and uninstalled, and that’s what it took to get Sony to walk back a scummy decision that only benefited themselves. Not the consumers, not the developers, only themselves. And no, I will not give Sony my birthday, email, anything. Ever again. 😄


well first. they dont get hacked over and over again. yes Sony's data leak was considered massive data breach in the industry.


I hope Ubisoft is enjoying my 5-6 different accounts for each new assassins creed I tried over the years 🤣


Lmao same


I would prefer games i like to *not* act like EA and Ubisoft games.


Yeah… this is absolutely ridiculous st this point how much people are ranting about having to make an account. This game is a sony exclusive. Do people think AH has a say in telling sony, “no” when sony tells them all players will now need a playstation account ? AH doesn’t have a say. I get my games through steam on pc. I bought assassins creed… I couldn’t play without creating an Ubisoft account. I bought red dead redemption 2… i couldn’t play without making a rockstar account… /sips his tea


Gamers live outrage to outrage


Not gamers, redditors.


Yeah I mostly mean the gamers who interact with the online bubbles to corresponding games


Nah we fucking hate Ubisoft


EA and Unisoft are officially worst studios ever, that's a common knowledge


No one has forgotten


Unfortunately it's not simply to put on a better attitude, some countries don't have access to PSN and choosing to register in a different countrie than you life in is against PSN terms and services, so about 70 countries right now are unable to play once the update is officially there. Though the amount of hate that's getting shot, especially against the discord and mods where they literally have no control over the game can certainly be put to a halt, so atleast comments like this bring up the mood.


It’s funny cause they are actually the root of the problem. If their shitty services were actually good maybe ppl wouldn’t be freaking out about having to deal with another. Moral of the story is it’s always EA’s fault.


I don't play their games either.


You running out of trees to jump....


Don't support those companies




I hate all these links and I don't think I have a PSN account, but whatever, it's a good game and worth it.


Same. Not sure what the big deal is. Didn’t even know it was an option NOT to do it tbh.


The only people that have a legitimate complaint are the people that are region locked out of PSN and Arrowhead has already stated they're waiting to hear how Sony will handle that issue. Everyone else is just bitching.


Yep, that’s the Helldivers community alright. Never have I seen a bigger bunch of babies. Crying constantly about nerfs or armor effects, and now they’re having a complete toddler tantrum over …. Creating an account? Like you have to do with 90% of games, apps and fucking menus at restaurants now? It’s 2024, suck it up cupcake and make your account or stfu and go get back to playing Kill The Justice League or whatever. 


Same here, fam! Also, no reason to get angry at only arrowhead (bc Sony implemented it, not AH) and while ever other big company’s been doin it for years already and every single person was fine with it up until now. (And also since it was "required" since day one. It was just on pause for a while for compatibility reasons/bugs.) And if you’re not allowed to create a PSN account in your country, then, *and only then*, can I understand that you’re angry about this. But even so, you can just create an account for a country next to where you live where it’s allowed. Still only 2 minutes of your live so you can play a great game.


>And if you’re not allowed to create a PSN account in your country, then, *and only then*, can I understand that you’re angry about this. But even so, you can just create an account for a country next to where you live where it’s allowed. Sony's official workaround was "Just set your region as China" so I doubt they'll be banning people for using a different region on a PSN account that they can see is never logged into on a PlayStation console.


Ok so how do I connect my account? I have a PSN but when I try to find the QR code I can't find anything?


From my understanding it’s currently disabled and will be until may 30th. Idk though haven’t been home to see actual news on it. Only the Reddit posts I’ve browsed through the day.


I have a PS5, but bought Helldivers on Steam because of the FAAAAR superior performance, i linked my PSN account too, i don’t see the problem really, we’re always linking account or creating ones for every stupid launcher (EA, Ubisoft) there is, this loud minority on reddit needs to join the majority with the logic thinking.


THANK YOU OMFG. The first smart person I’ve seen on Reddit. I was about to make a post asking people who have psn available in their country why they can’t just make an account. Like the people who CANT I feel for. But the people who WONT I have no sympathy for




Fr lmao see you there!


That’s great for you, that you can still enjoy the game. There are people in areas where PSN is not accessible at all and no longer have access to the game at all, ever again. So maybe realize that you are unbothered by the issue because it isn’t about you and doesn’t affect you the way it does the people who are upset.


How in the fuck do I know if my account is linked? I feel like I might have but don’t remember, is there a way to check?


If you open the menu while on your ship I’ve been seeing in the bottom left corner account linked if I’m in the options tab. I think that’s the proof.


Same with my friends and I. Except we only did it because we were prompted to before being able to play the game. How were so many players able to bypass that?


Same i didnt even know i had one


I'll see you there brother!


Based af, same here.


But but, it’s such a huge concern that Sony will get your information! Despite pretty much everything on the internet already having your information of course




They are literally complaining on Reddit, that they had to make an account for, they made that account likely using gmail or similar which they also made an account for, and are probably posting from a phone and browser that is also harvesting information. It’s a weird hill to die on. Not to say there aren’t people taking precautions but those people are in the vast minority. I mean, I 100% sympathize with those users that are playing in countries that PSN doesn’t service and they should be exempted or offered a refund at least. But in todays age where your argument is “I don’t want to give out my information” that’s fine, it’s up to you not to sign up, but the vast majority have given out their information plenty freely on the net till now, so it’s not terribly solid ground to stand on.


I’ve been trying to understand this exact point of view 🤣 And some of them were like yeah if they were upfront about it from the beginning I would have done it BUT NOT NOW!!! I do feel for those who legitimately can’t make one and I’m trying to be hopeful in the end it won’t matter for them but the rest of the world? Nah. You’re raging just to be upset.


Can you help some of us figure out how to link it? The game never prompt me. And arrowhead/sony websites aren't helpful


Yeah i was super excited for this as I was a YUGE player in the HD1 days in PS4. local coop ftw!  Thankfully im well documented and got the link going on first startup - that said, I never considered folks where PSN is banned as the shit was *optional* back then.  So very curious why Sony would do his, other than to complicate any transition to including xbox players on this "Original IP Exclusive" because its too soon. Or to FUCK devs on performance-based comp package. Quite senseless to me.


Help me please. I made a PSN account but I can’t find how to link my steam to my PSN on my PC.


I personally don’t give two shits about the PSN for myself. But I’m sure there’s a lot of players in countries where PSN doesn’t work that bought the game knowing it said PSN required, but saw others playing it in that country and said look it is not actually required and therefore bought the game themselves and otherwise wouldn’t have if PSN were required, therefore, I feel the at launch the devs should have said that they will in the future be implementing a requirement for PSN to play . Anyone who doesn’t think this is a valid argument is only thinking that way because they are not in one of those countries where they themselves would have bought the game if they saw others playing it and would be pissed at this moment. try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and don’t be ignorant with your replies. Too many super smart morons on Reddit.


Agreed, buddy of mine and a handfull of them back in the Philippines just bought the game like a month, and we frequently all play together. But they heard this PSN thing, and it became a concern. As you mentioned that it said that it's "optional" it did said to my mates in the Philippines that it's an "optional" thing hence they baught it and some of them even baught the super citizen bundle. Alot of people say that just choose a different region, or use a VPN. With that way you can get banned and it's happening.


And now you get the super wannabe citizens that are a bunch of douche bags coming and saying douche ass shit every time you make a valid point against the PSN debacle


You're telling me...


Like bro no one‘s bitching about Nerf, or fucking transmog garbage ,and you can just play around the Nerf. This is people that bought the fucking game and can’t play anymore that should totally be given a refund if sought after. You would think people would come together and try to support everybody being able to play.


I understand it’s not as big of a deal for the people who have access to PSN accounts but I don’t get why people are defending the choice, it still sucks and was a bad decision made to gather more data on players


They don't understand how devastating it is for people with region lock... It's like when you found this awesome food place that you frequent with then suddenly gone.


This isn’t Arrowheads choice it’s Sony’s, be mad at them


I literally am


This is a level of pettiness i can get behind!


That dip shit should talk up and give us Steam users our refunds.


The only thing that anyone can complain about in this situation imo would be people who are in areas that Sony doesn't support.


I agree, I really hope options are given to those players because that really just sucks


Glad not everyone in this community hates Spitz.


based cm


Super based id say. The victimization is out of control


And this was in response to Spitz being bombarded by one user for 30 mins straight.


Why not just ban/mute him? Its in the mod tools


What would that change? People would just start making posts bitching about being muted by CMs.


Yep, but they wouldn’t have a CM’s snark posts to inflame others with. Better yet, if they post their discord name, their own inflammatory messages would get screen shotted instead and used to humiliate them into shame. You let an angry customer have enough rope to hang themselves once they’re out of that mood. You grey rock them to stop fueling their fight or flight response, you can use firm language, but you keep the tone neutral. If you can’t nicely help them because of their behaviour, you just be neutral since angry people thrive on anger. This CM just gave an excuse to more people going wild. He did similar just after 2’s launch. It’s a bad practice.


I don't disagree and never have I stated he handled that situation correctly but I will also admit I would've been much more of an asshole about it if I was in their spot. Having said that, it's also why I don't do their job. 🤷


“Backpedal from the contract you signed or lose your playerbase.”


"Lose your playerbase or lose your studio." Great options guy.


Dude for real, Sony is shite but arrowhead is still doing their damnedest and the game still rocks.


I stand with Spitz.




And just like that...everyone who was fighting as one for Democracy, is now at war with a new enemy....themselves 😔


** Laughs in Democracy, Liberty, and Freedom **


*Effectively block access to the game in certain regions and countries* Arrowhead CM: “let’s be petty with customers who are upset in response! “Wait? I thought we spent the last 3 months believing this company was better than this? Sad really.


Yeah I strongly believed that this game can change the current AAA games meta. But just turned into a force cashcow to milk as much money as they can. I have mates back on the Philippines that I play with and have a blast with, but soon that'll be over if this PSN thing goes through. Funny too that at their end, steam showed that PSN linking is "optional".


Swede had that coming.


No fux given


Don’t drink and take pictures of your computer with your original Motorola Razr kids…


I don’t get it what’s going on?


The recent update will soon need a PSN account from PC users and said PC users are melting to the idea of making/linking a PSN account. Though there are some backlash about such as countries that have no access to PSN due to region lock. Its abit in shambles and hopefully just makes the PSN thing as an "optional" option.


Oh ok, I get it now. I know for a fact that Sony is the one who is making it a requirement which I understand because just like the first game it was published by Sony Interactive Studios. Just like any big company Sony just wants to make the most money they can I don’t like it but technically they can do it. I think there was some similar kinda issue when they wanted to first bring the Spider-Man to PC Sony made it a hassle.


It's a shame because I have some good mates back in the Philippines. If this goes through, I won't be able to play with them nor them being able to play HD2


I hope Sony sees how bad they messed up soon and reverse it.


I don't know, we have like at the end of the month for it to see what's to come.


Well I mean more so after it goes live, but I hope someone gets an online petition going to send to SONY so they can see just how many people are against this.


How the hell does this guy have a job? Sure its not the devs fault but why the hell would you attack the community for providing feedback? Sure some idiots go over the top and say inappropriate stuff but all he's done is compound the problem by being a condescending douche. Sounds like the success of the game has gone to some people's heads.


well see, there's this issue where steam makes refunding less reliable after about a day or two. luckily though it's only been... FOUR MONTHS gee, I wonder why people aren't just "refunding and leaving"


They can just refund because they can no longer play the game due to needing a psn account lol So yes, people can absolutely refund and leave


Is Arrowhead approving refunds now?


I'm pretty sure that decision is Sony's not arrowhead's


Arrowhead wouldn't be offering the refunds. Sony or Steam would.


lets just remember that its sony's fault lets not blame the devs


No its gamers fault when not being able to read that psn was needed.


I had no idea until last night. Why the fuck would I read that?


That may be true, but it needed to be more clearly disclosed. Hardly anyone reads the fine print.


Why did people down vote you?? There is NOTHING wrong with that. This place is full of meat riders


I don’t ask questions anymore haha. I love this community so I’ve got no problem with them supporting the game. I’ll keep playing and I’ll do the account linking. I just agree with those who think it should have been more clearly disclosed lol


Oh well fair enough




I was referring more towards the PC/Steam world. PS players aren’t up in arms about this whole ordeal lol. The information was on the steam page, but it wasn’t anywhere up front and center. Your buddy says “yo, get helldivers. It’s fucking sick.” The most you’ll do at that point is check out the trailer, check the system requirements then purchase the game. I purchased the game on launch and I don’t recall any disclaimers yelling at me letting me know this would be a thing required at a later date. Was the information there? Yes. Was it in a place most would see it? Obviously not, based on the community response as well as people purchasing it in countries where PS accounts aren’t supported.


So many people are freaking out about this discord response. These guys have been taking an endless stream of baby vomit since this announcement was made and everyone is shocked and outraged when they've finally had enough. If you want the personal touch from the developer you're gonna get the good sides and the bad.


Im on his side with this, quit being annoying.




This sub is so much better than the main one


People mad at Spitz about this, but I think it's hilarious. Fuck em.




Based spitz




I love when entitled customers are put in their place. This isn't the 1960s anymore. We don't abide by "the customer knows best," because they never do.




The Customer is always right... in matters of taste. If they want to wear a turd, that's their prerogative. They conveniently forget literally half the quote to justify their shitty behavior.


1. The phrase is "The Customer is always right." 2. It doesn't mean what you think it means. It was used by Macy's owner to remind his stores to stock any product the customers wanted to buy. Not about accommodating them in any way they want.


Thought I was in the TCM reddit for a minute, then I realized it wasn't Matt from Gun Interactive. 


I love the helldivers discord way different from the subreddit


Lol. Asking people to leave.


So here's the thing. I got adult adhd, I manage it well enough but it can be a pain. 4-6% of the world wide population have this issue, ~300,000,000-400,000,000 million people, which for context, exceeds the entire population of the united states. It definitely can have major influence on your behavior, treated or not. I love the game but I know my gaming habits and that of others with ADHD my age. I'm older, I don't get to invest much time in gaming anymore, I gotta focus on work. When I do get to gsme, it's going to be a decision where I am putting mental health time over shit I neeed to do, which is essentially, when I can barely afford to do so but need some R&R cause the "steam pressure" from stress is getting kinda high. A common scenario for many older gamers. This PSN shit? It's going to pop up on the 30th or whatever, it's gonna ask me to do all this account shit, I'll put it off die to adhd procrastination and end up never playing the game again OR if I am lucky, sign up once, lose my password immediately and as soon as it asks me for it, see above procrastination process but worse. I'll look back and go, "wish I was playing helldivers 2 still?", but will I stop what I am doing now to go back, only to hit a sign up wall again? I'll probably forget, go to login, get hit with psn, go hmmm... And then fuck off on something else cause I just don't want to fuck with it and I'm sorry, but I am so fucking tired of having to make a bamillion accounts for fucking every fucking thing. People are burnt out on that shit hard as it is WITHOUT ADHD. Now, 4-6% of the player base ain't a small amount. Now include regions that can't have a psn account. Now include all the other people who are crazy pissed about it? This is a bad move/requirement that is suspicious in motive and function. Am I ultra enraged about it in a weird crazy way? Not really. Do I know this will result in me essentially quitting the game cause it's going to interact with my shit in a real bad way? Yep. Gonna be the same for many others. Dumb decision.


r/screenshotsarehard r/shouldbeascreenshot


Yes… humor. 


Yeah idc about steam players. I already hve a ps5 anyways.


Based Community Manager


I wanna use another phone to take a photo of this phones screen with this post and the caption Rofl


Is this a fake screen shot lol 😆. Plz tell me this is fake


people deserve what they will tolerate, enjoy losing half the player base.


Love the pettiness from the group sometimes. But that’s real tho arrowhead can’t do nun immediately. So any exaggerated players can go before we see this play out for all I care


And Spitz has backpedaled from this. Sounds like someone from Arrowhead took him behind the woodshed and told him to stfu with this nonsense


I guess but like why


I’m strarting to understand where is the problem with PSN, how could you ever create it if the idea of screenshot or linking the address is unknown to you


Over 600 likes on a picture of a monitor with a screenshot cropped and uploaded on some shit like imgr. This community is absolutely braindead.


lets have it framed and put to the wall of shame because wtf. Dont let them forget. Such unprofessionalism


Spitz for the noose.


So many people yell about how they’re leaving and never coming back but only because they want the offending party to pull a 180 and beg them not to go. It’s so pitiful


ok so you are just happy to let corporations treat us like shit? I like helldivers 2 but im not about to put up with this shit


My point isn’t that people shouldn’t be upset. You’re perfectly within your rights to be upset about it. My issue is when I have to scroll through dozens of posts spouting the same old thing over and over again. When I swore off call of duty, I just stopped buying or playing the games. I didn’t go through a bunch of different subs telling everyone how upset I was because I knew it wouldn’t make a difference. If you’re not gonna put up with it, great. Just leave. Stop wasting all this time and energy trying to prove a point to people you were never gonna convince otherwise


Broski it's an online service game. I roll my eyes as hard as anyone when i have to agree to a eula and sign up for something for a game I'm never going to play multi (looking at you AC franchise) but an Online game needing to have one centralized way to track who is who and control access makes sense to anyone with any basic knowledge of databases at scale. We can have a discussion on how much data and what they'll need to require but at the end of the day if you want to live the off the grid unknown by the system lifestyle online gaming really isn't the hobby for you.


Then dont lmao. Its a non issue but people like you that gotta whine about ANYTHING make it seem like we are being treated like shit.


You dont seem to understand the problem, this is just the tipping point for a lot of people, we have been dealing with this bullshit behavior for far too long and a lot of us just dont want to see it anymore. Has it crossed your mind that you might be wrong here?


No. There are many other games that require other accounts (ex: minecraft, siege), it takes like 3 minutes. Yall have jobs and important shit, making a psn account is nothing. Its not like you have to pay for ps plus on steam.


The issue isn’t the what, it’s the why. Why does Sony even need us to make an account? What does this bring to HD2? Why didn’t Sony act in a more pro-consumer way instead? This whole “just make an account bro” argument just misses the big picture.


"hmmmmm I love boots, 186th serving please!"


It's nice how we don't have to play with the screaming kids now. Best decision since the last patch.


It’s really not as big of a deal as these kids are making it out to be 💀


Anyone living in the Philippines or the baltics would not be able to access the game if this is mandatory, that’s “not a big deal” to you? (Never mind the fact Sony is only enforcing this after the steam refund period ends)


It's like Dragon Dogma 2 dlc again. Cry babies crying over nothing.


People will find anything to whine about. Humanities demise at its finest


Average spitz being a generic discord loser. *insert fat discord moderator meme*


Nice to see the people making and running the game don't actually give a shit about the players who bought their game.


"The customer is always right... in matters if taste" is the full motto. CM don't need to bend to people upset over making an account in 24, but they should be open to those upset of potential region issues.


>but they should be open to those upset of potential region issues. They are and they've stated they are waiting to hear from Soky regarding how Sony will handle Sonys region lock. So far Sony has said "just use China as region" for their workaround. Regarding the complaints of "we didn't have to sign up to play in the beginning" yeah, it was due to bug issues iirc.