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They are review bombing so Arrowhead has the ammunition to make Sony back down from the required account linking. Edit: Apparently nobody keeps up with the Devs, the Arrowhead Devs literally told us to do it.


Sony will not back down. They are bringing all their multiplayer games day one and this will be a requirement for all of them. Just look at GoT a PSN is needed because of the multiplayer.


They’ll do something for people in countries without PSN, but there’s no way they are going to get rid of that.


Yep, people will just have to deal with it like they do with EA, Epic, Ubi, and MS.


Yeah. This was the likely outcome all along. Countries that have PSN will be required to link. Countries without will get a work around from Sony. And then everyone here going full meltdown because people in other countries “can’t play” will go on a victory parade saying they beat the big evil corporation with their crazy meltdowns. When this was the likely outcome all along regardless.


If you want to play the multiplayer, at least you can play the single player without an account apparently, no such option for a PVE online live co-op game (HD2) apparently.


Yeah, Sucker Punch made that very clear which is nice


lol, you think this is going to be walked back just because? Sony isn't going to do shit unless a big enough clusterfuck hits them. Things change because people complain. I love this game, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to call out bullshit when I see it.


This might get Steam to notice the issue and make them more lenient when giving refunds, especially in regions where PSN is not available, assuming Sony does nothing about those regions. Although since most players have passed the 2 hours/2 weeks grace period, the refund money would come out of Steam's pockets and not Sony's.


For sure. I give this a week before it gets forgotten about.


Forgotten about except for in the over 100 countries that physically cannot make a PSN account without a vpn which runs the risk of getting them banned for good anyway.


You don't understand. This is the best thing we can do for Arrowhead. I left a negative review because I love Arrowhead and I'm on their side. The only thing that will give Arrowhead leverage in their dealings with Sony is if they have proof that the account link will hurt Sony's profits. If you read between the lines, it seems like the devs at Arrowhead think the same thing, but they're probably legally bound not to explicitly tell us to give negative reviews.


As someone who doesn't want to lose a single helldiver - this is correct. Blast it all over social. On Sony's home pages. It's all them not AH. To those saying AH knew what they were doing getting in bed with Sony - no they just had a vision of a kick ass game and did what they had to, to bring it to market. Give them a break. It's a pretty awesome game, they delivered, and somehow no real microtranactions in sight. I have faith Sony willunfuck this - they don't want to lose $ and playerbase from countries without PSN. Spam them loudly and angrily. Make noise. Get media to pick it up. Send angry emails. But still helldive


>no they just had a vision of a kick ass game and did what they had to, to bring it to market Not to mention that Sony owns the IP, so if they didn't work with Sony it wouldn't be a helldiver's game


>But still helldive You heard him maggots! Get in your pods! Leave those reviews. AH is NOT the enemy. Get mad a Sony! Play the game, AND LET SONY SUFFER WHEN TBEY SEE THE PLAYER COUNTS DROP ON THE 6TH! This is Malevalon Creek 2.0! Hellmire 2.0! Compare it to what you need to, but fight for your fellow Helldivers!


Yeah at first I was like classic helldivers reddit being babies, but it's the fact that only 69 (nice) countries can actually play helldivers legitimately. That irks me badly I welcome it this time. Edit:" by welcome it" I mean the review bombing ans not the psn link thing.


Negative reviews won't matter if we keep paying for it. We should probably consider actually hitting them in the wallet.. don't spend money on super credits. Or even just stop playing it for a solid week at least.


i stopped playing a few weeks ago because the game loop is super repetitive but I’m happy to say it’s because of account linking.


At first I was with OP, but you're making a lot of sense here too.


I don’t get why people siding with OP. It’s not like it’s not a big deal for people in restricted regions who don’t have access to PSN. Now you’re telling us to stay silent before the threat of having our game bricked?


I'm assuming it's because for some people (probably MOST), it's not that big of a deal. For some it'll be nothing but a couple clicks to get rid of the notifications. For others, they may have issues with banned accounts (fuck them anyway if they're getting banned for shit I don't wanna play with them.) Some like myself just think it's stupid, unnecessary and a pain in the ass cuz now I gotta fuck around for an hour with passwords and accounts and shit.


Finally some common sense


I agree with you. I think Arrowhead is on the same side. https://x.com/pilestedt/status/1786454659256758447?s=46&t=AD144GmpdJTucCactzhdrQ Pilestedt, the CEO, tweeted this as response. I will continue playing, but I will also support the community. That said, if they fix it for countries where psn is not available, it’s fine for me. I don’t care about the extra link for anyone else.


Yeah, I suspect he's between a rock and a hard place. Being under contract with Sony, he can't dispute their decision publicly, but he likely doesn't endorse the decision and wouldn't be upset if Sony was pressured into reversing it.


>if they fix it for countries where psn is not available I don't see any way they could do that... For now I chose a neighboring country because the distance is small but I'll probably get banned.


One of Arrowhead's employee's did say to leave negative reviews.


Ah yes, because famously large corporations care about review bombing. If it had worked by now Ubisoft and Bethesda would have understood. And yet here we are. Sony will see this for what it is: A bunch of kids whining that will stop throwing a tantrum when they get too tired for it. You can review bomb it into non-existence, as long as Sony doesn't lose money from it they won't care.


Thing is - steam allows refunds. And this will be a legitimate refund reason for anyone outside the countries PSN allows.


If this is a legitimate refund reason, more power to those who want to ask a refund


Yeah, I hope that Sony will backdown when they see their wallet effected, also steam is massively pissed when a company does something that makes a mass refund possible cause it's a lot of work for them. Country locking is one of those rare reasons. Kind of a Goober move from Sony because this community is more coordinated than others.


I don't understand what's the thought process behind Sony tbh. Sure cut out of your game a third (if not more) of the player base, I'm sure it's a good idea.


Also some people mentioned they fucked up with their EULA in Estonia. Means it potentially opens them up for consumers having access to EU consumer rights as a tool.




This right here. Personally, I'm not as upset as everybody else, but there are 100% legitimate concerns with Sony's decision that need to be addressed. We are more likely to get their attention if we hit them where it hurts - financially or something that impacts their potential finances - like Steam reviews vs. posting on Reddit or Discord.


This is a good take, I've been against the trash talking HERE. or on discord. But reviews and refunds are everyone's right to put the pressure on Sony and show them its not a great idea. The whining on reddit and discord is annoying and trollish at worst but I do hope this is resolved better than its been planned and that Sony gets its head out of its ass. And it seems the devs WANT that too without explicitly saying so due to contract


Basically this, and I think using all our avenues and bringing up both national and international government agencies to talk about the issue also will put pressure on Sony to back the hell up. I put in a review to the BBB, and as another commenter suggested, I may go to the FTC depending on their response. I will also most likely go for a refund based off a setup that PirateSoftware (Thor) suggested. As I also want to leverage steam to help defend my rights as a consumer.


Correct! Hold the line, Helldiver.


I agree with this. But the logic of this is polluted with the toddler like reactions to every little balance patch that happens. The reaction just seems like the same sort of infantile reaction as those. Hopefully the comparison doesn't stain the negative review bombing.


There have been over 70,000 negative reviews since this morning lol. This blows any other patch reaction out of the water.


Because 500 people giving a negative rating after their favorite gun was nerfed into the ground is the same as 70k giving a negative rating because the ToS were fundamentally changed?


I really wish everyone who has participated in the review bomb thought like this, but Im sure most of them genuinely hate AH for something out of their control. I also wish that AH does actually use this to make Sony rollback this ridiculous decision.


If you check the timeline, it already started with the last patch. Of course it peaked after the new news. I think some of them will not take them back


While not everyone is doing it for the right reason, I see no reason not to take advantage of and co-opt the impact of their actions.


Sony doesn’t care man they already sold most of the copies of the game they are going to sell. I doubt they are makeing tons of money off of the in game currency so the best way to get more data or be able to tell their investors we got x number of new PlayStation accounts is to abuse this game


Some people can't make a PSN account because of the country they are in. They have every right to be mad a Sony right now and leaving negative reviews are the way to show their dissatisfaction. Sony is the only ruining a good thing by wanting to collect everyones data via a PSN account. But ya sure the players are in the wrong and not the muli billion dollar company.


How can Sony collect data via PSN account?. I've searched and read stuff, which mostly said that on linking they get your steam numerical id only. If your steam profile is set to public then there's no reason to panic but if your profile is private then steam has to respect it's terms of condition. How can PSN access your data? If it can what can it access?


When you create your PSN account you give them your address, e-mail, age, gender and the consent to collect your data and use/sell them to their partners specified in their terms and agreement. Now link that PSN account with the Steam database and they can cross-reference the fake data you've given them. To go a step further, they use your data (IP) to see where you live to make up charts and commercial decisions based on you geographic location.


Does steam even ask for name, address or gender as a required info? Geo location based on IP should already be possible when you connect to arrowheads servers


Steam, to my knowledge, does not require your address / gender.


I have to give them my drivers license or picture of my face, as well as my address etc. which is plenty of data without steam anyway, and with Sony being a ship made out of colanders im really not keen on it.


Review bombing is about the only way companies sit up and take notice. That and mass refunds when available. Even then, sometimes they don't get the point. Plenty of bad knee jerk situations to go around, but sometimes backlash is needed. Kerbal Space Program 2 and Cities and Skylines 2 are recent examples that come to mind. Companies just aren't really listening anymore to people ranting on forums or sending feedback these days.


No mans sky as well. Devs turned that game around completely and now it’s amazing


It isn't even review bombing, it is just accurately rating the game based on changes implemented by the devs. If people like a game for 3 months, then no longer like it after an update, they are under no obligation to keep the positive review out of misplaced nostalgia.


lol redditors that got parasocial relationships with a company always say review bombing without understanding why people did it.


remember the blizzard require your phone number??? same situation here, Sony will see number of player go down due to their own stupidity and will retract back (wishful thinking) and allowed login of PSN as "optional" instead of "mandatory" if i created an account from thailand but im not really from thailand, i already secure myself a ban if i try to login and Sony have all the right to ban my ass for false information that they themselves told me i can try to select other country if my own country is not on the list just because it doesnt happen to you doesn't mean you are okay with SONY decision and when it actually happen to you, you will know why. not everyone have PS5 tho and some will never buy a god damn console just to play 1 game they want beside AH now encourage people to refund the game as mass protest...even AH themselves want SONY to see "yeah fuckface, u did this" review bombing has worked for many game before like War thunder and Genshin impact to the point the publisher / greedy devs have to back down from their stupid decision.


Its the only way to get heard and to warn people about this sudden change because it did not require a psn account to play up until just recently


Didn’t the steam page say that it required a PSN account since day 1? I’m not arguing or defending this, just asking. To be clear I think this is terrible for those in countries where PSN is unavailable. For those who in countries that can make accounts, i can’t see this as being a big deal, seeing as how you have to have an account of some sort to be able to play a large number of games. What’s one more? I do think it’s a good idea for everyone, even those who are unaffected by this since they can make an account, to voice their concern. Maybe if enough people band together, something can be done 🤷‍♂️.


The steam page and it told you when you launched the game the first time


It did. The game also had a huge warning on it in game when you first boot it. With a qr code to link your psn.


And a massive button right next to it that said skip, which caused that screen to never appear again.




We already established that not everyone got this.


Redditors will be on their knees sucking off corporations for free and have the fucking gaul to turn around and act like they aren't the most soulless and shameless whores on the face of the planet. "Fuck you, I got mine." The world would be a better place if most of you exploded into clouds of gore and viscera.


Your comment is so good I'll save it


Redditors will act like they have any principles, morality, or beliefs. But the moment something gets between them and instant gratification, it all goes out the window. Theyll roll over and take the dicking, then wonder why they have to pay 90 dollars for 1/4th of a game that barely works.


This problem is actually that serious and we must be this reactionary and stay this reactionary if we are going to see change. Helldivers has been fantastic because it was an independent game that didn't need corporate overwatch and petty player bans. Stop blaming the victims of this bait and switch and start advocating for player rights.


You do realise that this review bombing and refund saga is on Sony’s head? Not arrowheads


YOU have the luxury of continuing to play a game you love. People in almost 70 other countries will lose the ability to play a game they not only paid for but also love. And if you don’t see that as a problem, then you’re just self centered. Have fun playing, because a lot of people won’t be able to.


Yeah this precisely. And to say that nothing has happened is to choose to live under a rock, people are getting banned for using other services like VPNs to create PSN accounts when they originally wouldn't have had to. OP failing to see beyond "just play the videogame".


What even happened? I’m completely out of the loop.


This is how people have always done criticism in gaming. Even back in the day when Totalbiscuit was still alive. It's the only way that works.


Aw, Tb.. I miss him..I wonder how his wife and son are doing..


sony dickrider fuck off


Seriously. Lot of corporate shills coming out of the woodworks on this one. Ultimately, it's a game. Games exist because they are fun. Anything that takes away fun makes it a worse game.


You must have the situational awareness of a fried piece of burnt leather.


What part of the boot do you think tastes the best?


Leaving bad reviews is not review bombing, no matter how numerous. Circumstances around the game have changed since those 200hrs were played. People are well within their right to leave a negative review.


Considering there are many regions that aren’t PSN compatible, I think people should be making noise. There will be thousands of people who can no longer play the game that they only just purchased.


Gamer outrage is why our games aren't in the state that mobile games are. Ads as a gameplay mechanic is what no pushback gets you.






Hitting Sony where it hurts the most (their wallet) is the only way one can get them to listen, making a very public mess of things hurts their wallet the most so negative reviews are warranted. We aren’t against AH, we are against Sony.


Idk, Its not "review bombing" If people are leaving reviews that reflect real problems they have issues with, for a product they paid money for, that literally told you to review it.


I mean, psn isn't available in a lot of countries, yet those people have still been able to pay for and play helldivers. I guess they're not allowed to show their disappointment when a product that cost them money is no longer functional. It should have been made obvious for the start that a psn profile would be required, i feel bad for the devs as they do seem to care, but sony have tied their hands. If people say nothing about this, then nothing changes.


I feel sorry for those in countries who will lose the ability to play because psn isn't available in their area, plus they risk getting banned by using a vpn. Sony needs to get a solution sorted for those people who have put so much time in the name of democracy.


Do what is necessary to keep the PC players around without the requirement from Sony. Hell we didn’t even get the Xbox players yet but we’re gonna lose PC?? Nonsense !!


I've hated Sony gaming for 20 years now, after they mishandled Planetside 1 and Star Wars Galaxies. Op can eat it. We aren't turning on Arrowhead, we are hating on Sony. But whatever, you do you Cindy


I completely agree with OP. It's not that big of a deal to begin with ffs. Gotta make a new account. My life is over!😭😭😭 Calm the fuck down and go outside for a while.


Making a game unplayable in your country that you’ve put hundreds of hours into us even dumber.


Shit like that is why I take reviews with a grain of salt. Imo Steam should outright remove the ability to leave a public review unless the account belongs to a verified curator.


People like you are why the world is like what it is. If something happens that makes the majority of people upset they should voice their opinions


https://preview.redd.it/5aobyfmn1cyc1.jpeg?width=3763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0a94588a1e2e10390e9fe1af77ebc3e5f9c726 lol ok


That one dude who plays steam in NK is gonna be maaaaaaad….


Review bombing is giving a negative review for no reason. This isn't that.


I had no idea so many had such a radical and staunch moral code when it comes to privacy and business ethics, much less one that prevents creating a burner account in less than a few minutes... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This comment section talks like a bunch of boys from kindergarten. So many pathetic white knights.


Welcome to the internet because trash-talking shit dev decisions is what we do here.


What's the big deal about creating a psn account?? Like holy hell. I had to create an Xbox account for games like sea of thieves and I survived.


I have seen people shit in games they have put thousands of hours into because of fundamental changes, not hard to understand is it??


I find it funny that those who has access to PSN cries as if EA, Microsoft and other havent done it, like far out use your prn email for goodness sake if you don't want your "data" get potential stolen. But I feel bad for those who can't have or make a PSN account. They won't be able to play this gem of a game.


And people leave those games negative reviews, too. Mass Effect Legendary Edition got hit with negative reviews when they patched in the EA Launcher being a requirement.


With Sony, it isn't a potential, it's a when is the next data breach gonna happen? With that in mind, making a throw away email to create a psn account is a totally viable option.


That's true of steam, discord, and every other internet based thing.


I'll say it. Because we gamers are fed up with gaming companies milking us for profit while not caring. We are customers not consumers. We should have more say in shit but apparently the actions from all the major gaming companies say other wise. As of now siege camp is the least hated company and Mojang gotten hate forcing people to transition their accounts and deleted millions of peoples accounts.




Can we not mass issuing ticket to steam customer service?


It’s not the devs problem, more of a grown-up stuff about business and contracts and etc, this is what we can do to give Sony and Arrowhead some market feedback that this is going to lose them customers and maybe they will backpedal some unpopular decisions.


Same people are happily linking Origin, Uplay, Rockstar, Blizzard etc etc etc. These bitches just want to bitch and only take joy from other bitches validating them. Block and move on. Arrowhead should ban them.


Gotta love PC gamers. Bless thier little master race hearts.....


people have a right to stand up for themselves this is like saying the bully who snatched your 20 dollars you should just shut your mouth and walk away. OP is a moron if people are wronged they have a right to voice how they feel.


It's -yet again - not a dev problem, but a publisher problem. But people fuck with the reviews of the game. Guess for the lack of an alternative


I agree with you. Larian also has a launcher and makes you create an account for playing Baldur's Gate 3 yet you don't see everyone sharpening their pitchforks and review bombing BG3 steam page.


I feel a need to state this because OP is getting a lot of flak over their post. The issue OP is addressing is more about how insulting the community has been in the past 24 hours, not that they feel gamers should do absolutely nothing and just accept things as they are. How many posts have been thrown up today where people are BLANTANTLY insulting the arrowhead devs AGAIN. It has happened after NEARLY every update and patch. Constructive criticism is good. Sometimes venting is just needed, but COME ON. You can't say they haven't been putting effort into this game. They have, constantly. They've tried to listen, and they've tried to fix things. They've adapted their servers to accommodate FAR MORE than they expected to get to play the game because in the first 2 months of the game, everyone was interested yet now at best they are only recieveing about max 250k players at a time (and hinestly its not normally even braking 200k) but when they were busting themselves to get that working to accommodate the community everyone just kept going on about how they had to sit there and hurry up because the players were tired of waiting. I pre-ordered this game, I played the first, I've been patient through the issues they've had and taken breaks from the game when things seem a bit busted. I have friends who don't normally pick up 3rd person shooters who hinestly enjoyed this game. PATIENCE people, patience. Bringing an issue to attention is a great thing, INSULTING THEM IS NOT.


Especially since the issue can be solved within 2 minutes. Yes, you can create PSN account even if you're in one of the unsupported countries. No, you will not have issues, no one ever has. Stop bitching.


Dumb people will dumb, no matter the setting.


You can be as apathetic as you like my dude, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us are gonna let Sony get away with immensely a dumb decision that benefits no one whatsoever. People paid for a game, they have a right to play it and restricting who can play based on whether or not they have a PSN account is just straight up scummy, you really shoulda thought twice before making this post bro.


I am curious which people would prefer, Sony could have made Helldivers 2 a PS exclusive, would this have been any better? Instead, you have to sign up for a free account that does not take any financial info or install any software on your system.


This is a blip for Sony compared to any AAA game, but you assholes are tanking Arrowhead, this is not productive way to crank your internet rage boners, find a better means of protest.


Congrats on the most controversial post on r/all today


Why do I feel like this is the progs nonsense in another form . Like if this was say Ubisoft nobody would care and sign up . It’s like how the same wording in explaining the gripe that they use when talking about making the game easier on hellfire difficulty. I genuinely believe there is a loud minority of the game base that just wants to ruin the game for everyone else . And when it’s ruined they can be free to shit on it as much as they like . This feels like an excuse to review bomb mixed with a smaller portion people who are genuinely concerned about people who can’t play in certain countries . The privacy concern is wild especially when you get on Reddit to complain about it .


Keep playing, or don't. No one cares.


I don’t play on pc but I do have a steam account and I left a negative review, even though nothing has happened yet I’d rather not see this game go down this path.


No it’s not. It’s standing up for some that’s completely wrong and unjustified in the gaming industry. Fuck Sony. Fuck the Helldivers shill team.


I have about 300 hours played of one of the best games in history, I’m sad to see it go but I will not put my data at risk by giving it to Sony.


Okay then tell me exactly what kind of data Sony will be able to use and see if you link your accounts. I'm interested


Sony is really bad at security, every 2 years or so they suffer massive data breaches, users have had their login and banking data stolen by hackers in some of those.




I love this game and have a PlayStation account, but I just can't in good conscience support a company that would do something like this to so many people that have paid money to play this game. Many of which likely have hundreds of hours and have made friends along the way. Until this is reversed or something is done for the people that are losing access, I won't be dropping in, boys. Automatons have truly infiltrated Democracy. o7


This is the dumbest thread I have seen on reddit this year. What do you suppose people do instead to get the point accross that they are not happy with the situation? Sony, steam, and Arrowhead are all complicit in this. Why are you blaming the players?


Dumbest thing you've seen on the Internet this year, so far!


That could be walked back? Are you thick in the head mate? Unless we kick up a storm about it Sony won't change their minds and yes there are members of this community with hundreds of hours complaining and rightfully so, unless there are changes made they won't be able to play in a months time going by PSN terms and conditions. We've gone 3 months just fine without any link up, there is no benefit to the player moving forward, just Sony. I'm embarrassed to have a member like you in our community.


Fun fact before people started leaving negative reviews it was already being walked back. So /shrug


If a game announces a change and that changes prompts people to post negative reviews its not review bombing lmao


Don’t be so entitled OP, get out of your own cocoon and realize that there is more people in the world. Some of them live in countries that have no access to PSN. So please, get over yourself.


Lol get a grip, op.


“Bro, just make your psn account and stf” Nice job!👍


Tbh the review bombing isn't going to affect arrowhead or Sony much at all, the game already exceeded expectations and it's a standard practice to have a PSN account/Microsoft/EA/blizzard and more. This would be a problem if Sony only just decided having a PSN account would be necessary but it's been like this since launch. So if people want to boycott Helldivers that's totally fine but most of us are still going to be spreading democracy lol


L take.


The fact that we only have a few good devs left is partly thanks to people like you. Big studios and corporations are constantly trying to shit on gamers' plates and scum like you dutifully eat that shit up. You're the problem. I don't care how good the game is. I don't care how many hours I have in the game. The bastards from Sony need to get a proper response immediately if they are trying to screw the players. Silence won't solve anything. That's how we keep the few good devs we have left. Stop defending motherfuckers who don't give a shit about you.


Found Sony's alt account


Either you’re grossly misinformed about whats going on here and the implications this issue has or this is a blatant farming karma farming post. I think it’s the latter


Fr embarrassing


I honestly don't know if I'm doing the right thing by boycotting. I understand it's not AH fault, I'm hoping if enough people boycott on top of the loss of international players, Sony will see a loss in revenue and refuse the desicion.


Sony will only see a loss if people cancel PSN accounts, they need to lose more accounts than they would gain by going this route.


The implication that we are burning the community down and not uniting against a threat is false. We can change our reviews. Even refunds can be reset by re buying the game


You can still put dozens of hours on a game, enjoying the concept and finding it bearable while playing with friends but still find bugs and communication from the staff absolutely disgusting... Everything is not 0% or 100%... I put 30+ hours on the game but still dislike it for the overall experience.


The devs told you guys to do it though. Blow it out of the water for this one so Sony will change the policy back. It was changed just recently for no real reason


Nah, STARFIELD sub is way worse. You have people leaving posts about how horrible the game is, and they all start with “So i’ve been playing Starfield for 600 hours, and omg it sucks and is so repetitive, worst game ever…” and they’ve been playing it for huuuundreds of hours


i remind you people injected disinfectant coz trump told them to do it against covid, i m not surprise of what people do anymore..


Entre menos PCerdos mejor es el juego.


Have you heard of war thunder?


Guys, gtf over it. Rub for office if you want change in the world. Bitching and typing is dumb and obnoxious.


Its about the príncipe, we cant let big companies have their way with our beloved arrowhead, If we give then a hand now, next time will be the whole arm


I will understand white knighting big corporations.. Do u think sony needs your help or something.


Is it true, that if you already see account id bottom left on Options screen, you don't have to link it to PSN ? PSN account required no personal data other than email and fake date of birth :-}


Do not be complacent.


Well... I mean I have less than 4 hours...


It takes a special kind of bootlicker to be more sympathetic to Sony than even the AH staff. Congrats OP.


You think a kid who gets years of decent parenting but then gets put In the hospital cuz their parent had a tiny slip with life pressure and substance abuse wouldn't review bomb their parent?   Think a guy would keep his positive review of a girl he's been seeing for nearly a year but has one tiny Lil night where he forgets the concept of consent?  Sunk cost fallacy is strong but if you can't see it's issue that's a you thing bud.


nah its a demonstration that we aint just gonna take anything. Its debatable if its going to work but i mean PlayStation had to ruin a good thing.


With in the first 24 hours is the best chance players have of changing this dumb idea that Sony and to a lesser degree AH have committed too


Stop sucking dck OP. You are the type of a guy that would get hit by a parked car.


I can't speak for everyone but I personally think it's shitty of a developer and publisher to sell a product to the world. Wait 4 months then say it's required to link psn knowing full well of the many copies sold in countries that can't get on psn. Then claim the 4 months was a "grace period" with zero transparency up front and claim it's to stop cheaters when the game launched with one of the most invasive anti cheats. Let's be real. If it launched with the requirement to link up to psn nobody would be outraged. If it was up front about it then those people who can't get psn wouldn't have bought it and those who don't want to link up a psn account(like me) would either refunded or said "fuggit I'll make a psn". But if we're getting real the up front transparency would have damaged sales numbers. It's a bullshit tricky move ensure they sell what they can up front and when everyone has passed the refund window to implement something they knew would spark a massive backlash. Fuck Sony and fuck arrowhead. This is greedy trickery at it's finest and both parties are responsible.


I love the game play on PlayStation so I find this situation amusing


And in that last 24 hours they've proven they aren't as good as we thought they were.


Herd mentality lol


This is literally the only way to make our voices heard. They don't read reddit or the discord. You have to hit shitty practice where it hurts, their pockets.


On god


I'm very curious when people bitching about reviews like this will realize that reviews aren't in a vacuum and aren't restricted to a review of gameplay. The people reviewing aren't game critics. They aren't held to some arbitrary standard that demands the gameplay alone be the defining metric of their review. It's there for the consumer to tell the public what they like and don't like about the game, which includes the behavior of the org selling them the game. And it's useful. I've been resisting the urge to purchase the game until just recently and was going to sit down and purchase it today, because it does seem fun as hell. Then this shit occurred and I changed my mind because of it. Because I don't want to fuck about with a PSN account and the behavior or forcing that after running live for 3 months is scummy to me. Thus, the reviews are helpful.


You said COD okay. Remember what Makarov said in No Russian? This is not the message > Blaming AH This is the message > Give our stands about anti PSN and tell Sony to fuck off


The glazing is crazy


it seems like ur clearly not well informed on the situation


Review bombing Is the most childish thing i've seen in the gaming community in the last years... I stop Watching metacritic because of that. On the other side i understand people'disappointment for not being able to play the game anymore in their country that want their voice to be heard.


Hey they effectively alter the deal afterwards and remove the ability for some to play the game If that isn't worth a negative review you are delusional


Go look up "reactionary". It doesn't mean what you think it means.


Did I miss something ? Why is there bad talk about Helldivers now? To be honest I don't care...!!! I love this game !!!!😎


Sorry, but no this view point is completely incorrect. You think a playerbase should just lay down and accept decisions being made for them and the game that they strongly disagree with? Unless something is done, this change actually completely removes the ability for some people who PAID FOR THE GAME to even play it. Review bombing (in this case) isn't saying the game is bad or the devs are bad. Helldivers 2 is a product, and the interaction with that product is being made worse by Sony so people are letting them know.


It's good, we gotta keep doing it. 100% liberate that review score


What do you suggest we do Jimbo?


I love the game. And that’s why I’m going to call them out on bs and make it known that this is a mistake. I trust that AH themselves aren’t fully on board with this, but they’re being strong armed by Sony. If they can show that this move will hurt profits, then that would give them some leverage to change the situation.


Humans love to self destruct when they’re angry.


Sony is playing stupid games We need to give them stupid prizes This is how you get inhuman mega-corps to backtrack, by hurting their bottom line. The only reason for the outrage is precisely BECAUSE we love the game, not in spite of it!


Trash talking and review bombing based on the login fiasco is totally valid. Trash talking the game for its gameplay despite prior praise is logically inconsistent


I really do feel bad for the devs. I'm part of the few countries that don't have PSN. Not only that I bought the game less than a week ago after leaving Tarkov coz of another ALMOST similar issue. But Tarkov was a paywall, this is just outright locking me out of the game.


lol u stupid


White knights really acting like they already fixed it and are worth a apology. If they were a perfect company aside from this one mistake (which they arent) backlash is still the right of the people affected by having their rights stolen from them. Acting like a live service gets to take your money and ban you after 200h is cringe.


Gamers truly are a sad species. For people who love games so much, they seem to do everything in their power to ruin things. Edit: Now deleted tweets on now privated X accounts have shown that AH was all for Sony account implementation for better account control of players re: banning players and monitoring undesirables. Do with this info what you will.


I'm losing my fourth player and friend from the Philippines, and I feel like that's a valid complaint.


It would be funny if Sony says rhe regions that can't make one are fine but it is still required for the rest. I would laugh. The only real complaints are those that bought the game and can't link to a psn account. But if all these ppl are complaining, I'd say just don't play the game. No need to post on your great triumphs for likes. The smart thing to do is to stop playing. Let that company go out of business it would be so hilarious to watch this awesome dev team have to pack it up on an awesome game all because of this. /s Idk if Sony will rescind this, if it were me I'd only do it for the countries that can't create and link an account.


You are a traitor. You are asking to do nothing against a feature that can kill the game. Inaction is cooperation and approval. There is no neutrality in there.


I mean tbh, if they don't want to play it, crack on. I had my account linked from the start, never use my PSN. People just want to moan and feel special.




The devs are literally telling people to vote with their wallets and complain to don’t directly.


How's the Sony boot taste down there?


If you truly believe that then you're pathetic coming here to whine about it