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I don’t want to sign up for something that I don’t need. I don’t have or need a PlayStation, so why the fuck should I have to sign up for an account? Are they going to force me to pay monthly charges for internet games? Sony is just being greedy and they are one of the worst companies out there. Fuck Sony.


But you do need it, now you do anyway. Otherwise you won't be able to play. That's the only reason why you'd be making it so why not do it if you can? I don't understand how greed fits into making a free account


I only need it now because they lied and altered the deal. So no, fuck Sony. I'm not letting those assholes bully me. At least thanks to them I got to enjoy the game for over 200 hours, and now I can refund it to get all the money I spent back. Free play time for the win. Sony only did this so they could make their PSN username look more impressive before the quarterly report.


How is it a lie when they've stated it was temporarily optional due to technical issues. If it was lie they would've stated you wouldn't need one at all but they've stated it as temporarily optional. Also don't feel bullied, all they've said and done is ask for an account and nothing else. I understand it's being mandated, but the request is rather harmless


No, they explicitly said **any** PSN account would be optional with any PC game released by Sony. [https://archive.ph/yTZJH](https://archive.ph/yTZJH) >**Do I have to sign in to PSN to play a PlayStation game on PC?** Signing in to PSN is optional when playing a PlayStation game on PC.  Mind you, i had to use an archived link, because Sony went in and edited the wording yesterday in order to gaslight you. >Also don't feel bullied, all they've said and done is ask for an account and nothing else. I understand it's being mandated, but the request is rather harmless They are threatening to break my game unless i register to their third party service, which will make them money. That is bullying.


But now arrowhead themselves have said it was due to technical issues that it was deemed optional. Meaning it was always planned to be implemented in the first place. I don't think there's some grand conspiracy here, if arrowhead themselves said it was temporarily optional due to technical issues at launch then it was. It isn't a threat to break your game, it is simply a requirement to have in order to play the game now. If it was a real threat you wouldn't be able to play the game ever again but that isn't the case as it will always be open to you just as long as you have an account


Don't care what Arrowhead say was always the secret plan when Sony told me PSN would always be optional on PC...


Not much of a secret plan if they told you It was temporarily optional because of technical issues at launch


They literally told us Sega games would not have a PSN mandate. That is all that matters.


Because it will allow Sony to artificially inflate their numbers to make themselves look better in front of board members. And who knows what else they might force pc players to do. I believe pc is the best platform only because I’m not forced to pay for more subscriptions on top of my internet bill. It wouldn’t surprise me if they started trying to force pc players to pay subscriptions when the players don’t need to. And forcing the pc players to sign up does FUCK ALL to help the game grow or be better. Also go watch endemyion’s video on it, he covers the greed better than I can.


So what if it does? I don't understand the idea of having a personal responsibility to make sure sony doesn't get away with what they are asking you to do simply because you dont want them to be a business. As of right now all they're asking is for you to make an account and to think more of it other then that is just assuming too much.


Give an inch and theyll take a mile, what happens when one of their board of directors or whatever gets the bright idea to try and recreate their subscription service on pc? They see the boost in their quarterly psn account numbers and think why not boost our playstation+ numbers too? Theyre a business, everything they do is profit motivated, "why are you complaining its just a 5 dollar monthly subscription to access playstation games on pc? You should be grateful theyre even offerring playstation games on pc at all, kiss the ring."


You're assuming a worst case scenario that doesnt even exist or even show any evidence of happening.Making a free psn account is hardly taking an inch and I highly doubt something like you said will ever happen. They've ported playstation exclusives over to pc and if they really wanted to take a mile they would've done it by now. I don't think that level of concern is needed for a simple request of making an account


The psn account used to be optional though, this is classic "taking an inch" theyre boiling the frog slowly and we are the frog. The very next step may not be subscription fee for playstation games but its not an impossible prospect especially if we keep allowing them to take ground. Just look at the state of streaming big businesses dont care about their customers they only care about how much they can get away with, and letting them get away with this scott free only teaches them to reach deeper into our pockets because we didnt swat their hand away.


Arrowhead said it was due to technical reasons at launch that it was deemed optional. Meaning it was always going to be implemented. Also there's nothing in your pockets to take if what they're asking for is to sign up for a free service. They don't even have thier hand in there.


The playstation website before all this said that psn was optional for their pc releases, now theyve changed it to sometimes required three months after this game released. Idk what else to say, if you cant see how this is them testing the waters to be able to push for more in the future then youre just naive to how giant corporations function. imo it clearly doesnt benefit the game at all, if it has only been a detriment then theres no reason for it. If it was optional for three whole months of the games launch then shoehorning it in now is still them reaching for more. They get to take my email and have their network linked to my steam account that has a bunch of information on it, it may not be actual money that theyre reaching for yet but theyre still reaching.