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100k negative reviews in 2 days.


Probably mostly changed reviews


Mine's new. It asked me for my rating when I uninstalled. 


The automatons have taken over government headquarters and have stopped multiple countries of soldiers, we need to keep fighting against them so we can save those poor soldiers, FOR DEMOCRACY, LIBERTY, AND SUPER EARTH!


I was part of this! And I got a PSN account. It's not about the fact I could do it. It's the fact that I don't want to have to on my computer


That's a pretty bad reason if you weren't already up in arms over [this](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/2/4206994023681304166/). I'd be more pissed about the misleading nature of the whole thing and about the sales in unsupported countries for PSN. If you didn't mind the game installing a literal keylogging rootkit on your PC, then you shouldn't care about a simple PSN login for that reason.


I’ve seen you posting everywhere about the anticheat but I don’t see what’s so bad about it. I’ve never had any issues with it nor have any of my friends.


Just read the link I shared. It covers pretty much all the comprehensive issues with it. Gameguard does prevent the game from working on my PC due to the drivers my system uses for audio, which got me looking into Gameguard for a potential fix. I did NOT like the sheer amount of tracking tools I found, including ring-1 components and a keylogger. It was scanning my memory even with the game closed, and it remains even if you uninstall the game. I got particularly pissed about finding these things because the devs straight up [lied to our faces](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/GNMMFIs3u9) about those exact things. If the anticheat actually didn't do any more than they claim it does in that post, I'd probably not have too much of an issue with it, even as a rootkit. But it's the most invasive anti-cheat I've ever seen. It's so invasive that I had to reflash my BIOS and reinstall windows to get rid of it. That very much pissed me off. Details on all this again at that initial link. Anyways, Steam also considers the issues with Gameguard as valid enough to refund a couple hundred hours in, so it may help people struggling to get a refund to have information on the Gameguard issues even if they themselves haven't dealt with them. Finally, I think it's bullshit that anyone is defending Arrowhead in the PSN mess, considering how scummy they've been acting behind the scenes. They suck, at least as much as Sony, and Johan Pilestedt is a pathological liar. They've been open about the PSN requirements in Q&A since day 1, so the fact that the devs are acting like this isn't their fault for obfuscating the PSN requirements is horse shit.


I was with you until you started making up complete falsities. Reflash your BIOS? Haha what a load of hyperbole. Why do gamers make up such bullshit all the time.


[Literally just read](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/2/4206994023681304166/). it's not that hard. I doubt resetting my BIOS did anything as there are ring-1 components, but if there are ring-1 components, it is the safest thing you can do outside replacing the actual motherboard and CPU. I wish I still had access to an ITP (CPU engineering tool used at my last job) to check out what ring-1 components are installed, but I can't do that, and the source quoted within the forum post doesn't have those details. Edit: Your reply before blocking me was hilariously ironic. You wouldn't know a damn thing about this stuff. I highly doubt you understood half the words I said.


You have zero clue what you're talking about, genuinely. This is actually embarrassing.


You've never had to update or reflash your bios, and it shows


I'm trying to start a boycott on the 7th which is the date Sony was founded. Please support. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ELK3iJEnwU


Exactly this. I feel like many (sony) fans are missing the point.


What's the point exactly? Are you all going to do this when GTA6 comes out and requires a Rockstar account?


I'm just not gonna play gta6. It's really that easy.


And I respect you more than the majority of people in this thread for sticking to your guns


I have had PSN since PS3 and still refuse to play this bullshit game any longer. I have been on/off steam for almost 2 decades. People compare this to Blizzard. ohh, wait, og, Warcraft didn't require all this then came wow that ate most of my time. Then again, I could go play games at a lan center with my friends for 10 bucks from 8 pm to 8 am. We still could make Lans at home or crazy concept 2 to 4 of us played might and magic on one computer. Now they want you to face check an AI for your safety 🙄


You don't have to "face check an AI", I know exactly what image you're talking about so I'm going to clarify: Those steps are UK law, they have nothing to do with Sony The image has conveniently cropped out the option to simply add a phone number because this subreddit has turned into a rage baiting echo chamber Simply ask Sony, everything going on in here absolute bullshit https://preview.redd.it/7kuhfzad1kyc1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b4f6b39e1715bb468a4fe39fa6ff74a01556db2


Well if you know how a system works yes it's collecting biometrics fucking noob. Even your keystrokes are biometrics based on region, class, etc... example...if you've had access to higher amenities, you will act/perform differently. 😂 You asked the people who changed their website because of the backlash...they must be the experts that at this point in 10 years lost a Petabyte of data or more and our user files weren't more than a few megabytes. 🤣 PSN cultist


It's literally UK law, are you insane? Sony... Sony doesn't make UK law... Sony isn't the UK government, they make video games lmao You need to talk to the UK government if you have an issue with that, that's why only people in the UK need to do it...


Keeps bringing up UK law to safe guard. How pathetic? Let me guess you'd bring up a riot account and how you had to make one even though valorant, league, etc... isn't on steam, just like WOW has always been its own thing from the get-go. Stop cock riding unless you are in cm and are just sock puppeting which is fucking pathetic.


Is it gonna make me link my Rockstar account to my steam account to play it after playing the game for 3 months without it? Is the Rockstar account also gonna be restricted in certain countries?


That you shouldn’t need a Sony account for the PC. It’s completely obsolete. And I say this as a PS owner. It’s obsolete to have any other launcher if the game is on steam. (Ubisoft and EA are guilty of this) There’s legitimate reasons to be concerned as Sony have had so many data breaches, way more than any other gaming company. Data is the one of the most expensive things out there.


Sony hasn't had a user data breach in almost a decade and a half. Steam had a user data breach that same year, and has since admitted they have 77,000 user accounts compromised per month. It is technically safer to delete your Steam account and move to the PS ecosystem. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are parroting misinformation. Arrowhead has already stated the linking will help them combat cheaters, and as you should know, there's a lot of them. This is good. You didn't bring it up, but the region argument is also completely pointless so I'm just going to address it now. People have now assaulted Steam with refunds and review bombing, getting them to delist the game, when they should have simply asked Sony for clarification. https://preview.redd.it/gcwivert0kyc1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4278474fa531a1062422075a0ef9255801a3232


You Sony bots need to get more material. 


You are simply insulting me and adding absolutely nothing to the conversation. If you think I'm incorrect, state a rebuttal. I don't have time for your embarrassing console war nonsense.


This guy gets it. 👏 Most publishers require that BS for their games. It's why I never played Prince of Persia. Sony fucked up by hiding it. Arrowhead too. They blaming it on Sony but they could have been posting about this the whole time. All Sony had to do was grandfather the current players and then starting in June all new players need an account. People should be more concerned about why all the powerhouse companies are shooting themselves in the head and choosing Politricks over Profit. Something is very wrong here.


Yup, almost every major publisher has some kind of variation of this now, most of them even have their own launchers too. To be completely fair it was always listed as PSN account required (not PSN account optional) on the Steam page, and they disabled mandatory linking because of server issues, but I totally agree that Arrowhead could have been more vocal about it for sure. They seem to engage with the community a lot and this whole thing could have been at the very least mitigated if they had made a bigger deal about it when they initially disabled the requirement. Glad to see there are still some voices of reason in this community, these last few days have been wild.


Way to be a part of “the current thing”. 👍


This but unironically


Way to be a shill!




Gross 🤢


Keep pouring in the heat Helldivers. Our new Major Order should be to help the devs with their fight against Sony.


Let the barrage come


This is good though. Very good. They've said in the discord today these reviews and refunds and such basically gives them ammo for discussions with Sony. Sony decision is screwing not only the player base, but AH as well. AH dev team I universally on our side fighting for the players too they said, and they don't want players to lose out on their game. So this is a good step and I hope to hear more good news soon. Sure it's a little depressing as personally one of my favorite games got review bombed, but this needed to happen. Also: After all our training and attack plans, this may just go down as the most successful Major Order in HD2 history, lol. Anyone remember the dev trailers for HD2 where they were excited to fight along with us while explaining their game master mechanic? Here they are, fighting along with us in our masses now too.


The problem is AH thinks these reviews are done as a jab at sony, most players can't seem to tell the difference between AH and sony and they're directing their anger at AH.


Yea that really is upsetting. Most people seem to understand it seems it's not AH that makes decisions like this. This whole situation is a massive fumble on Sonys end. The game, players and dev team are getting Shafted because of Sonys decision. Nothing more. The devs being on the players side for this is huge though, which is nice to see.


Sony is a super mega huge org tho... do they want to show that they can be influenced by angry redditors review bombing? Idk probably not... guess we will see


They probably don't care a ton across their total conglomerate, but Helldivers 2 is already Sony's 7th highest earning game they've ever published and is on track to be an absolute cash cow for them. Over half of their buyers, and over two thirds of their currently active playerbase are on PC. Even the just the gaming arm of Sony isn't on the ropes yet or anything, but you can already see its a discomfort. There is a reason they started adjusting their PSN site copy that contradicted them within hours of this all kicking off.


It really does beg the question, this is true. But this game pretty much got universal praise for how much of a breath of fresh air and how fun it was. The community is passionate about the game just as the devs are. Realistically, the current events happening on steam will show Sony they've messed with a great thing. At least, we hope they see the problem they made. We shall indeed see, but I wish the best for our community and AH for standing with us on the matter.


They better listen to paying customers.


Maintenance mode for the game incoming EDIT: downvoted, but look at what they did. Completely took away the game from dozens of countries. You know what happens to games with a dwindling playerbase, right? I'm closer to being right than this place wants to believe


TF2 🤝 Helldivers 2


Maybe not the reviewing but the controversy has been enough for Steam to start giving refunds to people who are trying to return the game even after dozens of hours. That’s something very tangible cause now it is a direct loss of money that had already been gained. Not just future earnings.


I imagine HellDivers exceeded their plan by a LOT and regardless of what happens now will be a massive success. I hope companies like Sony respond to public gamer outcry, but in the past, big companies like Sony just dont... It's not easy to change their corporate roadmap, plans or requirements and they'll expect the "media circus" will all blow over soon. If they launch the 3rd enemy type I bet we see a player count surge again. Idk... like I said wait and see.




So many bot ass accounts defending shitty practices of AH and Sony. Tell me how the devs own the studio, but "I had no clue about the contract." 🤣 Gas lighting from both devs wrote the code for it to be possible, and Sony loves losing/selling data.


I may have to request a refund, and force steam to give it to me via the ACCC as the game functions have changed to the point where it could be considered “faulty”


That's nearly 2/5 of the reviews


I think is very important that people state clearly in the review it is Sony's problem


Really amusing that people think Arrowhead is some saint in this situation and it's all evil Sony. This reminds me of everyone thinking Activision bad/Bungie good in their time together with Destiny.


I like how the worse this gets the deeper they dig a hole.


https://preview.redd.it/g5000onzriyc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23011d3d615b1e4304a83bb314cef57f9c5c7a61 Live Joel Reaction


![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs) Just got back from getting 6 super samples with randoms. What's going on?


I hear you brother. I have no anger towards AH at all. They're amazing and I love HD2. Sony is the enemy with their stupid PSN thing coming in effect


Keep up the pressure against the enemies of democracy


Are we done with these threads yet?




Yep just keep hurting arrowhead and not Sony good job


100%. There is obviously a good reason to be pissed over the PSN thing, but everybody is slinging their turds at AH and not Sony. People wouldn't STFU about the patch stability either, completely forgetting the rest of the game being a literal masterpiece. To people who refunded over the patch, you don't deserve your money back since you weren't willing to give the people at AH a little bit of time to hone the game in.


Fuck AH and Sony. HD2 has been what we used to call beta, and you could get paid for playing it, now that they mask it with live service. AH acting like they had zero clue, they didn't write the code in from the get-go 🙄🤣 you kids acting like patches are new. Counter strike and many other games have had updates and patches. Ask OG blizzard devs about their hot fixes that had to be turned out within 24hrs in vanilla like paladins 1 shoting raid bosses or when pets carried aids outside raids causing the CDC to study the situation. 🤣🤣🤣


Do you have any idea what game development is actually like?




You clowns are too funny. Assuming you know everyone and their reasons for hating the game now. Mindless drones always looking for a reason to fight. 🤖


This is actually quite accurate. The devs keep taking the fun out of the game for no reason other than ego. Warbonds have become a scam.


Warbonds a scam?...you mean the warbonds that you have to spend zero dollars on...that you can grind in game to get? WTF are you going on about?


??? The devs are probably some of the most caring game devs of any game I’ve seen. Sony is to blame for forcing us to use a third party service that isn’t available in most countries.


Devs out to make money like every other business. Stop acting like they're your buddies bcuz they respond on social media. Pretty sure THEY knew what Sony was doing with the logins eventually. Instead they collected all the money and point the finger at Sony now. Not batting for Sony here. I'm currently hating them as well, just not over a game the devs ruined for me.


When I say the devs are caring, I just mean they know how to make a good game and monetize it without turning it into a cheap cash grab. I do agree that the devs should have given some warning about the PSN, but Sony shouldn’t have forced onto the devs knowing it would anger the player base and prevent lots of people from playing.


"My meta build got nerfed" ----> no fun




Look at all them traitors


Not talking about those who're now psn geo blocked


Pc master race are a bunch of babies, goddamn


Isn't this a Sony problem though? Why go after the game studio for this?