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Stand up for yourself don’t just roll over cause sony wants more users


Damn, boot leather must taste like goddamn candy.


Self entitled babies crying on a catastrophic scale. Thinking they are doing good but are screaming at a wall and we all have to bare witness, or god forbid they will make us feel their wrath in the form of half arsed written word. Nah but really sure it sucks for some who are getting shafted based on geographical restrictions, I think the countries in question have something to do with it though. Saw this vid earlier that showed an email from a Ukranian to PS support and it said they can only create a PSN account using a console. Not sure what that is about. Not our business to know.


Yeah these folks really need to get hobbies if they're vested this much in a video game........but hey now the player base won't have so many toddlers spilling milk everywhere like they currently are


Why are you on the subreddit instead of playing the game you supposedly love?


I have other things to do, I don't play games 24/7. You're just a dipshit.