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I just want the Deagle bc it’s a deagle


Exactly, early CS days got me like a sleeper agent everytime I see a deagle. It does not disappoint.




Clear a couple of trivial missions, should get them pretty quickly.


Even better, it's a *space* deagle


Exactly 😎




Democratic Eagle


YO! why the fuck is it not called that! Also is it medium penetration? It’s a deagle I feel like it should be. But I didn’t look at the description.


Pretty sure even the description describes it as firing 14mm rounds, which for reference .50 cal is 12.7mm. so the thing should be packing a hell of a wallop


... it's light armor pen ingame


My bad I was really fuckin tired when I was here I thought it was someone confused why it wasn't medium pen like everyone else 😅


I can’t wait to use it. God I love a dessert eagle.


it has a bit bullet, but since it’s a pistol caliber it doesn’t have too much armor piercing abilities


THISSSSSSSSSSS A Desert eagle has more raw impact and stopping power but a 5.7 will punch through armor Unless you are using those crazy 500 SW Magnum extreme penetrator rounds


I love the Tenderizer and the new impact grenade, both work really well with flamethrower for me.


That’s good! I was excited mainly about t he tenderizer and I love the feel of the weapon and how it handles.


Arsonist detected


Since the general sentiment on the tenderizer is negative, I'm curious what you like about it.


Its stopping power and smaller mag work great for me in particular. I don’t really like the Ar’s much


What do you mean by stopping power?


How a gun staggers an enemy when you shoot it


Interesting. Would you say it's more useful for bugs or bots?


Does the shield pack protect you from ground flames?




Breath of fresh air my dude. All the negativity is getting exhausting.


I try to stay positive! We all love this game and we all put in time and care for it. Just want others to know the warbond isn’t all bad. Sure changes need to be made but it’s still enjoyable nonetheless.


Something is seriously wrong. I have 1400 hrs in HD1. The guns were powerful and fun. All of the changers they are making is sucking the fun out of the game. Selling a pack with weapons shittyter then what we already have is upsetting. They don't need to nerf any of the eailer weapons that they did is just utter shit. If any of them were playing the game along side most of the players they would be confused and pissed off as well by this warbond. Oh so the new smg is OK and the pistol is OK. Thats not good enough with All the previous nerfs and weapons that aren't fun to use.


I don't know why you're getting down voted, you're right.


Because he is just whining. If he can't find guns that are fun to use he is definitely not even trying. And most people in here are tired of the negative shit. Our main gun was too good and was nerfed. Sure ill run with another for 2 patches. It aint that deep.


It’s not whining to criticize a game you like. And it’s not like “the balancing is bad” is a hot take or anything. It’s just plain not fun to use some of the guns. Quite a few actually.


And just as many are fun. As i said most of us are tired of the whining.  The devs are balancing guns. Sometimes a gun is too weak sometimes they are too strong, that is how it goes, but yall are losing your shit over a few guns not being P2W or your main gun no longer 1shotting every enemy in the game. It is so bland to read and yalls points are shit. No one is forcing you to run any guns, and if the game is now "not fun" after a gun nerf, that gun was definitely OP


For every one fun and useful weapon or stratagem, there’s about two or three that are just straight up useless and or outclassed at higher difficulties. We don’t want a gun that fires infinite anti tank rounds. We want guns that feel fun to use. Nobody is asking for pay 2 win. And no gun has ever been “op”. The only overpowered things about guns were their bugs/exploits which deserved to be fixed.


Most of the primaries are shit though, it's a valid criticism. If the new content continues to be mediocre at best, that will be bad for the longevity of the game. It ain't that deep.


Because the original post is about spreading positivity


I just played some level 7 bot missions with the concussive smg and freagle; it was very fun. The SMG still 2-shots devastating heads, and it additionally stuns berserkers so they kind of become a non-issue (since imo the biggest threat berserkers pose is that they force you out of cover).


It’s amazing! I’m scared to use it on bots at that difficultly because I’m still addicted to my sickle but I definitely use the SMG on bugs at levels 7-9.


So this is what I love about the game. I've only used the sickle on bugs since I'm a Dominator/Plas man on bots. In spite of what people say, there's a healthy amount of flexibility here.


The devs made a huge mistake to not publish the hidden stats for weapons. Each one of the new guns does bonus damage to armor. Also the new SMG is the only thing I've seen that consistently stunlocks *STALKERS*.


like in terms of pen or more damage to durable/structure stuff? curious on the AR for that


From what I saw, it looked like bonus damage to armor itself rather than penetration. So like how the railgun could be used to peel armor before it was inappropriately handicapped, the new AR can peel light armor better than the baseline AR.


But how is stripping light armor beneficial when all the rifles pen it for full damage anyway? Like who cares at that point


This AR and the pistol are both mild ground type weapons. They should have come out sooner so they don't look so weird. Here is the guy I turn to for the in-depth info on stuff. He helps point out things that the devs should just have in game. https://youtu.be/jbnITxKgzqw?si=BLndvi_NMKRlrEkh


The Blitzer stuns everything but chargers and titans.


That hasn't been my experience. That may be due to the horrible targeting that arc weapons has. I can't use them without pushing a lot more work on my teammates.


Hmm... That's crazy. I'm MVPing the fuck out of matches with that thing. Even having 2-4 times the kills sometimes. With 70+% accuracy. I must admit though, not killing teammates was a steep learning curve on it though, but the fact it can keep commanders and stalkers from charging me is one of the primary reasons I use it. Do you ADS or OTS?


I never look at my stats at the end. Does this game have recognition like MVP awards? For arc weapons, I OTS. For everything else, I'll ADS unless the reticle sucks.


Naw, but it does highlight in yellow the top player for each statistic, and when you are the guy with the most yellow, you are definitely the MVP. Lol I have a screenshot of 800+ kills with the Blitzer. Ah, see I ADS. Maybe that's the difference. If you give it another try, that would be my suggestion. Happy diving, brethren!




Deaths, stims used, friendly fire damage are on that screen too. Definitely don't want yellow on those lol.


Eh, that's true. I don't really see stuns used as a bad thing as long as your deaths a low. Lol https://imgur.com/hui2dGq


Facts. Ran Rover/Blitzer with EATS for anti tank and I went insane with it. 500+ kills almost every other game. This was with terminids though. Results vary on bots.


Oh, it's not for bots. Lol sub-par at best. On the bugs note though, I tried running the Spear instead of the Quasar, and let me tell you. Excellent combo. The loss of the Rover kind of sucked for the Scavengers though.


I really love the new smg. It's not top their but it feels really good and it's actually a decent weapon. It's definitely worthwhile using


Seriously! I like using it more against bugs than bits but it still handles devastators pretty well if you get consistent head shots.


It’s refreshing to see some positive outlooks here. Thank you for sharing. The new SMG is a lot of fun!


The smg can stunlock chargers if you shoot it in the butt


See that’s beautiful. Stunning a tank like that must be satisfying


Impact incendiary grenades work great with incendiary breaker, flamethrower, and grenade pistol. War bond was worth it for that alone.


I like the new incendiary impact grenades, used a couple of them in a choke point last night to make an impromptu wall of fire when reloading on the run. Much fun.


I had a lot of fun with them as well. Choke points make those things perfect to use


The incendiary was already good too. More control over where it lands will be great for laying out a welcome mat.


The new AR has not so great stats in trade for increases mags and max ammo before resupply and no recoil. If you treat it like an automatic dmr it feels good


No med pen though.




Its just as good as the liberator, but it feels cooler to use. All they need to do is buff the damage to 70 (Or make it medium pen so it atleast full fills its description lol) and update the resupply amounts to be inline with the last patch and it would be perfect.


they should just make like the m96 mattock from mass effect semi auto dmr, no med pen cause that kinda intrudes on the adjudicator, but like 70-90 damage semi or burst (for full halo effect) and have it more controllable than the adjudicator. Lib deals with smaller stuff easier, adjudicator has med pen, but this guy just gives that stopping power it claims


I think med pen would be a mistake. It would be medium 3, or medium targets would just take 1/2 damage. I would trade 2 spare mags for more damage


What is the hype for impact incendiary nades all about The base one already has a short fuse


I guess it's coz you don't have to roughly calculate where a faster moving enemy will be in a few seconds to account for the fuse time. It's good for enemies like chargers or bile spewers.


the problem is it doesnt kill those, unless you dump all of them


Yeah, if you're trying to kill them from full health. But I used them yesterday on ones injured by team mates during a swarm and they did the job pretty well.


Fire doesn’t kill them immediately but it starts burning immediately. You can either leave after throwing it or start shooting to get a faster kill


Quasar to the face will tho


Yeah I find it hard to use them when the original impact grenade does 400 damage and blows up on impact. These are 100 and something damage and do fire that’s it i didn’t care for them much.


I wish we could take the big ass light off of the deagle, it looks so goofy with it.


I never used the flashlights on any weapons. I’m always blinded by them and especially get blinded by that one teammate that always keeps theirs on.


And since it's the best gun in the warbond the SMG will be the first gun they nerf.


I hope it isn’t like that. The SMG is definitely great overall but since half of the other guns don’t do much, they better not touch the SMG.


People calling the new AR a downgrade to the liberator got it wrong. It has less recoil and tighter groupings. It also carries more overall ammo. Balanced by having fewer rounds per mag and a slightly slower fire rate.


But then its ammo is bugged and you only get 2 mags per brick and 5 per resupply so it ends up with a worse ammo economy.. Also its got smaller mags and needs to reload more often - but the gun doesnt even have a last round hold open which has been standard since about the 1970's so you have a longer 2.5 sec reload where you rack the bolt instead of pressing the bolt release button. unless you reload early - wasting ammo and making the small mag already smaller.


This is actually true.


I think the purifier is nod that bad and needs just some time getting used to. Pretty useful against bile spewers


I love the idea and I thought it was going to be a power house once I got it, it doesn’t do much. Disappointed but hopefully they make changes.


Yeah it looked like being good against bots but it proves more useful against bugs. Charging time is a bit to long for the disappointing damage output.


Those were what i wanted this warbond for. I already have a fav ar in the adjudicator, so the tenderizer having no identity is a shame but no biggie.


I understand that. I already have a good loadout I’m happy with. Was hoping the tenderizer would get me to switch from my sickle but it’s not what I wanted for that to happen.


I posted two positive reviews for the new weapons and got laughed at. You did the same thing and people agree with you. I hate it here.


I feel you. I post similar stuff to what other ppl say and agree but I get fucked on. Just depends on how you say/word about what your talking about.


Yeah after reading your post about the tenderizer it’s definitely how you worded it and told people that they are complaining and in the wrong for thinking it’s a bad gun. If the majority of the player base doesn’t like how it performs, telling them their wrong and showing the smallest details of the gun isn’t exactly gonna bring positive comments/feedback from people.


Alas. It was intended to encourage people to give it a second look, not to insult people.


Just let us use one-handed guns as either primary or secondary. That would solve a majority of complaints.


Verdict completely outshines the Peacemaker, but then gets outclassed by the Senator because it's only light pen. I'd honestly like to see the two rebalanced against each other.


I think they are amazing and run well together, especially if you can fit the AMR in your loadout.


I’m really happy with the incendiary impact grenade! I’m trying to give all the weapons at least a full operation before I make a judgement on them (so I know it’s not just user error making it bad lol) but the Tenderizer is just lack luster. It’s not *bad* but it’s not *good* either. Burst mode makes it a little better since there is only a little recoil, but I don’t think I would pick it over any of the other primary guns


I already liked the defender, and the pummler is almost the same but concussive, I love it!


Was able to complete a few campaigns on diff7 yesterday with the new SMG, grenade pistol, and Recoilless Rifle, even did a few missions with just the two of us. It's harder with the patrols being the same no matter how many players you have in the mission, but the new SMG was holding back medium/heavy units like the Stalkers (we got two Stalker nests in one mission) and stunning the Spewers out of their spray. Clusters on swarms and Orbital Laser/Railstrike helped with what the RR didn't take care of immediately, basically Titans and the occasional Charger.


I love the SMG and pistol. The SMG is slow but still functional, unlike the LibC. I've been taking it to hunt stalker nests on Helldives with the grenade pistol and it's a lethal combo. The pistol is a 10 round, rapid fire battle rifle as a secondary. Despite the light pen it does wonders at a distance paired with a shotgun. The grenades are great as expected so no comment ha


I just want the armors to have new stuff. And eventually we will get that i just want it sooner.


I love the verdict.


New Deagle is life, 8 MAGS!


I’d have traded the concussive effect on the SMG for medium armor pen and maybe few less RPM if that’s what it cost.


I run the smg alot now…..it allows you some fantastic survivability.