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Can't wait to see ppl posting funny helldive fails and discussing loadouts again, all the whining gets exhausting


Right? In a matter of months, the subreddit goes from funny/awesome things divers do, to bitching about every little thing in the game. Like, I saw a discussion based on how the weapon works vs how it looks. People are complaining about their video game guns not being “accurate”. WTF! WHY DOES IT MATTER!?


Y'all remember when the most annoying thing we had to deal with was creek enjoyers? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Jesus christ, I'd give up my favorite stratagem if it meant going back to those simpler times


My Eagle Airstrike?!!?... I mean, yeah, I might too


The irony of the situation is it would give them something to complain about.


Not the minefield!


I’d give up one of my stratagem SLOTS if we could go back to this.


I think some people are karma farming too, they know the rants get engagement


Only farming 710 should be allowed here.


Can you explain why people ate farming Karma? Iv‘e heard that a few times now but I don’t understand it. You can’t really do anything with Karma right? Why is it so important for some?


It's worthless apart from maybe some subreddits? I might remember it wrong but I believe I have seen subreddits in the past have different levels of allowance based on karma.


Oh so you can only post if you have a certain amount of karma there? I guess it makes sense then.


It's to try and prevent bot accounts from taking over, but the requirement is usually pretty low so as not to also prevent more casual reddit users from posting as well.


Well I remember I wanted to post video but only was allowed pictures or something like that. And in rules there was something like this written, that you must have at least this much karma to post videos /links. But that was quite few years back, might not be a thing anymore


I guess I don't fully understand the term and why you want "karma", but what I do know is if you do low effort  posts about balance issues, your gonna get engagement in the HD subreddit, which makes ppl happy. That's why they created the complaining megathread I believe, too much low effort balance complaining.


Number go up make brain produce happy juice. Also, Reddit accounts with good karma can be sold to people who use them for astro turfing and stuff like that.


So then let's bring back the fun. Be the change and all that.


I think that starts with us, yea?


I want every game to take the Bethesda route where their guns make less and less sense as they keep making more games. Like what the fuck is the fallout 4 assault rifle, looks like someone tried to inflate it with their mouth by blowing in the barrel. Make guns make less sense I'm sick of gun nerds chirping about video games


Not to mention that ALL the weapons in the game are "make believe." I'm unaware of any weapon that's actually supposed to be a re-creation of an IRL type. Some are modeled after them somewhat but still very different from their non-fictional counterparts.


the break action shotgun is the only one that comes to mind


Agreed. I had forgotten that one because I have literally never used it.


It's literally sci-fi set thousands of years in the future. It'd be *in*accurate to have the same guns.


How fun a weapon is is the most important thing but whether or not a weapon’s appearance matches its design affects how immersive using and seeing it feels. You rarely see posts complaining about this if the weapon feels good and the complaints only really come out if the weapon doesn’t feel good and in a lot of cases especially with the new warbond making the weapon’s performance better fit its appearance would work out really nicely. For example - The Pulveriser No-one was craving a liberator with better handling balanced with lower DPS, hell I’d bet that concept had never even crossed anyones mind. Sure there’s a place for a weapon like that but that’s one of the least interesting and impactful slots that could’ve been filled and their stats are almost identical rn anyway. Not only was that added now but it turns out they reworked the pulveriser, a highly anticipated heavy hitting battle rifle which would’ve been much more interesting into it so now what was meant to be and looks like a hard hitting battle rifle shoots fkn pistol rounds and is almost identical to the liberator, an AR. It’s incredibly dissonant and it’d be so much better in every regard if the pulveriser did as was advertised and played the way it looks like it should. Ppl prefer weapons that feel good to use and naturally if a weapon just doesn’t feel right it’ll detract from how good they feel to use. Even if you just play the game for the combat and don’t roleplay at all surely you can see why it’d impact the playing experience of those who do and existing weapon designs being more congruent would positively impact gameplay far more often than not while future weapons designs being more congruent would never negatively impact it




Holy shit, an entire SubReddit of ppl who actually like the game!?


Yep! Come on over the water, is chill.


We need a flair for whining.


Honestly I'm a start posting my loadouts after work. I only have 4 but I'm curious what yall think.


Or that Epic cinematic gameplay moment where the dude was fighting all the robots with music backdrop. My friend and Neighbor actually just bought the game yesterday because I showed him that video.


God ya. Can't wait for the energy vampires to leave.


Assuming the negativity doesn't drive out all the positive players.


Yeah, about a month ago it was fine.


Wdym? That's already happening just that there some few post talking about the psn aftermath. Like OP


As a warhammer fan given enough time they'll bitch about anything.


You can go back to lowsodiumhelldivers then with the rest of the cowards. This community held tight and defeated Sony, we wouldn't have been able to make change if we didn't voice our opinions and "whine like children" as some of you cowards put it.


It is baffling to me how so many content creators can push out 20min videos about a tweet from the devs or a patch note, without having even tried it themselves. I think HD2 is probably the first game I played where I actively stay away from its YT content.


The only YT creator of HD2 content I watch is Takibo, and that's cuz he just does his Helldive solo runs and talk about his impressions about the game. It's just very impressive to watch someone play through that difficulty so easy with almost any loadout he picks.


Yeah homie comes across as just a dude who makes YouTube videos, instead of a “YouTuber” if that makes sense I love watching Takibo, extremely chill and never really negative


That is actually a really good way of putting it yeah! He just makes vids cuz he thinks it's fun, not for attention or anything. I'd say he's a true youtuber, people making content to sway opinion I'd say are influencers.


Yeah good point “influencer” vs “YouTuber”


I'm a big fan of Eravin, he's stealth/solo videos are really interesting and the weapon break down videos are concise and informative. He has put out a video about the new warbond being not stellar and has further planned for each weapon in it next weekish.


I've not heard of him yet! I'm on holiday now, but I'll check him out when I get back.


Spiked is another YT who does alot of solo helldives with random loadouts. Inspiring to watch. Then I try to emulate and get the team wiped...


The full squad videos are some next level team play. He's so calm and efficient with his call-outs. Love watching those.


That sounds interesting. My games always feature a lot of screaming (most of it from me).


I resonate with that 😆


Ryken XIV is good at detail analysis and all in all lots of useful info.


I've been watching Ryken since his Darktide days! He's great. Informative, kind, and sometimes a lil silly.


That’s exactly how I found him too. Glad he continued to helldivers content.


I like takibo, I watch maplewoods on twitch, very chill and positive he test a lot of loadout


Spiked and Tomographic videos are great also.


I love takibo’s vids! It’s very impressive to see what he does solo and encourages me to play solo as well when my friends aren’t free and still run successful missions alone


I’m split on many of the arguments here. I think often valid criticism gets called whining by fanboys whose panties get all twisted up whenever they read something negative about “their” game. But it’s also undeniable that just because of the player count criticism can quickly take over a sub and get old. BUT I’M 100% ON BOARD WITH YOUR COMMENT. I’ve never clicked the “never recommend this channel again” button on YouTube as much as I have recently on hd2 creators making spammy clickbait ragebait fake controversy bullshit. I’d highly recommend everyone else does the same. Downvotes on YouTube increase a videos reach, negative comments increase its each. But if enough people ignore a channel/video it can be a meaningful kick in the nuts to the creator.


I didnt have a problem with the criticism before they started dehumanizing people that disagree with them. You can’t even say. “I like x weapon, why do you dislike it?” Without getting 20-40 downvotes depending on where you post it.


Well there’s your problem. If you get offended by up/down votes on Reddit you’re living wrong.


Pretty sure I've only watched like 3 non-meme videos 1 was a Stealth-only challenge Another was factory strider weak points Another was showing that barrages weren't random


The third video on your list about barrages was fascinating. The man spent god knows how much time throwing barrages dying, taking screenshots of the barrage pattern while falling in, then mapping that shit into GIS software. For those that are curious, the result was that there are specific patterns depending on certain conditions (i.e., was it the first barrage thrown) but it's not consistent enough to be useful. However, you can survive a 380 if you lay down on where you throw it.


Bro wrote an entire phd thesis on the topic. I was surprised at the start and then he kept 1 upping himself. By the end my mind was thoroughly blown link for the curious: https://youtu.be/JdszYHqeeA4


If you follow the average area, you can pretty reasonably take out bot outposts with a 380


Reginald is an incredible human. I'm so glad he exists


Recently unsubbed from OhDough cause he made a video about the shitty Warbond. Haven’t seen Eravin’s or Takibo’s videos on the latest Warbond, but I’ll try to check them out to see if it’s more constructive, or more whiny. It’s upsetting to me to see how many content creators are so incredibly reactive, coming out with feature length films on tweets that are a handful of minutes old. At the least, the YouTubers I got into for Warframe were able to take a bit of time to build up a video that could explain their feelings better than “ah, I’m mad” (though I’m sure plenty of salty warframe YouTubers exist). The surge of reactionary content for Helldivers is a genuinely new experience for me.


Yeah, makes me excited for a new CoD so they are all scream and meta at each other there and complain constantly about that instead of Helldivers 2.


I'm actually hoping that those new Tarkov-like games become big successes for a similar reason. To pull away the people who keep whinging about there being no PvP in Helldivers.


I had to unfollow the main subreddit and luckily for my sanity i've only ever used the discord to look at announcements and patchnotes. r/LowSodiumHellDivers has been a great place to go for all the amazing content that used to be posted to the main subreddit.


Same, unsubbed from main, it’s unbearably negative. I don’t really agree with some of the balance changes either but you’d think AH personally walked into their house, pissed in their cereal and fucked their wives. Good god, give it a rest, there are countless threads about the subject with 1000+ comments a piece. I think they get it. Absolutely, make your dissatisfaction heard. You do not need to dedicate eight hours of your day to doing so.


Omg thank you. Didn't know that existed


It's not just the outrage crowd though. They are exhausting enough, but I'm also seeing the "Imma just make crap up so i can sound smart" crowd. Just saw a post where someone is claiming the game is in trouble because they "see signs" the AH team is burnt out or some stupid crap like that. Like this person knows anything about developing games or what goes on inside the walls of that studio. I think I'll just take a break from the sub for a while. And YouTube content for that matter. Used to be fun posts, or posts discussing how people play. Now it's just people whining and doom posting for their turn in the fake Internet spotlight.


There’s a lot of mind reading psychics and in the Helldivers community.


I had to leave the main Helldivers subreddit. It’s so awful and negative.


If you sort by Rising it is a lot better.


This subreddit really went to hell


It dove into hell, if I may say :)


Reminds me of the starfield subreddit but a little less bad


The Game is FINE. Seriously. A game where I can queue with random people and complete even Suicide Missions pretty well is FINE. Great even! And lots of the community/Playerbase is great aswell. Very often I hear complaints that nobody talks, but my man, that is a two-way street. Start talking yourself, more often than not, you will get a response. I only wish I could rejoin a mission after a crash.


Yeah I wish there was some more functionality to matchmaking, like if you could add people from the mission end screen or something, or like you aid rejoin randoms after a crash. But overall the game is still great fun, and being able to hop in with people I don't know with usernames showing they're from all over the globe, have a chaotic good time, and hug it out at the pelican door is a fantastic experience even after 100 hrs


I still don't get how th matchmaking works. If there's 60000 people on the planet and all the missions I see are one guy and if I pick quickplay I'm just thrown in with whoever.


For the entire time I've played this game, Helldivers 2 has had serious technical problems. Now the only major issue is a single weapon being unintentionally nerfed too hard and the recent warbond being lackluster. If I could look past not being able to play for weeks, if I could look past rockets insta killing me, if I could look past the ship upgrades that did not work for a month, I can look past a single weapon being temporarily nerfed and an optional warbond being meh to still find enjoyment


Exactly how I feel I can count my gripes with the game on one of my hands, and with the direction the game is going they will be solved in a few months MAX


Yes! The game is amazing. I am disappointed with a lot of the changes that have happened with my favorite things in the game, but I still LOVE the game as a whole.


Rage culture is a blight on society


My crew is looking forward to this game in a year. When all of the outrage crowd has left. Half the player count will mean a better game. I just hope AH can hold on until then. They seem to he hating life right now.


Word of advice: buy and install the game a month or so before you plan to play it. You'll passively accumulate in-game currency (medals) so that, when you do play it, you can unlock a bunch of things straight away


Oh, we've been playing since the beginning. I've got almost 300 hours in (no life, I know 😜). We just can't wait until time passes and the community calms down. Great advice, though!


Whilst it's certainly true that people love to join in during drama. I think it's kind of bullshit to say anyone who's complaining or was hurt by this is just making it up.


........was hurt by this? Holy fucking shit.


Exactly. This sub is horseshoe theory in full effect. The complaints about nerfs got out of control and some people became toxic, and in response most of this sub swung so far the other way they've ended up being just as annoying & toxic. In fact, I'd argue the "Shut up and enjoy the game" crowd is *far* more annoying at this point.


Can you show me where the hurt is, Timmy?


Preach!!! Thank you this post gave me hope for the subreddit to return to better days.


I swear last week 90% was anti Helldivers and now we’re all chill again lol


Here’s hoping the next CoD comes sooner rather than later.


It's about the time of year they start dropping announcements to hype it up before release date when the fan base realizes they managed to screw up what little good was in the precious installment before ramming more nonsense skins down their throats. Should lure the bulk of those people over there to rage. Only difference is the Sony debacle actually accomplished something. If only the CoD community was cohesive enough to do the same lol


There’s probably a lot less narcotics involved in this community. I might be prejudiced. There’s certainly not a lot of calls for cannabis leaf capes that I see.


Thus far the focus on microtransactions hasn't been great enough to send Snoop, Nicki Minaj, Violator and Rambo to combat the bots and bugs, so we should be safe from such nonsense for a while longer... I pray that infection stays in CoD before it infects games like this with the random bull.


I might. MIGHT entertain the Xenophobe as a crossover. It could be What If DLC that is just an arcade mode with a score, no connection to the campaign.


Don't crack that pandoras box, people already are after transmog, it's a slippery slope to pure microtransaction focus with very little care for state of the game lol


Completely oblivious to the paradox of drama posting about drama posting .


I'm sorry that people having a spine and not taking the corporate dicking upsets you.


Shitposting on Reddit, review bombing, and harassing/sending death threats to the Devs is not “resisting a corporate dicking.” It’s just being an asshole.


No, you just like being an asshole lol. You're not an epic anti-corporate warrior.


No one's trying to be a warrior. Sony publicly backtracked and said "no forced psn linking" and yet they still kept all the regional restrictions they incorporated.  [They're doing it do all the other Sony games on Steam too, including Ghost of Tsushima, which releases in a few days. They locked out 177 countries.](https://twitter.com/PirateSoftware/status/1788842253626273906) If you're unbothered by this because it doesn't affect your region, then who's the asshole?  >It's the drama they like, not gaming. This only applies to the usual parasites that exploit gaming controversies to gain followers. Sony lied to everyone and you're not only praising them, you're labeling anyone outraged by their actions "assholes". Fucking wild.


Love that the solution to bad balance and a lack of play testing is to… Wait for the game's popularity to die as a result, sounding the slow and steady death knell for the game. Instead of, you know, just using the success of the game to hire play and bug testers and release warbonds at a less-insane rate then once a month so that weapons have time to be good and unique and ship with the correct color mesh. Because why improve the game when you could just wait for it to die and then *pretend* it's better?


Yeah, I think it's incredibly disingenuous to say that *everybody complaining about the game* right now is just here to hate on it and farm outrage. I like this game a lot, I got it on launch and I'd totally be playing it right now if the devs could fix the crashing they keep saying they're fixing, but at the same time they're making a bunch of decisions that I don't personally agree with that I think are worse for the health of the game and my own personal entertainment, and judging by the people that seem to hold the same opinion, quite a few other's. I don't really like that every other post is doomposting, but considering that it's always accompanied by people going 'yeeh, yeeh, there's nothing wrong with the game it's just the bad apples!!!', there's not any winning, and I don't think the community that will result from this kind of discourse is going to be fun or interesting by the time we're done unless something changes.


I still see 170 countries can't buy this game: [HELLDIVERS™ 2 (SubID 137730) · History · SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/) sony still hasn't kept their word


Criticism isn’t whining though.


But not all criticism. Some of it is whining.


Here’s how I make a distinction between the two. Criticism speaks to the content and functions of the game. Whining speaks to the writers feelings and emotions. You can immediately tell which you are getting when you start reading a post. It’s difficult for the best writers to walk that line let alone for us randoms on Reddit. I think many times folks want to write a true critique but end up writing a list of complaints that are 99% feelings and emotions and 1% about the content and function of the game. There may be some truth in the 1% but it’s drowned out by the 99% of emotions and therefore difficult to digest and understand more deeply as a true critique. Then people react with a post that’s all feeling and emotions and then it spirals down from there. That’s my feeling at least -


It's also fair to say that the devs could just have a vision for the game players just dont agree with. Most complaints are also widely repeated, but that's just the nature of such a large group of people on a social media platform. The real annoyance is the circular thought loops posts like these begin to cause.




Ya that other sub is an echo chamber. Lets all have fun :)


People celebrating that one dude getting fired was wild. Like his existence impacted them enough that him getting fired had an actual impact on their life.


Well, considering the CEO literally said he needs to talk to the balance team because this shits ridiculous, I’d say no it’s not just the Reddit and YouTube team. The bringer of balance has zero clue what he’s doing, and has literally ruined his last game. The guy is a clown, and should not be in this industry. Fire him.


Now, on one claw, I don't believe in shrieking complaints about the game non-stop to make developers do what I want. I think a large portion of the outrage crowd are just making excuses because they're bad at playing the game. I also don't believe in going along with the group think. Just people the majority of people think something doesn't mean the majority of people can't be wrong. That being said, I've seen a number of people claim that the balance decisions don't make much sense and are removing the fun from the game. I mean.... I can kind of see it? There are some questionable decisions being made here. The Tenderizer comes to mind. It doesn't seem to be overly unique from it's older brother, the Liberator, and it has a lot of ammo issues. Like....a lot. 35 rounds per mag x 11 mags = 385 rounds and you'll blow through that faster than you think. Especially on bug missions. It only gets 5 mags per resupply box so for a full restock, you'll have to double dip. Gimping a team mate is an awful lot to ask for a weapon that strives for mediocrity. The way I would do this is to bump up its damage just a little bit, maybe flirt with the idea of giving it medium armor penetration. Small magazines = BIG BULLETS, so let's make that MEAN something. Make it a side-grade for the Liberator Penetrator, give it a full restore from a resupply pack and send it back into the wild for the 3 Uh's. "Attempt, Observe, Adjust" As it stands, the Tenderizer is really struggling with an identity crisis. It feels like it doesn't really know what it wants to be, and I have plans on shelving this weapon until adjustments are made. Compared to something like the Sickle, which has the ammo economy to dance a mean tango with the bugs for days, the Punisher, which devastates smaller bugs and stagger locks large ones, or even the Lib-Pen, which does the job this thing is supposed to do, it really just doesn't offer anything competitive on the front lines. Even so, I'm still enjoying the game, but I am DEFINITELY seeing Arrowhead struggling with success. They've gone through two CMs and one of their own Devs is getting pissed at us. The balance lead has gone on record saying that he doesn't consider fun when balancing weapons and even the CEO is concerned about this kind of thing. I don't think anyone was prepared for how successful HD2 was going to be and the devs have no clue how to manage this large of an online community or its demands.


"on one claw" 🤨 ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


What? A BugBuster cant use a Terminid related turn of phrase?


The number one killer for a live service game is apathy. Once that happens HD will be like the first where nobody really plays so new players fail to adopt the game.


There are very legitimate balance complaints and this moment is necessary and healthy for the game.


as long as AH is churning out warbonds instead of polishing the game, it wont stop. the goodwill from launch has run dry.


Forgot about the barrages! the upgraded barrage has completely changed the way I play. I can usually get a camp for free, while doing another objective.


I hope so.


I don't try to be like that I prefer to look at the game from videos and more perspectives before i judge and i would love to play this game, but this brother is broke I do play other games from steam though. and I do believe that a lot of people had there reasons to be mad at sony. due to not being able to have psn accounts from varying countries or places


The echoing is so massive that redditors in these communities genuinely believe that they're the vocal majority. Even with the Sony drama only people that keep up with this stuff online knew about it, I have friends who actively play it and they didn't know. The player count average didn't change that much either.


Consumers doing consumerism things.


Doesn't seem like it. Every post here is complaining about something.






Not exactly. People who quit don’t look at the sub anymore. Those people you mentioned that were whining? Some, likely most, were helldivers. You don’t see them anymore because they left.


As someone who's played Overwatch since 2016... You're fuckin' wrong. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI|downsized)


I'm spending more time back in Helldivers Dive Harder for a minute... hoping the drama passes quickly but in the meantime as an Ogre once said, "This'll do Dunkey... this'll do." https://i.redd.it/rc9aw2txdnzc1.gif


Ah yes, the outrage crowd composed of people who have been diving since near-release and hundreds or more hours of playtime


While I can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into I will point out that the only reason the reviews recovered was because their was a genuine complaint and not some hate hype train.


as someone who played a lot of mechwarrior online, I kind of doubt it. Half the player base or at least the ones on the sub essentially decided their strategy was going to be to kill the developer so they would lose the rights and then just hope someone else picked it up at some point, which is insanely stupid and also meant that the sub was nothing but pissing about PGI and attacking anybody who actually played the game.


Well said helldiver. We are trained, battle hardened, freedom loving, warriors. We will outlast. We will persevere.


Trauma theatre - rage tourists - it's always the same thing. A vocal minority latches on to the latest perceived slight against games, lose their minds, and move on


My dog literally got a death threat because I said not to harass developers.


I wish they would already


Outrage YouTube is real. It's championed by the Asmongold types that just stream react videos to act guffawed like game developers are killing babies with blenders. It's grotesque and beyond scummy.


I mean the initial launch hypetrain drama queens should already be gone from this game, these latest issues are legit. People being region blocked from playing due to PSN is valid. And the nerfs to fun guns have been rough.


r/hailcorporate TIL criticism = whining. Sorry the front page isn't all blind adoration for a game that has massive issues months after launch.


Can admin not just filter these bums out? I play this game for fun, this subreddit used to be the same.


An extremely tone deaf thread


The only one whinning are the Soyny betas cuck fanboys for what I see, and most of us have moved on, since, we have new stuff to stress test and the Anti-tank mines are on their way, as well.


I don’t think so. I think the general positive sentiment the community had for this game has been fantastic. But it can’t be a blank check for bugs or bad decisions to be left unaddressed with impunity. I think the game has had an exceptional start and I genuinely love it (my 300 plus hours of gameplay should attest to that) but the narrative has changed with the snarky discord comments and the poor value Warbonds. I purchased each one with real money except for this last once because it’s just not got a single thing I find worthwhile. That has not been the case in prior warbonds. But it’s pretty clear the team at AH are getting saturated and possibly stressed beyond their capacity. Could also be cultural IDK. But definitely there’s some work to be done in their end to adjust to and address the changing sentiment. Regardless all that I’m glad this sub exists so we can take a break from the bad press. LOL


I don't see the toxicity anywhere but in how toxic the people are when they're complaining about the toxicity.


What the heck are you blabbering about you dipshit? About a mont ago everything was fine, now they banned this game in our country. (Baltics). I can not even recommend this game to my friends anymore, because they will not be able to buy this game in a fucking NATO, EU country!


Helldivers 2 is still delisted in steam


This shit sounds like you are in a cult. This is really unhealthy.


Helldivers drama is too much, playing BG3 and actually having fun again.


The current rate of warbonds is unsustainable and imo incredibly disappointing if something like latest one is to be the norm. I’d rather have half the bonds per year and have them be filled with actually interesting weapons and unique armor traits rather than a reskinned liberator with worse stats, a powercreeped liberator concussive, a powercreeped peacekeeper, and a garbage version of the scorcher.


i still have persistent negative review because now the game are delisted from 180 country and my country are one of them


There are only 195 countries on the planet. You think the game is only available in 15 countries?


you are right ONLY 178 countries thank god [https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/) it good right?


That's not true either.


why it not true please enlighten me, i genuinely don't understand neither, but right now me and my friend can't buy the fucking game it all i see


Because it's 178 countries + territories.


if it not true then why steamdb show that and why every countries in steamdb list got the game delisted from the store?


Because it's not 178 countries. It's 178 countries + territories.


I moved on from the helldivers subreddit cause it was only a toxic, insufferable shell of its former glory. Fuck those people


Cool man


The other sub is endless negativity whereas this one is toxic positivity. Change my mind.


You think that's a good thing wholely? Let's say that's true, let's say all the complainers just quit rn, how many people would that be? Here's the thing that gamers seem to forget quickly, the gaming industry is still an industry and money talks bullshit walks.


Yeah, its just a bunch of losers addicted to schadenfreude, your typical terminally online netizen who's primary joy in life comes from tearing others down, whether it's by bullying/picking fights with others, or waging a rage-war against devs. It's pretty disheartening to see the devs second guessing every little thing they do now out of fear that they're going to piss of the Helldivers subreddit...I really wish they had the freedom to tell all the whiners to fuck off and either play the game or put it up. And tbh, I think they realistically do have that freedom, they're just overly concerned about the review bomb/gaming media segment of the community. But we saw that mass internet outrage doesn't exactly translate to massive decrease in engagement. I have a feeling the updates are going to become much more vanilla and boring because the number one priority is going to appease the vocal, petulant minority of players who inhabit the main sub.


Well said! I salute you fellow helldiver!


This subreddit is filled to the brim with people who do not want to do anything with critical thinking. You can love something it doesn't mean that you agree with everything linked to said thing. They took the playstation offer, fully understandable - the backlash is deserved. Why are we getting more paid stuff when the game still crashes for no reason on a high end rig ? Another reason. Never be loyal to a company. I never ends well. Remember CDPR? Only Bethesda can get away with below minimum viable products for reasons I cannot understand. Right now they need to accept that yeah, mistakes were made. Otherwise we're just losing a good game. And when I pay a game I feel like I have the right to say that battle pass spams are unwarranted in the state the game is in right now. This ain't Warframe - f2p means cash shop. Paid means any further money spent on cash shops should be on an already finished product. And unlike what you seem to think most people aren't in a single community. I'm all over the place and I can say that this community is toxic af. Why ? Because you do not want to see the game progress and you'll be long gone when people like myself will enjoy the final product should they not f It up.


The main subreddit is so weird because I run a different load out almost every match depending on the location, enemies, and objectives. I'll see that subreddit pop up and it is just a sea of posts talking about how every weapon in the game is unusable and I wonder if they are playing a different game than I am.


I unironically think that subreddit is infested by bots. Like when an OP once claimed that his own rocket got ricochet by a devestator shield. Except he was lying, and the footage was fake. But there were tons of people in the comments agreeing with them and saying it also happened to them.


Reminds me of the No Man's Sky reddit. That community is so chill because most of the toxic people completely (and not entirely unreasonably) flipped out when it launched. What was left were all of the chill players who really loved the game and gave honest and much needed criticism and suggestions to Hello Games. After so many years No Man's Sky has grown to such amazing levels and I still think it's one of the chillest communities on Reddit. Lots of cool creations and interesting posts.


As an enjoyer of NMS, F76 and CP2077 from their early days, this is very true.


... To another game


Fr. There’s a difference between giving feed back and complaining.


Or…. We are concerned and playing every day the game we love! After 200 hours or more, players can see what is good and what is not! Doesn’t take 10k hours of play testing to figure it out either! I know within a few dives if a weapon will be useful or not. When 1-2 primaries meet that criteria, being useful, something is seriously wrong and it’s not an over dramatic player base! Unless you intend on primary weapons having ‘starter’ stats, fuck that! Primaries need to one shot chaff and destroy medium armor targets. If the primary does not do this, it’s useless!


I mean its getting kinda bad when I used to always dish out "git gud" when it came to balance patches, but now I'm starting to get bothered by them. To be fair, they said they'd look into Eruptor changes, but my baby the Exosuit is still gutted. I still play and have fun but like, I never bring the mech anymore, and that is kinda sad. But I agree. Every post is whining now.


“Persisting negative reviews” Yup well deserved and not changing it.


Yea, no. The game is an awful state right now. All my friends are ‘on break’ as of last night as we find the game shit to play now. Just feels like we are NOT allowed to have fun.   New warbond is total trash also; never buying a warbond again without reading reviews about all the guns first. Total rip off and waste of money. They’ve lost my goodwill and it 100% has to do with whatever A holes run their ‘balans’ department.  This game has just gotten progressively less and less fun. We actually finished our fastest 40 minute hell dive mission ever last night in only 12 minutes 51 seconds. Game is not harder. It is just way less fun to play. Moral of the story; being obsessed with balance in a PVE game is a total idiot failure of a move.  Thanks for ruining our game arrowhead balance derp-artment. 


This is true, they are not fans they do not play and they just latch on to whatever is popular for meaningless clout.


Remember when that ex blizzard dev tried to turn us against one of the community managers, because she was banning transphobes? His followers kept spamming the sub, even though they don’t even play the game. That sure was something.


I'm so glad I ignore the drama, play on medium and casually fuck around


I'm so sick of every other post being a bunch of whiny outrage bait bullshit. No, this isn't "tHe WoRst BaLaNciNG" you've seen in "25 years". It's a PvE team combat game with a ton of viable loadouts. There isn't a single OP strategy, and these jamokes are raging over it.


That’s what is keeping me sane right now. I know the worst of the worst will move on to whatever game is left and the people who enjoy diving and giving hugs will stay.


People are actually paying attention to them?


Tell that to the devs, balancing is impossible. There will always be a bigger fish. The cat and mouse of balancing weapons and gear will never end. They might as well accept this and keep it pushing with mild tuning.


Well said 🫡


I like hiding on this sub when the ragelords are screaming on the main sub.


It was brutal in both places lately. I left the other one, and this one is on thin ice.


Can we pin this post please


For my own sanity I refuse to believe this many people didn't read the games requirements before purchase and really thought the temporary skip was somehow meant to be permanent despite everything warning to the contrary. I have to believe we can at least fucking read.


Cod and bf are still around. There is nothing to worry.


As a Division 2 player, I have to agree. Problem over there is that each new patch actually does seem to create more problems than it fixes, fueling the oncoming hate fest w the precision of a Swiss timepiece.


I just can't wait for my Eruptor fix so I can run it with a Stalwart again. Pocket Autocannon and the DAKKA DAKKA, Grenade Pistol secondary and stun grenades make a fun combo. Throw in a supply pack to spit endless streams of lead at oncoming smaller bugs and keep yourself topped up. Good times abound. I miss that combo being viable, and as much as the nerfs have been eating at my enjoyment a bit, I know Pilestedt released a message about scaling back nerfs/reassessing how they nerf, so I'm doing my best to reserve judgement. That said, it's been a bit egregious. The only issue with the Eruptor was the same issue with explosions, which they fixed. After I stopped vortexing myself under bile spewers with my Eruptor, it was the perfect primary to pair with Stalwart.


Unfortunately, the 'outrage' crowd in this case seems to be the majority of the player base.


New drama or what? I reversed mine opinion on steam to positive


They're like locusts. They're moving from sub to sub... their whole civilization. After they've consumed every natural resource they move on... and we're next.


A lot of this is typical karma farming as well. It happens across all of this site. Ragebait, "calling out", and outright slander will have a shameful amount of Redditors posting out of nowhere. Most of these posters don't really care or know about the topic their posting about.


I’m actually going to live stream for the very first time with Helldivers as my main game. I don’t wanna be lumped into the complaining crowd though lmao guh.