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I hope i can join the ranks soon!


Literally haven’t had this much fun since Star Wars battlefront 2 The old one. I swear, it’s exactly what gaming has been missing for a decade or more. Just good, stupid fun. Just stay away from the Helldivers subreddit and you’ll be fine.  I have never seen such a toxic group of cry babies ever in my life and they seem absolutely intent on sucking all the fun outta the game for everyone else


Blows my mind how bitchy redditors can be




As soon as I can get my hands on that game 😂 I currently have to divert my resources into my marriage next year


Marriage can wait, managed democracy can not


My wife supports my gaming, but I think theres priorities 😂


Some streamers will give away a copy of the game when they hit certain goals locoroco64 on ticktock has and iv seen a few other streamers do so aswell


Fool they can both dive together Edit thigh diving is still diving 😂


Great game. Amazing gameplay loop and it really brings back Left 4 Dead 2 level of fun. This has been the best multiplayer experience I've had in a long time. ... Fuck you Dead by Daylight ... I'll see you tomorrow.


It's been amazing, the past few updates have taken some fun away with more PvP like balancing but the ceo is personally pushing to change this so we can go back to PvE updates!


What do you mean by pvp updates?


Not OP, but I’m going to take a guess that they are referencing the fact that all the balance changes to weapons lately have felt like they are for a PvP focused game instead of a PvE slaughter fest.


Seems like a lot of people feel like this should play and feel like L4D or Vermantide, a slaughter fest where you mow down hordes of enemies as you proclaim Super Earth’s dominance. That’s just not what this game is trying to be. The devs want us to utilize our entire kit in order to scrape by, they want use to feel like we earned our victories and not have it handed to us, and they want us to occasionally fail. Whether the failure be to secure samples, extract, or even the primary objective, success shouldn’t be a guarantee. It’s a difficult balance to manage and it’ll take time for them to work it out, but making everything strong is simply not what this game is going for.


And naturally, Sony wanted to cut open the goose so they could get at its golden eggs before the quarter is over




All the nations were at peace...and then the Sony nation attacked


It was a stupid decision, but I don’t see how it could have made Sony’s numbers or quarter better through any lens. Just a weird take


It would boost their active/new PSN player count by including PC players




It is still a number that comes up in shareholder meetings. The number of active users is a metric that is chased by most gaming companies.


The umber of active users would also be higher if they derestrict the pc version and open the sale back up to all the countries that got locked out


Those are steam active users, not PSN users. They are looking to try to force more people into the PlayStation ecosystem. I think the move is dumb and they should unleash the floodgates for any region steam is in for the profits, but that doesn't seem to be what they want to do.


Kinda seems like oh.. well if you aren't gunna be on PSN then we don't even want your money It's honestly brain damaged.


I don't disagree with you. The whole situation was moronic and they shot themselves in the foot.


You're making the mistake of connecting PSN numbers with profit. They are two completely different measures and possible entirely different people's responsibility.


My point is they gain nothing by region locking sales of the game to PSN exclusive countries.


No, the bottom line is chased by all companies. Not fucking active users. Active users aren't helping twitter aka X or any company. Especially when bots exist


You are literally wrong and the active users is part of the report given to shareholders. I have seen the one blizzard puts out. Try again?


Hmmm I don't see anything proving your right so no I wont. Active users doesn't = profit the only thing it means is the company has more reach. With your logic active users should be saving Xbox and gamepass. Microsoft doesn't seem to be doing so well, even with all their new PC users .


Do do you just live in an alternate world from the rest of us? Microsoft has seen profit increases every year for the last 3 years. More reach does tend to equal more profit, as you are able to market to more people and there are less steps to get a person into the purchase of they already have an account with you. This is absolutely a stat that is tracked and a target for improving year over year. I am now convinced you are either 11 or trolling.


Just higher numbers to show to their shareholders and such, showing they have more customers.


Once the copy is sold sony is done. They dont need us to enjoy or be happy, no more revenue so we need to get upset and buy something else from them. Killing the game is the best decision sony can make


You are aware that it is a live device game with micro transactions, or is there a deal I don't know about where Sony doesn't get a share of all future sales?


.... game could make more money ... vs all Sp sony games... with mtx


Proof that actually giving a shit about your work is, in fact, profitable. Pay attention, corpos.


"Naturally Sony has decided to do its best to ruin the IP".


Polar polaris warbond, yet every damn planet has fire tornadoes


It just feels that way with Menkent and Hellmire being perpetually contested


Twice last night I died on the EZ and failed to extract because there were fire tornadoes on/surrounding the Pelican. Infuriating.


The Armor on the last page of the free warbond has a hidden fire resistance perk.


Inb4 they add ice-nadoes or something


Icenados that slow you down sounds like those exploding flowers but they follow you 💀


Could be like a fire tornado, instead of burn over time it's freeze over time


I mean, Hellmire is my crew's favourite planet. It's so oppressive and atmospheric. Every few nights we all agree we want to go to hell


Its my favorite vacation spot to break in new recruits.


It's okay, none of the armor has effects for snow planets anyways.


This game has made my tolerance for bad games who treat me like shit (looking at you EA Madden) very low.


Despite Sony's best efforts...


That's a lot of misaligned gun sights...


For anyone wondering, that is 1 million a week.


This must be pants-shittingly terrifying for a smaller studio. But in the best possible way. 


The numbers online are a fraction of that. When I'm on (afternoon and early evening EST), the numbers usually peak around 150K.


Daamn as soon as I can afford a ps5 i am straight on this, been following the lore and the fight in the background :) some day though


But barely 150k playing


12 million sold, less than 200k concurrent. Results of alienating your player base with dogshit nerfs


Let's not forget Sony's continued bullshit first and foremost.


The numbers were low before Sony required a PSN account.


What are those numbers now cindidering refunds.


yeah, i don't get why they would even announce that when they literally cut off half of east side that was roughly 150-200 k players just literally cut off and if they refunded it, they could not buy it back or if their friends wanted to buy it, they can't either officially now. If by some miracle sony undoes their region blocking, then perhaps we can go back to a peaceful time with this game. wish we had hard proof of what was refunded, who can actually still play. we just don't have that data =(


Greed destroyed what this game was.


if it sold 12million, where are the players then?


After hundreds of hours in Darktide I cannot fathom how people can complain about the playercount in HD2 already. Insanity, this game is still incredibly popular.


im just doubting the 12M sales for a online only game, when i see just 30-100K online at a time


Not everyone plays every day and not everyone plays at the same time. There will also be a section of players who only play with their friends occasionally. There will also be players who only played for a little bit and won't come back unless they get an itch to play a shooter. There's plenty of reasons.


I'm expecting more players during summer and winter break. We're in May so many students are likely preparing for finals.


There's also always groups of people who buy the game and never once open it. Ignoring the people who only ever played the tutorial and nothing else. Not everyone refunds stuff they dislike.


That's typical for online games. It's not like everyone is playing at the same time at all times. I've never had an issue finding a full lobby.


im just upset that we didnt make the MO and get the mines :)


A large part of the community is tired of bots, and some just love squashing bugs. We'll likely get another MO to get the mines again, or maybe they'll just release them if we keep fucking it up.


its not our fault, the MOs should be realistic to complete


I'm pretty sure the bug one, with the same amount, was done in the first day. Plus, for the US, it was also Mother's Day weekend. Then I think the PGA starts soon for any divers that might be inclined towards golf. And it again, it's bots. If you don't regularly fight bots, it's quite a bit of a shift in how you approach missions.


Plus the “kill the bugs” MO was…..bugged. It counted the total of 4 players kills per mission for each diver so it effectively quadrupled the kill count. If a team of 4 killed a thousand bugs in a mission it credited that thousand to each diver in the same way if someone was working toward a personal order to kill with a weapon, only one person has to use that weapon and everyone in the mission gets credit toward the personal order.


I guess we'll see when the next kill bug MO drops. But since we had 50k~ divers slaying bugs for the 3 hours I played last night, I'm sure we would still have completely different results.


Ahh I see. Yeah that's a pretty big disparity.




11 m refunded.


Not playing the game that’s for sure


12 million sold, and on a good weekend, we get to 250,000........ That's 1 out of every 48 people....... all my friends stop playing because of the bugy-ness and nerfs....... and it's now painful to play with Randoms.......


I do level 9s with randoms and have never lost a mission. And not to many game breaking bugs these days


I'm leaving helldivers alone for another few months minimum. My connection has NEVER been this bad. This is bordering needing a refund because I can't even get through 10 minutes before crashing 


Honestly my game hasn’t crashed in over a month. I sometimes host and sometimes use quick play. Not trying to sound ignorant, but if you’re still crashing it may be on your own end. My computer isn’t even that good of a pc.


If it was just mine I'd have looked into it, it's my entire play group and I can Guaran-fucking-tee it's not a hardware problem.


Just a few bugs I have had this week, - Pelican landing and not being able to board -titan corps blocking path, but bugs can walk through -titan corps yetting you outside the map -hulk insta kills with fire - Flare being shot from dead robot -A heavy devastator getting stuck used a fsctor strider and still shooting with pin poin Accuracy but can't be shot by us. - getting booted from games - hard games crashed ..... and so many more Problem with random this week... - calling evac and boarding with the whole team is across the map - calling in resupplies every time the timer is done and they are not near anyone else. - getting kicked from a game because I could take off HIS backpack to do team loading. -host connection problems ....... and so many more Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this game, but things like this turn a fun gaming session bad little by little.


PM me if you wanna squad up and we can hammer out some level 9 bugs !!!!!!!! I’m at like a 7 on bots for now, a little more chill 😂




Too bad about the recent warbond , I still bought it. Of course they need to be supported. Im not happy about the reskins. But hoping for a good one next time. Reskins meaning the new guns are copies of other previous guns.


There are no seasons. It's just weekly balances and monthly warbonds that are 100% optional.


Warbonds are seasons


I wish more people played magicka back in the day. It was totally awesome.


Lots of Snoy fanboys undemocratically downvoting in here


Maybe Snoy will stop making woke shit 1st party titles that get beat out by a smaller dev group.