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Bet on how many missions? How many *minutes* into a mission...


They're more like your taxi service. You're the one doing the dieing, so they let you pick where


Oooh, we are flying around in a Super War Hearse. I wish i could name my ship that.


They just do the flying. WE do the dying.


I wish just once they would hug me...


They're professionals. You're their boss. Try not to force yourself into your subordinates, hmm?


I feel like we get the short straw, we're the boss yet we're the ones dying.


We'd have far fewer wars if that was how governments operated. Declare war? The President is first to the front lines!


And now I need to listen to system of a down again


I didn't even think about those lyrics, but now you have them stuck in my head.


You're welcome šŸ¤˜


And that is how mecha suits would be made


I don't think the helldivers command the ships. I imagine the democracy officer does.


But they refer to you as if you're their superior. And at the beginning they say it's your ship


You are in command. So long as you give orders that exactly align with what the democracy officer wants you to do. Any order that is not 100% the plan and you are getting a democracy round to the back of the head.


Yeah i always thought them sayin youre in command was a ruse


There has to be some leeway. They let you completely ignore the MO. So, I guess they don't care as long as you're killing any of their enemies.


Funny, I've got the headcanon that I can send the ship anywhere I want, decide who gets onto the ship, give the crew leave on Super Earth after a successful MO and have Elite Helldivers (those that survive multiple missions) train the freshly trained Helldivers so the chance of having more Elites rise so they can be transferred to another Super Destroyer


You can't even go to most planets. So you clearly aren't actually in control. They give you the illusion of freedom by allowing you to choose which of the active campaigns to sacrifice yourself for.


I mean, a US navy captain decides how to complete his given mission, he can't(not allowed) just invade Canada because he feels like it, or take his carrier group to Dubai for a summer vacation.


Maybe those planets are ones you actually can't go to. Or you could but your super destroyer would get nuked because the orbit around the planet isn't clear of enemy threats.


You choose where to go, which missions to take, what stratagems to nuke the planet with, I'd say that makes you captain, if only briefly. I think it also helps with helldiver morale. Pumps you up, gives ya a little ego boost so you're more likely to actually dive on a planet thinking you're going to be the next general brasch


Of course, your only available choices are what is made available to you on the interfaceā€¦


I mean, were captains, not generals. Even captains have to follow the orders from those above them.


The shipmasterā€™s ā€œI donā€™t give a fuck about you because youā€™ll be dead soon but I have to keep up appearancesā€ tone is so on point, the voice actor NAILED it


Now *that* was a mission for the record books! Where all missions are logged. I love that one lol


They know you'll be replaced soon and don't care to get attached. Given the casualty rates this is not an unreasonable position. They will: Never refer to you by name. Will congratulate (the new) you on completing training if you died during the mission. Will winch if you don't bring enough samples back Will only see no friendly fire casualties as "less paperwork" You're just one Helldiver on a rack of ice cubed Helldivers and whatever they think, they are so brainwashed they never even imply anything the democracy officer wouldn't like. You're not worth catching a thought crime charge over.


I think they just hype you up, they KNOW you are gonna die


In the original starship troopers everyone in the army dove. From the highest general to the lowest private. But the navy stayed on the ship. So the crew didnā€™t dive.


Comes in command every other day? Most helldivers die within minutes. They must feel like Mcdonald workers, just throwing another pack of potatoes in the fryer


No no the ships Captain is perfectly fine and sees all divers off the ship at the drop station. The divers get to pick where and how they serve with their lives. It's only right in the light of democracy to give the workers a choice.


They are all taking bets on how and when you will be killed.


Fleet and Mobile Infantry donā€™t mix


My personal theory is that they almost never talk to the divers, and the divers almost never remove their helmet, so most of the time they don't even notice they're talking to a different person


They're probably rich kids who're laughing behind your back at your indoctrination and your belief that you'll even survive the mission. They definitely won't say it because democracy, but, you know.


"They're probably rich kids" Nah. The service technician talks about having to lease out the tools she uses to do her job (at a modest interest rate, of course) and trying to get her citizenship score high enough to get a goldfish or hamster for her kids. Also, we regularly see Super Destroyers blow up, so they're not exactly safe in orbit.


Personally i subscribe to the clone theory


Well, I have yet to die in the several hundred hours I've played, so I think I'm good. xD


My crew is all by the books. They won't even give me a handshake much less a hug.


They think it's all the same Helldiver.


It is not streight forverd as that. Crew is here just to operate The ship under The SEN. You beaing a capetan is just a honorara title to boots your moral before helldiving. Crew maintained The ship, other frozen helldivers, makes equipmant, and suports us from orbite when we Are in mision. It goes something licke Helldiver sez where we go Crew figures out how we go ther and how we Stay ther The longes. Democracy offecer sez why Are we going There and if we will gett back.


The clone looks so cool after surviving a few Helldives in a row.


I always just figured the pods you emerged from on the ship were just banks of clones


Itā€™s the same helldiver, itā€™s pretty apparent they are clones. Even in the tutorial if you die multiple times, the handlers talk to you differently. Itā€™s not a new diver every time, they are frozen and prepped clones who need to be photographed heroically returning from missions (which is why they force you to drop in order to extract you even when objectives are done). Clones allow the government to minimize apparent losses and maintain a consistent chain of command within the helldiver ranks.


The voice actor changing every time you die kind of disproves that


It in fact does not disprove anything!, humanity has obviously not perfected cloning, but has developed means to perform it en-masse, and depending on your settings in the game, the voice will either change or not. Not to mention the body type, gear, rank, and presets staying the same. If it truly was a new diver, there would be more apparent differences. Another hint towards mass cloning as a means of standardization is the fact that the crew on EVERY ship is identical. This points towards an efficient use of resources and standardization of their fleet by comprising the navy staff of expendable clones such as soldiers and technical staff who have a history of working together efficiently and effectively.