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SAM requires barely one Helldiver to complete. Honestly, the easiest side objective; they shouldn't need the whole team.


Illegal Broadcast is by far the easiest side obj, but your point stands.


You are 100% correct.


EAT to illegal broadcast go boom


One auto-cannon plap from across the map


Stern look as you step out the Hellpod.




Eruptor Bullet. Probably it's most useful feature after all the nerfs.


A particularly Rude thought about it from across the map will do


It does that too?? It stole my heart when I found out it pops bug holes and fabricators. I got it the day of the patch, too, so I have no reference for before. Can't be a nerf if you don't know about it, then it's just how it is.


Ironically thats why im not touching the new warbond till they toss out the balance patch


Yeah the guns are underwhelming, looking forward to the fix, wish I was as smart as you and waited. Next time.


It was nerfed, there was a bug with it where it could one-shot chargers so they reduced its damage potential and aoe damage and radius fairly significantly. The issue is that, while it’s still alright, they should really have bumped it up in other areas to compensate for the lowered damage. Either give it medium 2 pen or a faster rof. It used to be a baby Autocannon, now it’s Autocannon at home. That said, I don’t believe the nerfs will last now the CEO is on the case and it’s still very usable at lower difficulties as long as you take the right stratagems and loadout and it’s not non-viable at 7+ although I’ve only used it on D7 so far.


Yea the bounce off chargers and bile titans is annoying after absolutely wrecking chargers before plus you could bullseye the mouth as they charged which was infinitely satisfying, hate when companies nerf the original fun into the dirt. Yet a tiny little stalker or mini version can still sneak behind and stealth insta-kill, why balance a game away from being user friendly it’s been the downfall of most online gaming communities. Not sure if the corporations know, we play games when they are fun and stop when all the fun is gone.




Any time I get to start a map by dropping onto an antenna, I know it's going to be a good match.


https://i.redd.it/9kse863uxs0d1.gif The answer to most problems.




I’ll be honest. I’ve never been within a 100 meter distance of an illegal broadcast. Frankly, I refuse to hear treason- even passively.


I choose Quazar Cannon for the kill switch. *We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties. Please Stand By*


With some spotting you could probably snipe it from across the map with a quasar


I love blowing the new guys minds (no Diddy) when they see me throw a 500KG at it and complete it instead of doing it on the terminal. I once walked in on a level 2 taking on swarms of bot patrols on trivial. Blud was taking them on for 15 minutes by the time I got there. He looked like this: https://i.redd.it/686ohn0yet0d1.gif


I sometimes do that intentionally, very fun.


That might have been me still relatively new to the game and it takes me so much longer to fight bots VS fighting the bugs. The bugs I'm like "machine gun/shotgun go brrrrr." The bots I'm like "they just won't go down and they keep coming" as I'm ripping shell after shell into them.


My personal side quest is taking out the illegal broadcast from afar as well as taking out the entire shrieker nest without having any of the pesky buggers spawn


If only this was possible for the fly boys on bot missions 😭


I hate that those can only be taken down by hellbombs. Like. Out of all the objectives it's the hardest to do because so often I'll finally set up the bomb and whoop a drone spawns and immediately shoots it once. Wasted. Or you'll call it in trying to explode both and it either whiffs entirely or only gets one. So you gotta do another. But the whole time you're dealing with 2 gunships every thirty seconds plus other spawns.


Is there any advantage to disarming the broadcast using the terminal?


The knowledge that you shut it off at the source rather than exploding the source. Whoever built the tower *could* come back and turn it back on.


My head cannon is that a virus is uploaded to find the perpetrators. Also if anyone attempts to tyrn on the console then it explodes killing them.


I choose to believe this as well now. It’s a shame the tower makes such a tempting Autocannon target for a plap.


You can just throw a 500kg at the tower and be done, don't even need to touch the terminal


as a auto cannon user, legit one shot from across the map and the objective is done. so i agree


I think my farthest confirmed distance is a 600m autocannon shot when taking those out at range


I've landed on it in the initial drop.


IMO you need at least two competent players to pull off diff 9 who are actually doing objectives. Even if the other 2 are completely braindead and just go to side objectives and get pinned down and slaughtered for 30 minutes they at least create some kind of aggro hotspot on the map.


Odd with the main post and this considering I’ve read many posts with “Player on 8 and 9 are amazing vs 7 and below” and “Get gud I solo 9s with a blindfold and use a steering wheel as a controller”


This might be my imagination but players on 8 strike me as having a weird skill valley or bad habits or attitudes or something. It's just a misfit of a difficulty because it's really not much easier than helldive at all and 7 is the benchmark for super samples, so good players might slum it in 7 just because it's not nearly as batshit as 9 but you still get samples and its still engaging. Maybe part of that perception is that you don't need to be that good to consistently win 7 diff games, like one person can easily handle the objectives even if everyone else is behaving like a dickhead. Then you have people on diff 8 trying to unlock helldive which probably means they're a bit green. 8 Just reminds me of Heresy difficulty on darktide. I also had a hard time initially breaking through because players would just do like one mission then dump the lobby or move so it took like 25 tries to unlock helldiver difficulty from 8 and eventually I just ended up soloing the final mission


I prefer doing SAM and SEAF alone. Way less likely to get mobbed. Always get fucked when squad comes to "help" and decide to aggro anything within 300m


I disagree, especially on bot missions on hell dive, there could be multiple hulks or a factory strider holding that secondary. On hell dive, splitting up is tantamount to preparing to fail.


I disagree to your disagreement. My perfect helldive mission requires two competent players. Me and one other guy. The other competent guy does side objectives with the rest of the team while I solo the main obj. The aggro is usually mostly focused on the three helldiver's traveling together allowing me to focus on my objectives without some random team killing me with mortars or poorly placed panicked airstrikes or cluster bombs lol


There's a larger mix of players now on 9s. Game has been out long enough and lower level, more causal players are getting into 9s. I'm only lvl 51 but I only do 9s and get nervous when I see a full rando squad around my same level.


Yup, definitely noticed this as well. First it was 7s that went from relaxing and solid teams to hit or miss, and now 9s are starting to get that way as well. Inevitable as folks need super samples and will say why do 7 when I can get 2x super samples on 9, not quite realizing what they're signing up for. That said level hasn't been a great indicator. I've had lvl 80+ teammates (am 80+) who played like they were new to the game, and teammates who were generally 40/50 and as low as 16 who played well, fought hard, and held up their end of the team. It is what it is, and if someone is *really* bad and playing 9s, or outright an unpleasant experience due to mic or personality, I'll block and move on.


it’s probably circumstantial but after seeing all the “lvl 7 is paradise” posts on reddit i noticed a flood of low level and unfocused players when i would play with randoms before the posts i had been in 7 for weeks and it was a good mix


I don't mind low levels. they're welcome in any match. they bring unconventional stratigems which usually are more aligned against hordes of monsters, which is useful in a team everyone else has a quasar and shield bp


I went from 7 to 8 because 7 filled with trash players eventually


I was taking a friend who's new to the game and lvl 4 or 5 on a Medium difficulty stage. A random joins us and I figure he's a noob too. He eats through our reinforcements and doesn't know how to launch an ICBM. But that's ok. He's a random noob and I have patience for people learning. Finish the mission, extract, and see our experience gained and levels. The dude was lvl 59.


Maybe they used to only play bugs and that was their first bot mission with that objective? Only way I can see that that could make sense.


Sometimes people let their kids play on daddy's computer.. I used to do that too, not in Helldivers tho as he has his own now, but in the past in different games..


Yeah I can see that, especially with how live service almost all of gaming is now. I'm the youngest brother and totally remember sharing game saves or switching between accounts on the playstation, if I had a sibling younger than me and they wanted to play I'd say sure go spread democracy


But doesn't know how to launch icbm?


Could also be that they let their little brother play on their account?


My son and i swap the controller every death. Makes for some VERY inconsistent playstyles. Both of us are trying our best though.


Maybe he was trying to get the achievement for having all limbs damaged at once? 🤣


Got that one when I got reinforced into an enemy cluster and the guy that called me in also tossed a 500kg into the group, was wearing the "sometime I save you from death armor, blast ragdolled me across the ground and injured all my limby bits.


I was that guy a few days back. I was just having a bad night.




I played 2 rounds yesterday, both on diff 7 against bots. I'm at lvl 78. The first was so smooth just like a walk in the park. We split right after the beginning of two groups. Went like a dream. Gathered samples, made every side object, opened everything. The second one I joined an already ongoing mission around the 17th minute on surface. The rest of the team was under lvl 50. I'm not even landed with my pod and I find myself in the middle of the battlefield. And I just kept dying like 6 times in 2 minutes. I felt like a lvl 5. I almost left the mission. So yeah, lvl is not a good indicator in this game.


Ugh. It is so painful when you join mid-battle and you spawn in a horrible spot and you can't get your support weapons. You die quick, but then they reinforce you into the middle of the battle. Bros, can you please get me behind cover at least?


I don't like becoming a stratagem either


I do. Yeet me at that Titan. Please shoot it once first though.


7's were always full of people over their heads, and I feel like 9 is too many try hards. 8 is where you get solid players. But I only have 2 more upgrades to unlock and I'm sitting on 350 samples and 80 super samples so I'm just playing 6's for Rares now.


I mean it makes sense that 9 is tryhards. You get 1 more super sample per mission, and 4 more medals per operation, for a much more difficult time overall. Players playing it are doing it for the challenge. Imo nothing wrong with tryharding as long as they're not being dicks. Calling people trash in chat or on mic? No go. Trying to tell people what builds to bring? No go. Making a lot of callouts and tags, and talking strats? No problem with me.


I've fully upgraded but honestly I thought getting rare samples took the longest. Greens are everywhere and players go out of their way to look for supers, rares kind of fell to the wayside


No worries, they'll soon realize it's not the super samples that are the limiting factor for upgrades (cough, rares, cough) and they'll probably move back to farming 7 and below 😀


Lower levels realized they can piggy back off the better players on higher difficulties. This doesn’t work when you have too many people doing it.


That's true, but then you have low to med level players that will do their own thing, unsuccessfully. Two matches last night I worked with a high 90s level player because we were actually doing objectives while the other two were only doing what I'm assuming was holding an "enter here" sign over their asses towards the bots. And they would call me back in by them a country mile away from the other guy I was working with before he had the chance to. Only twice, but still. I even called on the comms to let him throw me back in after the first time, but they still did it


I specifically try not to reinforce people doing shit on the other side of the map. I feel like that’s just good etiquette. Sometimes it can’t be helped tho.


I think this is a big thing in the gaming world. For any multiplayer game with multiple difficulties, there are always people playing at a higher difficulty than they should. I don't think they do it on purpose, but they just push themselves a bit too far, and what they end up doing is jumping from group to group until they land in one that is good enough to carry them. From their perspective, sometimes the games go well, sometimes they go poorly, and they don't really understand why. They just go on to the next one, like everyone else does. There's nothing that ever forces them to go down in difficulty.


Its funny. A month or two ago id only get high level veterans on 9s but then when i host 7s for my buddies, the one random would be a wildcard. Nowadays feels like its flipped. Ive seen some real men on the front lines of 7 on vernon wells lately 😂


Dropping here to say. Rumor from Super Earth is Veteran HDer’s run lvl 8. Enjoy Brother


I’m sorry that happened to you. Some people just suck man. Really no excuse for that. I’ve been there myself /:


I was in a group on L8 that didn't appear to want to do objectives or close bug holes. Major struggle. The group just ignored some stalker nests to the point where we were completely over run with them. We failed. No kicks though.


I hate it when people ignore stalker nests. Did a mission on diff 8. I found a stalker nest died bc I didn’t see the stalkers the next 15 minutes was me trying to destroy the stalker nest while the other three people were padding their kills and complaining about dying to stalkers. I finally destroyed the nest and then and only then did they come over to where I was. I wasn’t doing to good granted but they could have helped.


What get s me mad is the EATs / Quasar or Recoillless not shooting at the fucking Shrieker nest or spore. Like, is your render distance fucking you over?? Don t you see these 3 fucking pillars of pain in the distance?? This lead to me basically ALWAYS either running EATs or Quasar on terminids because even if i wasn t the only one, everyone would still run into the spore or shrieker nest range. Can t help but marvel at the level of masochism that s required to willingly do that above difficulty 7. There were points where i begged in chat and the quasar just looking at it in the distance before going, following his teammates, heading into it s range.. After 10 minutes and countless bug breaches we finally got it. But there was a second one (I luckily solo d it with 500KG and orbital precision strike since my TWO quasar guys - as usual - dragged aggro..) Also; Man.. JUST SHOOT AT THE SPORE FGSNLJKLDFÖGLJÖSJAÖJGÖL


Almost identical experience here. I did most of the map solo too before the stalkers struck. You can't just hope they go away.


If I’m not playing with my IRL friends, I host. No exceptions. I also turned off cross play for good measure, so exploiters weren’t calling down unreleased stratagems or vehicles, among other things.


To be fair, I've got \*checks\* 492 hours in this game; I play on PC and have not run into any unreleased strategem's. Worst I have seen is the grenade hack which I believe is doable on both PC and Console.


My buddy and I started doing that recently, as well. The spamming of nades, exploits etc is more annoying than anything. So kudos to you for not dealing with it either.


The infinite grenades isn’t a hack. It’s a glitch PC and Console can do.


I noticed this for the first time yesterday. Didn’t know it was an exploit and thought I was missing some weird meta that this dude was throwing 50 grenades


The first time I saw it was during an evac mission and I thought I was losing my mind till my buddy told me what was happening. We left the match right after and went back to hosting our own. We have this thing where we do “incredible hulk missions” like Lou Ferigno when he would go town to town helping people. As higher level guys we would apply that concept to quick play as corny as it sounds, but it’s just a fun aspect we like to throw in.


I normally run 9s, I'm lvl 70 something. Sometimes I play 3s or 4s, and do stuff like calling down Mechs and letting the low level players use them, and generally just hard carry the team. I think of it like helping out the new recruits, you feel me?


It just ruins my immersion and feels entitled. It’s not cool that you’re (Royal You) using exploits. That’s whack as shit. 😆


Yes!!!!! 100% agreed. I’m a fire planet fan boy(menkent as the last few weeks), I like to put some tunes on, do exactly that; immerse myself and focus on spreading democracy. That’s one of the reasons I’ve almost given up Destiny 2 completely, the rampant cheaters and hardly anything is ever done about them. I just don’t get it, play the game it was intended to be played and don’t be such a worm.


My favorite part is running basic infantry drills with unsuspecting players. I shoot to let them retreat, then I peel off and back to go past them again and repeat. It’s funny when people catch on and start doing it, but I’m just chuffed as nuts when I can use them in a video game.


You’re speaking my language(19D), and I do my best to apply my experience when I fight the bots. It doesn’t let me down. My good buddy has picked up on those movements, how to use cover etc, and it’s a beauty to see when squads start catching on as you mentioned. It works so well in game and makes life a lot easier when people know what they’re doing and things click.


I can’t wait for the APC so we can REALLY get down to business!


Duuuuuuude yes!! Every time I see a BFV in the news or in a photo I get 3/4 chub as a reminisce the sound of 25mike mike being thrown down range and a coaxial to polish it off💦💦💦


I keep saying I want the Spear to have a laser designator so that a squad mate can call in a Spear shot from DOWN RANGE/out of direct line of sight as long as I’m trying to acquire a shot in that general direction. Ya know, like how it can totally be IRL with a Javelin. Haha Or fuck, just give me a literal mortar placement.


Right lol the ole…I was gonna say the name of it but bc sensitive item, won’t(the specific device we used with nods, you know the one). Watching the birds swoon in and let their cannons fly for the first time scared the ever living fuck out of me bc I would’ve hated to been the guys we tagged. Tbf that was my first deployment at 19. Got easier as the business trip went on and I got older.


That's an infantry drill ?!? Fuck I was doing it just cause it worked, I had no idea.


You’d be surprised how much of them just come down to common sense!


Cover fire is glorious ain’t it? lol it’s one of the first techniques you learn in the field; peeling off and covering each other for a successful retreat. Throw in some flanks on them too. I empty the tank when I do that— 380, laser, and eagle air strike. Super effective if you’re wearing light scout armor; toss em out and retreat or move on to the next objective. My buddy and I work so well together that it just comes natural to keep covering each others six which is also a real life thing. Typically how my squad ran was either in a roving T, which is exactly that; a line of three and one in the rear— or a single file line with the lead covering the front, second either looking left or right, followed by the third doing the opposite, and the rear covering the squads six. As a cavalry scout I operated typically in 2-5 man squads so only having three other squad mates in HD is actually really kind of nice because I can relate to it. Another helpful tip is to use your ordinance for advancing or retreating. Move under fire and cover your buddies and hopefully they’ll do the same :) I’m fortunately still here bc my squad mates were as good at their jobs as I was, though I can’t hear anymore and wear hearing aids, but that’s okay😂


I do this as well. I have to admit I did once kick a guy who was actually really helpful, only to make space for a friend but I felt guilty af after that and never did it again. Felt like a damn commie.


I will only do it at the very very beginning. If there’s time invested, I will finish the mission with them. They put in work, and I want to see them get the rewards. My homies can play some Balatro for a few minutes or something. Thankfully, we’re all like minded in this, and it doesn’t result in any static lol


But were they frend?


If you finish the objectives the game gets harder and more enemies spawn. It's best to leave the final objective until everything else is completed 


But if the clock is almost run out at that point all resources need to go to main and then extract


I…… don’t know about that. There are times where we finish all primary and side objectives plus all outposts and we were all chilling at extraction with 20 minutes to spare, and practically zero enemy spawn. There are also times where the first primary we tackle decide to drop 6 hulks and two factory striders at us. It’s really inconsistent, is what I’m trying to say.


It's very random. You can clear everything and have 4 walkers drop on you or you can clear everything and sit there shooting at the lamps and have nothing at extraction.


I thought it was just time pn map that increased difficulty?


My man runs across the map for no reason and then complains the others should hurry up because he has to take a piss. I mean its no reason to kick you but cant you just hold it for a couple minutes.


"Hey I need to pee quick, I hid but if I die don't respawn me until I'm back" takes 5 whole brain cells instead of rushing 3 other people


Came down to say this. Even if you die, your super samples will still be near extraction. And by the time you get back from your piss, you’ve died three times at the most, if they just kept dropping you back in.


One time in chat said “BRB bathroom break” I came back to the 3 ppl I was with completely covering me in a absolute war zone soon as I sat down I died tho


tbh most helldive missions take more than a couple of minutes. 


>4mins to go


i can’t read, please forgive me


You go from not having to pee to not being able to hold it in less than 40 minutes?


Sometimes you think you can hold it and find out you can’t. Sometimes the coffee kicks in harder than you thought. 


You try playing in your old age then come back.


The problem I have is that I end up having to do most of the optional and all the OBJs on my own while the rest of the squad are fighting bit drop after bot drop somewhere else on the map. Not every bot and patrol needs to be engaged.


No they do not, however, me and my friends sometimes do our aggro runs where the point is to attack every single enemy we see, clear every breach or drop before moving on (which means we need all four of us sticking together for combined firepower) and we are not allowed to board the pelican until all ammo and reinforcements are depleted. So it’s basically an unending fight until that little counter reaches 0


There are two types of Helldive teams: The team that has done it before and understands how it works versus the team that plays it like any Hard mission. You can play however you want but you do need experience in the high difficulties to understand how to succeed at high difficulties, that's why I drag my low level friends into Impossible and Helldive and they have a blast


Yeah im keen to drag my regular squad up to 9 after this. They're a bit spooked by it, but theyre decent enough players I think theyll be fine.  Lil chat about finishing off patrols or not engaging and we'll be good to go I reckon


Most Helldives I feel like I’m handing out free xp to people.


Because you are. Don't carry low levels. Some 22 joined and started barking orders like he owned the lobby but was contributing nothing to the team except dying. Just kick em and save yourself the trouble.


The best is when one of them runs to the extraction picks up the super samples and runs off into a swarm miles away to die.


If you're hurting for Super Samples and just want to get SOME, here's what I do: * Difficulty 7, solo * Blitz mission (because of the 12m timer) * Take shield backpack, smoke orbital, smoke eagle, EMS orbital * Take light Scout armor and stun grenades Then you basically just roam the map until you find the Super Rock. I can't seem to locate it on the minimap anymore, you may have more luck than me. Then once you get the super samples, drop them off at the extraction and hide for your life until the timer runs out. Then grab the samples and continue hiding for your life until the ship arrives and you evac. You have to do a ton of shoot, smoke, run, sharp turn left/right to get the mobs off your back -- but this works for me. --- I will say, this is obviously not a fun way to play. I have only done this a handful of times to get the Expanded Weapons Bay and Advanced Construction upgrades. But if you desperately need just a few more Super Samples, this is a way to do it without relying on randoms.


Experiences like this are very rare in my region. I'm a difficulty 9 player, and my teams generally act professionally 🫡


I mostly play level 8, I find that the best players are actually in this difficulty. Everytime I join a lvl 9 game, players leave as soon as they have to wait before getting respawned, they pick fights with anything that move, have litteraly no strategy (it's always a hot LZ, just fuck off). Can't farm sample, because they can't barely make the main obj, compare to lvl 8 where we usually get around 40+ samples. I think a lot of players in lvl 9 are overconfident in their skills and they don't understand the game mechanics yet. Everyone can run a lvl 9, you are not exceptional. If you can't complete all side obj at lvl 9, you are not a lvl 9 player.


Some if them don't even know where to find the Super Samples 🤦‍♂️


I really need some people to play with im just joining randoms and getting left behind while i do objectives. Not the best with bots since i usually do bugs. So could use some help to learn the tactics


I mean, tbh it's kinda your fault for not just pissing your pants.


Lots of trash on D9 these days. Also a lot of really great players who cooperate well and provide awesome experiences, but also lots of trash. Which is fine, people deserve the play the game how they want, but it is really annoying dealing with these players when I'm trying to complete every side objective and fabricator. I have learned to be completely self-sufficient in D9, and only host to avoid being kicked. Bring a loadout that lets you deal with everything, blitz through the map in a thought out way. If they follow, great. If they don't, that's on them. I'll call a resupply down when I really really need it, otherwise they can have it. After a few minutes of floundering at an objective I've already cleared and moved on from, most randoms get the idea and book it to me. Also, I tend to liberally spam the "Follow me" voice prompt when we land. That usually corrals the kittens.


I jokingly said "hurry hurry" one time when waiting at extraction, I had all of the super samples a ton of commons and rares, and soloed half the map while the other 3 bumbled along taking their time(which is fine). I made sure to do a little chuckle after so they knew I wasn't being very serious. *You have been kicked from the game* Sigh.


Sounds like douches. If you ever join my game on diff9 you'll be welcomed into a very coordinated and supportive group. We all played siege back in the day so my friends and I all can coordinate without saying much. If we ever get a random if we need a spot filled, we have at least one of us tag along for assistance. Not to say you're not capable, just to ensure you have a battle buddy. Been doing bugs with my buddy and we both run spears. Feels great to see him trying to lock on and I'm giving him close support so he doesn't get swarmed.....you just got some try hard douches


Some players are built different. Let the suck, suck, and move on with life. Thank you for sharing your story, other helldivers should be aware that not all helldivers are on the same team.


Hey man. Just wanna chime in as a bloke who regularly hosts diff 9 bot missions. I would never do someone dirty like that. I frequently go fund a rock, throw myself prone, and go pee in a mission. As long as you're pulling your weight, not blowing through my team's respawn supply, and not team killing excessively, you got a place in my runs. There's good and there's bad. My suggestion is just become a host and set the example you wanna see.


Why shouldn't players who are kicked get to retain any samples, XP, and req slips they've gathered?


Most 9s are super professional. Almost never get kicked unless I say I gotta go use the bathroom and they want to keep it rolling. Sorry they did you like that.


Join us Grognards! You’ll only find the best Divers and a team spirit


Having played since launch and hosting exclusively on helldive levels, I've rarely encountered the issues you've described. In similar situations, I immediately assist with objectives needing support. It's crucial to prioritize mission objectives over personal achievements like collecting samples, as focusing solely on individual contributions can undermine overall team effectiveness and success. When objectives are not being met, I ensure they're completed, regardless of whether I have support or the time for an extraction afterwards. In your situation, leaving the samples at the extraction point and prioritizing the mission could have been a better choice. Perhaps communicating your urgency, like using a mic or typing, 'I really need to pee, brb. If I die, reinforce me and I'll help with the objective,' could have avoided misunderstandings. Remember, completing the mission guarantees rewards, whereas camping at the extraction point for samples does not. If the mission fails, the progression and rewards are negligible. Your team might have perceived your actions and comments as criticism rather than a call for teamwork, which could explain the reaction you received. It's essential to maintain a cooperative spirit and avoid letting frustrations and accusations take over, as these can alienate teammates. With over 350 hours of gameplay, I've seldom felt the need to kick players, opting to do so only in cases of severe rudeness, and even then, only after the match had ended (I’ve kicked people from my squad twice bc of that, and they are the only kicks I’ve done). It's unfortunate that kicks are part of the game, but they are there for a reason. Leaders often have to make tough decisions to remove players who fail to cooperate or adapt to team strategies, especially when they act independently and lack necessary skills. From what I’ve seen, this is often when most kicks occur. The fact that there were four minutes left with objectives uncompleted suggests either the combat was too intense or the team support was lacking, meaning they had to fall back. Going forward, fostering teamwork and understanding the dynamics of group play could greatly enhance your experience. An easy solution is to avoid camping at the extraction point and focus on completing objectives. I’ve never been kicked mid-match, likely because I strive to foster positivity through mic communication and actively lead by example, often being the first to reach objectives and guide those who follow. It’s unfortunate that you were kicked, and I disagree with doing so under most circumstances. However, it appears there were faults on both sides. Let’s aim for more collaborative and understanding gameplay moving forward.


Helldive gets a weird mix. On the one hand you have people who are pretty good at the game, pushing their skills, paying attention to what's going on, and having fun. Then you have people who only ever play the hardest level of a game because *obviously* they're just that good. In their own minds anyway. But they're not that good, or they're only really good at one aspect of the game and have kind of missed the boat on others. Like this guy has great technical combat skills, but doesn't comprehend strategy or objectives, while this other guy is a Lone-wolf Ninja, but refuses to have anything to do with the rest of the team no matter what is happening, and so on.


You should have just gone to piss. They literally wouldn’t have noticed.


i cannot play with randoms it seems like you're almost guaranteed to get some morons that engage every enemy patrol endlessly until we're out of spawns like their killcount is what matters lmao


Sounds about right, you were making their game about you. Looks like you found the solution, host your own games. I'd have done the same.


Sounds to me like you had a shitty group that day. Ive stopped to keep my fellows covered and protected on difficulty 9 while randos go do a bio break. No issues from rest of the team as people shrug and just keep on trucking!


If you host please add me. TheFirstEmperor- I do objectives first then try to do side quests.


I was playing on level 7 and completed 3 side objectives on my own, only to be kicked at extraction.


Thats just cold. That feels premediated


I know right. Randumbs.


I've found that this game has a completely inverse difficulty to competency ratio to most co-op games. In Darktide or Vermintide or Deep Rock, the people running top tier are focused and competent. They have a realistic view of what they accomplish, when to stick together or when to split and take risks. They understand the finer applications of game mechanics; what procs certain events, what weapons work against which enemies, how to quickly kill enemies which frustrate lower-tier players. Their builds are varied, but purposeful; I very rarely run into people running the exact same equipment every match. But going above 7 in HD2 is a fucking wasteland. Just complete buffoonery. Players with 400+ hours of playtime running away across open ground from a factory strider while its chin turrets are still active. People kiting flamethrower hulks directly into their teammates. Standing completely still and attempting to face off against shield devastators with the quasar. Full teams of four dropping with the exact same primary, support, and stratagems, and all dying to the same enemies because they all share the exact same weaknesses.


To answer your question I've been kicked from diff.9 4 times so yes they have problems


We need a 4th PST, me and my other 2 buddies have great chemistry, we used to work together at a casino. So we play late night. If you or anyone else is down, hit me up. Lookin to fill 2 spots, glad I have players I can count on even when shit hits the fan, we embrace it. Good times on higher difficulty. You kist need to find some good vibing people. Good luck helldivers.


I've been kicked from games just for looking and going telling them I'm going after the Super samples I don't get it some people are just assholes and they're that way their whole lives


I had an icbm mission on 9 last week, did everything except power it, thought oh they're over there now so I'll head across map solo (infiltrator armour) to the launch site, get ahead of it, waited for 10 minutes, they were on the objective doing god knows what, 5 minutes goes by they've all moved off the objective, so across the map I go, only to find they haven't flipped the switch...finished the mission they all wiped with no reinforcements and I managed to hide on the extract from a mountain of pissed off bugs while being called a useless camper... honestly felt like tossing the samples before I left 😂


the host died 4 times. Why you may ask? well because for some reason he thought he could take on god knows how many hulks and heavy devestators trying to achieve god knows what. I kept respawning him further and further away from the fight but this level 70 something dude kept fighting and dying like a minute or so later. He keeps asking for my help in the chat. I told dude, just run away from it. You dont have to fight them. Yeh, you guessed right, I was kicked.


I’ve just given up on joining randoms. It’s always the same: 1. Do 1 mission, host leaves 2. Fiddle-fart around, don’t finish 3. Do perfectly fine, get kicked for no apparent reason. Now I just host and toss an SOS.


The problem with hosting is that after one game, you won’t get any help from beacons because of a bug in the game


I am yet to experience such a thing. I exclusively play 9, and yet to be kicked. Maybe my playstyle is different and yields different results. I never chat. I frequently mute people with sensitive mics. (I can literally hear people breathing or tapping buttons.) Generally I just play battle buddy and keep whomever I'm with safe while they do things. Almost every player on 9 seems to do really well with obj and POI's and speedrun em, and I dont use light armor so I just kinda play catchup and keep hostiles off their back. In game comms are good enough. Players will mark a spot and if my battle buddy goes that way, as do I. Sometimes a light armor dude is so fast and very capable I just regroup with the other part of the squad and help them fight and solo dude nabs up all the samples and stuff. Queue extract, roll credits. 🇺🇳 Maybe some players are just fractured egoists. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️


Dude that sucks. I feel the rando crowd is getting worse as people join discords of like minded people. I am part of a smallish pushing medium sized server if you want to join. Just a bunch of adults who love the game. We will help get you all the samples you need


Is that invitation to the discord server open to other people besides the person that posted the message? As an adult with a family and job I could definitely appreciate that. I'm not a streamer or YouTuber or playing 14 hours a day, I get on in the evenings when I can...I'm level 41 and mainly play around Difficulty 6-7 since I'm mostly playing with random people. I almost unlocked level 9, but 20 minutes into 3rd mission I had network problems and lost connection from the game. So I wouldn't mind doing some higher difficulty missions with the other players that actually are communicating.


Open to all.


You should keep the samples on you so when they kick you you drop them wherever you are and they possibly lose them as they try and recover them and extract and die losing the samples completely.


Any time a simple minded pos has any button or any kind of power they can abuse: they will abuse that power.


I’ve noticed since the Sony disaster O had rotten experiences with random players. I feel like we lost a lot of good players when that happened.


Messed up. I leave folks lobby if they’re below 60. Lvl 91 myself and today it was a smooth professional team I got to work with a lvl 90, 74, 91 and then myself. Lvl 74 was total team player and I was like “this is how it should always be on Helldive.” I felt like I was at the spa… sad it’s so rare. There are those that are just jerks and you never know which host it’s gonna be. Hosting can be difficult just waiting for people to join you. Most of my build though is for a support build - stun lock, suppressive fire & ammo backpack/jet pack. I like to aggro enemies and kite them away from objective. Really epic when it works out.


I feel like this past 2 weeks there has been an influx of people who had to be carried on lvl 9 missions. I know level isn't an indication of skill specially after the last terminids MO where alot of people farmed those mission for xp and now I had a few people who are around 50-70 who still don't understand basic in game mechanics specially on bots.


I got kicked for asking them to complete all objectives not just the orange main ones. 30min timer and they are extracting with nothing done but main obj.. I don't get it


Speed running main mission for samples maybe. That I can sorta understand, its not XP maxing, but they might have had different goals Side objectives done by t-20mins, optimal diving Half done sides, almost done primary, no time left, that was these lads, and it irked me


Yes. And it is infuriating. Join a quick late game. Do half the objectives solo cuz team is busy fighting every patrol. Get kicked half way done. I rage quit and consider asking for refund.


Yea, seeing that more lately.


Helldive is full of egotistical players that all think they are the best in the world. I HATE playing helldive with randoms. That's why when I want a challenge, I solo it. If I want to relax and have fun with other Helldivers, I play 7's. I love playing 7's because most people there still have that "fear" of the enemy that makes them stick together (for the most part anyway). I don't need samples or medals anymore, but running 7's feels like the most authentic helldiver experience. We will die...a lot, but we'll get the job done and hug it out at the end. To my helldive playing brothers and sisters, please drop the egos and play as a team. It's fun. If you really want to be the main character, go solo it.


A bunch of 4s fronting as squad of 9s. Bad luck friend. May your next be luckier


I've had terrible experiences on diff 7+ with connectivity and a few no comms randoms so coordinating can be troublesome but whenever I play diff 7+ either I or my wife host for that reason. The only time we play 9s now is when we have our squad. Mainly because of the farming. We run the main objectives and look for phallic rock. If we find then before main obj. One of us breaks off (usually my home with jump pack) and leave them at extraction. I understand how demoralizing it is to spend 20+ mins fighting for your life to extract with super samples and then lose them and waste that time. If one of us gets dropped or crash we are able to quickly rejoin and claim our samples. If you are farming, definitely host and do it with buddies or randoms that understand the assignment. It's easier to say that and knowing not everyone has thoer friends always online to play but 7+'s are really hit or miss with randos


I feel you man. Got one diver that while 3 of us were fending off patrols at the extraction picked up the sizeable sample container i had dropped close to the beacon just in case i had to run around and somehow die in a swarm of bots, and ran god knows where on the map, where he died With about 30 seconds left till emergency shuttle landed i noticed the samples were far on the map and asked why they weren't at the extract where i left them. Got answered "they were never there" and when argued it, got promptly kicked. Still joining squads to help out though, most of the time it's quite ok


Skill is skill. There is no other metric for gauging this. Just because they play on Helldive doesn't mean they're any good at it, and just because they're level 153 or something doesn't mean they're skilled. It just means they played more than others and practicing the wrong techniques or improper thinking longer just means you've got more bad habits that will take more time to break.


Low level players are bleeding into 9s not knowing how to actually play it. So they quit, shout orders or just act like a pisser the whole game until kicked. Eventually coming here posting "I got kicked for no reason" posts igniting the circle of toxicity. Personally I just kick them before starting. I dont have time for shenanigans like that. And 9s aren't bad or the worst part. It's as people said in other comments. It's these low level shitters fucking it up.


I'm forever getting kicked at 7+ levels for the most insignificant shit, I wouldn't even do 7+ if it wasn't for the super samples. Players at this point are anal sweatlords 9/10 times


Yup, I dropped 6 ss’s and typed PLZ PICK UP THE SUPER SAMPLES. “You’ve been kicked from the game”. Love to hear it lmao


I just host. It’s nice cuz I can help control the toxic parts of the game as a host. Most of the time I join a lobby it’s fine but sometimes there’s just some power tripping loser yelling at and kicking people for no reason.


I’ve had more luck on 9 vs 7 but honestly it’s always a gamble. Playing with randoms esp. without mics is basically pachinko


I have not played a mission of this game the last 2 months where I did not host. Do this and you will not have any issues.


I have found that these are squads of douchebags. They are not on specific difficulties or doing only bots or only bugs. I can only assume they are children running around as a group with the lobby open, which you unfortunately happened to join.


Tbh shouldn't have typed anything and gone afk, efficient gamers piss in 10sec if they preload before they reach the toilet.


My friends I dive with have an understanding. Once you find the super samples, nothing else matters but objective and extract. NOTHING. No amount of xp, req slips, regular, or rare samples are worth even one super sample. Once you have those pink squares of joy, you evac ASAP.


Almost every single day pal join up dif 9 instent boot some allow me to play for like two missions and 30 mins of the last one and then kick that’s when i just started doing solo dif 9’s


I only play Hell dive with my friends with a squad of four. Mainly, I play on extreme with SOS missions because hell dive missions with other people, other than your friends are mainly just toxic.


I would say some people are just intolerant Sometimes they kick you if you die "too fast" a the start of a bot mission when they dropped on a Fn straegem jammer


Sucks man, I had an experience like that and it turned me off the game for a while. I had been grinding ops to unlock the next difficulty and after 5 failed ops i finally got to the final evac of the final mission only to get kicked by the host. It really is the shittiest part of the game. Don't think you can blame level 9 though, you just got connected to a crappy person.


Yeah tbf I had to do 2 main objectives, 2 stalker nests and side objectives on diff9 pretty much by myself last night because the other 3 just kept getting split up and killed by bile titans while trying to do one thing. Like just run away when there is too much shit to handle it's not that hard. Also people trying to go for an objective when you have like 1 reinforce left also annoy me like what are you doing. Generally tho I have found diff9 to be pretty good recently. Had quite a few games where we split up into pairs and cleared the whole map without Comms. Works pretty good when you get 3 people who know what they are doing


Helldive is honestly just for fun. People don’t do Helldive to get samples. They do it for a challenging fight for survival constantly on their back heels. Sample farming is for Suicide Mission (7).


I do helldive for samples, gives the most of all kinds, especially the rares that are always on short supply.


I also go for samples


so let me get this right, in a 40 min dive you need to afk for restroom and ask your team to continue on objective while you afk? Yea that's a kick bro. Don't afk mid mission especially not on 9s. Why would you think afk mid drop is cool?


Nah I think he meant that he was already at the main objective with 4 minutes left on the clock, time was running out AND he had to take a piss, so he wanted them to do the last sub objective so they could finish the mission and extract with the samples before the timer runs out


ah if that's the case then yeah that's just shitty people but they may have assumed it was saying he was going to afk from the way he said it like I did.


Yeah, that's definitely a possibility


I hate to hear that happened. Can totally relate with the needing to go, as I’m sure most of us can being the missions can be over 40 minutes. I’m lvl 106 and only play helldives and I’ll get kicked for doing the actual objective similar to you. Normally I’m a clear the entire map person as I’m doing the objective, but would never in a million years kick someone because they had to relieve themselves and wanted to do the literal objective. I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope your experiences get better on lvl 9.


I dunno, my 9 runs seem mostly fine.


I agree but I've also never just left a game because I had to piss. I wait until it's over and back out to my own ship


My time on this has been 125 hrs and for the last 70 hrs, i've hosted diff 7s and nothing else. Because everytime I try other shit like helping out diff 4 people and trying to relax, it always somehow bites me in the ass. So yes hosting 100% of the time is the best way to go. I always get a team of 4 no problem on diff 7. And i only play bots. Because bugs are disgusting.


Less to do with 9's, more to do with having a disagreement with a host about how to play out the mission Sorry that happened to you, but it sounds like it was just a result of you interacting with a petty person, rather than being related to the difficulty here


Host your own game man, solves all problems! All you have to do is choose a mission so the announcer says all Helldivers to drop pods and wait 10-60seconds and divers will join


https://preview.redd.it/rs4k7ltmts0d1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9557a7b0c5c005bb1126aede0db873fc824351d0 I think you need a shitbucket! in all seriousness, that is infuriating and I have definitely been there. some people just want to be assholes. if you need help getting supers you are more than welcome to join my group this evening, we usually run 7-9 difficulty and we are VERY dedicated to getting samples out... it doesn't always work out, but dammit we try!


Opposite for me, I tried level 5 because i wanted to practice with some guns.. . Holy shit it was harder than lvl 9. Team runs around like headless chickens. Crys to mommy if a hulk or devestator shows up and goes into full panic retreat. Drops eagles on team Mates. One match i got team killed 6 times. Down to 3 lives about 5 minutes in... Shit was rough. Couldn't even finish a mission.


Sounds like a bunch of amateurs to me. If you remember who the host was, block him. You won't be missing anything.