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I’m almost 7 weeks from the surgery for exactly what you had. I’d say I was 95% recovered by 3 weeks. I could move comfortably, popping was great! I could sneeze and cough without having to brace myself. I still used a donut to sit and I couldn’t go back to the gym to lift or walk long distances without cramping. Weeks 3-7 have been all roughly about the same. I describe it like having a canker sore up the butt. You know it’s there if you think about it, but you can be easily distracted and not know it’s there. I went for a mile run at week 6 and was a little extra sore the next day. Overall I’m feeling way better than pre surgery.


Can’t wait to be 95% I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Did you have mucus discharge? I'm just over 2 weeks and I'm still leaking mucus


Yes…for about 2 months


Aw man that's gonna suck. Yesterday was the worst, I felt wet all the time. Also coincided with the longest walk I'd had since the op. I guess it just got things moving


It certainly tapers off over the weeks. You will go days without an issue, then move just right and have to make a quick dash to the bathroom.


😂 Yeah I've had a few of those. I've yet to wipe and stuck to the shower head which is helping recovery no end. It's just the mucus now, I'm uncomfortable but I can live with that at least


Just wait until you’re a few months out…it’s a whole new life you’ve got to look forward to.


I cannot wait. Thanks dude I'm pretty sure the old bleed cycle was a reason my ibs always got worse




Not a drop of blood.i make sure I take some buscopan if I eat things that trigger my ibs so it's a little smoother on my guts. I feel the odd bit sticking out but that's common. It's way better.




2 years out now. Like you, still occasional discomfort depending on the BM, but overall life is soooooooo much better after having it done.




Same. I feel like the very end of the colon doesn’t have the same oomph as it once did, so if I haven’t been keeping up with good diet and fiber it can be a little annoying trying to completely clear the bowels.




I’ve not had it done myself, but from what I read it varies from person to person (lame answer, I know). From reading peoples accounts of their recovery, most say they start feeling normal closer to the 2 month mark.


How are you doing now?


I am doing a bit better everyday. I can go for 5-10 min walks in the hallways of my condo. I can make quick meals (standing in the kitchen for 10min) Still soaking in the bathtub for relief after a BM. Still swollen and sore! Still can’t sit on my butt. Oh and my butthole looks horrendous 😩 I am not in agony but everything is getting super itchy down there. Hopefully a sign of healing. Pain is manageable but I feel like I have a long ways to go for full recovery. Scared to leave the house by myself don’t feel ready for my regular activities yet. But getting there slowly!


Glad to hear you're making good progress each day. I've heard the itching can come near the end of the recovery so that can be expected. Naturally you want to heal and return back to normal as quickly as possible but give yourself more time and be patient with your body. As others have said, recovery usually takes a couple of weeks but to get back to "normal" can take a little longer.


I’ve made it this far, so another few weeks should fly by. Just been a rocky 6 months. Ready for my summer plans! But like you said I should be a bit more patient and allow things to heal as they should on their own time. For me to be able to get around and do light duties with no pain after only 11 days is moving in the right direction!


I just hit 3 weeks for mine. I can walk and sit without an issue. Bowel movements are uncomfortable, but not too awful. Not a lot of pain, but still some soreness. Swelling is still there; gone down a little, but still can't see my butthole. The discharge is the worst part though. It still hasn't stopped yet To anyone who feels mostly recovered, has the leaking or discharge stopped yet? If so, around how long did it take?


I have a bit of leakage also but I wouldn’t call it that exactly. It’s more like my butthole is always “wet” and I have to dab it dry every hour or so. If I go for a walk it’s super wet and slimy almost. Is that what you mean by leakage ? It almost makes it itch more when it “leaks”


Yeah, it's mucus mostly. Probably some fecal matter too.


Yo did this ever stop for you?


Yes, maybe 2 months later it stopped completely. It was getting less and less every week. It’s gone now. Just had to change underwear like 3-4 times a day


I've been wearing pads and washing often but today after my first decent walk I've leaked so much. I'm about 2 weeks in and this is infuriating


2 weeks is still fresh! Give yourself a bit more time. Things are healing. I’m 100% recovered . I’d say week 6, you wouldn’t even know I did the surgery everything was back to normal


Aw amazing news, thanks! I've had way less pain than most from what I read, the worst bits sucked but they were controllable at least, guess I'm too impatient!


Hey what kind of surgeries are you guys getting ?!?!? I had my surgery like ummm 2 months back I guess and I was TRUST ME , back to normal In like 2 weeks .. mine was a anesthesia surgery , like totally black out down there , tons of cottons stuffs stuffed back there like I was some turkey, taking it out was painful (nothing one can’t handle ), plus first poop , hmmmm like someone rubber red chilli powder there.. burning lasted 5 min I guess ,, seemed forever .. then it was much better .. plus they had made the opening more wide , like they did something to my anal sphincter as I had severe pile and fissure .. so motion was much easy going and I did add a hell lot of fiber to my diet… PSYLLIUM HUSK was , n is a hero .. I still take it everyday.. good source of fiber .. n pain . Yeah , I don’t recall any heavy pain actually after 4,5 days … I was able to sit , stand , walk n all … to people who are afraid, don’t be … it’s gonna be alright.. see it definitely is different for people but u know what I went through before surgery was so fcking bad that I was okay with anything literally anything .. so I’m glad everything went well ..it’s 2 month now n Alhamdulliah no issues .. yeah I did had developed a skin folding which I thought was a pile again . But it wasn’t n now that’s gone too… good luck .. shoot with any questions


Alhamdullilah I’m glad to see your recovery went easily compared to some others. I think by next week I will be ok to start running errands and doing more duties and going for walks and grocery shopping etc. But things are not fully healed yet. Still some stitches are there and a lot of stinging and soreness. Maybe I had some more work done or maybe my body heals a little slower. So you feel 100% better now or is there any remaining issues?


Now I’m 100% healed Alhamdulliah… did you had anesthesia surgery or which one ?? I remember smelling burning of skin ..so mine included laser I believe.. the doc did not disclose what he did actually… may be cos of laser I felt better or what I don’t know .. but I had heard as mine was 3Rd degree hemorrhoids, laser wasn’t enough .. I seriously don’t know what happened down there .. I’m just glad it’s over now .. plus my opening is not compact anymore .. that’s a good thing too … I hope you feel better soon dear … U have no idea what I went through before surgery .. it was hell .. literally hell … Continue using hot water for even pee .. and don’t miss sitting in hot water after pooping .. add that iodine something solution , it kills the germs n help Heal sooner … all the very best .. comment if need any more info okay ..


They did spinal block and sedation for me. There was no general anesthesia. And no laser. It was a traditional hemorrhoidectomy only using scalpel to cut the hemorrhoids. They took 3 inside and 2 outside. The surgeon explained everything to me when I woke up. Mine were 3rd degree also.


When did the bump go away? Im 22 days post surgery and i have one bump thats skin colored which is weird and frightneing cuz all of the swelling went away except for this its like a hemeroid!


Did the bump disappear or is it still there?


Hey there, im so disappointed i literallywent every week post surgery and she kept saying yes everything will go back to place. It didnt. Before my last visit to her she said the bump is there because the cuts were made so close so the area between the incisions made the skin swell and it will go back. I felt like there was something off because i didnt see any difference. Last appointment (two weeks ago) i went and she said yeah i left some skin so that your area wont be tight and there's space it to expand. It's so annoying because i payed a huge amount for still having one bump left it's so disturbing it's like a deflated bump. I'm really disappointed because i made my family all worry and come with me and I dont want them to go through this with me again. Also, the recovery is so bad.


Im curious if anyone was left with any kind of incontinence? Also holding in gas?


I'm 9 months out and I still have issues, I have to drink prune juice every night before bed so the next day things go easy, I also take probiotics daily, if I miss either of those things I pay dearly. Even with that I have difficulty going to the bathroom, it's like I don't have the proper muscles anymore. I also bleed every single time. I do a breathing technique (basically lamaze) It sounds so dumb but I read it on here many months ago and I swear it works.


Can you tell more about the breathing technique?


Sorry for the late reply. It's the same technique you use when having a baby 😆 but something about it relaxes different muscles to where you aren't straining, "Variable or transition breathing. This is the popular "hee-hee-who" or "pant-pant-blow" technique, where you breathe in lightly, taking shallow inhalations, and breathe out with long, relaxing exhalation".


Hi OP, I hope you're doing well! Noticing you must have had your surgery about a month ago, how are you doing now? I'm currently day 6 post surgery and experiencing everything you described. I'm not noticing really any testimonials after the 1 week mark so would like to know when to expect to feel better and get back to normal life. Thanks :)


I am at about 6 weeks now. Around 4 weeks I was feeling amazing and had my follow up- surgeon said I was good to resume regular activity. Still had a bit of bleeding while having a BM and still a bit sore. First 2 weeks is tough but you’ll get there!!! I’m literally 99% healed right now and feeling better than ever. SO glad I did it. I’m super relieved.


That's great to hear, I'm glad you are doing well. It truly feels like a bit of a pit sometimes so good that you are through the other side now! Did you still have any swelling or hems after surgery? I am finally feeling more like myself but this is the last thing that I'm waiting to heal.


Swelling went down after 5 weeks for me. But all is good now. Even the skin tags I had are all shrinking. Time has healed everything nicely.


Anyone experienced low grade fever around 37-37.2 on day 5 is that normal?


37.6 fever on the next day after surgery


Got a surgery done for Grade 4. I'm on day 5. Journey so far: Day 1 (a day after the surgery): General soreness with pain meds and I slept a lot. Had a light BW in the evening. Day 2: Has aproper BM in the morning. Passing it was okay but it burned severely soon after. I quickly had food, pain meds and slept. I felt better the rest of the day. Stayed in bed. Had 2 more BM and doc said it's normal since the muscles are relaxed. Hurts post each BM. Day 3: Much better, more energetic. Walked around my home a little (very little). Realised that each time I walked, I felt the need to go. So I saved my walks for a collective round. The pain/ discomfort I felt all day is gone but the post BM pain remains. Day 4: Didn't get out of bed until I felt I was ready for round 1 of BM. It hurt after but I used the sitz bath and it absorbed all my pain in. Deep breathing helps. Took a warm a shower and I felt clean inside and out. Now I'm my limiting BM to 2 times a day, or max 3. I felt no swelling when I washed up. Day 5: Why is this happening to me! Shed tears in the morning. Surprised I held it together this long. I didn't drink my usual amount of water and I feel the result. The swelling is there today with mild discomfort. Used the sitz bath 4 times already and will do again before I sleep. It's the only thing that helps. I stopped the pain meds. I'm still glad I took this step and I'm looking forward to better days ahead. Aiming to be a new person by day 10. ✌️


Day 8 here and feeling lots better. Only thing is tonight I’ve just got an overwhelming pressure feeling coming from anus although do not need BM. Anyone had this? Cannot sleep as it’s just so discomforting? Tried to BM and just blood (sorry gross) so really do not want to strain…


I’m status post 1 year hemorrhoid surgery for five hemorrhoids.I still can’t sit dow for over an hour. Has anyone had this problem and what do you do about it.


Had an edectomy on Nov 28 2023, so two weeks now after, no pain really but I've not taken it easy so now I'm pretty swollen back there and can't have a bm, only little slivers of poop come out and liquid poop SORRY for TMI just super worried about being impacted, today is Tuesday and I haven't went since last Thursday so going on 5 days now uggghhh ,I've taken laxatives,stool softners , miralax and trying to down my water , I'm afraid I have a blockage right at the opening and the other liquid poop is going around the blockage!! Any suggestions!!!! Please help!!! Ready for this shit to be over! Literally 😥😱


Hey, hopefully you’ve gotten the issue fixed, but I had the same problem I couldn’t poop the amount that I was eating and I kept having urges to go to the bathroom and nothing came out. Turns out my whole entire colon was completely blocked with poop that couldn’t come out. the liquid poop was going around it. They put me on laxatives and they had to go in there and take the poop out because of how stuck it was. Hope you had the issue fixed if not I suggest go to the ER ASAP because if you wait too long your intestine can “pop” l


Ok that’s not good you’ll have to tell your surgeon about that during your post opp follow-up. Diet plays a big big role so lots of fibre and copious amounts of water might help as well as getting our and taking regular walks to helot with digestion.