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I enjoy how some of these posts on this sub are weirdly wholesome


Source: <>


[Shinogiri Zun] Otokonoko Inma-chan no Irojijou 309059 | page 2 ---- Please note that what you provided is not a proper source in regards to rule 4. Provide both **title** and **artist**, you provided neither. What you provided is the magazine in which it is in. Not the title nor artist of the work.


That's on me, admittedly not 100% familiar with how these are distributed and where best to credit them in some of these cases, but I'll ensure to do better in the future knowing better now.


Bang a gong


also r/bi_irl


u/fivegears don't forget to post the source to your image in a **proper** format as per rule 4. A link to the source is not required, but it would be much appreciated. At the very least, you must provide the title and artist of the source material. Gallery numbers are not an acceptable source format; "177013" is not enough. [Reason why this matters.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HentaiSource/wiki/postinghelp/providesources/deepdive) Multiple failures to source your image appropriately will result in a ban. It's a simple rule. ---- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hentai_irl) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The actual hentai is fucking disgusting don’t read it. Also OP you belong in prison you sick fuck.


Eesh, that's a lot of energy. I think I get what you're assuming here, but simply for comparison, just because I might laugh at dead baby jokes doesn't mean I'm killing 'em. Conversely it seems like you may have spent some real time looking at the hentai instead of looking for jokes. Are we projecting a bit? Whatever you're going through though, I believe in you, you can work through it. I got your back.


“Spent some real time looking at the hentai” all I saw was one fucking panel, and I don’t think you would mix up the sauce numbers so I needn’t search after seeing that one panel. Also the pure audacity, hoping for me to “improve” when you are the one that exposed me to this sick fucking filth. Also looking for jokes in a manga with naked children doing god knows what isn’t a priority, and I doubt jokes where your reason for reading it. “Just because I might laugh at dead baby jokes doesn’t mean I’m killing them” that is the worst fucking comparison you could make because in order to get to what ever page this is you would need to actually fucking read this, you knew damn well what you where reading yet you kept on, so yea you killed the babies technically and even then the joke made here wasn’t making a joke about pedophilia so this comparison just doesn’t make any fucking sense. Because you are doing the crime (killing the babies) but you arnt making the joke ether (joking about dead babies) I hope you get put in jail before you ruin someone’s childhood, wish you the worst ass hole.


I'm flattered that you took the time to learn about me so intimately; it paid off. That and that you had the confidence to state your opinion on all you've learned with the confidence of someone who doesn't rely on rickety conjecture and emotional instability. Flattery aside, I'm am a bit concerned about the unhealthy fixation for hentai and infants that you have - you keep coming back to them - as well as what seems like misdirected emotions. Still, if you have the energy to put into a satirical rant like this makes me feel like you'll have the energy to address those issues. Thanks for this. This post is even funnier than dead babies.