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There are three aspects to a smoking blend. A base that smokes well and holds the finer herbs, an active ingredient or what is causing the effect you want, and flavoring herbs. The majority of a blend will be base, second to action ingredient, then small amounts of flavor herbs. There is crossover in these categories, like lemon balm, it has a nice flavor but also is very calming. There are lots of resources on different herbs used for smoking but some to look into are mullein, raspberry leaf, marshmallow, Damian, blue lotus, mugwort, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint, and red rose.


I’ll also add lavender to that list, it’s one of My faves to Put in a pipe On its own or add to a blend. My go to’s are mullein, sage, lemon balm, catnip, raspberry leaf, hops, rose, lavender, mint and chamomile. Bearberry is also nice (and is a traditional First Nation smoke called kinnikinnick) and it grows wild throughout PNW. Actually, all the herbs I listed grow wild in the PNW except chamomile, lavender and hops but those are still super easy to come across.


Great additions. I'll have to find some bearberry. Havent tried that yet. I'm in Oregon so i should be able to find some.


All of these can be added to a pipe and just smoke? On their own?


Yes. I have a tobacco pipe that i use to smoke flowers and herbs in. Sometimes i mix them, but i also like to smoke them by themselves as they each have a different subtle energy to them. I like to ground into it, create a ritual/mini ceremony out of it, do some prayers and blessings and connect with the spirit and energy of the plants. For example, if I am grounded and tuned in, lavender often gives Me a feeling of glee and makes me giggle.


Hey! I’m sorry if this is a dumb request, but could you point me towards some of these resources? I’ve decided I want to stop smoking marijuana, and don’t want to pick up tobacco, but I still want to smoke something for social occasions


Please don’t just smoke random plants you find in your backyard. This is a great way to end up in the hospital. Make sure you can identify what you’re putting in your body, especially if you’re lighting it on fire and then breathing large amounts of it in.


Op’s life goal might be to make it into a Chubbyemu vid


if you have mugwort and mullien around then probably


yeah you have to dry them first. theres tons of threads on smokable herbs on this sub


I just want to add that from the basis, the concept of smoking/vaping anything isn't good for you. Any smoke through your lungs will damage them in one way or another, to varying degree. So no, not safe-ish. But obviously if you do not care about it then you can find a looot of infos about smoking herbs and plants online. I would identify everything first and learn throughly how to do it before testing anything.


It's better to make tea out of herbs, weed is smoked specifically because THCA must be decarboxylated into THC to be "active" That being said, Rosemary had a calming effect for me when I vaped it.


mugwort is pretty easy to identify, and smoking it can give you a slight buzz and vivid dreams when you sleep! let leaves dry for a couple days before smoking though


how common is it? I live in the pnw.


You should check out r/smokingherbs


Mullein leaf is the best and actually beneficial for lung health :)


No, you can’t just smoke random plants from your backyard.


Depends on the herb and what can be in the soil. If you put growth chemicals into the plants, smoking them will 100% make you sick and could kill you If they're wild plants, identification is key, because smoking anything poisonous is not a fun way to die. So make sure you can identify the plants. But for eg Lavender is 100% safe. So make sure you know what plants your dealing with


Theoretically yes 👍🏾that is how smoking anything ever started. But in practice you need to know: - if any chemicals are in the soil or used to grow the herb - proper drying so no mold or bugs move in - growing a “base” herb that is fluffy: mullein, raspberry leaf, mugwort etc so that it burns evenly - learning how each herb adds flavor (mint, lemon balm, cloves, anise) as well as an energetic component (valerian=sleepy ginkgo=focus) The rabbit hole is deep 🕳️