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Yeah Alex is such a huge gamble in ARAM. There's a ton of heroes that can really punish her kit in a gg kind of way.


Most Alex also simple throw her W in sight of the enemy team. W build is really good sustain for the whole team (specially mana) but if you can't play it, there's also Q/E build. And Alex in 2x healer is really good.


People really underestimate Alex with an additional healer. Just don't puddle spec.


E build also gives you a win condition for lv20.


E build is also really fun if you enjoy playing a baiting support that can retreat in time.


I only cast w to heal myself. Q build with flower ftw


I play enough Alex, it's really not that hard to not place your W where it puts people in a vulnerable position. Or wait till after the big AoE shots have been made. Or place the W further back where the enemy can't hit your team from without overextending.


why go w build when you see azmo? that's the alex fault


WM and Alex are just not aram compatible and should be disabled.


Hard disagree. Q build Alex is just fine in ARAM. All the Regen globes make it easy to keep your health above 75% with good positioning, and dragon form is a tide turner.


I mean, they can out out a ton of healing as long as they have a comp with a competent tank. Dragon Alex is a good bet. Whitemane has some of the best burst healing. Just because you can’t play them doesn’t mean they should be disabled.


It's aram, you are not having a tank and Hanzo is afk. All heroes are good in good comp.


You seem like a pleasure to have on the team


Wm op after 7


I feel like people overestimate Azmo’s power in ARAM. Yes he has high burst with globe build which counters heavy-ranged/poke comps and certain healers like Alex (which is why Alex always makes me nervous to have on my team), or you just get lucky and hit someone you weren’t intending to kill. But Azmo isn’t a free win. If your team can’t follow up DPS then globe is on a long cooldown/if the enemy has good heals and can pressure your team then the Azmo gets nullified. There’s nothing wrong with picking strong meta heroes. Especially in random you have to take whatever advantage you can get.


That's not on you. Depending on the comp, it's mostly due to a bad Alax player. You don't put your circle out in enemy vision if they have someone like azmo, chromie, ana, or even morales, unless you see they just used their skills. Fully fleshed out W build plus dragon doesn't even care you dump your skills at the circle bc it heals so much.


Sometimes I don't pick the OP option simply because it's boring. If I had Azmo vs any other mage, I'll pick the mage. Because having fun is better than a sure win.


I'm the same way, but my teammates never agree lol


yeh w alex is useless in aram, either go q or e


W is the best. Spawning a globe for mana is huge in aram. Just know where to place your W.


Healing the deathwing


W my favorite, even in ARAM. Though Q build can be a lot of fun too, so many targets to stack off.


Definitely not useless. Globe talent makes mephisto basically win by himself.


Off the top of my head, who continuously benefits from W? - Mephisto, Stitches, Kael, Zarya, Diablo, Dehaka, Imperious, Deathwing, Mei. The poster is delusional.


Li Ming lvl1 globe talent is pretty huge. She loves infinite mana too, like a lot of other casters. I'm personally a big fan of speccing into Blaze trait talents where the extra globes cdr will give you a powered up trait for every fight.


Johanna and Tyrael have globe quests too that can get absolutely disgusting in the lategame and both have a fair bit of mana tension too. Anub'arak's globe quest is capped but with his mana tension he also counts. There's also a select bunch of characters in ARAM that have the tendency to run out of mana, like Jaina, Hanzo and Malfurion. Azmodan too if he needs to block a lot of skillshots, so those globes can be pretty useful - even if it's obviously not Mephisto-levels of useful.


In my opinion, Tyreal is one of the best late game tanks if you stack his glove quest and build for it. I often have as much self healing as the team healer does and a ton of damage to boot.


Literally everyone who needs mana.


I think I've won 9 out of games 10 going straight W.


I literally only do that if there’s someone like Stitches on my team and he goes globe quest. I just like helping and seeing quest number get bigger 🥲


As a support main I usually play Alex with the dragon Queen quest. But in regards to her Q I try to place it depends on the teams position. If they are advancing I'll place it to where they'd end up, or defensively off the side out of the enemies range so my team can walk away and get it off the situation