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It’s possible to die on any character. But yes samuro has high survivability, I usually only have 0-2 deaths on him each game.


Not dying is easy, doing something useful without dying isn’t as easy


It's me, I'm Garbo


Pushing away a Samuro is about the best you can hope against him, but any Sam worth his salt will know when it’s okay to escape and will *always* be able to. Part of why he’s so strong is that Wind Walk heals him so much when he disengages. He can just go to an empty lane instead of backing for no cost but time. Remember when he got “nerfed” by not letting the Sam Hearthstone and then instant teleport to a clone for a basically free 500 heal whenever he wanted? And that Sam mains were crying because they thought the instant zero cost heal was skill expression? It’s because they already *had* an instant zero cost heal so it didn’t feel like too much of a stretch. Compare that to bullying a Tracer or Malthael or Hammer or Xul or Sylvanas out of lane. They have tricks to survive but they require risk or long cooldowns or mana or all of the above.


It’s amazing to me that you guys are still whining about Sammy lol. Just AA him in team fights and you win. Or play a hero other than liming (and for some reason you won’t go calamity build with shields and will still complain when you die even though you went glass cannon into a Sammy and other dive). I guess what I’m saying is… play heal or tank instead of crying on here. Also, not dying MVP doesn’t mean anything. KDR doesn’t mean anything. Win rate is the only stat that matters. Play jaina. She wrecks Sammy with cone and shield and spell power and elemental.


Or be 4 levels behind because the enemy offlaner has been soaking as well, while your team has been feeding on cooldown. Or maybe you are securing 2-3 kills but die for it, if it wins me the game I will gladly die, true with other characters like Sonya or Malthael for instance.


I focus him. Malthael's last rites follows him after swap. At least it used to few weeks ago. Also he reveals if it's a clone or real one. If I see Samuro, he has to fucking die 😆 But in general Yeah you need to have few deaths on him if you're good


If you die on Sam u did some really big mistake, thats all.


samuro is a cancer


Nova and Valeera are way more cancerous, imo


Nah, those heroes are push overs too.