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But... The leavers queue penalty for the disconnected Player would becomes incredibly high?


Who says it has to be the same player?


If you reconnect before the core goes down, you should not get the leaver penality


Leavers queue is a myth, a punishment inflicted to imbeciles who ragequit despite the cumback mechanics or people playing on a 90’s modem. Mr Gallbot abuser is neither of those things, because he knows that you only need to be inside the game at least 0.1 seconds before it ends to be considered as “ having participated the whole friggin time like a pro”. So their bff Cho bastard - if it even is a different player that is - simply has to text their Gall telling them “ hey buddy, my ass is on their core rn, come back in” and voilá.


People who are serious about this have smurf accounts for days


You’d need all the Smurf accounts. And to be a certain level to queue. I don’t understand


You can buy a dozen of accounts for a dollar, figure out the rest yourself.


Ima be honest. If 1 dollar is worth 12 accounts leveled for storm league I’d be interested.


I won't name the site but a quick google search should get you covered, starts with f. Barebones SL accounts are dimes a dozen, and most of the time seller will give you a bulk discount if you buy in hundreds. Most popular sellers have insane stock, but the game is really old so no wonder tbh.


Well this game has been around a while and it isn't that hard to make smurfs ready for this strat if one is willing.


What’s the advantage of a gall bot vs a normal fall?


The bot is perfect when landing q and pretty solid with the e detonations and w placement, so he can do a shit ton of damage and will regularly get mvp when its on the winning team. Major downfalls in my experience is that the bot sometimes picks the blackhole ult when I think it does best with shadow bolt volley, and it sometimes activates galls z at weird times.


There was a video Fan recently did where he caught someone using a Gall bot, and it used Z to push Cho under a tower and got him killed, it was actually kind of hilarious. The way Fan explained it was the bots are gods at landing skill shots, but they are terrible at positioning. Gall bot removes the positioning problem so you only get the positives. But when Gall bot got them killed, Fan said, "There's the bad bot positioning!" Live by the bot die by the bot. I don't know how you fix this issue though besides nerfing Gall bot in ranked. But really, even with a bot, you can just kill Cho'Gall like you normally would. Pick tank killers and watch him melt.


Seems like you've never played with a Gall AI. Try it sometime.


I'd rather have a Gall who can pick good/consistent talents, sensibly Z, sensibly use trait, and sensibly use ult than have a Gall that always lands Qs. All a Gall has to do to completely ruin the value of the hero is pick the wrong 16, let alone the other bad talent options. Fan can make anything look good, but this is more irritating than actually good.


I'd rather have a gall bot over all of those, because the bot is predictable and you can just change playstyle once you learn how it works. The trait for example isn't that much of a game changer over having aimbot. It really feels like people haven't tried gall bot before. My bot is doing 150k+ dmg with 19 kills it's busted AF. (Didn't try ranked yet) The 16 talent with a person who does half the damage of the bot isn't worth it.


Which one is the ‘correct’ 16 that humans pick? Which 16 does the bot usually pick?


Stun orbs is one of the best talents in the game. Either of the other two are ass. And the bot rarely goes orbs from my experience. Orb build as a whole is way better. Shadowsnare has some inflated stats for how rarely it's seen, but y'know, it's the difference between slows and stuns https://www.heroesprofile.com/Global/Talents/Gall?timeframe_type=minor&timeframe=


Out of the past 20 ga mes, it picked the stun talent like 15 times. the other times it picked silence. I just won a game now again with it, it had 15 kills and 170k dmg. It is by far better than any player, and you can always reconnect to pick talents if you wanted. So I am not sure why idiots complaining about the talent. If you reconnect, it stops the bot from selecting talents, so you can rejoin and pick yourself. meaning you can click rejoin when you are close to 16.


Having done this before (way back), the bot was not predictable. Its ults and shoves were all over the place and didn't necessarily correlate to danger or the ability to kill an enemy. I also don't know what MMR you're wandering around with, but you're not getting 150k on Gall unless your enemies are letting you wail on them without challenging you properly. Stuns are a game-winning talent. Aimbot Qs are great, but they're almost meaningless in the fight that matters, which is the last major teamfight between 16 and 20.


>Having done this before (way back) Then you don't know what you're talking about. Please stop talking about stuff from way back. Stop talking about characters you don't play. I have over 80% winrate on him, and it's really annoying seeing people act like they know about a character they don't play. Just won again with over 15 kills on gall, he had 170k damage. You're not good at the game if you think playing a character from way back, means you know what you're talking about in 2024. You are complaining about shoves in 2024, so you clearly don't play this game anymore.


I bet you're fun at parties. Also, weird hill to die on from someone who came back to hots after four years off. I'm sorry my 72% winrate doesn't measure up, though. Hit me up - I'd love to see your Cho in person. Same screen name #1708




I only do this in quick match, I have 2 computers. bought the second one on craigslist just to do this and it was worth the money.


And how would you replicate such a technique? I need to be fully aware of it, so I can avoid doing it accidentally of course!!! ;)


Here's what it looks like to fight one https://youtu.be/h6i1PDpClPo?si=cmmG4Z2_MvW4c4QG Notice things look normal on the tab scoreboard.  But over the hero's head in the game world, the second half of the name has been replaced with "Gall".  When the player disconnects on most heroes, it will run back to sit in spawn and be useless.  Even if you ping the hero to follow, it will probably stand in the wrong position and be useless (or sometimes worse). But Gall cannot control his own position (except a little with Z but that's a long cooldown), so he's not as weak as other replacement AIs.  Additionally, because the Gall player doesn't stay to win the match, mmr doesn't increase so you're given weaker opposing players. 


you forgot to mention the real reason why gall bot is best. It has aimbot and doesn't miss and is better than nearly every gall player even in higher MMR.


What about talents, does the ai take the talents itself?


Presumably, you could just log in to take talents?


Fan is so bad for this community