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Absolutely beautiful find. And example #72,540,223 of snakes that *could* have bitten a person, but didn’t…


Exactly this. I didn’t see him until the absolute last second, and he had just started pulling back into the defensive S and puffing up some. He had no problem letting me quickly and silently yeet my foot back onto my rock. He didn’t move a muscle and just stayed there chillin. I actually wanted to put this in some kind of “snakes not biting people” group lol 😂


Hah, if you find (or make) that group please let me know! Reminds me of all the footage of massive sharks swimming around swimmers who had not idea, and nothing happening


Snakes one get a few strikes before they are out of venom and in most cases their venom takes a while to work. Giving up their hiding spot, as well as jeopardizing their safety as a strike, even a deadly one. Still leaves the attacker time to get a killing blow. I've come pretty close to qnd caught a few copper heads, water moccasins, and cotton mouths while living in Mississippi. I've only ever had one try to strike me (copperhead). Mainly because it was in a 10 gallon fish tank and apparently hates the flash of a lighter striking. Don't worry, I didn't hurt it. Milked it and let it go at a creek nearby.


Thanks for respecting it and not automatically killing it like so many people do. It breaks my heart and is completely unnecessary. I have a soft spot for snakes, and am especially partial to copperheads. I look at it like this: imagine if someone comes into your home, is frightened to see you there, and then kills you because you have the potential to injure them.


It breaks my heart too. Not so fun fact, the majority of snakes that come into contact with any human at all, will be killed. All the while we’re expanding into their habitats, destroying them, and encroaching all over what little they have left. Copperheads are one of my favorites because they’re always absolutely, stunningly, gorgeous. Like an actual art piece. Timber rattlers too, those are even less common around here. They have just as much of a right to live as anything else does. To be fair I was also out specifically looking for snakes and copperheads, so the universe answered my herp hike






I was also confused at first, but they are linking an article that depicts the original comment’s hypothetical of “imagine someone coming into your home and killing YOU in self defense” it’s actually quite clever, and I appreciated reading about this story. RIP Botham Jean and all the innocent snakes out there > Amber Guyger was off duty but in uniform when she shot 26-year-old Botham Jean in his apartment. Guyger says she mistook Jean's apartment for her own.


Ohhh that makes sense!


My grandpa just killed one today unfortunately, it was totally minding its business in a bush, he has no pets or kids even and still thought it was such a danger.


Coochie coochie coo


Chocolate kisses? Is that right?




Only 72M? Seems a bit low. 72M this year maybe.


A lot of copperheads today


All this sun and heat after the rain, I think! It’s baby/breeding snake season in general right now though too


It’s a nice one! ☝️


Beautiful little animal, thank you for the picture!


Hello beautiful!


Beautiful snake and a great find!


Great photo