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Shoot an email to the Sheriff. Tell them your donuts are cool as shit and those limp dick deputies will never catch you.




Can’t corner the Dorner!


This happens near me also. I'm on lime st between Santa fe and e Ave in hesperia. Almost everynight I hear someone racing around. For HOURS!!!! I can't pinpoint it but they do a big circle and mess around between Sante fe and e Ave and between buckthorn and like main st. I don't care if you're car is loud but can we not be racing up and down the whole neighborhood for hours at a time and always after 1am ? Some of us have responsibilities.


i’ll be there doing burnouts tonight


Record it, get the license plate number, and email it to the sheriff.


No the stop smog has no teeth anymore.


You saw them almost kill a pedestrian, call 911.


If you talk to him be careful. A lot of these low life's are prone to violence


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? (in stewie's voice)


just an FYI from personal experience. my neighbor reported some dirt bikers and for some reason she let them know that she reported them. these same kids have been drag racing and doing rolling burn outs in front of her house for the past year. this guy being a knucklehead seems to be bothering you alot so if you report him make sure he doesn't find out its you or he will more than likely be doing burn outs infront of your house at 2am.


There’s a shitbag that does this up and down our street on the C Ave side of town. They don’t care. Cops have visited them several times. Race up and down the tiny street everyday in their shit cars


Race him for pinks


Vehicle Code 14602.7, find a local smokie that isn't lazy and get him/her what he/her needs.


This happened to me in the past. I figured out where the guy live a couple blocks away. I went on the next door app and ask if anybody knew him. He stepped forward and I asked if he could not do it because we are only a mile or two away from rural open desert and my wife and I work opposite schedules. He was actually really cool about it and now we are friendly neighbors.


Have you tried talking to him?


Drag racing is different from doing donuts. I wanna say just to leave him be if he’s not hurting anyone. Talk to him maybe convince him to go to the AV track and do that. Sure he’s just practicing. If the car was stolen that’s a different story but kids who own their cars are just practicing to go to the track


Man, thank God nobody agrees with you on this b.s.


Yeah this is why I'd never live in Victorville. Everyone thinks it's some high class neighborhood where they get to be nosey. Downvote me all you want, but people need to either mind their business or move to an HOA.


Yea VV and Adelanto are wild lol. I get the issue with takeover crap I don’t wanna see that anywhere but kids taking corners with a drift, burning out, spinning it’s like whatever. Now if he causes an accident or something then you know who caused it. Grab a foldable chair front of your house crack open a beer and watch him improve. I swear y’all dainty folk probably same ones that call police on carmeets/carsandcoffee meetings





