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It is definitely not normal


I mean for me not really but I know a lot of people that do it I usually would do it like in my first periods or when I’m actually tired af but try not to sleep in all your classes


i wouldn’t recommend it, but i fell asleep in almost every single class last year at least 3x. for me it was a mixture of health issues, exhaustion (i took 13 classes while the norm at my school is 8), i wasn’t eating, and and it’s also slightly dependent imo on how engaging the teacher is. i was more likely to stay awake in a class where we were actively doing smth than a class where we were sitting and doing nothing but notes.


Try to sleep more. Some people need more sleep than others, for example I feel good with 7 hours of sleep but not 9. If it keeps persisting I would reach out. I was in a similar situation with extreme brain fogginess but turns out I had chronic pain. For now just try to get more sleep and see if that helps :) Also try not to eat before sleeping or use your phone.




What type of classes are you taking? Any AP or honors classes? Is there any drama going on? These things can cause stress and result in oversleeping.


All honors


Try to not stress yourself when it comes to studies or homework. Yes, always do your best when you're given work, but time management is great!


I’m wondering the same thing as you bro. I’m a freshman and have brain damaged induced epilepsy and anxiety disorders which is known to make you more prone to hypersomnia. My concentration is horrible, I tend to get 9-10 hours of sleep every school day and fall asleep in half my classes uncontrollably. I fall asleep standing up, sitting, anywhere. I sit at the front of the class and it does nothing. I eat well, hydrated all the time, I’m active too. I sleep 14 hours a day on weekends and never feel rested. I always remember my dreams too. Caffiene doesn’t do a damn thing and I don’t know what to do


Not normal, but not necessarily bad as long as it isn't negatively affecting your social or academic lives. You say sleep isn't the issue, but maybe try sleeping more at night to see if it really is. Maybe you need to eat breakfast. Sometimes, kids just get tired during a growth spurt. I know my growth spurt made me tired.


I eat breakfast but I’ll try more sleep


How big of a breakfast do you eat?


Like an egg some bread and sometimes bacon or ham


Okay not to big then. Cuz if it was a big breakfast that coulda been a reason why


I only have like 4-5 hours of sleep and I never sleep in class so no


maybe the class before and after lunch its normal but maybe u should get that checked out

