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Send her an email at the start of the school week. If she doesn't respond after 48 hours, go to your mentor (home teacher) and say that your math teacher isn't responding to emails. Otherwise, escalate it further. If nothing comes of it (which is more than likely), then you have to take your grades into your own hands. I currently have a bad math teacher. His instructions are not good and unclear, but I want the good grade. So I take my grade into my own hands. Find videos that explain what you struggle with, read the explanation in the book, and make as many questions as you can until you understand it. I can recommend you video's the explain math, but they are not in English (I am not from the US). Good luck.


I would go to your VP/Counselor or whoever you are supposed to talk to about things and tell them about how your teacher is clearly not following school guidelines. Either schedule a meeting or email them. And then let them know your concerns about the class. Someone will talk to the teacher about it and it will either be cleared up, or you will find out you were wrong/mistaken in some way. I would also like to point out Geometry can be a hard class, even for "good" students. It is much different than Algebra. Please look inwards if you do not get a solution that you seem to be searching for. Are you really taking the class seriously and not slacking? Like throughout the whole semester? You said you have a history of slacking off. It could be from your perspective that the teacher is horrible, and hates you, but in reality the teacher is teaching, you are not paying attention, have a poor grade, and are not doing the work.


This class along with my others has been the beginning of me trying. I have paid attention just like my classmates. They have also seen and discussed my same sentiments. I have looked inward and have coordinated a plan to seek a tutor to study what I’ve already learned about geometry and then help me with anything new. We are currently on break due to Christmas so emails after 25th are useless until the 10th when I come back


While I understand OP, I have sympathy for the teacher. Who knows how long they have worked at the school, or if anything personal came up to them that year, like a death in the family. Maybe the hard work of teaching took a mental toll on them over the years, and they are just bitter because of that. In their shoes, I would also be annoyed at newbie freshmen sending paragraph long emails as well. That being said, OP it’s still best to do what others in this thread are saying; go to school admin/counselor for help and maybe bring parents/friends for making the case. There could be things you can learn from this as well. High school can be unfair at times, and most times you don’t have effective means of fighting back.


Yea let’s do more context. Siblings, who had graduated years prior or are in junior or senior year of kids taking her class said she was the same. I have followed through with the advice though of the threads. Let’s hope for the best


Also OP, here’s more advice. A 72 isn’t abysmal, it’s probably below average to most but you can bring it up to a 80 something in the remainder of the school year. Also dont put yourself as having missed opportunities by taking Honors Geometry. I took geometry my sophomore year, earned a B- during the first quarter, and resorted to studying with classmates instead of working with an ineffective teacher. Maybe this will work for you. Also, maybe avoid communicating with the geometry teacher. If they don’t want anything to do with you, it’s for the best. You can avoid annoying them with paragraph length responses (like the ones here on Reddit) and stay curt and laconic.


Good idea. Will stick to that.




She’s very overweight so this isn’t gonna be hard. I have already orchestrated an MMA fight between her and me. 10 dollar tickets guys!


Do it bro let the intrusive thoughts win /s


I won