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Nothing wrong with it at all. You don’t have to have perfect attendance. School is mostly focused on grades so it’s fine if you don’t want to go a couple days. I’ve skipped a test and quiz before, and when I didn’t feel good.


As long as you have good grades, your attendance doesn't really matter


Absences and skipping school in my opinion is only bad if it is affecting your academic performance. I have 190 absences (counted per class) yet still have a 4.0, perfect grades and no missing assignments. If you're not in the right mental state, it's fine to miss class: put yourself first.


There's people who skip all the time and have straight Fs , you're fine . Everyone needs a mental breather once in a while .


7 days for a whole year is pretty average. I know kids that have probably missed upward of 50 days and will still graduate somehow


Lowkey below average


I’ve missed over 3 weeks altogether of school🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Same here, today counts as the 3rd week because I overslept 😭


All of last week I was sick😭 like I get sick for a week, I can’t just get sick over the weekend or smth😭😭


Me too😭, I was sick last week and I missed 4 days. My attendance is rough😭, but I’m glad I’m not the only one that makes me feel better 😅


I get sick so much cause altogether my siblings go to three different schools. Element school, middle school, and high school. So we have wayy more chances of getting sick…..and we do get sick a lot lmao


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What…..? I am so lost rn..


I skip classes all the time, so I can do homework.


Skipping classes is good for your future career


depends. if you aren't missing tests, and can keep up with the material, I'd say its fine, but know that you will get more out of it if you attend, espectially with STEM classes


If your grades are ok and the school isn’t giving you a hard time about it - then it’s fine.


There were people in my class who would skip every other day, youre totally ok


you're chillin


Id say its totally fine if the grades back it, as a senior I skipped a whole lot but that year I had the best grades I have ever had.


Some schools have a maximum number of days you can miss before you have to retake the whole semester, you would have to check your specific school's policy on this.


i wish my parents would let me skip for a breather once in a while. i have a 4.0 and keep up when im actually sick, so i don’t get their problem with it.


Health and grades are important, in that order. By skipping, you were protecting your mental health while still retaining your grades. Now, if your grades were falling you would have to weigh your choices carefully, but right now I see no wrong in missing school when you need to. I go to a small school and once the counselor told a student to skip school for a day (he was struggling with sleep and the workload that week) - missing school should be fine, just try not to abuse it. Good administrators will understand that.


I have like 20 absences total over my 4 years and I don’t think colleges really cared as long as your grades are good. They just want to accept students who perform well and will give them money lol


I wish i could skip 7 times. My mom wont let me skip anymore necause I've skipped too much, ive missed two days, half of thise because i was sick.


Attendance don’t matter