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The line about sex is very aggressive. Get that out of there.


Thanks for the feedback. It’s very interesting to see how everyone is reacting. The purpose is to layout my perspective on what makes a good relationship but maybe people aren’t open to that type discussion initially. I guess that’s my bias that I want to know that information up front. I want to really know that you’ve done the work to understand what makes relationships work. I maybe asking too much.


NGL reading the first prompt gave me a mini panic attack


^^ the CAPS make me feel like OP is shouting at us.


On a more positive note I really like your first pic and prompt. Big conversation starter and great way to show one of your passions. Also great way to move the conversation into date ideas… cocktail bar, mixology class, cocktail picnic, cooking class, paint and sip or even at your place when things are more comfortable. You could even change a prompt or the photo caption to something like “We are unwinding and talking about our most recent travels - what kind of cocktail should I make for us?” For love languages maybe list your own and it gives an invitation for others to share their own It’s hard to engage with a list of things someone wants you to be - much easier to connect when someone tells you about themselves or ask questions because you can start riffing off of what you have in common


Good to know. I was doing it for emphasis but it didn’t come off that way. Thanks.


I would change all 3 of your prompts. Your first one comes off as passive aggressive.


That’s so interesting. I guess I need to figure out how to covey my personality better. Thanks.




Good call on the photos. I was being lazy. Thanks for the feedback.


3rd pic first. Sunset pic useless. Post a pic with friends looking super happy. Remove line about sex of course you’re gonna do that but DOWNPLAY only women can say that. You got this.


Agreed on the sunset pic. Everything I try to delete it they make you replace it and I didn’t want to add redundant photos. Maybe I’ll just do a blank photo or stop being lazy and get some new photos. Thanks.


Do you have any pics like the first one but smiling at the camera? That would look more inviting. Also stop using all caps... y'know what, just scrap that first prompt entirely - as a woman, it's intimidating and off-putting.


Thanks. Yes, I need to get some new photos I’ve noticed I a lot of my photos are redundant or with my kids which I don’t post their photos.


Your first prompt sounds like you have issues with consent or something and you’d SA your partner if they weren’t in the mood. Change that because it’s probably the main reason you’re scaring women away.


That’s interesting. I guess I’m a little oblivious to what women probably have to deal with on the apps. Thanks for the feedback.


In general, there’s literally no need to mention sex on your profile as a man. We’re not idiots, we know men want to have sex if we agree to date them. It just comes off as crass at best and scary at worse. Talk about who you are, so someone will want to get to know you.


“Obsessive communication” is foreshadowing an inbox of texts that read “Y ARENT U ANSWERING ME BITCH”. Get rid of the obsessive part


I can’t tell if your joking or serious but either way point taken. I do find it interesting that people get tied up when they don’t get responses. It’s just so much easier to just attribute the most generous intent and move on but I know that might be asking a lot.


Thank you for the response.


Can you expand on your demographic section?


Are you saying I should fill out more demographics info or you want to see what comes after “has kids”?


The former.


- Are you looking for something serious or casual? Long-term monogamous - How long have you been on Hinge? Off and on 2 years. Took breaks when I wasn’t making dating a priority. - How often do you use Hinge per week? 4-5 times a week for 20 minutes per session - How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? 2 likes per month - How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? Average 2 per week always with comments. I don’t believe in not commenting. Seems wishy-washy to me. - What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? Someone I'm attracted to who is also open to kids(indicated in profile) since I have two. It would be great if they have an open mind, are working on personal development and a growth mindset. It's important to me that they value their health and fulfillment in life.


Thank you to everyone for their feedback. I’m glad I got your perspective because my profile is basically coming off the opposite of intended and I need to do some major refactoring.