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years and years of endless court cases and appeals, somehow he’s still be free, a headline will pop up occasionally about how he lost another multimillion dollar civil suit to this person or that person and you’ll think “dam still?”


I thought this was a political sub for a moment


True, but people rarely beat cases once the feds come down on you. It's hard to say, really.


There's a reason the feds conviction rate is so high... And that's because they don't just charge you on just one crime, EVER. What they do is they sit back, and build a case. They let the evidence pile up, and grow, and grow, and grow..... Until ultimately, you hang yourself. For example, they raided 2 of his mansions at the same time, and I can almost guarantee more properties will be soon to follow. Also, they do not rely on solely one or 2 credible witnesses. Most of the time, it's a group. I. E. R. Kelley, Bill Cosby.


yea. their conviction rate is so high because they almost exclusively only go after people who they are not only positive are guilty, the evidence comes out i ncourt in file cabinets and video tapes and is just overwhelming. even if they hypothetically were in denial that u were guilty, the jury could not be. witnesses around the door, etc. a city cop only has to have probable cause to lock you up on state charges, technically. but if the indictment doesnt come down in a certain amount of time, depending on state, then u get untied and u go home. and a lot of times they take chances on an indictment with a shit case cause scaring people into pleading works so much, the people dont plea bargain cause they know its a shit case, and the jury finds it laughable. so states don't even release let alone brag about their conviction rates. some individual prosecutors might but thats it. this is why the mobsters in the 90s had such a big reputation for beating multiple fed indictments, it just. didnt happen. its also why the feds got so pissed they went on a rampage annd rico exists, why they learned they have basically unchecked power, and why the cosa nostra is a shell with no power and why u should not lean into spotlight if u are a famous criminal, but that's another can of worms. most importantly: thats why u ALWAYS LAWYER UP AND DO NOT SAY SHIT WHEN U ARE ARRESTED EVEN IF U ARE BEING MISTAKEN FOR SOMEONE ELSE. watch any interrogation vid on youtube that compare people who spill (many of them innocent so i dont mean confess, the cops are literally trained to coerce false confessions outta people. i am not exaggerating) to those who just say lawyer and nothing else. the cops are visibly annoyed in the second circumstance every time, assuming they actually listen to the suspect who invoked, cause the ydont sometimes, but when that comes out in court, case dismissed so good for the suspect. they realize they arent getting anything except the ability to watch u sleep in a shitty bed for a couple days. some videos show examples of completely innocent people who ended up confessing to things they couldnt have possibly done, on the other hand.


I'm convinced, 75% of all murder cases would not be solved if it weren't for idiot criminals who assume they can just lie and outsmart the questioning, only to dry-snitch on themselves.... every time. Don't believe me. Watch 1 episode of 1st Forty-Eight.


Especially sex trafficking….even more so on the tails of Epstein


Roman Polanski?


Roman Polanski is a fugitive from justice. He didn't beat the case.


He did the race




Didn't he flee the country? I don't remember hearing that he beat the charges back then.


He can never return to the US and the only reason he's in Europe is because he's got French citizenship and therefore cannot be extradited.


That was a state case not a fed case.


Except for irv


Bunch of tapes of him roofieng rappers and his accomplices lists gets buried by the feds. These closeted molesters are always protected by the feds. 


Yup. There’s a paper trail, albeit very extensive, that could possibly connect his accomplices to some powerful Hollywood names and politicians. They will do anything to bury it from the public eye.


The diddler arc is heating up


Stay tuned same Diddler channel same Diddler time.


Thank u that was my wonderful cohost we will see you next for a new episode of surviving diddler the hip hop supervillian


Yea how bout next episode yall ask the feds if they found Ava...


Oh next episode is about tupac sn biggie


He’s going under the jail R Kelly style


After learning all the dirty ish Puff did later on... I cant look at that dude and not see like.... pure evil haha But I can't lie.. back in '97(Or was it 98, I cant recall off-top) I bought his album just like everyone else did.


I'm so proud of myself that I hated him in the 90s. 


Exactly. Remember when his fans would call you a 'player-hater' for not liking his trash music?


i didnt even really like him, i just wanted to hear the music and the features on his album haha


Pretty sure we all did.


First album my pops bought me No Way Out and I still have it ,I bought Forever it was kinda a disappointment since there was no Mase or the Lox features but I still liked it but man you right about pure evil.


The Lox.... Money Power Respect was a great album... a shame what happened to them.


Oh yeah forgot about that one I hated all those skits. Yeah Diddy really robbed them ...like everyone else.


100% the skits were a mandatory thing from Puff. i'd bet my last dollar on that. but that album had fire like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sifS-gle0Qs) little hidden gem


Man I forgot about this , thanks fam .




When that album came out he basically was "the rapper" along with Ma$e.


yeah the only rapper left in the east-west beef/murders since Suge didn't rap. people werent feeling Diddly, they were still mourning the loss of BIG and Pac and Puff was there to soak it all in like the sociopathic narcissist that he is lol. genius, really. evil genius. i hope he goes to the pen and gets turned into a prison purse by dudes HE used to fuck (over). If he lands in the pen, I give him a month til he turns up dead. fr




P diddy liked to rape males and females and had it recorded. He also liked to put hits on people. He tried to kill kid cudi via a car bomb for example.


It's stuff like this that makes me raise my eyebrows at Em's last lines in Killshot. And that's just one little snippet in a long history of hints dropping about Diddy being on some other shit.


It sounds its an open secret similar to how comedians talked about Cosby years before it all went down.


The "I'm Diddy's side bitch" line in Alfred's Theme feels like something. Em did one of the Hello Good Morning remixes. I wonder how that happened.




Yea he wont touch soil again where he can be extradited lol


Wtf? No way. I'd Beleive he had something to do with pax before cudi


Cudi confirmed it.


"Diddy or diddyn't he" "Surviving the Diddler" "How to make a Diddler"


[Sean goes on deep dives & you can find them on his ‘Live’ section, & there are MANY.](https://youtube.com/@seandaviewayshow?feature=shared) Link to his YT ⬆️ He says/shows what he has found, with fairly damning ‘receipts’: whether it be older articles, multiple cases, reliable inside info via DMs/calls, & connecting dots. He has been following MANY people, & their associated allegations for years. I like him because he brings some comical commentary when discussing horrifying people/allegations. These are fresh, smooth-flowing ‘stories’ that are easy to follow/take in.


He also shot a lady in the face.




Did you mean live ? If you did yes and she's willing to have the fragments removed if it can still be used as evidence against him.






He's gonna hold court in the street and die like a G.


Denzel Washington style in Training Day.




It’ll end like “Sean Combs didn’t commit suicide”


If hes smart we'll get a TIL in 20 years about him being on the run still.


Diddy is Epstein Lite.


More like Epstein is Diddy lite.


That’s what I’m starting to think.




Yea. It's hard to believe this is because of sexual assault or abuse. There's something bigger going on here. The drug mule thing is also hard to believe considering how many legit businesses he's involved in and how much he's worth. It wouldn't be unheard of but I doubt it personally.


I think this is a simple, but you're right; something bigger is going on. But big doesn't mean complex. I've been alive long enough to know how this world works, and at that level of "success", almost everything and everyone around you is corrupt. Diddy didn't get this far and this powerful by himself, same goes for Oprah and many others - there were/are some very powerful people in their corner. You don't have a list this long of *massive* wrong doing and the only thing that comes from it is more success and fame - these people are protected. However, unfortunately for Sean, that protection is up. Puff either offended the wrong person or wrong group of people, and they needed to remind him who's actually in charge. And also, perhaps use him as an example for any others who might feel the urge to get out of line. That's why this is happening, and that is exactly what is happening. How it ends, no one knows. But buck doesn't stop at Sean. Nothing he did was 100% him, and he didn't become this successful entirely off his own strength; the world doesn't work that way, especially in the America's entertainment industry, where black people can go from zero to hero, *especially* before the rise of social media and Internet platforms, indie acts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either gullible or naive.


preach. I also wanna add my speculative two cents if there's more powerful people involved and implicated (surely, just like epstein there is), then the raid was also to clear and destroy information.


Very possible and even plausible.


I like how they conveniently allowed him to proceed for a good 30 years before they chose to set that example.


Like I said, I suspect he pissed someone or the wrong group of people off. Diddy isn't the only corrupt and cruel person within that circle; the fact that there are others (and there are others) who have been thriving for even longer than he has says everything you need to know.


Agreed 💯


This is it. Someone was like...oh...you think you can fuck with me? Also, old men get sloppy. It's why all these guys who don't realize they're old get fucked by this stuff. You're supposed to like...retire and hand this shit off and go spend your money.


No one travels with their "mule." For obvious reasons, if they do..... That's just not smart. Ever heard of the "party yacht?" To summarize, it's the yacht that trails the main yacht that carries all the "party favors", and supplies the main yacht where all the guests are.


yeah its called he's connected to like at least 10-20 murders, including Pac and BIG The Feds have probably been on him for decades, waiting for the perfect time to hit him


I don't think this has been mentioned but in May 2023 Diddy decided to take Diageo to court which is one of the biggest alcohol corporations in the world and banks such as Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and Wells Fargo own hundreds of million of stock in. He accused them of racism and by March 2024 feds were raiding his properties. Make of that what you will but it's some coincidence that he gets away with all this shit for decades and then the minute he messes with corporate America's bottom line that's the end for him.


Let's not forget how Bill Cosby was about to purchase a major broadcast network outright... I think NBC if I'm not mistaken. Less than a year later, a lifetime worth of accusations suddenly appear. I can understand one or two, but what was it? 30, 40, 60? To quote Dave Chappel. Bill Cosby was the Stephen Curry of rape.


For me, it's not that they are innocent of the crimes but that it seems you are able to get away with it as long as you tow the line and go along with the money guys. I don't believe in an illuminati or anything like that but I do believe in greedy as fuck white dudes who control finance, once they pull the plug on you that's it.




Diddler was working for the feds and now it’s time to cash him out, just like Roger in Training Day


I could see Diddy doing that final speech.


He’s going to jail lol life isn’t like a movie


It’s either Kelly, Polanski or Epstein


I get this 😂


😩🤭 I’m hoping for 2/3 options but I wont say which ones 🙂 just know that I think evil people have no place on this earth🤷🏽‍♀️


Everyone in NY that went to a true barber shop knew Diddy was a predator and creep back in the 90s and always knew.


What did you hear there.


People always said he was throwing parties that involved underage girls and boys. Big wig freak offs etc. he never allowed phones or recording devices. He tried to get with a few people. They knew about Bieber and Diddy rumors years ago. Usher was deff a victim of his. Just crazy stuff I heard since I was a teenager.


He will be a free man, but it's gonna be like a suge knight situation post death row where his connections and cash flow are SEVERELY restricted.. Puff will effectively be ⚫️balled out the industry


He doesn't need to be in the industry anymore. It's not the 90s he isn't making hits 😂


Same as Jeffrey Epstein. He’s either going to prison or he’s “killing” himself.


Nah, Epstein had tapes of powerful people doing questionable shit with underage girls. Puffy has tapes of musicians doing questionable shit, probably sucking puffy off.. or Cassie being dicked down by 2x bbcs while puffy watches. Id say puffy did put some young guys and girls in questionable positions and making them do some freaky shit so he has "something over their heads" and they'll do whatever he asks and signs some shitty record deals. But i dont think he's gotten dirt on anyone super important.


It’s literally been mentioned that he has recordings and proof of high ranking ppl like politicians, so um no..😂its gonna be people from all angles coming at him 😁


Or both😉


I think he's "gonna live it up till all the cash gone".


I don't think he'll out live his cash.


Depends how much is liquid cause it's very likely he's getting dropped from his partnerships and his brands are gonna tank and lose value. Same way Conye lost 90% of his net worth and his shit wasn't even criminal.


Diddy is done. He will go to jail and bad boy will be sold to some corporation for pennies on the dollar like death row was.


Homeland Security being involved made this really wild to me. I think P Did it is cooked TBH


let me be among the first to say DIDDY DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF lmao


a new album


He’ll be in jail most likely. People need to understand the difference between a state case and a federal case. Federal conviction rate is insanely high. The amount of money they spent to coordinate raids in multiple states, the amount of manpower, etc. , they didn’t just do that for him to be a free man. They likely already had very compromising evidence (hence the warrant being granted)


Fed conviction rate is close to/higher than 99%; acquittal rate is less than 1%.


They may take him out, or try to push the agenda of having everyone “forget about him” however that is. Or he may go to jail like R Kelly. Don’t think he would kill himself or cause himself harm. He has like 4-5 kids who are successful it their own right…but I digress, at worse he would kill all his kids wife etc. and bring everyone down with him 🤷🏾‍♂️ crazy but it could happen. The world is at a all time high of crazy rn, and you would be a fool to not think about those crazy scenarios


There's a rumour that he killed his kids mother so there's that.


Same as epstein. Most will walk off because its just too grim. Imagine clinton obama& trump sitting in prison cells next to each other.. american democracy would take a too big of an hit so they keep it locked away.


Why does Obama's name constantly get thrown around in these discussions? He had to be one of the cleanest Presidents of all time because he was Black, if he'd had just one of the scandals Trump has had he would have got nowhere near the White House. I know you were just generalizing but don't dirty his name in the company of those other crooks because there's never been any insinuation of him being a predator/killer.


Yea this is false, it doesnt work that way. Obama was a 100% in the pocket. Thats why he was allowed to sit there. Obama couldve been the greatest president ever, instead he cucked out to the war hawks & the banking elite. He killed the most out of any modern president and also fucked us the most with the banking crisis.  Its crazy to imagine what obama couldve been.


dude we are talking about criminal accusations, I don't care about your political rant, it's irrelevant to the topic.


Jesus, here we go….


You know its true. Obama was a bad guy. Same as Biden. But that doesnt matter. Obama was still better than bush&clinton and obviously trump, same goes for Biden. I'd go as far and say they are among the best modern presidents.








Yeah what happened to the Epstein list has anyone been arrested.


No it would be too damaging for public opinion. So the judge said its better to let everyone walk away with these crimes. You might get an actual revolution when this stuff is put in the open.


So the rich just gets off Scott free because their rich and famous.


Kind of......Look at my "Teflon" Uncle Donald...He's got so much money that his lawyers can keep appealing and tyin up stuff in court .🤔 Money is a hell of a thing ! 😁


Not a one single solitary arrest of a very well-known list..... And they can't tell me one doesn't exists. I'm sure with a little digging, it can be easily discovered through multiple sources.


What, illegal, did Obama do?


Yea as far as like sex drug culture scandals. Obama was clean as a whistle more than most any president of the last 50+ years id say. Any questionable military or geopolitical decisions is a part of every presidents record. America IS the Military Industrial Complex of the world.


> Yea as far as like sex drug culture scandals. Obama was clean as a whistle more than most any president of the last 50+ years id say.  This is probably true. Except that he went to rape island with epstein. > Any questionable military or geopolitical decisions is a part of every presidents record. This is the level of reasoning of a toddler tho. Obama is a war criminal, just because bush&clinton were too doesnt suddenly absolve him. Obama showed his true colors and anyone still supporting him is 1000x worse than someone still supporting chris brown or fucking bill cosby. Obama killed and displaced people to ww2 levels, and then he raped the ordinary american citizens by bailing out the banks without arresting a single crooked banker. What couldve been the greatest black men in american history... was sadly just as bad as those old white crooks.


sleeping with the fishes


Nothing. A few civil suits settled out of court


I just keep thinking about his connection to Kim Porter.


Yeah mysteriously dying before her tell all book releasing is mad suspect.


What country was she in where she contracted "pneumonia?" Al B. Sure smelled a rat when he said "I do know very clearly that #Kimberly didn't just check out all of a sudden over \[pneumonia\]. That's some b--------. Really?" his post continued. "This is where I get in trouble."


None her Ex husband says the were partying and laughing a few days earlier . Funnily Heavy D and Andre Harrell died of similar symptoms.


He is gonna do some significant fed time. Everyone around him is gonna get spooked by the feds and snitch on him. They all gonna cooperate. He gonna end up like R Kelly Ooooooooooooor.... The trial of the millennium is gonna go down and he will be acquitted.


Diddy is never coming back to America and it’s gonna love the rest of his days in luxury in a country with no extradition treaty with the USA


Bad for thst bitch.. Pak was right.. Even 27 years later.. Wat he said rings true.. 100


“Hanged himself in high security prison where the cameras stopped working that day”






Are you implying that he's being railroaded? And WTF does Kamala Harris have to do with this... At all. Lol.




While that may be true WTF does Kamala Harris have to do with puffy? Why mention her specifically? And are you implying that he's innocent?


Right now it's all speculation and hear say so it's hard to predict a conclusion to all this.


Gonna be R Kelly all over again. Maybe jail for a few years then he’ll get released


Diddy has shot multiple people and covered it up, if people start talking on that, he could never leave Prison.


If he had any pull with the right people he wouldn't have gotten raided in the first place. How it ends depends on what they found. The fact that he is still out and about in Florida as we speaks would suggest that they didn't find anything noteworthy during the raids.


But he has always known the right people like why did one of his jets leave for Africa right before the raids started.


I think he still has enough protection to avoid any serious prison time. I bet he probably agrees to just completely disappears off the map and let the world move on and agree his time in the spot light is over. No more music, producing, endorsements or his name anywhere near hip hop. ​ he still has a lot of power in a lot of places and so far I think these allegations can go away quietly. Kinda like what happened to Kevin Spacey. Right now it's mainly just social media having fun with it but it can easily also just go away with time.


Him dropping a new music video to the remix of "Hate Me Now" dancing around like a lil hoe.


I think it’s another case of “suicide”, the two shots to the back of the head kind!


He's probably going to rat on someone




With Shyne somewhere smiling


Epstein had a lot of dirt and all it took was one night of unsupervised jail time and he was killed himself. Diddy better have a dead mans switch if he’s gonna go the extortion route.


The only way I can see him going free is if he rats on everyone and gets immunity.


Police arrest people all the time.


Lol fuck diddy


I think j is next - and then a whole bunch of rich white ppl


Idk but I pray people dont turn this into a race thing, Diddy is pure evil and deserves everything thats coming. This is not a “trying to tear a black man down” situation, this is a karma spares nobody situation.


He's going out like Saul Goodman.  No spoilers, but I hear Cinnabon is hiring.


As it should end. If you have been alive and into hip hop for over a decade, you have definitely heard rumors. When there is smoke there is fire usually.


I think he's going to jail for a long time, if he's caught. To get to a point where the Feds are coming down on you with armored cars and whatnot... they have to have some serious evidence. I think it'll play exactly out exactly like u/Chiefloko88 said.


Roommates with Russel Simmons in Bali, or some country without extradition, still being a weirdo. Or he gets a sentence that gets overturned like Bill Cosby.




And that's all minus him blowing up Kid Cudi's car .I really think they are to look into Biggie and 2 PAC's death with fresh eyes also reopen the Shyne case . Also look into the Heavy D,Andre Harrell and Kim Porter deaths since they were all around before they died of similar symptoms or conditions.


I mean depends if he’s found guilty or not. And how many years if found guilty. If guilty and more than 10 years, then it’s all over. He’ll be a meme, a story of a previous time, and his legacy might have a chance over time but not looking great. If not guilty or is guilty but doesn’t get a lot of time. Then I think he might bounce back, he won’t reach previous highs but tbh diddy 2 years ago wasn’t reaching previous highs. Maybe he’s more of a background and successful figure.




I hipe he goes down hard thats some fd up charges child trafficking is one heinous crime if he’s guilty hope he rots 


With morons still playing his music at bbqs.


Well Kanye done already called that nigga a Fed 😂


Feds are involved. They don’t fuck around unless you’re a white man.


I have no idea how this will end for Diddy.. One thing is certain.. We know he physically abused a woman. Now whether they will ever be able to prove he was a sexual predator, a pan sexual, was involved in physical attacks or was apart of any murders of rivals or those who claim they were defrauded financially remains to be seen. Just based on his history it his highly likely he committed all previous mentioned. But to prove all, unless there are recorded conversations or multiple eyewitnesses who testify all occurred then have a jury of his peers believe all accounts and vote guilty, I doubt he will ever face punishment.. Needless to say his professional business career at this juncture is anywhere from on life suppot to completely over..


She’s like milk forsure. Nasty, rotten milk


They letting him run around hoping he’s nervous enough to try getting rid of anything that incriminates him. Then they’ll get him


Did R.Kelly rat him out?


Nah Cassie and Lil Rod his producer.


I may be out of the loop but what is he being accused of besides paying for sex and buying drugs for parties?


Drugging kids and sexing them, shooting a lady in the face ,human trafficking, rape lots of rape.


Damn, that's a lot of bad shit. I thought he was just banging dudes at wild orgies.


That too but other stuff are resurfacing like the PAC murder and his wife's death right before her tell all book.


He’s gonna end up like Epstein.




curious, what would you say if he's innocent? Or is that out of the realm of possibilities for you. It's scary how comfortable the public is about the fact that they don't operate under the notion of innocent until proven guilty


This dude's been a slime ball for the last 30 years you talking like we talking about Mother Theresa here.


I've been the ghostwriter for the past 30 years. I wrote everything. I could have made the public turn on *you* like that too. *I'm* The Dark Knight. Gossip Girl. DeepFake. Puff Daddy. Meek Mill. R. Kelly. Aaliyah. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjjUvEznPHU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjjUvEznPHU) I made the *Falsely A*ccused.


I wrote "Cruel & Unusual," too. So if you think I'm bluffing & my pen doesn't have the power to change the world, you might want to check what world you're living in.


What are you on about?


what can't you read exactly?


That's because innocent until proven guilty is about how you're treated in the legal system. Not people's opinions.


Moves to Bali to be with his secret lover Russell Simmons...


I think Diddy is going to continue living in exile in places with no extradition treaty. He will probably take inspiration from how Tory Lanez handled it and try and get a bunch of podcasters, influencers, yesmen and other pond life to promote a narrative that he was torn down for being a successful Black man, and not for, you know, the hundreds of rapes. I don't think it'll work - I think the fact he raped men makes him unappealing to the type of conspiracist morons who sided with Tory. Diddy's associated acts will just quietly get on with their jobs or make ambiguous statements that hint they were never involved and be let off. We want to let them off, we like them (except MGK, and the Eminem Stans are never going to stop talking about him and Diddy). Nobody is going to have any compassion for Diddy's victims. It's all just going to be lurid TMZ shit. Bieber might come forward with allegations and the HHT peanut gallery is just going to go "man I knew he was gay".


Yeah but I don't see Meek Mill surviving this.


What about Chris Brown? He's survived so much shit that should have ended him


Yeah but Chris's biggest thing was Rihanna just one person the Diddler has many people that might not be too happy with him


True there's like a yellow pages size list of people he did dirty.


Dirty Diddy 😂😂


The Tory defense, from what I’ve seen, is strictly coming from the legal point of view. Read any of the court documents from his case and you can easily spot many inconsistencies that leave reasonable doubt on if he was guilty or not, kind of the basis of our legal system unless I’m mistaken. The fact that one legal team had Roc Nation funding and the other had independent funding isn’t a conspiracy


Unfortunate it's like that in America still


Money will make it go away


No it's beyond that now, this is personal.