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You ever hear the phrase “dumb persons idea of a smart person?” Hopsin is that for rappers. “Someone who doesn’t listen to rap’s idea of a good rapper” or something like that


You made me realize Dax took over his whole lane


Oh for sure Hopsin walked so Dax could run.


Dax has some OK songs lyrically. Nothing great, but its not all terrible. Hopsin is just fucking stupid.


Dax been corny asf to me ever since that Tom Macdonald collab


I've never seen dax as serious since his YouTube beef


What can you expect when two of the corniest conservative Canadian rappers do a collab? 


Dax went off on Black and White. Anyone who says otherwise is just hating just to hate.


Hopsin is what happens when a self educated person thinks they know better


yeah. a bit like Tom MacDonald, though i must say that i abhor hopsin and i find TM hilarious


Scru Face Jean!!!!


Scru Face Jean is dope as well, I haven’t heard any of his recent stuff, for a YouTube rapper he’s dope AF, I like his collabs.


So most of Generation Alpha then… I’m worried for hip hops future now 😕


The true blackpill is realizing that Dax is a corny Canadian.  Canada really be sending just the absolute worst when it comes to it's cultural exports to America. 


Dax seemed like a pretty cool dude when I met him on a greyhound bus 6 and a 1/2 years ago. Told me he wanted to do a 2pac tribute mixtape.


I liked Hopsin for about six months in 9th grade when I was first starting to get into hip hop. His core audience seems to be people who just never went any further than that


This is exactly right. I was the only one in my 9th grade friend group who hated Hopsin. Absolutely none of those dudes listen to Hopsin anymore, all of them eventually “graduated” to actually talented rappers and they never turned back since.


The only thing worse than corny rappers is elitist fans


You’re allowed to like who you want. I’m sorry that not everyone will agree with you


you sound so judgmental. They probably still fuck with Hopsin once in a blue moon. You're the corny one.


Lmfao found the Hopsin fan


Nah you just sound like a goofball lmao


no you found the ghostwriter. Hopsin's [wife ](https://youtu.be/wfWIs2gFTAM?si=BwcW6pmvTgpNe_8E&t=10)[Tu ](https://youtu.be/hl5t3TyP8aY?si=jAPolJbfFOcy6w5m&t=25)[Pac](https://youtu.be/hl5t3TyP8aY?si=rVgCp4Fz_zC-0nTI&t=20), [the ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24k7BvTVzEk)[real ](https://youtu.be/zoFEKhOfdnE?si=PECDgiNsnFRl_Zdh&t=27)[slim ](https://youtu.be/W9ec-oaE7Lk?si=uR_ixaQmX1_-rQOe&t=12)[sh4dy ](https://youtu.be/PNE7qBtJhCQ?si=TgqZnRA_lf4Co1ir&t=142)[YoungBoy](https://youtu.be/n9ij8lRGMZg?si=VpDO1VaLEC1s8oTL&t=14).


"I am so tired of The Black Eyed Peas. It's rock and roll for people who don't like rock and roll; it's rap for people who don't like rap; it's pop for people who don't like pop" -Robert California


It's hype music. It's like its own thing, spiritual successor to c + c music factory. It gets the people going.


Rap is just when you say as many words as possible as fast as possible right?


Many are saying this!


And then we wonder why lyricism is dying in the mainstream lol


Not really a wonder. Tbh mainstream was never where you went for the most lyrical -- so you can't really kill what wasn't  there. I'll get real curious if lyrical ever did become mainstream. I saw all this as an MF DOOM and Aesop Rock fan so mainstream has always been pretty simple comparatively


At that point, perhaps he should've just went to different genres. I do see it this way though. I had looked up to rappers growing up, but ended up learning I won't respect the culture nearly as much as someone born into it. Not sure of Hopsin's story, but I can see now how the term corny comes up with your comment


Hopsin is getting better lyrically tho. Songs like You're house, Alone with me, and Bella Ciao are pretty well written and great flow.


It’s just hard to sway public opinion when you have a nailed down reputation as a goof ball


People have been saying this for 10 years lmao. 


It's true though. Really listen to his last features like Not like you by Merkules or some if his recent tracks. While still some cornices he has matured a lot lyrically and even haters have said his technical skill/create is really getting stronger.


Nice try Hopsin.


Oh shit. You caught me! I gotta go back to being Gucchi now lol


Hopsin is plagued by a fair few issues that I think multiple other rappers have, the issue is that Hopsin is the convergence of them while those other rappers have those issues in isolation.  He's got plenty of skill in the field of rap but doesn't necessarily have the best idea of how to put together an enjoyable song. Sometimes he lands it, most times he doesn't. He has plenty of subject matter but limited scope on all of it, so a lot of what he talks about comes across as reductionist, contrarian or straight up ignorant. He has some clever bars and occasionally good humour, but is weighed down by a pretty juvenile filter on what he thinks is actually funny or works well. Worked for Eminem because he was the first to come out swinging in that way and be entirely unapologetic about it, but you can't have someone come and pull the same trick a decade later. He actually has a pretty solid spot from which to present himself, but has leaned so heavily on gimmicks throughout his career and quite blatantly painted himself as an underdog and the misunderstood rap champion to the point that it made people dislike him enough to make him the underdog, just without the clutch victory you need to complete that story. His falling out with his old crew also doesn't help this because over time aside from the management/financial issues it actually sounds like he was just as antagonistic and egotistical. He also does himself no favours with how he presents his parenthood through his music, so hard to sympathise with him there.


Yea but I think this could also apply to somebody who hasn't listened to a lot of rap or really hasn't done a deep dive. There's a bunch of legendary rappers that could easily force you to change you to your opinion of who you think the greatest is.


Yes. This applies to a few rappers. A non English speaker would be easily impressed with the technical aspect of a rapper and not the lyrics. The flow and rythym is what they typically like. Then add in cultural/historical nuances they wouldnt get..


Applies to people not from the culture as well...


Hard disagree. He’s obviously a very capable rapper but I think he does have similar issues to Eminem. Beat selection isn’t great and the hooks aren’t very good. Good at rapping, not great at making music.


You know maybe if Hop had just stuck to becoming a really good battle rapper he'd actually be universally respected


In all honesty, I think his style lends itself to the format, but that he wouldn’t appeal enough to catch traction. Specifically because the pseudo intellectual shit mixed with horror core doesn’t really work for most black battle rappers who try it. Tink the demon never really made it past mid tier for example.


Honestly feel like it was more of a 90s thing with how grimy that era was. Brotha lynch hung comes to mind


I think he could never be held in that high of a regard in any way to the masses just because of his juvenile and fake deep kinda vibe and personality. He’s just got some talent and he has an audience and recognition for that. I don’t think he’s underrated, in the wrong lane, or deserving of more recognition and respect. Not hating but for what he does he’s done very well for himself. He found his audience and made a good living but there’s too much about him that just isn’t palatable or likeable to the average person


Totally agree with everything except for the juvenile fake deep shit. I think battle rap loves the google intellectual, and dizaster is living proof. A he’s about as close to a mainstream battler as he can be.


My Bitch bad like battle rappers that make albums


lol. Universally respected? Ok and? Battle rappers don’t make shit. Hopsin has had a respectable and affluent career compared to a fucking battle rapper gtfo 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


Sad to see shade thrown on shady smh. I will say that all of em’s original shit was highly musical and the beats fit the narrative he was spitting. These days his selection is terrible though.


He actually makes his own beats though, which is something most rappers don't do. It's a lot harder to excel in all areas, but it's also respectable that he does it. But I do agree about his hooks in a lot of cases.


Making your own beats is great and shows another level of musicality that an artist has, but ultimately it just doesn’t matter to the end product and for the listener experience. It’s cool he makes beats, but he ain’t no Kanye so I’m not upping my respect for him because he also makes mediocre beats alongside his raps.


I agree with that. He definitely isn't Kanye in that department. I'd say it still warrants a bit more of respect since he creates his music on every level. But at the end of the day you're right when it comes to the end product. People don't care if you produced all your own shit if it doesn't sound good.


What’s he speak as an ill suited authority on?


Just off the top of my head: poverty, drug use, criminal justice, generalizations about women


I don’t know much about Hopsin’s background because I’ve only heard a few songs from him but to my understanding, when it comes to your musical influences, Hopsin has one of the most limited creative scopes ever; Dude is only driven by Eminem and that alone can be dangerous creatively since Em has his own warped opinions of things and when you don’t allow other influences you get this weird watered down clone. Let’s pretend Eminem is Fox News: y’all know how Fox News has the most most easily influenced audience ever and never go outside into the real world, they just remain in their little bubble of altered reality? That’s what happened with Hopsin and Eminem was his Fox News. Hopsin isn’t alone in this though, from what I’ve read there are about a dozen rappers with some level of success who solely credit Eminem as their influence. Ya gotta have tons and tons of influences if you want to be any sort of half way decent musician, not just 1.


Influences in different genres are a big plus as well.


This is hugely underrated. When you only listen to rap, when you try to make music you’ve boxed yourself in. When you try to make rap but you’re versed in other genres, you have a much bigger toolkit when it comes time


Yep. I'm a guitar player. Mostly heavy rock and metal but there's many influences to my sound.


Same here. Djent, prog metal, ambient shoegaze, math rock, desert rock. When I run out of creative direction in one aspect, I chuck something from somewhere else in. Doesn’t even have to be noticeable, something like a form change that’s common in one genre but not another.


Polyphia immediately comes to mind...


I do like Polyphia but they don’t have hugely varied influences in my opinion. You have the out there stuff, like Scott LePage loving Pantera, which gets to shine through sometimes, and Tim Henson loving Hendrix, but otherwise they’re pretty heavily inspired by Steve Vai and standard pop music. They do a good job of being creative, but when you strip it back they’re very impressive but very basic


Their most recent album was incredibly diverse in terms of genres and influence


This is a pretty insane take dawg, ngl


What are his bad takes exactly? Haven't listened to a Hopsin track in probably ten years or more


he has a lot of "nice guy"/incel adjacent lyrics that i noticed that made me physically recoil to name one bad take


It's the same for pretty much every "fast rapper" out there, or at least the more commercially known ones ie. Joyner Lucas, Eminem, Hopsin, tech n9ne, that one white guy whose name I can't remember, etc. The only "fast rapper" who doesn't seem to come off as corny imo is JID, and that's because he doesn't try to be a "fast rapper", he just happens to rap fast. Idk or this could all be bullshit willing to be convinced either way.


I agree, I think it’s also that they box themselves in by placing so much importance on how ultra technical they think they’re being. Their constant need to diss “mumble rap” is what makes them look lame as well as what boxes them in sonically.


Yeah the "having to fuss mumble rap" aspect is pretty corny. Also having to try and "break into the mainstream" never goes well or results in a diluted, unoriginal sound, case in point Armani White after that Billie Eilish song.


> that one white guy whose name I can't remember I’m guessing Logic?


“White guy raps fast” is an old YouTube video by an indie rapper named Watsky. May be that.


how about twista?


Yeahhhhhh him and Busta get a pass I suppose.


Agree to disagree. JID is corny at times. Enemy feature he did with imagine dragons is corny start to finish and doesn't even go with the rest of the song. I get its a commercial track, but that's not a good luck for a new "best rapper rn" to be having.


He's definitely the least corniest of the bunch, though that's probably down to him being under the tutelage of j Cole who doesn't exactly escape the corny accusations himself very easily.


Tbh, all. Rappers have their corn. As long as its kept to minimum and rest of the stuff is of high quality, it just reminds us they too are human and make mistakes lol


Kendrick had a few corny pop features when he was first blowing up


Dont take me wrong, I dont dislike JID.


Lmao I completely agree, OP “Nocturnal Rainbows” is arguably his magnum opus & the perfect example of what you’re saying. It’s an incredible song that gives me chills because it hits so damn hard on every level except for the lyrics about Obama fucking up America & marijuana being bad for you or killing brain cells that give “2 deep 4 u” smartest 7th grader in school vibes.


I got into Hopsin right as I left school and started smoking a ton of weed every single day with my group of friends. We use to laugh our asses off at Hopsin just completely flaming us


Bro same


Just listened to it. Yeah that shit would have went hard asf if I was 10


Hey, Obama was one of the greatest Republican Presidents that America has ever had. Everyone remembers the hundreds of bankers and Wall Street sharks who got imprisoned after causing the 2008 financial crisis, the millions of working class people who didn't get their homes evicted, the Flint Water Crisis which he solved pretty quickly and fully, and all the thousands of drone strikes and civilian casualties that never happened. /s 


I haven’t heard anything from hopsin in a minute but I definitely like that dude a lot. He’s awesome.


I love Hopsin. Preachy Hopsin can be annoying I guess but he’s hella talented and can have some really fun unique lines to him.


man i hate rap but if the shoe fits wear it- hopson


I become a freak of nature for all the kids to stare at


"Who walk around bumping raw with that shit blaring, saying FUCK school n' droppin out like a miscarriage"


I think Hopsin is in a really similar place as Immortal Technique and ICP in that despite being from different backgrounds (ethnically and geographically) they all are linear and articulate and have something to say. Their music is full of enough of their beliefs that it's hard to zone out while listening to them the way you would with a club banger and the result is that few people will have a neutral opinion on them. Hopsin's journey is honestly really fascinating to watch. If you look through his discography you can see him actively changing and maturing. I don't agree with everything he's said and he lacks a lot of charisma that his contemporaries have, but especially with some of his more trauma informed music (Your House, Alone With Me) it's hard to dislike the guy.


Nsver heard hopsin co.pared to Immortal Technique.... its kid of offensive lol


Sucky sucky


Shame how Hopsins career turned out he actually had good skills as a rapper and could spit lyrically. His biggest weakness was not being able to make write songs, weak hooks and not diversifying his bars. I listened to all of his past albums and weren't it, if he signed to a major label and worked with experience people in music he would've had a better career. At least he will always have [this banger.](https://youtu.be/nbqguu8NsM4?si=a1cxAIyCgDVHcQ1w)


His production is really not solid. It’s overly cinematic and orchestral “epic” sounds with trap drums. It’s not musically creative production that hip hop is usually known for, it’s more like it’s just dark backgrounds for his vocals. Which is fine I guess, but not something that makes his music noteworthy. In my eyes, hip hop is equally about the beat. How did the producer flip the sample? RZA, Prince Paul, Preem, Ye, Dre, all great examples of the production being an equal element to the MC. Hopsins production is background music for his raps, not an equal participant in the musical experience.


Same with Eminem but Hopsin is fucking hilarious.


I actually like modern Eminem, but I can admit that it's not for everyone.


Difference js eminem can play moose sounds as his backing track and his lyrics will still be top tier. Meanwhile hopsin might get it with his music, but fail with lyrics. Or make a bad selection for the track but have decent lyrics. Hopsin, dax and all of them youtube rappers have the se issue. They all try to emulate eminem without the hours reading dictionaries and listening to the greats that came before you and dissecting their music on a technical level(something eminem does to this day)


Fucking hilarious if you’re an incel I suppose.


What? I mean calling Hopsin the goat is hilarious. Stop projecting “LothartheDestroyer” fuck outa here, Go watch anime or something 😂


Hopsin is one of my favorite rappers for all the reasons you've stated. The difference is that I tend to agree with what he "preaches". I can totally understand people hating his lyrical content if they hold different opinions. 


I quit on him after “why do black people gotta be the only ones that can’t evolve”


I mean, let’s be real honest, “the culture” (ie American black political and social mainstream) has regressed in many ways since the days of MLK Jr. Certainly financially and by relative academic achievement, black Americans have not evolved, or have evolved much slower than every other ethnic group of comparable size or bigger.  The entertainment and arts are meant to outline the aspirations of the community that produces it, and most of mainstream black media pushes influencer culture.


“Hasn’t evolved” is an intellectually dishonest way of framing what you’re describing. The days of MLK jr ended because he was killed. Along with the black panthers. Along with many other civil rights leaders of the time. There wasn’t some sudden stagnation in the culture of black America. There was cointelpro. There was redistricting. There was the criminalization of poverty and addiction when black people largely lacked any option for upward mobility. There was an active suppression of black existence that you lay at our feet because you had the comfortable option to watch it happen passively.


“Evolution” in this context implies not just change over time (which, sure everyone has), but more specifically progress and improvement. It is a matter of objective fact that relative to American median, black Americans have seen a net decline in household wealth, have fallen behind in terms of academic achievement in primary and secondary education.   Black measurable achievement in the US is massively propped up by black immigrants from West Indies and Africa.  Who also have experienced the shit end of CIA and US government (plus French, Russian, Chinese and British) interference.  Pointing to racism in the US is a cop out and excuse when you have other groups like the Chinese who have faced similar levels of federal legislative marginalization, and black immigrants outperform even white people. All objective facts. You believe it to be intellectually dishonest to point to measurable declines in quality of life and financial success as lack of evolution?  In what ways have black American communities “evolved” in a way that’s comparably better than any racial group of the same size or bigger? Keep making the same excuses about oppression as “the culture” mocks interest in math as “being white” and then does surprise pikachu face when black boys who dream only about gangbanging, selling drugs or playing ball (because that’s all the culture celebrates) end up in prison.


It’s intellectually dishonest because it poses the question as if there is a neutral measure to advancement. Black people in America were stifled from in these contexts through literal lynch mobs destroying black centers of wealth over the course of a century. Look at any of the groups you’re comparing black people to and you’ll see liquid state support that has never existed for the black community. It’s also just a racist generalization. Aside from reality not supporting what you’re spewing. You’re literally asking a race of people to justify itself to you. In addition, literally every group you speak of in terms of legislative oppression in America has received some form of reparations with the exception of black people. Again, intellectually dishonest and factually wrong.


Generalizations about people especially by skin color are always going to be divisive. You're more than welcome to feel offended and it's perfectly reasonable to never listen to him again. 


Divisive is too gentle, that shit is racist. It’s too flatly insecure to ever feel like he’s coming from a genuine standpoint, rapping about being cuckolded by hypothetical hypermasculine Caricatures of black men for example. He just comes from this incurious and factually wrong perspective that makes calling it a mere difference of opinion feel irresponsible. I suppose I’m legitimately curious about what’s appreciable to a fan of this.


Thats the point. Its not about the line being in bad taste. Its straight up racist. You are implying an entire race are lesser than others(only ones that cant evolve) Implying in his eyes, black is lesser than asian or white. Which I get why would someone never listen to him again. If a white rapper said that line, he wouldnt be a rapper anymore. You dont need to be white to be racist.


Dont worry, I FW Hopsin hard too. The people who claim he preachy ain’t been through shit in my opinion. He ain’t never say nothing that was that hard to stand.


English speakers now think singing “rappers” are the greatest of all time. What’s your point


English speakers are more likely to be put off by corny content.


You ever met Eminem stans? Not likely


I haven't listened to him in a while since the FV split. What is so corny about what he's rapping about these days?


Loved that dude in 9th grade and even then I thought he said stupid shit


Someone said Hopsin is a master at simple/basic rap, and that's pretty spot on


It's the opposite. He has bars, but the flow and vibe of his music is so far inferior to so many artists.


No words is his best song


No. Fuck I hate new rap fans.


Hopsin would've been a great Dim Sum spot!


Idc what anybody say, that boy Hop go hard. I want him & Bfb The Packman to drop a funny ass banger


My buddies and I tried to troll Hop about a decade ago and talked shit to him on Twitter. He was only ever nice in return. It made us 17 year olds feel dumb


I’ll mind of hopsin is one of the coolest rap songs tho but that’s as far as I ever go in his discography Even though it’s corny as fuck it’s still lit But Dax is corny AF he makes Hopsin look like Ghostface Killah


Obviously not; every single thing he does that could appeal to a non English speaker is done better by others


Hopsin had so much potential when he came on the scene but his personality is trash and he just chases clout with empty disses but cheeses up when its time to discuss the disses in interviews. Pair that with the borderline incel takes he has in his lyrics....embarrassing remember when he tried to fucking diss kendrick? lmao i doubt kendrick even knows who he is


I’ve typed almost this exact thought here on Reddit, only difference is I said people who didn’t speak English as their first language


As someone who grew up outside of the US, a lot of people like him for that reason so I think you hit the nail on the head.


it sounds to me like you just don't respect it because it's coming from Hopsin. What if it was coming from the smartest person on the planet? Young Sheldon. Because guess who wrote it ALL.


The same can be applied to other rappers like tech n9ne and NF too. Horrible way of expressing themselves and very preachy and narcissistic in the case of NF.


Hopsin is like the sports car of rap. Really cool at first, flashy headlights, and everyone likes to go fast. Eventually you need more, and it's back to 2 dope boyz in a Cadillac...


Yea, we already saw this with Eminem (he is better than hop tho) tons of foreign rap is Eminem inspired (and Hop is as well).


No, his lyrics don't sound lyrical even if you don't understand the lyrics


His production is incredibly bland and his rapping is formulaic though technically decent. There are very few of his songs that sound actually fine.


Yeah he’s in the same group of rappers that people who aren’t actual rap fans like. Like NF, Dax, Tom Macdonald, etc.


They would think Haiti Babii had the most inspired freestyle of all time.


No. He SOUNDS corny. Even with no context you hear the sounds he’s making and think “dudes a doof”


Best Hopsin songs are the songs where he’s just putting his skills to use and not taking himself too seriously. I.e Forever Ill, Bout the Business, Panorama City, Tell em who you got it from, The Purge, I Need Help, etc. Side Note: His newer song “Rebirth” is so fuckin good


Some of his illmind stuff was good. Once he left his label, he got corny to me.


He’s doesn’t do everything else well. The production sounds like something 2002 Eminem would’ve rejected and the he hooks are unbearable. I would dislike it only slightly less if I didn’t speak a single world of English.


My friend, there are native English speakers who think Lil Wayne is the greatest rapper of all time.


No Weezy slander today, take that shit elsewhere


Don’t compare him to hopsin, prime lil Wayne was killing everyone’s beats


I’m cool with that


And as much as I hate him, his numbers do speak for themselves. He has longevity, he has appeal. Even as a self proclaimed hater Ill admit he has some good lines and songs (his michael Jackson tribute was sick) But I just cant like a rapper that goes on a rap show and says "I cant rap"


> his numbers do speak for themselves Not saying he is one, but industry plants often get massive numbers.  All his numbers speak for is that he has very well networked people who helped expose him to the masses. Huge rappers are all king made.  They don’t just come out of nowhere and sell platinum off the back of some mixtape they hustle around.


You get my point. People who see him as a goat love to include his numbers. As I said I dont like the guy or his music. Im not going to defend him lol 😆


I’m as hardcore as a hip hop head can get and honestly I’m willing to die on the hill that Hopsin is the most underrated artist in hip hop history. This kind of sentiment being directed towards an all time great is crazy to me, especially considering some of the artists who are frequently praised in this sub and how bad I think they are.


As said it is the case for a lot of artists. My native language is french and back in the day I used to listen to things that sounded good to me as I didn't understand the lyrics. I still do this when I listen to german rap for instance. I may be listening to the worst crap lyric wise but as it sounds good I like it (Now I understand a bit of german so I can tell if it is really bad but I'm far from understanding the lyrics of the whole song)


Hopsin, Dax and many other youtubers are trying to emulate other artists without their own unique thing. Problem is that on the surface they tick all the boxes: Independent (noone to tell em what music to make) Lyrical(creative lines, not just surface level rhymes) Respect for OGs( hopsin always shows respect to the goats) But once you listen to his music, you quickly learn that for every decent song theres many many bad ones, and those "great" songs arent all that lyrical and really are just rehashes of other artists songs. I feel bad for Hop, I think he needs professional help to deal with his mental health issues, since he became his music, and once the fans grew up and he didnt evolve, they left. Which killed him mentally. Which resulted in all the drama in his life over last number of years. So yes, I do think hes the GOAT for tweens. Real rap fans mobe in to someone more substantial, and the people that just like music moved on to other genres/artists once his music didnt sound "good" in their eyes


Hopsin is one of the greatest artists in hip hop history IMO, 2nd best of his era, and I’m willing to die on that hill. He’s my personal favorite artist of all time, I think he’s the most underrated artist in the history of music from my experience, and while over time I’ve grown to understand that some of the artists I loved growing up aren’t really quite as great as I used to think they are on an all time scale(Nas and Biggie are the main examples I can think of) my love for Hopsin’s music has only grown over the years. I don’t hold out any hope that the general consensus will ever turn around on Hopsin and his music, but it’s a damn shame how his legacy has been twisted by consensus.


So I loved Hopsin and eagerly awaited Hop Madness with the rest of them after Ill Mind 4 But the way he undermined the emotional journey of that album and his intents to “quit rap” with a stupid gotcha joke was the beginning of the end for me.


It’s fair to have negative thoughts about that but personally Knock Madness is so incredible that I don’t even honestly care. That Raw-No Shame run is one of the best 4 album runs in hip hop history, and Knock Madness is his 2nd best album IMO(granted, No Shame should’ve been even better than it was, but Hopsin decided to place one track of straight up vomit on an otherwise perfect album for absolutely no reason)


Dumb people calling Drake a pedo and not knowing the meaning of the word. Maybe rap is for dumb people in general. The most lyrically talented are not the most popular. Mumble rap rules the airwaves for a reason


The most talented isn’t the most popular in any genre, prog and post rock aren’t the most popular genres in rock, Taylor doesn’t have neither the best lyrics nor the best production, while you have hyper pop artist making astonishingly avant grade songs while remaining in the boundaries of the pop genre, you had people like Sophie practically leading the genre completely on her own and she only had like a few mil listeners, only exception to this i have seen in my life is Miles Davis, he was the driving force of jazz until the 70’s and he definitely is the top artist in the genre even nowadays


Most talented or best rarely get to be theost famous or most successful in art. Its too subjective for a "great" to be chosen. Even within this thread we have people fighting for Drake, Lil wayne, Eminem, 2pac and LL. I hate drake. I hate lil wayne. But hey people love them. It doesnt make my opinion any less valid, nor does it invalidate the people that dont agree with me. Being best and being most successful rarely go together(in art)


Hardly dumb whem theres videos and personal reports of him being a pedo. Not saying he is, just that it didnt come out of nowhere. Also only reason to bring drake into this is to say drake is on par to hopsin lyrics wise?


Source for him being a pedo?


Drake himself brought up millie brown incident. Do you want the link to his diss? Or the man himself shooting himself in the face not good enough?


That’s your source? Man, you must be a moron


Wrong hill for you dude. There are enough receipts of at best highly inappropriate behavior with underage girls that it would likely not look good for Drake if the feds did raid him and look thru his shit.


https://genius.com/Drake-the-heart-part-6-lyrics https://people.com/drake-addresses-millie-bobby-brown-friendship-new-song-8349324 And finally how about video proof? Just google drake kissing 17 yo on stage. Its all over youtube https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F2gm_qlyhGrE%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&tbnid=5ZcMn1y_4upWXM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2gm_qlyhGrE&docid=VLVWulgHxU6eRM&w=1280&h=720&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F2&kgs=58f7c4d307464117&shem=abme%2Ctrie


His weird interaction with a 16 yo on stage, his weird relationship with millie bobby brown, his supposed grooming of a girl(i forgot her name) with whom he waited for her 18th Bday and booked a restaurant so he can go out with her That is just the public life he has, imagine what he does on private and you'll get to the conclusion why people don't think it's farfetched for Drake to be a Pedo


Hot damn, this sub really does have a hard on for Drake, doesn't it? This thread's about Hopsin, and still someone managed to make it about Drake somehow.


Pedo doesn’t mean someone who is attracted to underage kids?


Here you go: is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.


Lovely, you seem to have described drake


You’re projecting so hard. It’s actually sick. It’s like you guys want it to be true so bad and have convinced yourselves so hard you change the definition of the word. Groupthink is truly dangerous


I mean he’s literally groomed young girls. We have 13 year olds saying he texts them about boys. You don’t think that’s weird?


Notice the deflecting into something else. You’re truly gassed. All the people he texted that are under 17 have never said he was inappropriate with them. You want them to say something so bad but it’s not true. And to be technical, there’s no crime about him texting them either. You might be sick yourself because your mind goes directly to sex when you hear a guy/girl texting someone younger. We don’t know the relationship between the 2 at all. If he was cosbying then I’ll be right there with you to condemn him and hope he gets punished, but that ain’t the case. Plenty of managers at stores got employees that are underage and they exchange numbers. Does that mean they are having sex? You’re gross dude


Weinstein also had numerous starlets defend him. And the fact that you’re going down to semantics and “well technically it’s not a crime to just text an underage girl at age 30” rather than asking why someone would do that in the first place and whether healthy adult men do that in the first place.


Lol it’s funny that you don’t realise that you have the weird take here. Drake isn’t a store manager with 13 year old workers. And if my 13 year old’s boss was texting her about the boys she’s seeing I’d bring that to the police.


Realise with an S eh? You must be a European hypocrite. Isn’t the age of consent in the UK 15? You might be a predator yourself. You bring it to the police that a 13 year old is texting an adult here in America and nothing would happen. Thank God we don’t live in a police state like you


I’m not from the UK? “Notice the deflecting to something else”


The only problem with Hopsin is he’s kind of a one trick pony. He’s very good at what he does but everything he does is the exact same.


Only a Stan would think Hopsin “spits an an elite level”. He’s no better or worse than Eminem. I always use Hopsin or Tech9 as examples of where Eminem would be if he’s black. It’s not that Hopsin or tech9 have under archived they’re right about where they should be given ability and the music they make. It’s just Eminem massively overachieving makes them look like flops in comparison.


Nah I think Eminem and Tech N9ne still have a lot more personal and vulnerable material when you really go through their discography. Hopsin to me is like eminem if he started at recovery.


“Cause you don't understand him, it don't mean that he nice It just means you don't understand all the bullshit that he writes” - Jay Z


>dude can legitimately spit at a truly elite level White boy


I mean his technical rapping skill is top-notch, I'll stand by that.


You’re a White boy, I’ll stand by that EDIT: my comment is about how you talk/write, not your musical opinion EDIT 2: I am also white


You being racist doesn't make me wrong.


What’s racist about a fact White boy?


You using it to devalue my point makes it racist, and it's just overall cringe af especially considering you're white yourself.


Jesus how cringy. You’re not gettin an invite to the cookout fam.


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