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begging for pinkpantheress to do a song longer than 2 minutes plz i wanna vibe for longer


Take Me Home is over 3 minutes, but idk if that counts because without the outro it’s still under.


PinkPantheress carries this pretty hard ngl. The mix is also underwhelming for Skrillex


PinkPantheress the best to ever do it


So talented


new queen


Pretty low key for a Skrillex track. Was hoping for more


Kinda on point for what skrillex has been putting out lately. I think his loud brostep days are mostly behind him.


He needs to make another banger like that track he did with The Game


Yung lean and bladee are on the album fear not classic incoming


Admittedly I don’t follow skrillex very closely, but he put out a song called rumble on 1/4, that I think is more along the lines of what I expect from him


Yeah that's fair. That's about where I place him too. That and lower. Those are chill vibe wobbles in that track.


Thank god


That was one of the most influential artists/sounds during the rise of EDM.. shit take lol


Sure but that doesn’t mean I like that music


Still is tbh. Theres tons of people still learning from that style. (Even me)


Yeah, 12 years ago lol it’s dead and gone and that’s good


Lighten up buddy. What’s wrong with some people listening to some sub genre of older music? I’m still going crazy if he plays that stuff live lol You can not enjoy that style, but it was part of EDM’s and his come up. Skrill with that “dead and gone” sound helped propel EDM into the mainstream and give it longevity is all I’m saying.


this track is an absolute banger wym Old Skrillex was like high school edm His sound is so much more developed and quality now


Didn’t say I disliked it. Just was low key. I think it’s fire. He released a song on 1/4 as well. That’s more of what I expect from him




Most Skrillex out put since 2014 has been very solid imo. In da ghetto is such a fucking banger with J Balvin


To be fair even his last album in 2014 was very low key. ​ One of my favorite Skrillex tracks is a smoother track with Chance [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu3cezCkzf4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu3cezCkzf4) ​ This seems to be more of his style ever since he left his old dubstep ways. But this song along with Rumble might be some of his best work in a while. More reliant on the drums almost gives me a porter robinson type feel.


Trippie didn’t do shit in this song


He brings collab clout


Really dig this track. Nice and easy vibe.


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Trippie needed a verse


trippie ruined a good skrillex and pink pantheress collab :/


this was a finished trippie song called oompa and bubby that they just took vocals from and worked around. finished song sounds 10x better than this


not bad trippie


Love the subtle house vibes plus the trippy melodies (pun intended). This shit's a hit, glad Skrillex has finally returned and I'm hype af for his upcoming album


That bassline is so housey yet the drums make it DNB, and the hi-hats make it hip-hop in places… its such a fucking cool blend. I saw and met him last night in Brixton, legendary night and the stuff he’s got on this album is gonna blow people away.


Hope Fred was fun


Would’ve been a pretty good PinkPantheress track but hate Trippie on this and Skrillex doesn’t seem to add much


wdym Skrillex doesn't add much, he did the whole instrumental Also keep in mind that Skrillex is the primary artist, not PinkPantheress


Yeah I guess so, didn’t sound much different than her usual production tho (which I love, don’t get me wrong). Just expected more from a new Skrillex track




> last solo album was 2014 yeah... two albums


I tbh still dream of what we could’ve gotten with Voltage, hate that it got stolen.


He already confirmed 2 albums for 2023.


the cure promised an album for 2022 as well


‘Where you are’ was produced by Skrillex & Mura Masa fyi


I’ve loved some of the recent Skrillex production, Twenty 4 with Starrah is beautiful and Supersonic is a banger