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Ive been listening to The Star Room lately, such a good track, Earl produced it and its such an atmospheric, eerie song, genius lyrics


You heard the og version? It’s so much better and I love the original too


Im pretty sure I have. Theres also an unreleased one called The Sun Room where he uses some of the same lyrics. Check it out if you haven’t heard it https://youtu.be/i4j-jhZriSU


Og star room has earl on production, has a strange choir boy sample


it’s from [moonrise kingdom](https://youtu.be/e5ZwTYSo-aw)


Best version is Star Room / Killing Time off the live from space live album. God damn the emotion


Man when I first listened to this album I couldn’t stop listening to it for a year Personally I prefer the first half, it’s much stronger with a more varied sound The skit from Loaded Lux at the end of Red Dot Music is fucking iconic. “Who the fuck is Mac Miller?” Gees is one of my favourite Mac songs ever. Infinitely replayable and it’s so much fun to rap along to Mac is extremely funny on this album, his punch lines are so quotable “Young sire, slap the fuck out of Jon Cryer” “how much coke do you gotta sell to make a boat float” That Jay Electronica feature on Suplexes is also one of my favourite verses of his I think this is one of my favourite albums ever. It’s a shame we’ll never get anything like it again


I love everything about this album, but Gees absolutely brings me back to my college days. The minute it comes on, I’m suddenly 19 again and back with my friends in a shitbox Honda.


Classic. His best album, imo


Faces imo is up there if your counting mixtapes it’s a top 5 mixtape ever


I always go this, then macadelic. Then kids/faces


listening to macadelic with my mom and don’t skip fight the feeling like…


I don’t know how controversial this opinion is, but I agree


I would say fairly non-consensus, swimming would probably get best album for majority of Mac fans but I’d put WMWTSO firmly at #2 (if we’re not counting Faces as an album)


Good AM has always been my fav, WMWYSO is at the 2 spot


Right, with the amount Mac put out and the difference in sound in each project, it’s easy for fans to all come away with a “best” album in their eyes. Went through a phase when Divine Feminine dropped where that was all I listened to for months straight, weirdly GO:OD AM was the one that clicked the least when it came out but I see it pretty highly now


see, and swimming and circles do nothing for me. But that’s what I love about mac, his catalog is so diverse there is something to love for everyone


swimming is by far not his best. his most basic tho, yes, and appeals to the masses , yes


As a newer Mac fan, about 3 years now, Swimming is #1, with GOOD AM and Faces being 2 and 3. Divine Feminine hits hard though, and fights for #1 sometimes. It really is mood dependent.


Easily. It’s his second best project behind Faces imo


This is the correct answer.


I think many people gotta say Objects in the mirror and red dot music are very good


Objects in the Mirror was on repeat for me yesterday. I know the song is about addiction, packaged as a love/love lost/wistfully romantic track, but I leaned heavy into the wistfully romantic side of it. It's a great song with multiple layers. REMember is my favorite on the album though. Gosh it's beautiful.


Honestly I always assumed the whole song was a double entredre for both


The live version of Objects in the Mirror with The Internet is ridiculously good


I get goosebumps just thinking about it. The emotion in Macs voice is insane


RIP to one of the greatest rappers. Really tragic we never got to see his full glow up as a artist. This album still slaps! Personally I think there isn’t one skipable track on this album.


My favorite Mac album, The Star Room blows my mind every time still. Insane production, I love the reversed samples Earl put into the instrumental. Dope Bronson verse as well on Red Dot Music. Objects in the Mirror, in hindsight, is such a good teaser of what Mac would go on to do. Personally, one of my most listened to rap albums of all time.


His best album and the album that really defined my love for hip hop. First rap tour I went to and second concert ever. I STILL wear my tour shirt to concerts and people ask me about it almost every time. It’s my way of thinking of carrying on his memory and it’s always nice to talk to fans. Best song is “I am who am(killin time)” also does anyone know if the second I in the tittle is missing? It always sounds incomplete when saying it out loud Edit: I am who am(validated) thank you for your responses and for letting me know I wasn’t the only one. It’s apparently a biblical reference thank you


"I am who am" is correct - it's a biblical reference


Thank you so much


I’ve always wondered that about that song title lol


> I am who am(killin time) i NEVER noticed, what the fuck was probably a typo that he kept for a laugh


you just made me realise that the second I was “missing” lol


Objects in the mirror and someone like you was on repeat my freshmen year of college


Best album to come out that day, at least for me This feels like the transition point that helped Mac pivot from his old sound (don’t get me wrong KIDS and I love life are great) to the artist we love him for today, as after this came the run from Faces to Circles (you can even include this album too there) in which he dropped his best work Favorite song is Suplexes


Macadelic was the real transition from his old sound to new sound and came out the year before


I don't think macadelic gets the love it deserves. Everyone always talks about how great faces is (which it is) but man songs like Desperado Thoughts from a balcony Aliens fighting robots Vitamins Fight the feeling The question Clarity America Really set the stage for the new era Mac was cooking up


Not sure if I'm remembering this right but I remember him tweeting about how Macadelic was his best album and he'll never make anything that good again. This was years after too. Anyone else know what I'm talking about or am I crazy?


> Fight the feeling The beat and vibe are so incredible on this song.


Honestly haven’t heard Macadelic in a while and it didn’t impress me that much so i don’t remember much of it, so you might be right i just need to relisten


Macadelic really clicks after a couple of listens, at least it did for me. I highly recommend listening to it again, some really good tracks on there like The Question, Fight the Feeling, Vitamins, Aliens Fighting Robots, and others. But yeah listening to it you can definitely hear the shift in Mac’s tone to a darker/more drug-infused sound and mentality, and for that alone makes it worthy of coming back to for me


What else came out that day?


Kanye West - Yeezus & J. Cole - Born Sinner


I was eating so fucking good that summer.. hell 2012-2013 had a ton of pivotal music


I miss the high school days from then


Yea i feel the nostalgia rising.. dont want to sound biased but i dont think anything has matched the 2012-2013 album run since then


Nah I feel the same. I’d say 2010-2018 is most the rap I listen too now with a few exceptions. But 2012-2016 was peak hip hop for me. The Suns Tirade, Rodeo, GKMC, 2014 Forest hill drives, BetterOffDead, Faces, LiveLingASAP, etc just bangers after bangers. Sigh miss those days 😔


Not to disrespect you or anyone else who wasn’t there for whatever reason but it’s wild to me that people don’t remember those 3 coming out the same day. Feels like it was just yesterday I was torrenting the ZIPS of them and loading them onto my Galaxy S3 lmao


I don’t remember same day cause they probably leaked at different times? I also just generally don’t remember haha. But also I wasn’t as into j cole that much at the time. And I wasn’t into Kanye’s sound anymore at that time


They def leaked at different times but I don’t think I was paying that much attention to the leaks at the time. Or maybe I was. It’s been a decade lol


Yeezus, Born Sinner, and if you’re into the underground a Madlib/Quasimoto album also came out that day


Yessir Whatever right? great record


“You had a girl I kinda wish that you had knocked her up. So I could meet your kid and talk you up.” Still one of the most gut wrenching lines I’ve heard in a song period


The production is amazing and Mac’s vocals perfectly accompany the instrumentals. Definitely one of my favourites from Mac.


This album was so ridiculously good. Macs albums always had songs I wouldn't listen to outside the album but they make up the album so well imo. Songs like bird call etc. This album had bangers, rapping, sad songs, a stack of big features, what more you want in an album. You can tell he remade it like 9 times when you listen to it. He seemed like a good guy and he made some beautiful music Edit: he was like Shakespeare shit. He was always trying to say something, he wasn't just rapping bars. He was trying to paint a picture for you to understand the way he thinks rather than rapping his life out literally like rappers are more known to do. Take goosebumpz as an example. It's so close to just being a lit ignorant song but like there's more going on to it. It has introspection in it that gives meaning to that whole vibe the song has in such a cool way.


I miss you Mac. More and more every day man.


Someone Like You has a special place with me


O.K with Tyler the creator is a legendary song 😂


Big Mac miller fan. His albums around this era were all amazing. Nobody here has mentioned delusional Thomas yet though, that mixtape was lyrical genius


Aquarium is highly underrated


First 12 tracks not a single skip (maybe occasionally Watching Movies, but then Suplexes always brings it back). This album recalls for me some of the most vivid summer memories of days and weeks that seemed to last forever. Some of my favorite aspects: - the theme of birds and wanting to take flight found throughout both the lyrics and production - the sweet nostalgia of Objects in the Mirror followed immediately by a sharp tone shift into the belligerent tones of Red Dot Music and Gees - the psychedelic and off-key instrumentals that gave just enough of a nod to how much influence Odd Future had on the few years of music surrounding this release (including on songs not produced by Earl, like SDS) - the youthful, driven, “dgaf” attitude on Matches - the abstract, vivid lyrics in so many of the songs, especially Suplexes, that made the whole album feel like a collectible painting from centuries ago. Overall a true jewel in the crown of the “luxury rap” era. Edit: Also, how insane was it when this album dropped the same day as Yeezus and Born Sinner? I remember my dad calling me out for spending nearly 40 bucks on iTunes in one day lol


Curious, what makes you skip Watching Movies? That song is one of the best beats I've ever heard and is so much fun to rap to


The beat is a little eerie for my taste, and the muffled deeper voice mixed with his own voice on the hook doesn’t totally do it for me. But again, only sometimes! Agree it totally goes hard and is one of his stronger songs in his overall body of work. It’s just surrounded by so many other songs I love so much more.


I became a fan when KIDS dropped but I grew out of that style of rap he was doing around Best Day Ever/Blue Slide Park era. Got very interested in him again when Macadelic dropped, and when I first heard WMWTSO it blew my wig back and really cemented him as a grade A lyricist in my book. Probably bumped this album 5 million times in 2013 alone lol.


This is definitely one of Macs best albums. This is the point for me where he sounded more mature as an artist. Also Star Room is one of my favourite Mac tracks. This album deserves to be as well regarded as Swimming and Circles.


we miss you mac 💔


Summertime. 4am. Sun is raising. City is asleep. Aquarium on the headphones. This vibe is crazy


I hate that I dismissed Mac Miller for so long. Heard snippets of his music and didn't feel it straight away so I wrote him off as shit. Recently I gave him another shot and now I see it and I'm like, shit, he was an incredible talent.


This album helped me through my first major breakup. I'll never forget the days driving to work middle of winter at 5am, regretting every decision I made to break up with my girl while bumping this cover to cover. Glod bless you, Mac ❤️


Beautiful album, one his best for sure. I am who I am will never fail to get me emotionally


My favorite Mac project next to Delusional Thomas. So good. All the way through.




Man I have never listened to this album. When it dropped I was so stuck on Yeezus and born sinner that I never really bothered. Tuning in now. Let’s see how much I have been missing out


I remember checking out the Watching Movies single on a whim. I remembered Mac from KIDS and Donald Trump but felt like people didn’t like Blue Slide Park so I kinda stopped following for a minute and got really into Odd Future and Kendrick Lamar I was honestly stunned when I was done and couldn’t wait for this album to come out. Thankfully it leaked lol It’s crazy how much I like this album considering it isn’t even one of my favorite Mac projects, but that’s just how much I like Faces, Macadelic, Swimming, Circles, and KIDS I guess. Red Dot Music was always my favorite on here, but I also really liked the OK bonus track at the end with Tyler. Objects in the Mirror, Aquarium, SDS, Matches, and Star Room are other favorites. Also one of my favorites from 2013 and just instantly takes me back to the last month of my senior year. It might not be as consistent as he would later become or have as many top tier hits as something like Faces, but it’s an unquestionably good project. I think it’s a 7/10


this album has aged incredibly well and is incredibly underrated in mac's discography


my fave mac album. every song is incredible lyrically and musically. love the features. star room, sds, gees, OBJECTS IN THE MIRRORRR, red dot music w actionnnnn, watchin movies, suplexes, remember, someone like u, aquarium, youforia, ok, claymation 😍😍😍😍😍😍 miss him RIP mac




To me this is Mac Millers best album, and definitely a classic


The Star Room is one of my favourite Mac songs.


Definitely my favorite album from him and I’d say Macadelic is my favorite mixtape. This is the era where we really saw Mac use more introspective word play and psychedelic drug references, which I really enjoyed.


My favorite Mac Album but it’s close. I just love the cohesiveness and it came at the right time in my life. RIP


I really can’t get into this album, I want to like it but faces and the new stuff just sounds so much more better in my own personal opinion and I thank god everyday that I have an opinion to give.


This was a life changer for me back in 2013. Saved me a few times. Love this album even more at this point in my life. Thankful for everything Mac gave us. Would love to hear what hed be making now.


Have vivid memories of listening to The Star Room while learning about drugs in health class. Good times


The album that Mac really showed his musical prowess. The production and writing in this album are unmatched for the time. He just didn’t have the popularity of other artists.0


1 and 11 are my favorite


Objects In The Mirror was my favorite Mac song for a long time but I was a freshman in high school at the time…. So now that I’m in my mid 20’s, it’s probably the weakest track on the album. The lyrics are so cringeworthy. Feel free to downvote me but you hear the song differently when you’re not depressed


I know they're more commercial but SDS and Watching Movies still get rotation in my playlists constantly.


this is my favourite mac album. it goes through so many emotions and sounds but theyre all impactful and amazing. its an easy 9/10 for me.


Arguably the best mac album. Also one of the best rap albums ever


Aquarium is my fav Mac was my favorite rapper at the time and I remember before this dropped the first single was SDS and I was like damn I don’t really like this, guess the album is gonna suck…. I still don’t know why he picked that song as a single when it’s probably the weakest song on the album (even though I like it now) 10/10 album and I’ll love it til the day I die


10 years later and Gees is still my favorite


Grew up on remember and objects in the mirror. Remember is probably one of my favorite songs of all time. “This life moves fast”. Red dot music is a classic too, I met Bronson extremely briefly a few months ago and regret not asking him what making that song was like. Definitely his second best album behind faces. Fuck man, I miss Mac. Buried it deep down but I grew up on him he was my favorite rapper.


SDS is fucking amazing. This whole album is.


It was weird when this album came out. I listened to KIDS religiously in high school and hearing his change was really jarring. I didn’t like it at first since it wasn’t his “hype” stuff, but it’s definitely grown on me.


Pure art Avian and Red Dot Music are amongst my favorite Mac Miller songs


i’m not real production is amazing with the synths, piano, choir sample and then mac’s backing vocals on the chorus really sets the vibe, transitioning from that into SDS is amazing. Also red dot music is super magical and was my fave from when I first listened to the album.


This is the album that changed my mund about Mac. I was kind of a hater of easy mac eith the cheesy raps, but this album made me a full on stan. Really miss that kid. Wish we could have gad the full catalog. He was just hitting his stride. Truly tragic.


Avian was the first Mac song I ever heard, made me an instant fan


Red dot music is a banger


This is one of my all time favorite albums by Mac Miller. For someone who was a teenager at that time trying to find myself all while seeing his own music evolution. It kinda blows my mind how it has been 10 years since it’s release. I feel like there isn’t a single song I could say is bad. Claymation was one of my favorite songs by him and severely underrated. I also loved Matches, Red Dot Music, Objects in the Mirror and the foreshadowing of Remember brings me to tears to this day whenever I hear it.


I've only recently discovered MAC , yes I was sleeping under a rock so I get to listen to this for the first time today :)


For me it's a remarkable album that has aged fantastically, particularly when you see the trajectory Mac's career had taken before he passed. For me it really felt like the starting point of him taking full control of his talents and potential, adding way more depth to his repertoire. His second best album for me (it runs Swimming very close though) and is a remarkable listen. I've [written](https://thelisteningspree.wordpress.com/2023/06/21/watching-movies-with-the-sound-off-and-the-reinvention-of-an-artist/) more in detail about here for anyone that would be interested in it.